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A commonly encountered variety of unethical behavior is lying. There are 4 main reasons for lying: ________ {Basic needs***food, money, clothing, etc} {Affiliation} {Self-esteem} {Self-gratification} ***{illegal gambling, substance abuse, theft}


Simon LTI Failure to obey any of the following could result in death or serious injury : 1. Inspect vehicles and aerial ________, including functional checks of all systems 2. Outriggers must be set on solid footing to prevent tip-over, manual locking pins must be installed 3. Operators shall wear body belt and use a lanyard to secure to ladder 4. Always operate any controls slowly for smooth motion 5. Do not load aerial beyond rated capacity 6. Operator should wear proper protective gear 7. Read and comply with all safety and operating decal on the apparatus


Ferrara Pump time ________

2-3 sec

TUBERCULOSIS AND OTHER AIRBORNE DISEASES An airborne pathogen is any microorganism, such as meningococcal meningitis or tuberculosis (TB), where droplets are forced into the air from patients to a suitable portal entry, usually the respiratory tract. They may remain suspended in the air for long periods of time. Droplet nuclei: from patients with diseases such as tuberculosis. ________: small particles from the {evaporation} of fluid from {clothes, bedding, or contaminated floors}.


Unless otherwise posted Turnpikes ________ mph


, The automatic chains system is not as effective when snow depths exceed ________

6"- 8"

PIERCE PUC RURAL ENGINE The turret can be adjusted at the nozzle and be set from 15 GPM to ________ GPM


E-ONE AERIAL Type Aerial Year ________


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #________ Discharge {Bumper Load} {Purple} {1 ½"}


MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE The following will be observed before personnel perform entry on a Hazmat Incident in Level ________ protection: Before {entry} and after {leaving} the {Hot (Exclusion)} and {Warm zones}, an {EMS Hazmat Worksheet} shall be completed by {EMS} personnel. This worksheet shall appear on the {entry checklist} filled out by {site safety personnel} {prior to personnel entering the Exclusion (Hot) Zone in Level A or B personal protective equipment (PPE)} EMS personnel shall include the following in their {base-line appraisal} of entry personnel Personnel shall be compelled to work no longer than {20} minutes in {chemical protective suits}, without a {rest}

A or B

________ is plural for {Bacterium}; {any of a large group of one celled organisms that lack a cell nucleua}, reproduced by {fission} or by forming {spores}, and in some cases {cause disease}. Examples; {MRSA, Staphylococcus (STAPH)}


ATMR Socks ________ in color. {Ankle} length.


A ________ is the location from which {helicopter-centered air operations} are conducted


________ are {more temporary locations at the incident}, where helicopters can {safely land and take off}. {Multiple} Helispots may be used


On a map, the ________ location appears as a {green and white square}


Class A - Formal Uniform (________)

Ike Jacket

Actual fire service deaths are detailed annually by 3 departments: IAFF NFPA ________


FUEL LOCATIONS Station Diesel Unleaded 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y 8 Y Y 13 Y N 16 Y N 18 Y Y 22 Y N 23 Y N 25 Y Y 27 Y Y 30 Y Y 31 Y Y 33 Y N 34 Y N 35 Y Y 36 Y ________ 37 Y {Y} Maintenance Y {Y}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE To check Radiator Fluid Levels you must ________ and look at {radiator bulb}

lift the cab

Some aerial devices may be equipped with a ________ that may be used for rescue operations. The eye is for use with {rope type rescue operations} with limited capacity. To ensure that the capacity is not exceeded, it is essential the lifts be made in a {smooth manner}, without causing the device or the load to {bounce, jerk, or sway}. Use appropriate methods to stabilize the load while it is being lifted.

lifting eye

The use of a single I.C. is a ________


NFPA® ________ When {high} expansion foam is used the expansion rate is from {200:1 to 1000:1}.


Enforcer Back tire Pressure is is ________

120 PSI

Stihl 044 Chain Saw The ________" {hard tipped} bar, with a {3/8}" {Raptor chain} is recommended for fire department use. The engine must be at least {4} cubic inches. With the {carbide chain}, {3} cutters in a row {may be missing}, or {6} cutters on the {whole chain}, before it needs {repair}. The advantages of the chain saw are {numerous}. The firefighter can cut through roofs covered with {tar and gravel, wood shingles, composition shingles, and light metal}. {Trees, fiberglass, plaster, and floors around floor furnaces} may also be cut


Ferrara Preconnects? ________


Type III: ________ * {1 to3} stories***some as high as {10} stories *{masonry} load-bearing walls (brick, block, or both) {6}" to {30}" multistory walls are {larger} at base *{wood-joisted} floors *{wood} roof *floors-wood joists with at least {1}" thick {tongue and groove or plywood} *roofs-{wood joists}, {parallel chord trusses} {or triangle trusses} ({peaked trusses})


The variables that effect the span of control in any given situation include the: Ability and experience of the supervisor Ability and experience of subordinates Nature of the task - characteristics Urgency Conditions under which it must be performed Complexity ________ at which it must be performed {Similarity/dissimilarity} to tasks being performed by others {Proximity} of subordinates to the {supervisor and each other} {Ease/reliability} of communications medium Consequences of a {mistake}


Organizational Level Title Support Position Incident Command Incident Commander Deputy Command Staff Officer Assistant General Staff (Section) Chief Deputy Branch Director Deputy Division/Group ________ {N/A} Unit {Leader} {Manager} Strike Team/Task Force {Leader} {Single Resource Boss}


E-ONE AERIAL Fog nozzle (1,000 GPM) , Located on the left side , Should remain ________ and on {wide fog} to avoid injury in case of accidently charging the water pipe , Switches are located both on the pedestal and in the platform, they include: , {Left/Right , Up /Down , Fog /Straight Stream}


It is important to know and understand the ________ and {functions} of the principal ICS facilities


Operational guidelines must take these staffing changes into account and adjust accordingly A fire department can provide only the level of protection that the community is willing to fund. *Staffing levels will impact the ability to meet the strategies and ________ must consider this in {deploying their tactics}. {Mission of every F.D}. {Save lives} {Reduce property loss}


At ________, {9} shifts prior to a requested date, employees approved for district slots {may not withdraw} their leave request


Normal business hours for Human Resource staff shall be Monday through Friday, from ________ hours. Staff will be granted a {one}-hour lunch during normal business hours. Occasional situations may arise that necessitate a {deviation from normal business hours}

0800 - 1700

LICENSURE RENEWAL All OCFD personnel will renew their EMS licensure through the ________ on forms provided by the {EMS Staff}. For employees who have an {Authorized Electronic Signature Card} on file, the EMS office will {complete renewal forms, apply signatures electronically, and send the renewal forms for processing}. A copy of the forms will be provided to employees via {email} for their own records. The individual re-licensure fee's required by both the {OSDH and National Registry of EMT's} will be paid by the {Department}

EMS Office

Defensive Attack — ________ fire attack that is limited to {controlling the spread of a fire}, with an emphasis on {exposure protection}. Also known as {Defensive Fire Attack}.


________ — Water stream of finely divided particles used for fire control.

Fog Stream

________ — Simple measure of weight, usually expressed in pounds or kilograms.


________ — Method of proportioning foam that uses an external pump or head pressure to force foam concentrate into the fire stream at the correct ratio for the flow desired.


Corridors, Lobbies When the flag is suspended across a corridor or lobby in a building with only one main entrance, it should be suspended vertically with the union of the flag to the observer's left upon entering. If the building has more than one main entrance, the flag should be suspended vertically near the center of the corridor or lobby with the union to the ________ when entrances are to the East or West---or to the {East} when entrances are to the North and South. If there are entrances in more than two directions, the union should be to the {East}.


When responding to a potentially violent scene and not advised by dispatch, the company officer will make the decision whether to stage or enter the scene. Incidents involving a violent nature are potential crime scenes. ________ have the {primary responsibility and authority} for crime scenes and Fire Department personnel should {use caution entering these scenes}. {Review Protocols} for more information.


Assessment is an important leadership responsibility, and is conducted after a major activity in order to allow employees and leaders to discover what happened and why. Assessment methods include: Corrective action report. After action review ________ Incident analysis {Debriefing} {Post incident critique} {Mitigation plans}


OSHA's ruling ________ has had an effect nationwide on fire ground operations.

"2 in 2 out"

In ________ {president George W. Bush} created {Department of Homeland Security (DHS)}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #________ Discharge {Driver} Side {Blue} {2 ½"}


PUC Preconnects? ________


________: A {box or cage} operating in a hoistway actually used for the carrying of {passengers and/or freight}


Chapter 3 Leadership and Supervision ________ has been called a {trait}, a {behavior}, a {skill}, a {talent}, a {characteristic}, a {science}, and an {art}.


Organizational Level Title Support Position Incident Command Incident Commander Deputy Command Staff Officer Assistant General Staff (Section) Chief Deputy Branch Director Deputy Division/Group Supervisor ________ Unit {Leader} {Manager} Strike Team/Task Force {Leader} {Single Resource Boss}


NFPA 220, Standard on types of Building Construction Type V: frame(wood) Type IV: Heavy Timber Type III: ________ Type II: {Noncombustible} Type I: {Fire Resistive}


Chain saw The most common reactive forces are: KICKBACK PUSHBACK ________


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #7 Discharge Aerial / Rear LDH ________ {4}" Stortz


As areas that include injured persons are cleared by the Contact Team, the Contact Team will assess whether it is safe for a ________ to enter each cleared area. Any information known about a {secondary hazard} needs to be communicated. For purposes of using common terminology between Police, Fire, and EMS first responders, the following terms are defined for use with this Active Assailant Response Plan

Rescue Team

Basic Principles Fire and emergency services organizations follow certain basic principles of organizational structure based on organizational theory, research, and practice in both public and private organizations. These principles include: ________ structure {Line and staff} personnel {Decision-making authority} {Unity of command} {Span of control} {Division of labor}


________ — Standardized process or procedure by which available resources responding to a fire or other emergency incident are held in reserve at a location away from the incident while awaiting assignment.


Commercial Collapse Response 1. Commercial Response 2. ________ 3. {HazMat 5}

Task Force 8

Wind also plays a large part in exposure protection. ________ enhances the effects of {radiated and convection heat transfer}, and {fast moving burning embers}. If the wind is blowing toward the exposure, the chance of the fire spreading is {increased}. If the wind is blowing away from the exposure, the chance of the fire spreading is {reduced}, but not eliminated. In severe fire situations, the fire itself can create its own {wind conditions} in the form of {more rapid convection currents}.


Logistics Chief Designated "Logistics" Answers to IC Lobby Control Designated "Lobby" Answers to Logistics Stairwell Support Officer Designated "Stairwell Support" Answers to Logistics Base Officer Designated "Base" Answers to Logistics Planning Chief Designated "Planning" Answers to IC Situation Status/Resource Unit Designated "SitStat/ReStat" Answers to Planning Victim Communications Specialist Designated "________" Answers to {Planning} Technical Specialist Designated by {Specialty} Answers to {Planning}


Hazard-Control Zones — System of barriers surrounding designated areas at emergency scenes, intended to limit the number of persons exposed to a hazard and to facilitate its mitigation. A major incident has three zones: Restricted (Hot) Zone, Limited Access (________) Zone, and {Support} ({Cold}) Zone.


FUEL LOCATIONS Station Diesel Unleaded 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y ________ 8 Y {Y} 13 Y {N} 16 Y {N} 18 Y {Y} 22 Y {N} 23 Y {N} 25 Y {Y} 27 Y {Y} 30 {Y} {Y} 31 Y {Y} 33 Y {N} 34 Y {N} 35 Y {Y} 36 Y {Y} 37 Y {Y} Maintenance Y {Y}


*IC must be ready to ________


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE Boom Tip Eyelets These eyelets located on the underside of the boom may be used as an ________ ({500} lbs. max)


Actual fire service deaths are detailed ________ by {3} departments: {IAFF} {NFPA} {USFA}


In small, fast-running streams, a ladder and salvage cover may be configured to ________ that will raise the level of the water to allow drafting operations. This method may also be applied in other cases where water needs to be {diverted or recycled}. See Skill Sheet 11-1 for the steps to construct a makeshift dam.

create a dam

Respiratory Protection The Oklahoma City Fire Department will provide fit testing and training for use of approved masks as needed. Masks are available to all personnel. Gloves, eye protection, and a TB mask (air purifying respirator) Respirator fit testing will be provided any time there is a 10% weight gain or loss, injury or facial scarring, change in ________ structure, or anytime the employee {fails the fit check}. All students will complete the {TB Mask Fit Update form} (which is a part of the {Level-2 OSHA Exam on Target Solutions}) or they will be {fit tested}.


Changes- inevitable and come as a result of 2 things: 1.________ 2. {need for improvement}


Actual fire service deaths are ________ {annually} by {3} departments: {IAFF} {NFPA} {USFA}


Anchor Point — Point from which a fire line is begun; usually a natural or man-made barrier that prevents fire spread and the possibility of the crew being "________" while constructing the fire line. Examples include {lakes, ponds, streams, roads, earlier burns, rockslides, and cliffs}.


ALMAND LIGHT TOWER / GENERATOR WEEKLY TESTING The ________ should be checked weekly along with the {cleanliness of the battery, and battery connectors}. Start the generator weekly and run for {1} hour. If the generator is running and you get a ride, allow the generator to {run until you return}


BASIC GUIDELINES FOR TANKER OPERATIONS Tanker apparatus can be utilized several different ways. It may be used to fill Fold-a-Tanks for use on wild land or structure fires, supply ________ directly from the tank, or {nurse feed} an Engine and often overlooked as a {wild land fire attack apparatus}

hand lines

To use the percentage method, first calculate the drop in pressure as a percentage. This may be accomplished by using the following formula: Formula 10.1 (Customary & Metric) - Available Water from Hydrant Percentage Method Percent Drop = (Static - Residual)/(100) Static Table 10.1 indicates how much more water is available from a hydrant and how many additional hoselines may be supplied. If the percentage is 10 or less, three additional lines with the same flow as the line being supplied may be added. For 11-15 percent, ________ lines may be added, and for {16-25} percent {one} line. When the result is over {25} percent, more {water may be available}, but not as much as is flowing through the first line.


Operations Section: Establishing Branches If the number of Divisions or Groups exceeds the span of control, it may be necessary to establish another level of organization within the Operations Section, called ________


________: are used when the {number of Divisions or Groups exceeds the span of control and can be either geographical or functional}


________ — Condition in which vacuum pockets form, due to localized regions of low pressure at the vanes in the impeller of a centrifugal pump causing vibrations, loss of efficiency, and possibly damage to the impeller.


Methylene Chloride specific gravity is Greater Than 1.0 (________) {sinks} in water


Figure 17.25 The collapse zone is equal to ________ times the building's height.


PUC Width is ________


Estimated Wind Speed ________ MPH Visible Conditions {Small trees in motion; whitecaps visible on ponds and small lakes}


Customary (inches) ¾ Metric MM (known as) ________


Level ________: The vehicle may be used {on- and off-duty to provide transportation to conduct City and Fire Department business}. The vehicle may {not be used when not specifically on City or Fire Department business}. One of the factors for this level is the employee may be required to respond to perform their job duties {after hours or to respond during emergency incidents as requested}. It is understood that off-duty response may be {delayed to return home to get the City vehicle}.


On Call Vehicles Personnel performing on-call duty who do not have a vehicle assigned to them, will be furnished a level ________ vehicle during their on-call assignment period, and will follow these policies accordingly.


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #________ Discharge {Officer Side} {Orange} {2 ½"}


SPECIFICATIONS Engine Stihl 1 cylinder - ________ stroke engine ({4.31} cubic inches) Weight {12.8} pounds Fuel {1.69} pints Fuel mixture Stihl Oil {50:1} ({1} gallon gasoline to {2.56} ounces) Oil tank capacity {0.7} pints Oil Type {14-50 F}: SAE {20} (50-104 F}: SAE {30}


Saws for fire department use have a chain brake to comply with ANSI 175.1-1985. The Stihl 044 Chain Saw has ________ brakes. They are a {manual brake} and an {inertia brake}. This saw must be used with {skill and care} as it is a potentially dangerous tool but {safe when used properly}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #5 Discharge Driver Rear Brown ________

2 ½"

Multiple Tank Drop (Diamond Method) - When multiple tanks are needed, the diamond method works the best but may not be an option due to terrain considerations. Place the tanks corner to corner, as in the shape of a diamond. The first tanker unloads its water into the first Fold-a-Tank This will become the draft tank. The engine uses the draft tank, and the tankers will dump the water into the correct dump tank at the water supply officer's direction. For a continuous water supply the Fold-a-Tanks will need to be connected with at least ________" {hard suction hoses} to siphon from the designated dump tank into the draft tank to achieve {maximum GPM}


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet 80 176 ________ {389-603}


Sierra Jumbo Model 44 Hose Clamp It has a bronze screw and nut for strength. Needle bearings are also included in the shut-off bar. The handle is aluminum and is ________-inches in length. The hose clamp base dimensions are {8} inches by {17} inches long


SIMON LTI QS-82Alternator Lesteck Brute, ________ amp


PUC engine Oil ________

28Q 15w40

PUC Weight is ________


Span of Control: 3-7, with ________ being optimal This is the current focus on IMS: NIMS-


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet 20 44 15-22 ________


Enforcer air Pressure is ________


SIMON LTI QS-82 AERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Aerial Ladder Type Simon Ladder Towers, Inc Model Number QS-82-OC Height (Extended) 82' Ladder/Outrigger Construction Steel Outrigger (Stance) 16' Rotation Bearing Size 34", External Tooth Turntable Size ________"long Turntable Construction {Steel Frame with Aluminum Overlay} Communication System {Atkinson, Two-way} Electric to Ladder Tip {120volt/12v}, {2}- {500 Watt} Quartz lights Pre-Piped Waterway {Aluminum}, {1000} GPM Monitor/Nozzle {Elkhart 8294-01/Elkhart SM-100E} Retractable {Feature Fly to Mid-section} Ladder Capacity {500} lbs. ({with and without water})

96"wide x 96

________ — Condition, substance, or device that can directly cause injury or loss; the source of a risk.


On larger bodies of water surface, freezing can make access time consuming and difficult, while shallow bodies of water may freeze to near bottom, making them useless for drafting operations. Some methods for gaining access to static water supplies during freezing weather include: • Fill barrels with environmentally friendly antifreeze. Float barrels on the water before temperatures drop below freezing. Allow them to freeze in place. ________ the {top and bottom} of the barrel to provide an access point for the {intake hose and strainer}. • Set {wooden plugs or plastic garbage cans} in a location and allow them to freeze in place. If a drafting operation is required, the plug or barrel may be driven through the ice, creating a {hole}. (See auger mentioned below.)

Knock out

Generally while in the tree line the speed of spread slows down. If the fuel load is at its lowest, break out the hand tools. It's harder work and there are additional hazards involved Watch for snags. (overhead limbs that may fall) A complete knock down on a grass fire may not be possible on the first pass. Slow it down and circle back for a complete knock down If your rig gets stuck in a high fuel load and the fire line is coming and no help is in reach, spend the time building a fire line around your rig. i.e. Hand tools or backfire. Hopefully you have the water to contain it, but get rid of the fuel around your rig. The ________ escape route is {inside the rig}


The management of resources at structure fires will adhere to the Incident Management System. Effective use of on-scene resources is required to address the incident priorities (________). The IC shall consider assigning resources for the following tasks: Investigation of potential risks/problems on the fire ground Establishing the Incident Command System Rescue/fire attack/property conservation Establishing Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Ensuring adequate water supply to support fire flow Coordinated ventilation Control utilities Supporting fixed fire protection systems Assign an Incident Safety Officer


Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (HSPD-5): President George W. Bush asked Secretary of Homeland Security to develop a national IMS to provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, state, tribal, and local governments to work together to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity. ***DHS released NIMS in ________

March 2004

________ works to enhance the {ability of fire and emergency services and allied professionals to deal more effectively with fire and related emergencies}.


ALMAND LIGHT TOWER / GENERATOR The crankcase oil should be the 15W-40 supplied by the maintenance parts room, as it is specified for diesel engines. The oil level should appear on the dipstick between the marks. DO NOT ________. The crankcase oil needs to be changed at {100} hours for the first time, and then at {250} hour intervals, or {annually}


Formula 11.3 (Customary and Metric): Net Pump Discharge Pressure at Draft NPDP Draft = ________ Where: NPDPDraft = Net Pump Discharge Pressure at Draft (psi or kPa) PDP = Pump Discharge Pressure (psi or kPa) PC = Intake Pressure Correction


ADDITIONAL LADDER COMPANIES (Once a significant fire is confirmed) OTHER COMPANIES ________ 1. Initiate primary search of the floor {above the fire floor}. (Will answer to {Fire-Floor Division Supervisor}) 2. Will take the following rescue tools to {perform search and/or RIT operations} a. {RIT Bag} b. {Rope assisted Search Bag} c. {Forcible Entry and other Rescue Tools} d. {Thermal Imager If Command deems that Rescue-8's delay in arrival time would hamper the operational flow of the incident, the I.C may assign {another crew} to search above the fire floor and use Rescue-8 as needed upon their arrival


Applications for the use of ICS include: Fire, both structural and wild-land Natural disasters, such as tornadoes, floods, ice storms or earthquakes Human and animal disease outbreaks Search and rescue missions Hazardous materials incidents Criminal acts and crime scene investigations Terrorist incidents, including the use of weapons of mass destruction National Special Security Events, such as presidential visits or the ________ Other planned events, such as {parades or demonstrations}

Super Bowl

There are 5 "types" of meningitis. Bacterial Meningitis can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. ________ Meningitis is {serious but rarely fatal}. {Fungal} Meningitis is a form that can be serious in {immunosuppressed} people. {Parasitic} Meningitis is an {often fatal, rare form that is associated with exposure to bodies of water}. {Non-infectious} Meningitis {is not spread from person to person} but can be caused by {cancers, lupus, certain drugs, and traumatic injury}.


________: an infective agent that typically consists of a {nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat}, is too small to be seen by {light microscopy}, and is able to multiply only within the {living cells of a host}. Examples; {HIV-1 (AIDS Virus), Herpes Simplex Type 1, Hepatitis B Virus}.


Personnel with a documented history of a positive tuberculin skin test, or adequate treatment for disease or preventive therapy for infection, are exempt from further testing unless they develop symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis (questionnaires will be completed every year instead of the skin test). Re-testing of PPD negative personnel will be offered ________ or as required by {Occupational Safety and Health Administration} guidelines.


Exposures. Position the apparatus so that fire streams can be deployed to protect the exposures if the fire has the potential to threaten exposures. When positioning for exposure protection, consider the ________ as a potential exposure. Avoid placing the apparatus in a location that may subject it to {high levels of radiant heat, falling embers, or other products of combustion}.


TB is ________ if {diagnosed early and treatment is quickly begun and completed}.


Codes and Standards—have had a major impact on FD tactics Required sprinkler systems-requires pre-incident planning *tactical decisions* Standpipes *tactical decisions* Fire alarm systems **be cautious of Complacency on ________** {Exit requirements}

false calls

If an elevator whose shaft terminates below the ________ is present, use that car for {fire floor operations}. If not, utilize an elevator that serves all floors, that is {remote from the fire area, such as a freight elevator}

fire floor

Class D License (Minimum Age - 16) Type of Vehicle: Cars, vans trucks under 26,001 lbs. (GVWR) recreational vehicles, ________ Requirements: You must pass the {knowledge test}, {driving test} and {vision screening}. Your {physical} condition must meet required standards. You must be able to read and understand {road signs}. If you are transferring from another state, see Table 2

fire trucks

ANNUAL REVIEW SOP Review Period (January-March) During the ________ quarter of each year, {two} representatives from the {SOP Committee} will be assigned by the {SOP Chairperson} to review the entire SOP document for accuracy. The {two} member team will act as {facilitators} for {Policy Administrators} in the review of their SOPs for {errors, potential conflicts, and a review of submitted SOP Correction Request forms}. This will be completed on a {page-by-page} basis. During the review period, discussion may include items such as: {Status of previously-identified changes New policies submitted Policy development guidance}


It is important to know and understand the names and ________ of the principal ICS facilities


SIMON LTI QS-82 Monitor Grease with white lithium or similar where gear drive of motor meets teeth of ________. Apply with {brush}


All plans should be completed using the Quick CAD Program. The standardized symbols in the Quick CAD will be used when possible. If any symbols must be used that are not among the standardized symbols, a ________ will be needed to {define the symbols}. Any structures that are required to have a {704 placard} will have the {704 symbol with appropriate numbers} on the preplan situated {by the doors that are closest to the hazard}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE 1. Pull off the road to a safe location 2. Bring the apparatus to a complete stop 3. Disengage the transmission 4. Set the parking brake 5. "PUSH" blue button on the ________ {below the steering wheel} 6. {Notify the shop}

lower R side

The backup team is ________, in compliance with the "{Buddy System}" according to {29 CFR 1910.120/40} and CFR {311}


At ________ shall civilian clothing and uniform items be mixed on or off duty.

no time

Private Private emergency services organizations generally fall into one of the following three categories: Industrial fire brigades For-profit fire and emergency services organization Private, ________ fire and emergency services organizations


(high rise fire) When necessary, relief of personnel on the attack line(s) and back-up line(s) will be accomplished utilizing the following rotation system (Three Crew Relief method) : 1. One (1) crew ________ 2. One (1) crew "{on-deck}" in the {stairwell} 3. One (1) crew in "{ready reserve}", {one (1) floor below the "on deck" crew}

on the line

Hair Males: Hair shall not extend below the Class B uniform collar. Hair will not extend greater than three (3) inches outward or upward from the head. Hair holding ________ ({barrettes, pins, clips, bands, etc.)} must be {transparent or similar in color to the hair}, if used. When required to be in Class A uniform, hair will be {combed or brushed behind the ear}.


Weather permitting; the apparatus should be parked ________ for functional tests. Whenever the apparatus is parked, be sure to {chock its wheels} (Figure 2.10).


OKCFD UNIFORM INSIGNIAS The following descriptions are provided to use as reference in the uniform insignia placement guidelines that follow. All items that are color coded for rank (badges, name tags, sleeve braid, collar insignia, service stars, coat buttons, etc.) shall be ________ for pay ranges {922 and below}, and {gold} for pay ranges {923 and above}.


Collisions — The Department of Public Safety will ________ the driver license of the {uninsured} driver and/or owner of a vehicle involved in a collision where there is any injury or property damage of ${300} or more


(high rise fire) Search Search Priorities : 1. Immediate area around fire 2. Then remainder of fire floor 3. Then the floor above 4. Then the floor below 5. Then the ________ 6. Then {remaining floors above if warranted} 7. Attempts should be made to direct occupants to {evacuation stairwell} if the evacuation stairwell is still free of smoke and other contaminates 8. Occupants in the {attack stairwell} must be allowed to pass prior to fire attack or {redirected to a safe location} (i.e. the {evacuation stairwell} if it is still passable) 9. Evacuees should be {supervised closely}

top floor

The most common method of distributing gas is through a medium pressure line. In this case, the pressure range is from 1 pound to 60 pounds of pressure. Because of this higher pressure, the gas in most cases is reduced to 5.3 ounces of pressure by a service regulator located ahead of the meter. There are also intermediate-pressure and high-pressure distribution systems Meter settings on these systems contain ________ regulators ahead of the meter. These regulators step down the {intermediate or high} pressure to utilization pressure


Foam expansion is generally described as being low, medium, or high. NFPA® 11 states that low expansion foam contains an air/solution ratio of ________ parts finished foam for every part of foam solution, a {20:1} ratio.

up to 20

A train collision is always the fault of the car driver. Nearly half the car/train collisions in America happen at crossroads with lights, bells, or gates; and two-thirds of the crashes happen in full daylight. Why? Impatience - Drivers don't want to wait the 30 seconds to ________ minutes average time it takes for the train to pass through the intersection. They try to beat the train. Don't let yourself or your family and friends be one of these statistics. In Oklahoma in 2008 there were {52} crashes involving trains with {5} fatalities and {19} persons injured


Apparatus used to determine "District" day off slots BP's , , 1 each Air-1 , , 1 each District Officer Vehicle , , 2 each Heavy Tanker , , 1 each CSL , , ________ The {District Officer} shall have the authority to {adjust assignments} in the district to maintain minimum staffing levels within the district


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #________ Crosslays can be pulled from either side of the Engine {Yellow} {1 ½"}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE TRIDENT AIR PRIME 1. Increase the throttle speed to ________ RPM 2. Depress the push button on the panel 3. Hold button down until the discharge pressure gauge begins to rise 4. Release the primer button


Speed 10-11 reaction time in feet ________


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet 40 88 53-107 ________


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #3 Discharge Driver Side Blue ________

2 ½"

(High rise fire) The Incident Commander can expect ________% of on-scene personnel to {succumb to fatigue, injury, or in many cases a serious medical problem} before, during or after their {first assignment}


Customary (inches) 1 inch Metric MM (known as) ________


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet 70 154 163-327 ________


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #4 Discharge Officer Side LDH Green ________" Stortz


TURNING In 2008, there were ________ collisions caused by drivers who made improper or illegal turns. To beginning drivers, turning seems simple, but it's more difficult than you think because it requires (1) paying attention in all directions at once, (2) planning and preparation, and (3) good timing


Extreme caution should be exercised with hoses used from ladders. At least ________ feet of separation should be maintained to ensure a safe operation when using a {solid water stream} on electric facilities that may be energized


Unless otherwise posted Highways within state parks or wildlife refuges ________ mph


PUC Power steering fluid ________

4q TES 389

PENALTIES FOR DRIVING WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE On conviction, a fine of up to $________ or {6} months in jail, or both


High-Rise Alarm: Equivalent to a ________ alarm


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE Type Aerial, Sky-Boom ________, {Aluminum} Body Year 2015-2016 Impel Chassis Length 33 ft. 5.5 in Width 8 ft. 8.5 in Width w/outriggers 11 ft. 9 in Height 11 ft. 11 in Weight 55,580 lbs. (27.94 tons) Fuel Capacity 65 gallons Engine Cummins ISL9, 450 hp Motor Oil 28 qts. (15w-40) Def. Fluid Tank 4.5 gallon Transmission Allison, 5th Gen, 3000 EVS P Trans Fluid 19 qts. (TES-295 Synthetic) Suspension Front TAK-4, 22,800 lb Booster Tank 500 gallon, Poly Pump Hale, QMAX-XS-150, 1500 gpm, Single Stage


E-ONE AERIAL Time to Lower Aerial - Maximum ________ Seconds


FACTS 1 psi will lift water 2.304 feet Base pressure for 1 foot of rise is 0.434 psi 1 cubic foot of water weighs 62.5 lbs 1 gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs 1 cubic foot of water is ________ gallons Condensed Q formula is {Q2}


FERRARA ENGINE To check the Engine oil remove the cover on the driver's side cowling panel and open the hatch. Remove the dipstick and check the level. If level is at or below the ________ mark, fill with15w40 motor oil. Capacity is 40 qts


Flowmeter Applications The following sections explain applications for flowmeters and their importance for driver/operators. The ________ may determine when to use each type of flowmeter.


Every incident requires some form of an ________ Small incidents of short duration, plan does {not need to be written} ***written Action Plans should be used when {Resources from multiple agencies Several jurisdictions The IC will require changes in shifts of personnel and or equipment}

Action Plan

________ fire service deaths are {detailed} {annually} by {3} departments: {IAFF} {NFPA} {USFA}


________ refresher classes that focus on various {ethical questions} should be part of the {training schedule}.


On a map, the ________ appears as a {circle with an B} in it.


________ valves are most commonly operated by {quarter-turn handles}.


Studies show that an adult in the front seat holding an infant ________ prevent the baby from {going through the windshield} on impact


Individuals with a positive TB skin test will be managed as follows: 1. Complete OJI Documentation a. Online Risk Management OJI report. b. Witness statements if applicable. c. Hard copies of the OJI report and Witness Statements will be sent to Administration for processing. 2. Chest X-ray 3. Blood drawn for ________ 4. An appointment will be scheduled for the employee to meet with a physician to discuss results of chest {X-ray and blood chemistry} and determine what treatment, if any, is indicated.


If and IC fails to delegate authority properly at a major incident, the span of control may be exceeded. Making every decision in the absence of good delegation can be quickly overwhelming and can cause: Chaos at the incident scene Breakdowns in communication and coordination Confused, inefficient operations at best and perhaps losses of life and property Nature of the task - characteristics Urgency ________ under which it must be performed {Complexity} {Rate} at which it must be performed {Similarity/dissimilarity} to tasks being performed by others


________ equipment ({radios, monitors}, etc.) will be {wiped clean with hot, soapy water}, {wiped with clean water}, and then {wiped with disinfectant solution according to manufacturer's recommendations}. Equipment will be allowed to {air dry}.


Organizational Level Title Support Position Incident Command Incident Commander Deputy Command Staff Officer Assistant General Staff (Section) Chief Deputy Branch ________ {Deputy} Division/Group {Supervisor} {N/A} Unit {Leader} {Manager} Strike Team/Task Force {Leader} {Single Resource Boss}


Support personnel may schedule initial CPR training or retraining of employees at any time. To schedule CPR training and verify Instructor and equipment availability, contact A CPR Coordinator or the ________ {30} days in advance of the {selected training day}

EMS office

________ — Height of a point above sea level or some other reference point.


(POTENTIALLY FATAL ENERGY SOURCES) 7. ________: {Radiation or Nuclear devices}


The ________ consists of the personnel that enter the {Hot/Exclusion Zone} to accomplish the {Tactical Objectives}

Entry team

*NDM came about after reviewing decision making as it relates to people in real life, from military commanders to fire-ground commanders *NDM theory states that people make decisions based on ________*******{brain} is a {computer hard drive}*****


________ do not require {ambulance transport}.


________: {Total number of gallons of water needed per minute to control and extinguish a fire} Usually expressed as {GPM}

Fire flow

Fly Section — Extendable section of ground extension or aerial ladder. Also known as ________.


________ is the distance that the pedal must be pushed before the {throw-out bearing actually contacts the clutch release fingers}. {Insufficient free play} will cause the clutch to {slip, overheat, and wear out sooner} than necessary. The throw-out bearing will also have a {shorter life}.

Free play

________: Go—You can cross the intersection or turn except where turns are not allowed. Be sure the intersection is clear before you start, and watch out for drivers who try to race through the intersection to beat a red light

Green Light

PPE, 8 pieces: Helmet with eye protection ________ {Coat} {Pants} {Gloves} {Boots} {PASS device} {SCBA}


If you are expected to be a supervisor: You must maintain a daily Unit Log (________), indicating the {names of personnel assigned} and a {listing of the major activities that occurred during the operational periods to which you were assigned} You are expected to give briefings to your {subordinates, adjacent forces, and replacement personnel}.


OSHA Standard 1910.134---scba be worn in any environment that is ________


________ — Step-up transformer that converts a vehicle's 12or 24-volt DC current into 110or 220-volt AC current.


Gym Short ________ gym short embroidered with the {Maltese Cross logo on left}. See Addendum B for specification description of embroidery and logo.

Navy blue

Environmental surveys conducted across the nation indicate there are "hot-spots" at Fire Stations where multi-drug resistant organisms (Super Bugs) can hide. Couch fabrics are a definite hot spot. There is NO FDA approved product that can guarantee solid cleaning. ________ is the best practice, and {keeping these bugs from coming into the station} is the {best solution}. {Office} equipment ({station phones, computer key boards, desks, pens, books, remote controls, chairs}, etc.) is frequently {touched}, but most likely they {aren't} frequently cleaned. {Smooth} surface flooring is easier to disinfect than carpet. Be sure to {wear shoes of some type whenever walking on carpet flooring as well as in the locker room and restroom area}.


________ {Rescue Evacuation Emergency care Ventilation Attack salvage}


3 commonly known goal systems are: ________ {Rescue Evacuation Ventilation Attack Salvage}


E-ONE AERIAL ________: Right side white lights {that do not rely on generator}

Right Scene

Strategic goals: broad, general statements of what we are expected to accomplish **related to incident priorities because the goals are developed to meet/satisfy incident priorities 5-7 goals Generally accepted goals include: Rescue Attack Exposure protection Evacuation Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul ________ {Ventilation}


________ — Ongoing evaluation of influential factors at the scene of an incident.


________ is performed by {every company officer on every incident}


________: Electronic process of putting a car in an {area or landing of greatest potential use}. The doors are {closed} and the power is {shut off}


________ An assessment on whether units can operate within the fire area based on the conditions encountered and the impact of these conditions to potential civilians and firefighters


________ — Rotational structural component of the aerial device. Its primary function is to provide continuous rotation on a {horizontal plane}.


________: {Complete elevator, including car, hoistway and machinery} (pertaing to elevators)


________ — Device used for measuring existing voltage in an electrical system.


On most aerial devices, the third, fourth, and fifth (if present) sections of the aerial device are extended and retracted by a system of cables and pulleys (Figure 16.31). The extension and retraction cables are usually corrosion-resistant aircraft quality cables made with a very high strength steel, called plow steel, and they are resistant to ________. They are made especially for cable application. The cables are designed and constructed to be much stronger than necessary for normal aerial apparatus usage, which provides an additional {safety factor}. A {dual-chain drive} may also be used to retract and extend the aerial device (Figure 16.32). Aerials using a {main cable drum} can be powered {mechanically, hydraulically, or electrically} depending on the make of the apparatus.


SOP Committee The SOP Committee will meet ________ to review {proposed changes or additions to the SOP's}. The committee's purpose is to make recommendations to the {Fire Chief and Bargaining Agent} on SOP additions or changes after reviewing them for {procedural errors, document formatting, and conflicts with other existing SOP's}. The committee also provides recommendations on {additions or deletions of Certified Study Material} to the {Human Resources work section}.

as needed

**________ is a typical post and beam Barns have a {plank and beam} floor and roof system *minimum dimensions for roof planks- {2"} with beams set {6'-8'} apart *minimum dimensions for posts and beams-{4"X4",} commonly called {four-by-fours} *post and beam is used in {barn} and {farm} buildings and {some commercial} structures *easily identified-interior walls are {usually exposed} **harder to identify in {commercial buildings}—must preplan and inspect *usually structurally sound during a fire, but collapse can involve the {entire structure}


Safety Rules for Following a Truck: Stay far enough back so you can see the roadway ahead clearly Position your vehicle so you are outside the truck's "________," and be sure the truck driver can see you in the rearview mirror

blind spot

Excessive speed also makes an apparatus more difficult to stop and can cause difficulties when braking. Additionally, driver/operators must be aware of the possibility of brake fade. Overheated brake components lose their ability to stop the vehicle, regardless of the configuration of the braking system. Disc and drum brakes will both overheat if braking and driving habits are poor. Radial tires and ABS braking systems do not reduce the potential for ________. Only {effective handling and braking techniques} can ensure {maximum braking efficiency}.

brake fade

The cold zone is the outermost part of the site and is considered a non-contaminated area. The Cold Zone is a protected area (from ________) and it contains the {Support Zone, Staging, IC, EMS, and any agency, that is rendering aid} {Support equipment, Hazmat Command Post and authorized response personnel} are located in the area {Normal work clothes} are appropriate within this zone.


Wearing an approved respirator for protection from TB transmission and other airborne pathogens will be utilized by OKCFD personnel, for any contact with patients who are identified from the high risk category below, or patients who have a ________.


Lift — Theoretical, scientific height that a column of water may be lifted by atmospheric pressure in a true vacuum. At sea level, this height is 33.8 feet (10 m). The height will ________ as elevation {increases}.


Major gas control points with relief valves are sometimes referred to as ________: {regulating stations}, {city gate stations}, or {town border stations}


Drying clothes, sheets, and towels in a ________ -- rather than letting them air dry -- also helps {kill bacteria}.


The amount of ________ affects aerial device stress. As extension increases, aerial loading must {decrease}. Aerials operating at a {low angle of elevation and at a long extension} are at their {weakest operational position}.


Have an escape route The idea of waiting for the fire to get out of the tree line so we can get to it can be ________


General Tips ▪ Avoid ________ ({um, uh, etc}.)


On the ________ of each month, it shall be the responsibility of the {Company Officer} to conduct an {inventory of each apparatus at their respective station}. Any change in inventory noted will be forwarded to their respective District Officer in {written form, with a full explanation, in reference to change}

first day

WATCH THE WIRES We have already emphasized the danger from contacting an energized object, or even getting in the vicinity of a faulty energized object, such as a fallen wire. It is just as important to be cautious in the vicinity of energized facilities that are operating properly. Most firefighting is performing without de-energizing all electric facilities in the vicinity. In many cases, it is even advantageous to leave power on as long as possible., However, all firefighters must continuously be alert. Don't let the quiet, "________" appearance lull you into a {false sense of security}


Chapter 5 Principles of Water Water is a good conductor of electricity. This characteristic may pose a danger to firefighters using water near energized electrical equipment. At 8.3 pounds per gallon (1 kg/L), water is a relatively ________. {Accumulations of water} within a structure can lead to an increased potential for {structural collapse}.

heavy agent

NOTE: Due to the increase in water pressure requirements necessary for the height of the building, pressure-regulating devices are installed in standpipe systems that serve high-rise buildings. These devices allow hoselines on lower floors to be more easily controlled, while allowing the ________ pressures required to access upper floors.


NOTE: During long relay operations smaller capacity pumps may require ________ residual pressures as the relay operation stabilizes.


In IMS, the first management assignments by the ________ will normally be {one or more section chiefs to manage the major functional areas}.

initial IC

Chapter 1 The Company Officer I Although the promotion may be immediate, the transition from follower to ________ occurs {over time} and requires many {changes and adjustments}.


TEMPORARY LIGHT DUTY UPDATED Any employee who suffers an on-the-job injury, off-the-job injury or illness, may, upon proper medical release, request ________. The light duty assignment will be at the discretion of the {Fire Chief}.

light duty

Regulators throttle down gas pressure and, at the same time, maintain this lower pressure within certain "________. Each pressure reducing regulator setting has a {gas regulator set} to maintain a {fixed downstream pressure}


1 The ________ for the Rehab area will normally be designated by the Incident Commander. If a specific location has not been designated, the {Rehab Officer} will select an appropriate location


Ventilation: Cars traveling over 3 stories must be in a vented hoistway. Cars with doors must be vented top and bottom. All ventilation must be ________


A full time IMS should be required, no matter how ________ the situation.


The bypass-type balanced pressure proportioner, used on large mobile apparatus installations, such as ARFF vehicles, is one of the most accurate methods of foam proportioning. This system features the ability to ________ the demand for foam concentrate and adjust the amount of concentrate supplied. In addition the {bypass type balanced proportioner} has the ability to allow foam discharge from some outlets, and plain water from others simultaneously.


• Combination monitors — May be used in a ________ on the apparatus or removed and used {remotely from the vehicle}. Combination monitors often have {flow} limitations when they are removed from the apparatus and placed on the ground.


The Oklahoma City Fire Department will not release the names or ages of fire or accident victims. The Police Department or the Medical Examiner's Office will release victims' names once the ________ has been notified.

next of kin

(wildland fire) Pick the best ________ for the {fuel load encountered} Wear your {protective clothing including nomex hood} Never try to {outrun fire} Retreat to the {cab of the rig as a last resort}


1 The ________ will be positioned at the {front of the apparatus driver's window, or at the front right side of the apparatus}, the {swing} of the apparatus will dictate where he should be positioned


Functional Check — An inspection where a certain system or component of an apparatus is ________ to ensure that it is {functioning properly}.


Toilet Bowls To disinfect, clean bowl then remove or expel the residual bowl water. Pour in 3 oz. of the use solution. Swab the bowl completely using a scrub brush, making sure to get under rim. Let stand for 10 minutes or ________, then flush.


Vehicle and Equipment Security The vehicle will be locked at all times when not in use. All City-furnished weapons, portable radios, cameras, and other equipment must be removed from the ________ area of the vehicle when parked out of service.


The building surveys will be moved to "________" or "{rejected}" folder once they {are loaded in CAD}


Relief valves protect gas systems from over pressuring. Relief valves are used in conjunction with ________.


When two vehicles approach at the same time, the driver on the left yields to the driver on the ________ as shown


Alcohol slows your reflexes and reaction time, reduces your ability to ________, and makes you {less alert}. As the amount of alcohol in your body increases, your judgment will worsen and your driving skill will decrease. You will have trouble judging distances, speeds, and the movement of other vehicles, and you will have trouble controlling your vehicle

see clearly

The driver/operator should move the following objects, ensuring the stabilizer ________ contact areas are as stable as possible (Figure 18.15): • {Large rocks • Fire hose • Tools • Underground utility access covers • Broken pavement}


Sleep: Electronic process of putting a car in an area or landing of greatest potential use. The doors are closed and the power is ________

shut off

Chapter 3 Leadership and Supervision Leadership has been called a trait, a behavior, a ________, a {talent}, a {characteristic}, a {science}, and an {art}.


The primary spotting consideration associated with hot weather is that extreme heat may tend to weaken marginal or otherwise firm paved surfaces. For example, an asphalt parking lot that may otherwise provide an adequate level of support during moderate temperatures may become ________ during periods of extreme heat. This may result in an {unstable base}. One visual indicator of a compromised asphalt surface due to extreme heat is when the asphalt "{bleeds}," creating a {shiny, glass-like surface}.


*Tactics: ________ functions to meet {Strategic} goals


STOPPING ENGINE a. Move master control lever (3) to ________


First-Digit Method• If the psi drop is equal to or less than the first digit of the static pressure multiplied by one, ________ additional lines of equal flow may be added.


When climbing on or off vehicle, always: Face the vehicle. Use steps and handholds. Maintain ________ points of contact with vehicle ({two feet and one hand or two hands and one foot}). Keep steps, handholds, shoes, and walkways clean of {grease, mud, dirt, fuel, ice, and snow}. Use extra caution when {wet, icy, or muddy}. Replace surfaces when {worn}.


Delegation of Authority Delegation is the process of providing subordinates with the authority, direction, and resources needed to complete an assignment. Concerns about delegating tasks can be alleviated through a ________ program that builds: {knowledge, skills, abilities, and trust}.


There are ________ types of manual controls now in use in Oklahoma City; {independent service} and {fire service}


Replacement: When approximately ________ of the roll of Banner Guard {has been used,} a replacement roll may be obtained from the {Maintenance Facility}


NFPA® ________ also requires that driver/operators be skilled in the performance of certain {maintenance tasks}.


NFPA® ________ "Out-of-Service" criteria


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE Flow Capacity 1000 GPM Max PSI ________ PSI


Speed 35-39 reaction time in feet ________


Ferrara Weight is ________


Customary (inches) 2 ½ Metric MM (known as) ________


(Pay Range Sleeve Braid Color) ________ {Two - 1/4}" {Gold}


(Pay Range Sleeve Braid Color) 950 ________" {Gold}

Four - ½

________: The {rapid rescue/removal of a firefighter} who has become a victim

RIT Rescue

The clappers of the inlets of the FDC that are not being used can leak under pressure, which will cause pressure buildup in the unused inlet if the cap is left in place. This can be a problem for firefighters who are trying to remove additional caps to add more lines to the FDC. For this reason, ________ should be removed from the FDC {before the initial pump operation is set up}

all caps

Passenger Air Bags—The explosive power of an air bag has killed ________ and elderly adults under {5} feet tall. If your car is equipped with an air bag on the passenger side, the Highway Safety Administration recommends putting children under {12} in the back seat


The driver/ operator must have excellent near and distance vision and hearing acuity as well as the physical ________ to perform the required duties safely and efficiently. {NFPA® standards} are in place for the purpose of ensuring that the driver/operator is entirely qualified for the safe operation of fire apparatus. In addition, the driver/operator must possess the required licenses or be able to obtain them within their agency timelines.


The procedure for calling out a wrecker is to radio the fire department ________, give them the {location of the disabled apparatus} and a {brief description of the problem}. The dispatcher will then notify the {duty mechanic} of the disabled apparatus' needs and the duty mechanic will respond according to {established maintenance center guidelines}


Each morning at 7:00 a.m., the Station Officer shall make an entry in the station log indicating they agree with the balances listed on the fuel and fluid log sheets. Stations will submit fuel readings via Target Solutions no later than 9:00 AM ________

each day

Manual Shift Transmission — A component of the power train that receives ________ from the engine and converts it to {rotation to the wheels}. A {clutch} is used to disengage the transmission from the engine to allow the apparatus to {start, stop, or change gears} to maximize engine performance.


Load Monitor — Device that "________" an electrical system for added loads that may {threaten to overload the system}.


Park: After completing its ________ the car returns to the {lobby} and "{sleeps}"

final call

NFPA ________-FD Occupational Safety and Health---{Personal Alert System}


Unless otherwise posted Other roads in state parks or wildlife refuges ________ mph


Unless otherwise posted County roads ________ mph


Operational Services The Operations Division, which is under the supervision of a "


Class C Uniform ________ for {all personnel}


If it is not necessary to back up an apparatus DON'T. If you do have to back up, a ________ foot clearance in front of and behind the apparatus is preferred.


E-ONE AERIAL Time for Outrigger Deployment - Max ________ Seconds


________ — Instrument that indicates the rotational speed of a shaft in revolutions per minute (rpm); usually indicates engine speed.


________: The placement of a tagout device on an energizing-isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the {tagout device is removed}.


Some apparatus may be designed with inlets that fill the tank from the top or bottom (Figures 13.8 a and b, p. 448). Hydraulically, either design has little effect on usability. However, top tank fill inlets should be placed so that the hose may be connected easily from the ground. Fixed piping should carry the water from the inlet to the tank. It is preferable to have an "________" in the fill piping to avoid pressurizing the vehicle's onboard water tank.

air gap

If the decision is made to abandon the area : 1. The incident commander will make an announcement over the radio 2. Apparatus drivers will sound ________ by using {THREE HORN BLASTS} 3. All personnel will {pick up their equipment}, if feasible, and {leave the area as soon as possible} 4. Personnel will respond back to the {staging area} and inform the incident commander of what company(ies) are {clear of the area} NOTE: Fire Personnel Safety is {Paramount}!

air horn

________ — (1) Force that tends to create a rotational or twisting motion. (2) Measurement of engine shaft output. (3) Force that produces or tends to produce a twisting or rotational action.


F550 BRUSH PUMPER To Shift from 2H to 4H 1. Stop the vehicle and move the transfer case shift lever straight back to the 4H position, make sure to manually lock front hubs before going into 4H. There are no automatic locking hubs To Shift from 4H to 2H 1. Move the transfer case shift lever straight forward to the 2H position. This can be done at ________. Disengage the locking hubs manually 2. Operating in 2H with the hubs locked increases {fuel consumption}, {noise}, {vibration}, and {wear}. For prolonged 2H operation on dry pavement, {disengage the locked hubs}

any speed

Potential Tuberculosis Exposure Once the Critical Post Potential Exposure Procedures are followed the employee will not go to the source patient hospital. Employee will be contacted by GENEX to schedule TB testing which can be up to two weeks. The first test is your baseline, the second TB test is given two weeks later to rule out false negatives, and the third is given 90 days later. If the employee receives a positive reading during any portion of the TB testing, they will receive a ________ and referral to their {resident county health department} for further treatment.

chest X-ray

Education involves instruction that emphasizes knowledge-based learning objectives that are not tied to a specific job. Education is related to concepts such as, management styles, budget process, governmental theories, or history. The U.S. Fire Administration/National Fire Academy, working in conjunction with universities, created the FESHE model curriculum. Certification results from tests or assessments to determine their abilities to apply knowledge and skills. Career advancement or mobility within the profession can often depend on certification. Traditional fire service terminology is referred to as jargon. The Level "I" officer will be referred to by the term supervisor and the Level "II" officer will be referred to as ________. {National Fire Protection Association} is in {Quincy, Maryland}.


The safety trailer is a ________ that is used to teach children from {seven years old and up}, as well as adults, about {fire safety and other hazards in the home}. We average over {12},000 visitors through our safety trailer every year. One of our most popular programs is the {2nd} Grade Safety Program. Working with local fire stations, we run nearly {9},000 second graders, from more than {120} elementary schools, through the safety trailer every school year. Operation of this trailer requires a minimum of {three} personnel. We request a minimum of {150} participants before we will schedule the trailer for {weekend and after hour events}

mobile unit

Suspenders Inspect for proper ________ Inspect suspender loops for damage or unauthorized repair (tape).


Counterfeit or Fraudulent Security Verification—To fraudulently create, manufacture, or counterfeit a security verification form may result in a ________ conviction which carries severe penalties in the form of both {fine and/or imprisonment}


A simple guideline for the customary system of measurement is NR = Q/2. This may be used to achieve the approximate ________ nozzle reaction on the fireground. {Q} equals the total flow of water in gpm through the nozzle.

fog stream

Pants Inspect for cleanliness Inspect for holes, burns, or tears Inspect seams and stitching (including reflective trim) Inspect cuffs for ________ ({pants may be too long}) Inspect suspender {attachment points} (should be {eight}) Inspect {hooks, d-rings, and snaps}, {inside and out}


The rougher the inner surface of the pipe (commonly referred to as the coefficient of friction), the ________ the friction loss will be. Friction loss can be measured by inserting {in-line gauges in a hose or pipe}. The {difference in the residual pressure between two gauges placed a distance apart in the same diameter hose or pipe when water is flowing} is the friction loss for that distance.


Generally while in the tree line the speed of spread slows down. If the fuel load is at its lowest, break out the hand tools. It's ________ and there are additional hazards involved Watch for {snags}. ({overhead limbs that may fall}) A complete knock down on a grass fire {may not be possible on the first pass}. {Slow it down} and {circle back} for a complete knock down If your rig gets stuck in a high fuel load and the fire line is coming and no help is in reach, spend the time building a {fire line around your rig}. i.e. {Hand tools or backfire}. Hopefully you have the water to contain it, but get {rid of the fuel around your rig}. The {LAST} escape route is {inside the rig}

harder work

In the fire service, head refers to the height of a water supply above the discharge orifice (Figure 5.11). In this example, the water supply is 100 feet (30 m) above the hydrant discharge opening. This is referred to as 100 feet (30 m) of ________. To convert head in feet to head pressure, you must {divide the number of feet by 2.304} (the number of feet that 1 psi will raise a one square inch column of water). The result is head pressure in psi. In metrics, divide the number of meters by 0.1 to get head pressure in kPa. The water source has a head pressure of 43.4 psi (300 kPa).


National Anthem During the rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the ________ shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the {military salute} at the {first note} of the anthem and retain this position until the {last note}. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would {if the flag were displayed there}.


Life safety: activities that ensure that death or injury to responders/civilians is reduced to a minimum. Most easily done by limiting the exposure to danger to people to an absolute minimum. ****IC must have life safety as the number ________ priority {at all times} at {every} incident


Incident Characteristics of a Type 2 Incident are as follows: Resources: Regional and/or national resources are required to safely and effectively manage the operations. Most or all Command and General Staff positions are filled Operations personnel typically do not exceed 200 per operational period and the total does not exceed 500. The Incident Commander is responsible for the incident complexity analysis, agency administrator briefings, and written delegation of authority Time Span: The incident is expected to go into ________ operational periods. A {written Incident Action Plan} is required for each operational period


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #7 Discharge Aerial / Rear LDH Pink ________" Stortz


The voltmeter provides a relative indication of battery condition, and the ammeter indicates the status of the vehicle's alternator and charging system. Before the engine is started (with batteries ________), the voltmeter indicates the {top voltage available} when the battery is fully charged, and measures the {drop in voltage as electrical accessories are used}.

turned on

Articulating platform apparatus are similar to the telescoping aerial platform apparatus. The primary difference is in the operation of the aerial device. Instead of telescoping into each other, the boom sections are connected by a hinge, and they fold and unfold like an elbow. The booms are constructed in basically the same manner as telescoping platforms. These units perform many of the same functions as telescoping aerial apparatus. These functions include rescue, ventilation, master stream application, and gaining access to upper floors. An additional benefit of an articulating aerial platform is that the assembly enables the platform to go "________" and into areas that are not accessible with a straight line apparatus. This ability may be especially useful during {rescue operations}. Standard articulating aerial platforms range in height from {55 to 85} feet (17 m to 26 m).

up and over

Corridors, Lobbies When the flag is suspended across a corridor or lobby in a building with only one main entrance, it should be suspended ________ with the union of the flag to the observer's {left} upon entering. If the building has more than one main entrance, the flag should be suspended vertically near the center of the corridor or lobby with the union to the {North} when entrances are to the East or West---or to the {East} when entrances are to the North and South. If there are entrances in more than two directions, the union should be to the {East}.


(high rise fire) ________ Engine 1. Will ascend with the {5th} Engine crew to assist in establishing the {backup line}


Enforcer coolant amount/type ________


To achieve command presence, it may be helpful to have or develop the following attributes: TRACES Self-confidence Trustworthiness Consistency Responsibility ________ {Expertise}


ADDENDUM B - LOGO DESIGN Letter Dimensions: Height .40 for name & rank Fonts: ________ (for name & rank) {I.F.C. Hardball} (in logo) (Vendors see CD specifications for specific design font)

Arial Black

Clippers and razor heads are to be stored in the LP15's top middle case for protection of the clippers. BLS stations will store clippers/blades in their ________. There should be {5} {individually-wrapped razor heads} per clipper. Replacement razor heads are ordered on the {monthly EMS order form}. There should be {one manual razor} in the event of {clipper failure or unavailability during charging}.

EMS kit

All "________", {Site Safety Plans}, {Site Map}, {Hazmat Director's Check Sheet}, {Product Data Sheet}, {Medical Surveillance Forms} and any others that are used at an incident will be {saved and filed with the Hazmat Team for Follow Up and Critique}


________ This area is of {high risk} from the {hazard} of the product involved. The {Exclusion Zone} is inside the {Hot Zone}

Hot Zone

Leadership Leadership Traits Leadership traits that company officers should cultivate include: Supervisory ability - planning, organizing, directing, and controlling in order to coordinate the efforts of the unit to accomplish objectives Decisiveness-quickly/effectively Intelligence-logic/reason Self-assurance-self confidence Initiative-performing w/limited supervision Desire for professional success-gaining add'l responsibility/influence ________-applying {morals/values} Personal {security}-in {leadership role} Sense of {priority}- {Vision} {Industriousness} {Interpersonal} skills-work successfully {w/others} {Empowerment}-providing {support} {Innovation} and {creativity}- {Consistency} {Preparedness} {Proactive}-{anticipating, embracing, and meeting} change


________: Same as a {lobby control}, normally found {locked}

Lobby Panel

________: The placement of a {lockout device on an energy-isolating device}, in accordance with an established procedure, ensures that the energy-isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the {lockout device is removed}.


________ {Rescue Exposure Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul Ventilation Salvage}




ATMR Members Only This uniform will be worn by the ATMR - All Terrain Medical Response Members during Special Events. Shirt Red in color. Moisture Wicking POLO. ________ Sleeve. (%){50% polyester/50% cotton}. Right breast embroidered with {first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank}. Left breast embroidered with the {Maltese Cross logo, and OKLAHOMA CITY FIRE}. See Addendum B for specification description of embroidery and logo. The back will be silk-screened "{OKLAHOMA CITY RESCUE" in white, "FIRE" and the two lines will be in genesis phosphorescent}. See Addendum B for specification description of silk-screening. (Front) (Back)


**In some buildings, both the sprinkler and standpipe systems are supplied through the same Siamese* **several ________ may supply various portions in {large malls, high-rises, and multiwing buildings**}


________ means at {rest, or without motion}. Water pressure may be produced by an {elevated water supply, atmospheric pressure, or a pump}. If the water is not moving, the pressure exerted is {static}. {True static pressure} is seldom found in municipal water systems because there is always some flow in the pipes due to normal use. However, the pressure in a system before it flows from a hydrant is considered {static} for fire service purposes.


(Pay Range Sleeve Braid Color) 931 ________" {Gold}

Three - 1/2

RIT Benchmarks will include but not be limited to: a. ________ members b. {Lowest starting air supply} of the RIT members c. RIT {entry} of structure d. RIT {moving to a different level} e. {Obstructions or hazards} encountered by RIT f. RIT {located downed firefighter} g. {Medical status} of MAYDAY firefighter h. {Air supply established} on downed firefighter if necessary i. {SCBA conversion} of downed firefighter if necessary j. RIT {moving} downed firefighter k. Request for additional RIT or RIT support l. {Last known location of downed firefighter} if not removed with initial RIT m. RIT {exiting structure}

Total RIT

As a general "Rule of Thumb," if personnel are moving "________" the fire they are in an "{Offensive}" mode. The following are the operational modes:


Additional assessment and treatment will not be provided in the unsecured areas. ________ in the unsecured area will be limited to the {primary assessment and attaching a black tag or tape to any confirmed fatality}. Tagging the deceased patient will prevent {unnecessary reassessment} by other rescue teams. {Time} in the unsecured areas must be limited as all personnel operating in these areas are {exposed and at risk}


(Wild land fire) ________ is at a premium when off road. Leave {all your warning lights on}. If you have a firefighter in the jump seat leave the {driver's window partially down} so you can stay in contact. When you need to refill, {turn the pump off and advise command}. Use a {spotter} for advancement when visibility is {low}


________ — Area between the hot and cold zones that usually contains the decontamination corridor; typically requires a lesser degree of personal protective equipment than the Hot Zone.

Warm Zone

________ Reasons for change: {Advances in equipment and ppe} {Substantially better educational opportunities} {Stronger codes and standards} {Private fire protection systems}


These goals shall be addressed verbally or in writing by the Incident Commander: Isolation Protection Spill Control Leak Control Fire Control Termination The goals will address a target group of persons such as: What is the appropriate isolation for the site? Nearby persons? ________? What are the {Termination requirements} for this site? To {whom and when do we turn it over}? The reply to these goals should be in {writing} from {Hazmat Unit}. The {Hazmat Unit's Action Plan} shall address the goals sent to them by the Incident Commander. Additional actions by the Hazmat Unit shall be addressed in the {Site Safety Plan}


The Incident Commander is the Scene Manager for ALL people, ________ and {Owners} alike.


Simon LTI NOTE: References made to left, right, front, and rear when referring to the aerial are those directions viewed when standing at the heel pin looking toward the ladder tip (ladder ________)


Shaft: Same as ________


Most ladder belts and tethers are not designed for self-rescue. Prepare a plan that will ensure that personnel who become hung from safety ladder belts and tethers are rescued immediately. Never operate the ladder or platform device ________.

while alone

PENALTIES FOR IMPAIRED DRIVING BAC OVER .05 BUT LESS THAN 0.08 On conviction, a fine of $100-$500, up to 6 months in jail, or both When the Department of Public Safety receives notice of a conviction, the Department will also suspend the person's driving privilege as follows: First suspension - 30 days Second suspension - 6 months Third suspension - ________ year


The air temperature when the testing is conducted should be between 0° F (18° C) and 110° F (43° C). The water temperature should be between 35° F (2° C) and 90° F (32° C). The barometric pressure should be at least 29 inches of Mercury (Hg) (100 kPa) when corrected to sea level. This adjustment is necessary because a 1-inch (3.5 kPa) drop in barometric pressure reduces the static lift of a pumper by approximately ________ foot (300 mm).


When the driver/operator has the apparatus prepared for the pumping test, operate the priming system until the pump achieves prime and is discharging water. According to NFPA® 1911, fire pumps of 1,250 gpm (5 000 L/min) capacity must achieve prime in 30 seconds or less, and those rated at 1,500 gpm (6 000 L/min) must be primed within ________ seconds. Additional specifications offer increased time based on the size of intake piping.


________: {Express hoistways; shafts without landing openings}

Blind Shaft

________ — Height of a point above {sea level} or {some other reference point}.


Calls for emergency assistance go the 911 center. A call taker determines the request is for the fire department. The call is transferred by the call taker electronically to the fire dispatcher; the dispatch of fire equipment takes an average of 30 seconds. Response times by fire apparatus will vary, (a city wide average of ________ minutes is normally maintained) dependent upon the incident location. Arrival sequence of apparatus may be affected by the {location of the incident} and other activities currently in progress.


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE PUMP OPERATION 1. Parking brake set, wheels chocked 2. Transmission in "N" position 3. Throw lever down to middle position (wait ________ secs) 4. Throw lever {all the way down} ({OK TO PUMP} light should come on) 5. Engage the Transmission into Drive (Pump Engaged light should come on) NOTE: Ensure the "{Mode}" button is {off} during pumping operations You can now move back to the Pump Panel. The green "{Pump Engaged}" light should also be lit up on the panel. The Master discharge should be showing a positive pressure, if not, start priming procedures


trench/excavation incidents Initial Response: ________ {Rescue Ladder} {Task Force 8 (Rescue 8 and Engine 8)} {Haz Mat 5} {District Officer} 1.Upgraded Equipment Response: a. When the Rescue Officer determines that more equipment is needed to handle the incident Heavy 8 will be requested through the IC 2. Upgraded Rescue Personnel Response: a. If the Rescue Officer determines that more rescue personnel are needed on scene, they will be requested through the IC b. Rescue Personnel that are Rescue Technicians will be sent to the scene by the Deputy Chief or his designee


1 Medical Surveillance ________ of person entering the medical evaluation area for {heat/cold/fatigue or for medical treatment of injury or illness} Once in the medical surveillance area, {heart rate} should be measured for {30} seconds as early as possible in the rest period along with {full vital signs including pulse ox and CO readings} {Vitals} will be taken every {5-10} minutes If any of the following signs and/or symptoms, or any complaint or reason for concern in the opinion of rehab officer or employee, they should be moved from the medical monitoring area to {medical treatment area}

Enter name

Some fire pumps have been constructed using up to four impellers connected in series to develop pressures up to ________ psi (7 000 kPa) for {high pressure fog fire fighting operations}. Another method to increase pressure involves using a {single-stage high-pressure centrifugal pump mounted outboard in conjunction with a conventional two-stage pump with a separate drive system}. When pressures {higher than 250} psi (1 750 kPa) are needed, the separate {third} stage is engaged and used to increase the pressure from the second stage. These types of pumps are usually found in cities with a {large number of high rise buildings}. The increased pressure capabilities allow fire department pumpers to {supply sprinklers and standpipes on the upper floors of very tall high rises}. These pumpers must be equipped with {hose and adapters that are rated for use at these pressures}.


Class C - Daily Work Uniform Class C Optional Work Uniform is allowed for work detail, drill ground activities, or other similar activities as determined by the station officer. Tee Shirt (Optional) 100% Cotton Dark Navy Blue in color. See Addendum B for specification description of embroidery, silk-screening, and logo. Navy blue long or short sleeve tee shirts can be worn under the blue Class B work shirt as an optional undershirt. Long sleeve tee shirts may be worn under long sleeve Class B shirts, if cuffs are not rolled up. Long sleeve tee shirts may be "mock turtle" style. The "mock turtle" style shirt will be embroidered on the left front neck with "OKCFD" in white. ________ on {left} side under {Maltese cross is optional}.


Back Design Silk-Screen Specifications: Silk-screen: Color Genesis Phosphorescent Brand ________ {Bright Tiger White} Ink Wilflex


Although the terms elevation and ________ are often used interchangeably, a distinction is made between the two in the fire service. {Elevation} refers to the {center line} of the {pump} or the {bottom of a static water supply source above or below ground level}.


All apparatus with one-piece rims, single rear wheels (brush pumpers, etc.) shall have the wheels painted red with the bead lip painted aluminum. All lug nuts and lug bolts shall be painted ________


Level I Staging is often used on any multiunit response of two or more units. If the first arriving unit has no immediate orders for later-arriving apparatus, the officer may call for Level I Staging to be implemented while the incident is investigated. Upon transmittal of this order, other units stop (stage) approximately one block away from the scene in their direction of travel and await further instructions. Engine companies in this scenario typically stage near a hydrant or water source. While staged, driver/operators should not allow their position to be ________.


Leadership Skills Leadership traits may be summarized according to a variety of actions that most good leaders take: Seeing opportunities Identifying challenges—requires monitoring both the internal and external climate of the organization Communicating Planning for ________ Building {trust} Understanding the {system}-determining what {first needs to be done} Inspiring a {shared vision} {Enabling others} to act Modeling desired {behavior} Encouraging {subordinates}-share {glory}, keep {troubles to yourself} Establishing {priorities}


If you are expected to be a ________: You must maintain a {daily Unit Log} ({ICS-214}), indicating the {names of personnel assigned} and a {listing of the major activities that occurred during the operational periods to which you were assigned} You are expected to give briefings to your {subordinates, adjacent forces, and replacement personnel}.


I.P.D.E.—DRIVE DEFENSIVELY I — Identify potential hazards P — Predict what could happen (always predict the ________) D — {Decide on a course of action} E — {Execute your decision}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #2 Crosslay White ________

1 ½"

Fire officers levels ________ are all considered {supervisory personnel}. {Most company officers} are responsible for supervising {fire company level personnel or small groups}.

1, 2, 3, 4

FLOOD DYNAMICS Water weighs about 62.4 pounds per cubic foot and typically flows downstream at 6 to 12 miles an hour. When a vehicle stalls in the water, the water's momentum is transferred to the car. For each foot the water rises, 500 pounds of lateral force are applied to the car. For each foot the water rises up the side of the car, the car displaces ________ pounds of water. In effect, the car weights 1,500 pounds less for each foot the water rises! Most vehicles will float in just {two} feet of water even SUVs! Most vehicles will become buoyant in {two} feet of water or less


Some fire departments operate vacuum tenders to improve water shuttle efficiency (Figure 13.5). There is no need for a separate pumper at the fill site if you are using a vacuum tender. The vacuum tender is able to self-fill from a static water source at a rate of up to 2,000 gpm (8 000 L/min) with a lift of up to 22 feet (6.5 m). These apparatus are also capable of discharging its water tank at a rate up to ________ gpm (7 000 L/min).


ESCALATORS Escalators, ramps, manlifts, etc., are not to be considered as exits because generally, they do not travel over ________ floors and are seldom enclosed. The escalator, if it is {enclosed}, may qualify as an exit. They are manufactured by the elevator companies to {move large groups of people short distances, quickly and safely}, such as in department stores, etc. The escalator is {electrically powered}


Precipitation and/or airborne water droplets from the master stream appliance combined with below freezing temperatures will result in ice formation on the device. Due to its weight, ice adversely affects stability, lessens the working load capacity, and significantly reduces rescue capability (Figure 19.20, p. 694). The ice buildup on the aerial device can also cause damage to the structural members or auxiliary systems when the device is moved. The limit of ice build-up allowed by NFPA® 1901 is ________ inch (6 mm) on all surfaces. Consult load charts to determine safe load capacities.


In the parallel mode, the pump will be capable of supplying 100 percent of its rated capacity at 150 psi (1 050 kPa) at ________ feet (3 m) of lift with {20} feet (6 m) of suction hose while {drafting}.


NOTE: The ________ Second Rule should be used to open and close valves when flowing water. The 10 Second Rule means the firefighter should count 10 seconds {when opening or closing a valve}


PAY ATTENTION - BE ALERT In 2009, ________ fatal crashes involved a driver distracted by an {electronic devise}. Learners permit or intermediate license holders can be suspended or cancelled for using a hand-held electronic devise while operating a motor vehicle for nonlife threatening emergency purpose. (Effective Nov. 1, 2010) At {55} mph it takes {3.7} seconds to drive the length of a {football field}


The following steps will allow the driver/operator to calculate friction loss in an equal length wyed line hose layout. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Compute the number of gpm (L/min) flowing in each wyed hoseline by using the equation: Q = flow rate (gpm or L/min) /100 Determine the friction loss in one of the wyed attack lines using Formula 7.1 Friction Loss. FL = CQ²L Compute the total number of gpm (L/min) flowing through the supply hoseline to the wye: QTotal = (flow in Attack Line 1) + (flow in Attack Line 2) /100 Determine the friction loss in the supply hoseline using Formula 7.1: Friction Loss adjusted for the total for Q. FL = (C)(Q total )²(L) Total Add the friction loss from the supply hoseline, one of the attack lines, ________ psi (70 kPa) for the wye (if total flow is above 350 gpm [1 400 L/min]), and elevation pressure (if applicable) to determine the total pressure loss.


The driver/operator should have an understanding of theoretical and maximum lift. Generally, you will be more concerned with the concept of dependable lift — the height a column of water may be lifted in sufficient quantity to provide a reliable fire flow. After factoring in the surrounding atmospheric pressure and friction loss in the intake hose, every fire pump that is operating properly should have a dependable lift of at least ________ feet (4.5 m).


NFPA ________-{Live Fire Training Evolutions}


NFPA 1404-Fire Service Respiratory Protection Training NFPA ________-{Standard on Training for Initial Emergency Scene Operations} NFPA {1710}-{Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments} NFPA {1720}- {Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Departments}


The PST-1 unit, is a ________. {tandem-axle} trailer, which can be towed by {normal trailer hitches that are on command vehicles or Brush-Pumpers}. Arrangements for delivery to the site and return to the PST-1 station location are the responsibility of the {District Officer and/or Station Officer of the facility where the meeting is held}.


PIERCE PUC RURAL ENGINE The turret can be adjusted at the nozzle and be set from ________ GPM to {120} GPM


NFPA ________-- standard for {fire officer professional qualifications (2014),} 4 officer categories: Level {"I"} - {first-line supervisor (supervisor)*} {LT., Engineer, Captain} Level {"II"} - {mid-level supervisor-Officer 2(roman numerals)} (supervisor/managerial) {Capt. Or Senior Captain} Level {"III"} - {first line manager (managerial/administrative)} Level {"IV"} - {department manager or chief (administrative)}


NFPA 1021-- standard for fire officer professional qualifications (2014), 4 officer categories: Level "I" - first-line supervisor (supervisor)* LT., Engineer, Captain Level ________ - {mid-level supervisor-Officer 2(roman numerals)} (supervisor/managerial) {Capt. Or Senior Captain} Level {"III"} - {first line manager (managerial/administrative)} Level {"IV"} - {department manager or chief (administrative)}


IAFC Professional Development Model Level "I" Supervising fire officer (all company officers) Level "II" Managing fire officer (battalion, district, assistant chiefs) Level ________ {Administrative fire officer (administrative chiefs in charge of divisions or bureaus within the department)} Level {"IV"} {Executive fire officer (department chief)}


FRICTION LOSS PUMP CHART High-Rise Standpipe Operations ________ {2 1/2}" Hose, {1 1/8}" {Smooth Bore} Tip FLOORS PUMP PRESSURE 1 to 5 {125} psi


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet 80 ________ {213-427} {389-603}


Motorcycle License Only (Minimum Age - 14) Study the Motorcycle License Manual in addition to this manual Requirements: You must meet the vision, written, and skills test requirements. On the driving test, you must prove your ability to operate a cycle safely Motorcycle License Permit (Minimum Age - 14) Restricted to a motor scooter or motorcycle with a piston displacement of no more than 250 cc. (cubic centimeters). You may ride only between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m (Effective Nov. 1, 2010) You cannot carry a passenger. If your motorcycle is less than 150cc, there is an additional restriction that you may not exceed 35 mph. If your motorcycle is over 150cc but not larger than 250cc, you may drive the posted speed limit with the exception you may not drive on a highway with a posted minimum speed limit such as an interstate or turnpike. These restrictions are automatically lifted at age 16. However, a helmet is required for anyone under ________ years of age. (Also see the Motorcycle License Manual.) You must see a Driver License Examiner to have a #{9} restriction added to your motorcycle driver license at the age of 15 1/2 years of age. You must have the permit for {six} months before you are eligible to take the driving test in a class D vehicle Requirements: You must be receiving instruction from a parent, legal guardian or any person 21 or older who has a valid Oklahoma Driver License with a {motorcycle endorsement} added and who has {visual contact} with the operator. You must meet the requirements for a regular driver license. You may take the driving test 30 days after the permit is issued. If you pass, the learner restriction will be removed. {14-15} year olds: {Learner Restriction} is required. Your application must be signed by a {custodial parent or legal guardian} who must agree that the conditions imposed upon the license will be complied with and who must also be willing to assume {financial and legal responsibility} if you violate the law, damage property, or cause personal injury while riding your cycle


OSHA Standard ________---{scba} be worn in any environment that is {IDLH}


All manufacturers of articulating aerial apparatus include precautionary measures and recommendations for safe operation in their operator's handbook. Many of these recommendations apply to a specific functional part and may be applicable to only one model or brand of apparatus. The general tenets of safety provided in this section may be applied as guidelines for all aerial devices. However, the list is not all-inclusive and does not give complete safety rules for all aerial devices. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for more specific safety recommendations. • Inspection, Maintenance and Testing: — Ensure that any aerial apparatus chassis and device is inspected in accordance with the current NFPA® ________ standard. — Perform apparatus inspection {daily or between each shift} per department SOP. — {Ventilate area} and {wear personal protective equipment} when inspecting batteries. — Stay clear of {moving} or {rotating parts}. — Stay clear of {hot} surfaces.


Tilt Cab — A truck that uses a cab that lowers over the power train. The apparatus should be taken out of service and repaired if any tests indicate the brakes do not perform in accordance with applicable state or provincial requirements. The driver/operator should refer to NFPA® ________ for additional guidelines. The air brake test is designed to provide the driver/operator with safety information that {may not have otherwise been evident}. The afore mentioned procedures may vary by state and province. It is the responsibility of the driver/ operator to be familiar with all laws, policies, and manufacturer's recommendations in the operator's manual.


(Juvenile Fire setter Program) Operation Fire Safe is an intervention program that was started by the Oklahoma City Fire Department in ________. It came about as a direct result of the tragic deaths of {three} of our fellow firefighters on {March 8th of 1989}. {Captain Jimmy Ayers, Captain Bennie Zellner and Firefighter Jeffrey Lindsey} died from injuries received while fighting a fire that was started by a {four}-year old boy who was playing with fire


An employee with over one year seniority and with less than ________ years seniority will not drive any fire apparatus, except a District Officer's car, until they have satisfied one of two requirements : 1. They must have successfully completed the {Apparatus Operators Academy at the Fire Training Work Section}; or 2. They must be {checked off, on the Training Work Section's check list, by their Company Officer and certified to the Training Work Section on each piece of apparatus that they may drive} The employee must attend the {AOA at the Training Work Section} when scheduled to do so even if they have been {certified by their Company Officer}


Finance/Administration Section 4 units Compensation/claims unit Cost unit Procurement unit Time unit Depending on the size of incident, each section may have its own command staff. The support positions for the main sections are then assisted as they are further broken down into branches, divisions, and groups. **Branch- established when the manageable span of control of the number of divisions/groups is exceeded Also, implemented when at least ________ {specific and distinct} operations need to take place at the {same time} When a branch is implemented, a {Branch Manager} is {assigned and manages} a number of {divisions/groups, task forces, strike teams, or even single unit resources.}


Fire Department response to an "Active Assailant" incident will include; ________- Engine Company's, {1}- Rescue Ladder, {Hazmat 5}, and the {District/Battalion Chief (DO).} Dispatch will also activate the {Fire Departments "Command Page"} Fire Response: The Fire Department DO assigned to the event will go to {OCPD Dispatch 6} and contact Police Dispatch to establish communications with PD on-scene command/supervisor {PD dispatch} will relay any needed information to the responding Fire DO until on-scene {PD command is able to communicate directly}. The immediate goal of establishing {radio communication is to set up face-to-face contact as early in the incident as possible}


Each department must choose the appropriate capacity of their tender(s) based on local water supply availability, road conditions, and bridge height and weight restrictions. Vehicle weight restrictions generally limit single rear axle apparatus to a maximum capacity of ________ gallons (8 000 L). However, the single axle apparatus carrying this load must be designed to carry the weight. For apparatus with a capacity greater than {2,000} gallons (8 000 L), {tandem rear axles, tri-axles, or semi-trailers} are required. Many jurisdictions employ tenders of significant capacity to fulfill their water supply requirements.


When relaying long distances, the hose lays between each pumper should be as equalized as possible. In cases where multiple diameters of hose are used, the distances between pumpers must be adjusted accordingly. For example, if several pumpers are setting up a relay of 1,000 gpm using 5-inch hose, each pumper can be placed ________ feet apart.


Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 psi (100 kPa), which is considered standard atmospheric pressure. A common method of measuring atmospheric pressure is by comparing the weight of the atmosphere with the weight of mercury. When observing a vertical cylinder, the greater the atmospheric pressure, the taller the column of mercury. A pressure of 1 psi (7 kPa) makes the column of mercury about ________ inches (50 mm) tall. At sea level, the column of mercury is 2.04 x 14.7, or {29.9} inches (759 mm) tall (Figure 5.10).


NOTE: The button should pop out between ________ (140 and 280 kPa). Step 23: Start engine and let air pressure build up to normal.

20 and 40 psi

(high rise fire) Base Operations Officer (Base) The Base Officer, once assigned will : 1. Establish Base a minimum of ________ feet from the building In extraordinary circumstances, the base may be located/relocated a {mile or more away from the incident} Base should be located in an area that provides {prompt ingress and/or egress}, such as {main arterial street or large parking lot} Base should not be located in an area that is {hampered by barriers such as rivers, expressways and/or railroad crossings} 2. At the direction of the {IC}, a {Chief Officer} may be assigned to supervise Base operations (Consider assigning {BP} for initial Base Officer) 3. {Companies responding on extra alarms} should respond to {Base} 4. {All units} will report to the {Base Officer} upon their arrival Vehicles parked at Base should not block the movement of any other vehicle, with special attention given to avoid blocking {ambulances}.


If you are traveling in a caravan or motorcade (such as a funeral procession) outside of a business or residential area, leave at least ________ feet between each vehicle so other cars or trucks can enter the line safely


In ________ {president George W. Bush} established {Office of Homeland security (OHS)}


Firefighter Code of Ethics I understand that I have the responsibility to conduct myself in a manner that reflects proper ethical behavior and integrity. In so doing, I will help foster a continuing positive public perception of the fire service. Therefore, I pledge the following... Always conduct myself, on and off duty, in a manner that reflects positively on myself, my department and the fire service in general. Accept responsibility for my actions and for the consequences of my actions. Support the concept of fairness and the value of diverse thoughts and opinions. Avoid situations that would adversely affect the credibility or public perception of the fire service profession. Be truthful and honest at all times and report instances of cheating or other dishonest acts that compromise the integrity of the fire service. Conduct my personal affairs in a manner that does not improperly influence the performance of my duties, or bring discredit to my organization. Be respectful and conscious of each member's safety and welfare. Recognize that I serve in a position of public trust that requires stewardship in the honest and efficient use of publicly owned resources, including uniforms, facilities, vehicles and equipment and that these are protected from misuse and theft. Exercise professionalism, competence, respect and loyalty in the performance of my duties and use information, confidential or otherwise, gained by virtue of my position, only to benefit those I am entrusted to serve. Avoid financial investments, outside employment, outside business interests or activities that conflict with or are enhanced by my official position or have the potential to create the perception of impropriety. Never propose or accept personal rewards, special privileges, benefits, advancement, honors or gifts that may create a conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof. Never engage in activities involving alcohol or other substance use or abuse that can impair my mental state or the performance of my duties and compromise safety. Never discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual preference, medical condition or handicap. Never harass, intimidate or threaten fellow members of the service or the public and stop or report the actions of other firefighters who engage in such behaviors. Responsibly use social networking, electronic communications, or other media technology opportunities in a manner that does not discredit, dishonor or embarrass my organization, the fire service and the public. I also understand that failure to resolve or report inappropriate use of this media equates to condoning this behavior. The Firefighter Code of Ethics was developed through a cooperative effort between the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen's Association, the National Society of Executive Fire Officers and the Congressional Fire Service Institute. In ________


Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) Communicable Disease Risk Exposure OSDH Form ________ ({Part 1, items 1 through 13}). Follow instructions on the form. Know your {hepatitis B vaccination} history. Form must be completed in a legible manner. Item {11}. "{Description of Exposure}" must, be as descriptive as possible. If there is not enough room for a total description, attach an {additional sheet to the form}. The employee must describe {what area of the body was exposed, to what extent, and how long exposed}. (i.e., blood covered both gloved hands and onto forearms to elbow, skin without cuts or abrasions, 30 minutes before able to clean up, etc.). {EMS Chief} or designee will complete items {14 - 19}. {Hospital} personnel will complete items {20, 21, and 22}. The {green} copy of the form will be retained by the {treating facility}. The {yellow} copy of the form will be sent with other required paperwork to {Fire Administration} (this form will {not be scanned and emailed to Risk Management}).


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE Wheelbase ________ Front Tires 425/65R 22.50, 20 ply Back Tires 315/80R 22.50, 20 ply Ground Ladders 10 attic, 14 roof, 24 2-section Aerial Sky-Boom {55'}, Alum Body Ground Clearance {12} in


Drafting With the pump moving water, the vacuum reading on the master intake gauge will provide an indication of the remaining capacity of the pump. Most pumps are able to develop a vacuum capacity of approximately ________ inches of mercury (Hg) (-75 kPa). Because compound gauges may not provide a completely accurate reading on the vacuum side, the driver/operator must acknowledge that any reading close to this point indicates that the pump is nearing the limits of its ability to supply water. An attempt to increase the discharge beyond this point may result in {cavitation}.


FUEL LOCATIONS Station Diesel Unleaded 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y 8 Y Y 13 Y N 16 Y N 18 Y Y 22 Y N ________ Y N {25} Y Y {27} Y Y {30} Y Y {31} Y Y {33} Y N {34} Y N {35} Y Y {36} Y Y {37} Y Y {Maintenance} Y Y


Below are general guidelines for incident recordkeeping: Type all entries when possible Enter dates by month/day/year format Enter date and time on all forms and records. Use local time Fill in all blanks. Use N/A as appropriate Use military ________-hour time {Section Chiefs and above} assign {record keeper (scribe)}


When the injured employee submits the online OJI claim, an email will automatically be sent to; [emailprotected] and Risk Management. This will take care of the ________-hour {notification requirement}.


When used as an extinguishing agent, the standard application ratio is 1:100 (one percent solution in water). When used on a fire line, durable agents are often applied at 1 1⁄2 to 2 percent. For structure protection, the application ratio is 2 to 3 percent. With this application, durable agents will adhere to vertical structural surfaces for up to ________ hours. In addition, the products may be {rehydrated} by using a {fine water mist}, thus extending protection for up to several days.


Minimum staffing will be maintained 24 hours per day for all Oklahoma City Fire Department apparatus. Current minimum levels are: , Apparatus used to determine "Station" day off slots ALS Engine , 4 each BLS Engine, RL, and/or associated Lt. Rescue , ________ each Hazmat 5 , {4} each Rescue 8 , {4} each


Hydraulic fluid is used because it is practically incompressible, and it allows force to be transmitted over a relatively large distance with little loss of power. Depending on the manufacturer of the aerial apparatus, the fluid may be under pressures of ________ psi (24 500 kPa) or more. It is for this reason that personnel searching for leaks in a hydraulic system under pressure should use {extreme care and should never attempt to block a leak with any part of the body}. {Pinhole} leaks at high pressure are capable of cutting through {human tissue}, injecting {hydraulic fluid into the body}, or causing {severe burns}.


Name Tag The name tag dimensions are 1/2" X 2 3/8" with two rows of letters. The top row should be the name of the individual with first name initial and full last name (example: J. DOE) in ________" letters. The bottom row should be the {rank} in {1/8}" letters. All letters should be {black and in capital letters}, and the tag itself should be {polished silver or gold} (depending on rank).


Scene Lighting Most fire department pumpers are equipped with some amount of scene lighting and electric power distribution equipment to utilize various tools at incident scenes. The driver/operator must be proficient in the setup and operation of this equipment as well as have an awareness of the capabilities and limitations of these systems. The lighting equipment carried on pumping apparatus may be portable or fixed. Ranging from ________ watts, portable lights are advantageous during incidents where illumination is needed some distance away from a piece of apparatus, or where additional lights are required. Some portable lights feature {telescoping stands} that allow a scene to be illuminated from an elevated position. The fixed lights mounted on a vehicle provide {general lighting} around the {apparatus and nearby scene}. Often these lights are mounted so that they may be {raised, lowered, or turned} to provide the best possible lighting. Some apparatus are equipped with {banks of lights} mounted on booms that are powered by {electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic systems}. These installations generally have a capacity of {500 to 1,500} watts per light.

300 to 1,000

PIERCE ENFORCER ENGINE Deck Gun The Task Force Tips deck gun is located on the top of the apparatus The operating range is from 70 - 120 PSI (________ GPM) There are {three} controls for the deck gun, one on the {pump panel}, one on the {deck gun}, and a {wireless controller in the driver compartment just behind the driver door} This deck gun also can be {extended upward} by {unlocking and lifting} to give greater height if needed

300 to 1500

Table 8.3 is divided into three sections: The middle section represents 1 1⁄2-inch hose flowing 80 to 100 gpm and 2 1⁄2 inch hose flowing ________ gpm. In this section, the friction loss increases by {3} psi for every 5 gpm flow increase in 1 1⁄2-inch hose and for every 20 gpm flow increase in 2 1⁄2-inch hose. •

320 to 400

MAXIMUM PENALTY FOR VIOLATING THE BASIC SPEED RULE Upon conviction of speeding, you may be fined up to $________ and sentenced to {30} days in jail. Fines double in {school} and {construction} zones when workers or equipment arer present.


(drivers license) RESTRICTION CODES ________ = For people whose physical condition requires an automatic transmission to handle the vehicle safely


Enforcer Power steering fluid ________


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet ________ {110} {83-167} {193-277}


Operation Lifesaver is a program to teach railroad crossing safety Since it started in 1972, collisions like this have been reduced by ________ percent.


207 HANDLING FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS IN APPARATUS ROOMS UPDATED NFPA 30 covers the Flammable and Combustible Liquids Standard. NFPA 88A covers the Parking Structure Standard. NFPA ________ covers the {Standard for Storage and Handling Liquefied Petroleum Gases}. Fire station apparatus rooms fall into the same class occupancy as {parking garages}


(drivers license) RESTRICTION CODES ________ = Food, fruit, or candy within reach of the driver. For people with insulin-dependent diabetes.


PENALTIES FOR IMPAIRED DRIVING BAC OVER .05 BUT LESS THAN 0.08 On conviction, a fine of $100-$500, up to 6 months in jail, or both When the Department of Public Safety receives notice of a conviction, the Department will also suspend the person's driving privilege as follows: First suspension - 30 days Second suspension - ________ months Third suspension - {1} year


PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING A RESTRICTION On conviction, a fine of up to $500, ________ months in jail, or both


While most of the principles discussed in this chapter apply to tractor-drawn apparatus, there are special considerations when stabilizing these types of trucks. The way in which the tractor-drawn apparatus is parked or positioned at the scene can provide additional stability to the apparatus. Parking the apparatus with an angle between the tractor and trailer sections increases the stability beyond what the stabilizers alone can provide. Maximum stability is achieved when the angle of the tractor is 60 degrees from the centerline of the trailer, and the aerial ladder is operated toward the outside of the angle. Angles less than 60 degrees provide less stability, as do angles increasing from ________ degrees. The driver/operator should never position the vehicle with the tractor and trailer at an angle greater than 90 degrees as poor stability is produced and damage to the truck may occur. Many tractor-drawn vehicles are equipped with an {alarm} that sounds if an attempt is made to create an angle greater than 90 degrees.

61 to 90

________ firefighters must be empowered to {stop unsafe practices} Develop and implement national standards for: {Training Qualifications Certifications, including recertification's Utilize available technology - when it can produce: Higher levels of health and safety Thoroughly investigate all firefighter: Fatalities Injuries Near misses} {National standards} for emergency response policies and procedures should be developed and championed. Advocacy must be strengthened for the {enforcement of codes} and the {installation of home fire sprinklers}.


SOP Revision Period (________) At the conclusion of the SOP Review period, each Policy Administrator will be provided with a copy of their policy with the changes identified during the review. All changes should be made by the Policy Administrator and submitted to the {SOP Committee} by {June 30th}. SOPs changed during the SOP Review/Revision period will be published in {July} of each year. Any additional SOP revisions after July will be published in {January} of each year. Note: If not revised by the Policy Administrator, any policy determined to be {out of date or irrelevant} during the SOP Review will be deleted by the SOP Committee and replaced with a placeholder stating "{Reserved}". This is to ensure SOPs remain relevant and do not contain misinformation.


Organizational Level Title Support Position Incident Command Incident Commander Deputy Command Staff Officer ________ General Staff (Section) {Chief} {Deputy} Branch {Director} {Deputy} Division/Group {Supervisor} {N/A} Unit {Leader} {Manager} Strike Team/Task Force {Leader} {Single Resource Boss}


3 NOTE: ________ may the Station Library of training materials be borrowed or removed from the station, with the exception of {Family and Friends material for an on duty class}, on location at a {business}. Training materials can {only be checked out for classes outside of the Fire Department from the Training Center Only}

At no time

Establishing and Communicating Goals and Objectives A company officer must be able to establish certain short-range objectives, based on established priorities, to meet the long-range goals assigned to the unit. These objectives and the goals of the organization must be communicated to unit members. The acronym SMART can be used to establish objectives that are: Specific Measurable ________ {Relevant/Realistic} {Time-bound}


PUBLISHED TESTABLE April 1 - July 31 December 1st August 1 - November 30 April 1st December 1 - March 31 ________

August 1st

Meeting Challenges and Expectations and Approaches for a Successful Transition These challenges and expectations may be external or internal. Challenges The company officer is the vital link between the unit and the administration of the organization Challenges that a new officer will encounter consist of learning and applying concepts such as: LASER Leadership Ethics - officer is a role model Supervision - company officer level supervision may be the most difficult type of supervision one can encounter Responsibility ________


________ Employee: An employee who performs emergency operations, training or routine functions on machines and equipment. {Lockout or tagout} is used by these employees for their self -protection.


All supplies to maintain CPR manikins, (i.e., lungs, shields, face wipes, etc.) will be ordered on the EMS Inventory Database by the "________" shift. CPR supplies ordered will be returned with {EMS supply orders}. It is necessary to order supplies at least {30} days in advance. Supplies can be picked up at {EMS supply building} on an emergency basis only.


The garments in these policies and procedures are not primary protective garments and cannot be relied on to provide protection from specific hazards, such as those encountered during structural firefighting, wildland firefighting, hazmat and EMS operations. The Class ________ uniforms identified in this standard must meet NFPA {1975} standards. That standard allows both flame resistant material and nominally {100}% cotton. (Some of the uniform items in this policy are not available in 100% cotton at this time. The cotton content for those specific items will be noted on the page with the item (i.e., sweatshirt, etc.).

B and C

Many wildland fire apparatus are now equipped with ________ or other types of Class A foam systems. Class A foam agents are extremely effective in attacking wildland fires and protecting exposures. Additional information concerning foam systems may be found in Chapter 14.


Shorts (Optional) Only to be worn between May 1 and September 30 Navy Blue 65/35 Blend with ________ Pockets (types{) Blauer Street Gear Style #8840X Flying Cross Style #47330 511 Tactical Series Style #73308-724} Shoes/Socks: All {black} {athletic shoe or work shoe no higher than the ankle (3/4 top) steel toe not required}. {Black low cut ankle} sock


The following policy regarding dispatching companies over the 800 MHz radio system: DISPATCH SCRIPT FOR INCIDENTS ON FIRE OPS OR THE EMSA CHANNEL The following guide will be used when dispatching companies to incidents on FIRE OPS talk group, (Grass fires, Accidental tripping of Alarms, etc...) or the EMSA channel, (EMS) 1. ________ 2. {Incident Type} 3. {Channel (FIRE OPS or EMSA)} 4. {Address (announced twice)} 5. {Map number} 6. {Time Out} Example 1: "Engine 22 respond on a medical call on the EMSA channel, 9200 N Western, 9200 N Western, map number 4549, Time Out 07:45" Example 2: "Rescue Ladder 14, respond to cut-off water on FIRE OPS, 2400 NW 23rd, 2400 NW 23rd, Map number 4545, Time Out 07:45"


The initial Contact Team will designate a radio officer on the Contact Team who will be responsible for communicating the entry point, direction of travel, suspect information, location of injured victims, and location of barricades or explosive devices, etc. and other safety or intelligence information to Communications using call sign ________. If there are additional Contact Teams deployed, call signs will be Contact {Two or Contact Three}

Contact One

Civil Penalties Making or using illegal copies of software for your personal use or at work is a civil offence under the Copyright Act and offenders are liable for: , Damages of an unlimited amount (determined by the Court) ________ in many circumstances, which can also be {substantial} The City of Oklahoma City does not condone the {illegal duplication of software}. Employees who {make, acquire, or use unauthorized copies of computer software shall be disciplined as deemed appropriate under the circumstances}

Court costs

ATMR Short Olympic Hollywood Uniform Shorts. Durable windproof and water resistant ________®. {Two} back {single welt zipper closing} pockets. {Two} zipper closing hip pockets. {Two} "{side of the thighs}" bellow cargo pockets with {center pleat and Velcro closing flap}. {Pen pocket} on {right cargo pocket}. Optional chamois pad. {5", 6.5" or 8}" inseam. {Police Blue} in color. Alternatively, the {65/35} blend with cargo pockets found under Class C (optional shorts) may be worn.

DWR Supplex

LABELS Chemicals utilized at OKCFD facilities shall be labeled according to the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of chemicals (GHS). The types of information employees can expect to see on the new GHS shipping labels include the following elements: Signal Word: used to indicate the relative level of severity of hazard and alert the reader to a potential hazard on the label. There are only two (2) signal words that will be used: 1. "________": is used for {more severe hazards}; and 2. "{Warning}": is used for the {less severe hazards}. However, only one of the two signal words will be used on a label, no matter how many hazards a chemical may have. If one hazard warrants the signal word "Danger" signal word and another warrants the signal word "Warning", the only the "{Danger}" should appear on the label.


I. Positive Tuberculosis (TB) Test Procedures: If your Tuberculosis (TB) test result is positive, the following forms must be completed. 1. Complete the Online On the Job Injury Report. Date/Time of injury: Date of Positive Reading How injury occurred: If known, complete same - if unknown enter: Potentially exposed to an airborne pathogen. Severity of Injury: Clinic Visit 2. Complete the Online Supervisor's Investigation Report from the email received. Date: ________ of Positive Reading {5 "Whys":} It is only necessary to complete the first {why} in this case. Using a statement such as; "{The employee tested positive during the annual TB screening}". Include: Assisted Employee with Procedures on {Further Testing}


The priority dispatch system is utilized by EMSA to determine the nature and prioritization of all medical calls. This system is designed to dispatch fire apparatus on only those incidents where there is a legitimate need. The objective of this system is to obtain the most efficient and effective use of personnel and equipment while providing a high quality emergency medical response. There are four major medical priority dispatch system (MPDS) priority classifications, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta level calls. Within this system life threatening calls are known as ________ level calls and {possible life threatening} calls are known as {Charlie} level calls. The Fire Department will respond to {all life threatening and possible life threatening medical emergencies known as Delta and Charlie level calls} and {automobile accidents with injuries}


Organizational Level Title Support Position Incident Command Incident Commander Deputy Command Staff Officer Assistant General Staff (Section) Chief ________ Branch {Director} {Deputy} Division/Group {Supervisor} {N/A} Unit {Leader} {Manager} Strike Team/Task Force {Leader} {Single Resource Boss}


Victims Communication Specialist (VCS): A functional unit assigned to the Planning Section that receives reports from dispatch about victim locations within the building. This unit also receives calls at the Lobby telephone from victims / occupants as to their location and will provide instructions to the victims / occupants and relays information to IC about their locations and needs, when they are in danger. Also provides ________ with appropriate questions for 911 callers and advice to be given to callers EXAMPLES Questions {Location of caller} {Smoke conditions in the caller's location} {Physical capabilities or special needs of caller to determine ability to self-evacuate or need for assistance} Advice {Shelter in place} {Self-evacuation} {Location of and directions to Evacuation Stairwell} {Wait for assistance}


Lockout/tagout devices must also meet the following requirements: 1. ________: OKCFD lockout/tagout devices must be {capable of withstanding the environment to which they are exposed for the entire period of time that they are used}. {Tagout} devices must be constructed so that {exposure to weather conditions or wet and damp locations will not cause the tag to deteriorate or the message on the tag to become illegible}. Tags must not {deteriorate when used in corrosive environments}, such as areas where {acid and alkali chemicals} are used or stored.


________ areas monitored on hazardous materials incidents by the {Hazmat Unit} : 1. {Background} 2. {Command Post} 3. {Contamination Reduction Corridor} 4. {Area of Refuge} 5. {Exposures} 6. {Hot Z}one 7. {Exclusion Zone} 8. {Downwind/Perimeter}


To achieve command presence, it may be helpful to have or develop the following attributes: TRACES Self-confidence Trustworthiness Consistency Responsibility Acceptance ________


FD ALERT is the primary talk group for dispatching incidents. Dispatch personnel are the only ones that can transmit on this talk group MONITORING RADIO TALK GROUPS Companies operating with the 800 MHz rig will monitor ________ at all times while in service If a Company Officer wishes to monitor FIRE OPS, it is imperative that the {Company Officer} assign at {least one (1)} individual to monitor {FD ALERT with the Scan Mode turned OFF}. This is to insure that Companies will {not miss the first few seconds of the dispatch order while the radio scans from FIRE OPS or a TAC talk group back to FD ALERT}. It is permissible for the Company Officer to listen to a Fire Alarm on a TAC talk group or Monitor FIRE OPS as long as {at least one person} is monitoring FD ALERT. Note: {Patched channels} cannot be scanned


Fire Marshal Work Section Windbreaker Embroidery: (Investigation or Inspection): FRONT Right breast embroidered with first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank. Below the rank should be, the officer's designation either "INSPECTOR" or "INVESTIGATOR". Left breast embroidered with a 3-inch gold badge with the words ________ (curved) above the badge and {MARSHAL} (curved) below the badge. BACK The words "{FIRE MARSHAL}" will be embroidered on the back in {gold}, with the words being {8 ½ inches across and 1 ½ inches in height}.


The ________ will use their best efforts to secure the electronic media shared files. Only persons listed in paragraph 2 of this policy are allowed access to the {electronic media shared files}. Security to delete electronic media will only be granted to {FIT} personnel after permission from the {Deputy Chief of Support Services}

FIT Officer

204 OVERTIME, GRANTED TIME, PERSONAL LEAVE All overtime other than FLSA must be approved by the Fire Chief or his designee, regardless of the reason. All comp time and time granted must be approved by the Fire Chief or his designee, regardless of the reason. Disaster overtime must be approved by the ________.

Fire Chief

Administration is under the direction of the ________. There are {four} areas make up Administration: {Administrative Services, Emergency Management, Public Information and Safety}.

Fire Chief

SOP/Policy Administrator Employer Contracts A/EMP ________

Fire Chief

________ — Mechanical device installed in a discharge line that senses the amount of water flowing and provides a readout in units of gallons per minute or (liters per minute).


The driver/operator on the fireground must use hydraulic calculations to determine the appropriate amount of water to be discharged from hoselines and nozzles during an incident. ________ reduce the number of pressure calculations required of the driver/operator. In order to ensure reliability, flowmeters must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.


Manikin Supplies and Inventory Each station should have a CPR training box with the following supplies: One (1) BLS Instructor Manual One (1) BLS DVD Two (2) BLS Provider Manuals One (1) Family and Friends training DVD Ten (10) Family and Friends student manuals (Family and Friends CPR course participation cards are located inside manuals) Five (5) course rosters One (1) Family and Friends lesson plan One (1) package of face shields Each District Chief station should have all supplies listed above plus: Four (4) Adult manikins ________ {Infant manikins} Enough supplies for {district/station CPR training} should be on hand at {all times}

Four (4)

SIMON LTI QS-82 Brakes ________; {S-Cam ABS Retarder Telma, CC-300 ABS Brake System} Rockwell Wabco Fuel Tank 50 gallons Cab 4 Door, Aluminum, 5 person including driver

Full Air

In cases where necessary to place the pumping unit at water source (i.e.: Reverse Lay), the equipment needed to carry out fire fighting operations will have to be removed from rig. According to IFSTA Hose Practices, there are two options for type and amount of equipment to be removed When complete complement of equipment is needed to support fire fighting operations for extended period of time, "________" is made

Full Strip

________(s) specific gravity is Less Than 1.0 ({0.72-0.76}) it {floats} on water


________ are most commonly operated by a {handwheel}.

Gate valves

________ is a talk group assigned primarily for communications in the management of {Hazardous Materials Incidents}. {District Officers} and {Haz-Mat personnel} can transmit on this Talk Group. All other radios are {receive} only


CARBURETOR SETTINGS Remove and clean the air filter as needed. Basic settings for the carburetor are as follows : 1. ________ (screw {H}) back off {1} complete turn 2. {LOW SPEED} (screw {L}) back off {1} complete turn 3. FINE TUNE ENGINE: {clockwise} is {lean} and {counter clockwise} is {richer} The capacities of the oil and fuel tanks are balanced in such a way that, a {certain amount of oil is always left in the oil tank when the fuel tank is empty}. The {oil pump} is controlled by the {chain speed}. Oil flow adjustments can be made if necessary. Always {refill the oil tank} when {refueling}


SOP/Policy Administrator Human Resources S/HRS ________

HR Major

***________ Ford, {New Jersey} Fire**{1988} **{Bowstring truss} term became {nationally known}** prime example of firefighter deaths that resulted in {tactical considerations}


Hazmat Director/Supervisor The Hazmat Team will work in one of two ways within the IMS structure. Because of its wide diversity and site needs, the IMS structure will vary with the response. The Hazmat Team can work as a Group or a Branch Organization. In some unique situations even a single resource might be appropriate The Hazmat Team can employ a branch structure if necessary The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor's radio call sign is "________" The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor will be {subordinate} to the {Operations Chief} or the {Incident Commander}, depending upon the structure used The Hazmat Officer directing the Hazmat operations in a Branch structure will be the {Hazmat Branch Director} When using the Group structure, the Hazmat officer will be the {Hazmat Supervisor} The Hazmat Branch Director/ Group Supervisor is a {manager} and should focus on making {tactical decisions} based on the {IC's Strategic goals to fulfill the incidents action plan} The Hazmat Branch Director/ Group Supervisor should always stay at the "{Hazmat Command Post}" to direct the {Hazmat operations and coordinate with the Operations Chief/Incident Commander} The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor is responsible for completion of the {site safety and health plan} The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor sets the {tactical objectives} for the {Hazmat Intervention Group} (see figure 2) within the team's {training and their equipment limitations}. The tactical objectives are only developed {after a briefing from the Operations Chief or Incident Commander}, depending on the existing organizational structure.


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #9 Discharge ________ {Tan} {1}"

Hose Reel

ALMAND LIGHT TOWER / GENERATOR Connecting and Starting the Generator Connected to a Fire Station 1. Park and level the generator using the tongue and rear jacks 2. Connect the generator to the station ground rod 3. Connect the power cable between the 50 AMP generator plug located on the rear panel of the generator and the receptacle located on the Fire Station 4. Turn off all circuit breakers on the generator control panel 5. Turn on the ________ switch, and then press the {START ASSIST} and the {START} buttons at the same time to start the generator 6. Turn on the 50 AMP MAIN breaker located on the generator control panel, then move the {safety switch} located on the {outside back panel} of the portable generator to the {50 AMP OUTLET} position 7. Inside the station, move the {TRANSFER SWITCH} handle from the {Normal (OG&E)} position to the {center} OFF position; turn off the {EPANEL} breakers, then complete the motion of the handle to the {Generator} position. Turn on the {EPANEL breakers.}


**NFPA 1561 requires the use of an ________


Aerial device stress can occur from one or a combination of the following conditions: • Excessive degree of angle, both horizontal and vertical, measured from the truck's center line axis • Operation in nonparallel positions (uphill, downhill, or lateral grades) • Operation in supported tip vs. unsupported tip positions • Length of aerial device extension • Nozzle reaction from elevated master stream • Weight and/or movement of hose, water, personnel, and/or equipment on the aerial device • Wind reaction • Improper operation of the aerial device (sudden starts and stops, rough operation of hydraulic controls) • Heat exposure (radiant and convection) • Ice on ladder or platform • ________ with the building or other object • Improper {stabilization } • Wear caused by {road travel}


A Hazardous Material Spill or ________ is an occurrence where a hazardous material is {dispersed into the environment}, or its {container is damaged to such an extent that the contents can be expected to be released}, with the potential to cause {injury to people or harm to the environment} For the purpose of these procedures, {shall} means {mandatory by a regulation}


The way an employee behaves while performing his or her job is expected to be a certain way. Our supervisors and leaders establish this for us. In our case, the people that expect our behavior to be a certain way are the citizens of the community in which we serve, as well as the ________, the {City Council}, and the {Fire Chief}. These expectations are not only warranted, but {required}.


MABAS is an agreement between the fire and emergency response agencies of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, and it has spread to other parts of the ________. The participating {communities, counties, and agencies} agree to: Maintain a {predetermined level of staffing} Use the {Incident Command System} Use common {terminology and operating} procedures Operate on a {common radio frequency} during mutual aid incidents


Checking the pressures in oxygen cascade should be performed on ________ and {Thursday} of each week. The readings should be submitted via the appropriate {Target Solutions fillable form}


________ — (1) Overhaul of a fire or hazardous material scene. (2) In wildland fire fighting, the act of making a fire safe after it is controlled by extinguishing or removing burning material along or near the control line, felling dead trees (snags), and trenching logs to prevent rolling.


Public The primary means of categorizing public fire and emergency services organizations is by the jurisdiction the organization serves. Some of the more common public jurisdictions that provide fire and emergency service protection include: ________ {County} {Fire district} {State/provincial} {Federal} {Tribal}


F550 BRUSH PUMPER 4X4 OPERATION 4X4 System Indicator Lights A 4x4 light and a LOW RANGE light are located at the lower right of the instrument cluster 2H position: Neither the 4x4 or the LOW RANGE lights are lit 2H position: Only the 4x4 light is lit ________ position: {Neither the 4x4 or the LOW RANGE lights are lit} {4L} position: {Both the 4x4 and the LOW RANGE lights are lit}


All fire hose will be tested annually. The annual hose test will be in September of each year and is currently being done by an outside vendor. In the event an outside vendor isn't used to test the hose, it will be the duty of the station officers to coordinate between shifts to decide which day during the month of September they want to conduct the hose test. All hose will be tested according to the appropriate ________ Standard


Regardless of the type of tank, foam storage must be airtight. Standard vented atmospheric storage tanks are not acceptable for foam concentrate. The ________ provides specific standards for the design of a foam storage tank. Mixing different types or brands of foam concentrate should {be avoided as the result may prove ineffective for application and have reduced suppression capabilities}. In addition, the foam concentrate manufacturer should be consulted for any special requirements specific to its product.


Markings and Colors Marking numbers that designate a UN/NA Hazardous material Placards and Labels DOT placards ________ {United Nations Hazard Class Numbers} {HMIS Labels Chemical Data Sheets Data sheets} may come in the form of {Shipping papers, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and/or Manifests} Only retrieve shipping papers if you are able to stay out of the {product and its vapors} Approach {upwind} {Facility Personnel} Determine what products are {manufactured or stored on site} If they have been {contaminated}, find out their symptoms and what the {physical state}(s) of the products are, {solid, liquid, gas, what type of odor, what color,} etc.


Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (HSPD-5): President George W. Bush asked Secretary of Homeland Security to develop a national IMS to provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, state, tribal, and local governments to work together to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity. ***DHS released ________ in {March 2004}


NIMS Integration Center-Established by Secretary of Homeland Security to provide strategic direction for and oversight of NIMS. Supports both-routine maintenance and continuous improvement of the system and its components. ________ is a {multijurisdictional, multidisciplinary entity (federal to local)}

NIMS center

**________-investigates every {firefighter death} in the {U.S}. {NIOSH}-{printed autopsy protocol} for {medical examiners} {(provides procedure for securing ppe}, as this is critical in the {investigation})


________ can be defined as the act of binding oneself by a {social, legal, or moral tie or requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action}. Commitment by its very nature is confining. A person can be committed to a project, committed to a goal, committed to a spouse, or committed to putting a fire out. In each case there is something binding that person to his or her commitment, whether it is by a promise, a desire, or a court order. We as Oklahoma City Firefighters are bound together in service to our community. Our {self-discipline, our character, our dedication, and our love for what we do} bind us.


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE Engine Oil/Transmission Check 1. Open Middle Rear compartment door inside cab to gain access to both of these checks 2. Check ________ with the {yellow} dipstick. Dipstick reading should between the "{ADD}" and "{Full}" marks 3. The {Yellow Cap} Oil Fill is located {right next to dipstick}. Fill with SAE 15w-40 4. The Transmission cap is the {Red} cap. The reading should be between the "ADD" to the "Full" mark on the dipstick Power Steering To check the power steering levels you must gain access through the {front hood}. The reservoir is located on {driver's side far right corner}. Use ATF {Dextron III}


The ________, is a {14ft}. {tandem-axle} trailer, which can be towed by {normal trailer hitches that are on command vehicles or Brush-Pumpers}. Arrangements for delivery to the site and return to the PST-1 station location are the responsibility of the {District Officer and/or Station Officer of the facility where the meeting is held}.

PST-1 unit

________ The process of breaking up a substance into other molecules as a result of heating; also known as thermal decomposition


Classical decision-making model Aim - what IC wants to accomplish, based on Incident priorities Size-up Factors- anything that affect the decision-making process Courses- options the IC has to accomplish the AIM Based on factors considered, an IC must determine the strengths and weakness of each course of action ________ (action plan)-course of action that {best fits the situation}, also details how to implement the plan based on resources {on scene} and in staging **Most important factor is—develop a {logical} thought process to evaluate the incident


A simple guideline for the customary system of measurement is NR = Q/2. This may be used to achieve the approximate fog stream nozzle reaction on the fireground. ________ equals the total flow of water in gpm through the nozzle.


SOP Revision Period (April-June) At the conclusion of the SOP Review period, each Policy Administrator will be provided with a copy of their policy with the changes identified during the review. All changes should be made by the Policy Administrator and submitted to the SOP Committee by June 30th. SOPs changed during the SOP Review/Revision period will be published in July of each year. Any additional SOP revisions after July will be published in January of each year. Note: If not revised by the Policy Administrator, any policy determined to be out of date or irrelevant during the SOP Review will be deleted by the SOP Committee and replaced with a placeholder stating "________". This is to ensure SOPs remain relevant and do not contain misinformation.


Certain interlocks are required by NFPA® 1901, and others are added by the aerial manufacturer. Interlocks may be a combination of mechanical limit switches, or incorporated into computer control algorithms. Aerial device interlocks may include: (9)Aerial/Stabilizer, body collision, rotational interlock (short Jack), Max Elevation Slow Down, Retraction, Nozzle stow, aerial function interlocks, cab interlock, tiller operator interlock. • Aerial/Stabilizer—The aerial device function must not activate unless the stabilizers are fully deployed. • Body Collision — The device will not move into regions where it would make contact with the body or cab. • Rotation Interlock (Short-Jack) — The aerial device will not rotate over the side of the apparatus where the stabilizers are not fully extended. • Maximum Elevation Slow-Down — The device will slow down before reaching maximum elevation or extension. • ________—The device will not retract completely without the activation of the {retract override function}. • {Nozzle Stow}—The device will not drop in to the cradle if the {master stream nozzle} is not properly positioned. • {Aerial Function Interlocks} — The aerial device will not operate until the {parking brakes} have been set and the transmission has been placed in {neutral or the transmission is in the drive position with the driveline to the rear axle disengaged}. • {Cab Interlock} — The cab will not raise if the engine is running. • {Tiller Operator Interlock} — The engine starter will not work unless the tiller operator is seated and belted, or a tiller cab start button is engaged.


For landing safety, always remember : 1. Approach the helicopter from the front only, never from the rear, and only when motioned to do so by the pilot or a crewmember 2. Do not run beneath the helicopter when it is landing or taking off 3. Ensure the landing area is secured by law enforcement personnel on the scene, or by fire or EMS personnel 4. The landing guide should be at least 100 feet from the helicopter. When signaling where to land, stand with your back to the wind. Depart when the helicopter is on final approach 5. If possible, land the helicopter no closer than 50 yards from the scene 6. Approach the aircraft from the downhill side if on sloped terrain 7. Carry all equipment below the waist 8. Do not assist the flight crew with opening or closing the doors 9. No smoking or running within 50-feet of the aircraft 10. Medical Helicopter personnel will coordinate all loading and unloading of patients and equipment 11. ________ can produce {high winds} on take-off or landing. Protect your {eyes}. Remove {caps or loose apparel}. If you do lose something, do not {try to retrieve it}.

Rotor wash

All employees, or their designated representatives, can obtain further information on this written program, the hazard communication standard, applicable ________, and {chemical information lists} from the {Chief Safety Officer}. Under this program, our employees will be informed of the contents of the {Hazard Communication Standard, the hazardous properties of chemicals with which they work, safe handling procedures, and measures to take to protect themselves from these chemicals}.


Post-Deployment Remove pannier bags, top rack bag and AED and store in bike trailer Remove all personal items from bags prior to storage Clean and inspect bikes, then secure bikes in the bike trailer using the bike mounts Email [emailprotected] with confirmation of the following information at the end of each event day: Seven (7) bikes accounted for (with any issues explained in detail) NOTE: If more than one bike becomes inoperable during event, contact the Bike Team coordinator by cell phone (posted in bike trailer) Six (6) Emergency Strobe Lights in proper working order ________ {kits} properly stocked

Six (6)

Spotters should use a slow, exaggerated motion for all hand signals. While the apparatus is being backed, it is still possible for the front of the apparatus to hit something. Spotters and driver/operators should monitor the front of the apparatus as well. ________ should also watch for {tree limbs, low overhead wires, sign posts, and other possible hazards}.


E-ONE AERIAL Waterway , Located in the rear center of the rig , ________ connection , Drain located directly behind the {officer side rear outrigger} , Always leave at least one nozzle open and open the pipe drain before retracting and bedding the ladder to avoid {pressurizing} the ladder pipe , Ensure all water is drained before retracting and bedding the aerial


Operations Section: Groups are used to describe functional areas of operation. The person in charge of each Group is designated as a ________


________ personnel may schedule {initial CPR training or retraining of employees} at {any time}. To schedule {CPR training} and {verify Instructor} and {equipment availability}, contact A {CPR Coordinator} or the {EMS office} {30} days in advance of the {selected training day}


________ — Chemical that {lowers the surface tension of a liquid}; allows water to {spread more rapidly over the surface} of Class A fuels and {penetrate organic fuels}.


When requesting the helicopter for a scene, the incident commander will provide the following information to Fire Dispatch. Fire Dispatch will contact EMSA and relay the information to the EMSA Dispatcher. The Firefighter coordinating the landing zone will switch their radio to the EMSA Channel (5D EMSAW) and communicate directly with the medical helicopter : 1. Scene location: map number, main street, cross street, and/or direction and distance from major intersection. If a global positioning system (GPS) device is available, provide the dispatcher with the proper coordinates of: a) the landing zone (LZ) directly; or b) the direction and approximate distance from the GPS-equipped apparatus to the LZ 2. ________ of accident or incident 3. {Brief description of patient injury} - type and extent 4. Number of victims {requiring air transport}, and if adult or child 5. {Communications coordination}, i.e., who will the pilot contact on the EMSA Channel (5D EMSAW) before landing 6. Our {agency (OCFD)} and the {call-back phone number}


As a first responder for the Oklahoma City Fire Department, the following confined space guidelines will be adhered to in a rescue situation: A. Awareness Level/First Arriving Company 1. Establish Command 2. Scene size-up a. Is this a confined space? i. Is large enough and configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned duties ii. Has limited or restricted means for entry/exit iii. Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy b. If so, make sure Rescue 8 and Haz-Mat 5 are enroute 3. Deny access to the space 4. Gather space information: Permit, SDS a. If a hazardous material is involved or suspected, follow 206 b. Set-up Decon c. Determine stability of confined space for possible shoring operations 5. Gather patient information a. Number of victims b. Location c. How long have they been down? d. Work being performed 6. Stop all unnecessary traffic around the space a. ________(s) b. {Equipment} c. {Personnel/Bystanders} 7. Determine {rescue or recovery} mode a. How long have they been {down}? b. What products are they {exposed} to? c. How long will it take to {extricate the victim}?


1 Medical Surveillance Enter name of person entering the medical evaluation area for heat/cold/fatigue or for medical treatment of injury or illness Once in the medical surveillance area, heart rate should be measured for 30 seconds as early as possible in the rest period along with full vital signs including pulse ox and CO readings ________ will be taken every {5-10} minutes If any of the following signs and/or symptoms, or any complaint or reason for concern in the opinion of rehab officer or employee, they should be moved from the medical monitoring area to {medical treatment area}


NOTE: The Control Zone/Line, Basic Decon and the Area of Refuge are established by the First In Companies. The Hot, ________ and {Cold} Zones are established by the {Hazmat Unit after site monitoring with air monitors has been completed}.


________ fog {45 degrees to 80} degrees


If a Unified Command is needed, Incident Commanders representing agencies or jurisdictions that share responsibility for the incident, manage the response from ________ Incident Command Post

a single

It is imperative that IMS be utilized on every incident that involve more than just ________ unit so that 3 things can be controlled effectively: {Safety Accountability Operations}

a single

SAMPLE VEHICLE ACCIDENT MEMORANDUM TO: Battalion Chief, 650A (8th line down from the top margin) FROM: Lieutenant Jane Doe Engine 50A DATE: January 24, 2002 SUBJECT: Vehicle Accident Memorandum In any letter concerning Oklahoma City Fire-Rescue vehicles, ________ should be consulted. Items that should be covered in the letter concerning the accident are: {1. Facts that led to the accident 2. Your version of what happened 3. Steps taken after the accident} Any letter should answer these questions: {1. Who? 2. What? 3. Where? 4. When? 5. Why? 6. How?} A signature is not required on this memorandum. You should initial just to the right of your name on the FROM line.

a/saf 204

KSA Knowledge skills and abilities While knowledge and skills can be learned from manuals and coursed, ________ are gained through the {application of knowledge and skills}.


General Tips ▪ Avoid ________.


These units may be ________ and be an {aid to extinguishment} as the {fire diminishes}


Sierra Jumbo Model 44 Hose Clamp It has a bronze screw and nut for strength. Needle bearings are also included in the shut-off bar. The handle is ________ and is {24}-inches in length. The hose clamp base dimensions are {8} inches by {17} inches long


Chapter 3 Leadership and Supervision Leadership has been called a trait, a behavior, a skill, a talent, a characteristic, a science, and an ________.


Note: It is common for the Fire Department Connection (FDC) to become damaged and/or inoperable. In this situation, it will be necessary to "________" the system via the {most convenient interior standpipe outlet (Preferably the first floor).} In order to connect the supply line to the standpipe outlet, a {2 1/2 inch double female will be needed, along with a 2 ½ inch 60-degree elbow to prevent kinking}


Calls for emergency assistance go the 911 center. A ________ determines the request is for the fire department. The call is transferred by the call taker electronically to the {fire dispatcher}; the dispatch of fire equipment takes an average of {30} seconds. Response times by fire apparatus will vary, (a city wide average of {3-4} minutes is normally maintained) dependent upon the incident location. Arrival sequence of apparatus may be affected by the {location of the incident} and other activities currently in progress.

call taker

Toilet Bowls To disinfect, ________ then {remove or expel the residual bowl water}. Pour in {3} oz. of the {use} solution. {Swab the bowl completely using a scrub brush}, making sure to get {under rim}. Let stand for {10} minutes or {overnight}, then flush.

clean bowl

The type of construction and the proximity of the exposure to the fire building also affect the chance of the exposure catching fire. For example, exposures with combustible exterior finishes have an increased risk of secondary fire involvement. Some combustible construction elements include wood or plastic siding, wooden window frames, and interior combustible items (such as curtains, blinds, and carpet) close to large windows or glass areas (Figure 20.39, p. 746). The ________ the exposure is to the fire building, the more likely it will catch fire under exposed conditions. {Proximity and construction materials} should be considered during {response and size-up} of the incident.


Regardless of how well it is constructed, a flag is, after all, only a piece of ________ and will sooner or later succumb to the elements. However, it has been well documented that {reasonably good care} can contribute greatly to longer life.


Two types of Rehab Resources: Initial rehab- incident--- concluded within 6-8 hours Usually accomplished with on scene resources Long-term Rehab- incident--- is expected to last more than 6-8hours Will require assistance from external sources requested through ________


PENALTY FOR FAILING TO OBEY SIGNS, SIGNALS, AND MARKINGS On conviction—up to $100 fine and/or up to 30 days in jail plus liability for damage to property and injury or death of another person Speeding fines are ________ in construction and maintenance zones when workers or equipment are present


Type II: Noncombustible *construction methods will not add to fire development *materials are not combustible and will prevent fire from becoming a structure fire *Often have exposed steel trusses/iron beams that can elongate and fail *steel -concrete *firehouses-steel framed, metal clad siding and steel roof decking *typically, pre-fabbed buildings brought to the job site and ________ *typical modern corner drugstore-concrete block and topped with {steel parallel} chord trusses and a flat, {metal deck} roof *few interior wall coverings *building is {noncombustible} *roof: {flat or peaked}**built up: insulation mat., tar/felt, gravel**{uneasy} feeling walking on them *Structural material is {metal-framed} truss *Most common roof structure: is -{metal decking} on metal trusses** **when walking on these or any flat roof, walk along the side {next} to the wall


2 things which allow firefighters to enter and venture farther into burning structures in search of victims or fire: Advances in operating methods, i.e. how water is moved to the fire scene Advances in protective equipment New equipment and other advances ultimately affect decisions made on the ________

fire ground

Ethical Conduct Ethical standards express the level of conduct all members of society are expected to ________.


Medium-Pressure Meter Settings Figure 5 is a typical meter facility on a medium pressure system. The inlet pressure to this meter is ________ than that used by house appliances and is called {medium pressure} ({1 pound to 60} pounds per square inch gauge). Gas under this higher pressure is reduced to {5.3} ounces of pressure before it is introduced into the {customer's piping system}. A regulator located on the {inlet} side of the meter {reduces} the gas pressure before it goes through the meter and into the customer's piping system. The {cutoff valve} such as the one noted in the picture can be opened or closed by turning it {one quarter turn or 90 degrees}.


All uniformed personnel must understand that the goals of these assessments are solely for personal fitness improvement. No standards are mandated by the WFI for any of these areas. Each uniformed person is expected to ________ with an assessment and a personalized exercise program.


Stresses are those factors that work against the aerial device's strength. Stress may be imposed in both static (at rest) and dynamic (in motion) operation. The stress tends to be greater when the aerial device is ________. Aerial device load capabilities vary from truck to truck and must be evaluated on an individual basis to determine the range of safe operation. The driver/operator should review and adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for maximum loading information (Figure 17.15).

in motion

Hoisting cylinders are sometimes referred to as elevating or lift cylinders. Their function is to elevate the aerial device from its stowed position (Figure 16.14). Hoisting cylinders are heavy, seamless steel outer shells bored to an extremely smooth inside surface. The cylinders are often chrome-plated on the ________ to {resist friction and wear} and are {enclosed at the top and the bottom with removable caps}. A {solid} piston rod, packed and tightly fitted with {rings}, is positioned inside each cylinder. The piston rods are also {chrome-plated} to {resist wear}.


The process of engaging the PTO is fairly similar for all types of aerial apparatus. The engagement switch for the PTO or hydraulic system is usually located on the dashboard of the vehicle, between the driver and passenger/officer seats, or in the switch panel above the driver's seat (Figure 18.9, p. 646). The type of PTO activation switch varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and may be pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, or a combination of these three. Pneumatic systems require anywhere from 50 to 140 psi (350 kPa to 980 kPa) air pressure for the PTO to be operated, depending on the manufacturer. Regardless of the type of activation switch used, the overall process for engaging the PTO ________.

is the same

Side Emergency Exit: Special opening on the side of the car, normally found on cars when hoistway landings are over 30" apart. The opening must be at least 60" high and 14" wide. A ________ is needed for {interior opening} and a {handle} is used for the exterior opening


The initial OJI entry allows sixty (60) minutes to complete this portion. If the information is not completed and submitted in sixty (60) minutes, the system will "time out" and any information that had been entered will be ________.


PROBATIONARY PERIOD Until you are 18, your license is probationary (you are in a trial period to show you can drive safely and legally). The Department of Public Safety may cancel or suspend your license for any unlawful act, ________, or {misconduct} while driving


NOTE: At least ________ {1 3/4}" line or larger must be flowing to set the {relief valve}. The {booster line} CANNOT be used to set the relief valve


As ice builds up on the ladder it could potentially drop onto ________ below. During icy conditions, clear all personnel from {beneath aerial device}, especially during operation.


Gross Vehicle Weight Every vehicle is ________ with a {Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR).} Every driver/operator should be familiar with this placard and maintain the vehicle accordingly. {Commercial vehicles} are required to have this placard in {plain view}.


Beware of Low Voltage You can get just as "________" from your {120}-volt house current as you can from a {500,000}-volt powerline! In fact, a high voltage shock, because of the {clamping action it has on the heart (cardiac arrest),} may prevent the {deadly irregular beating of the heart (fibrillation)} often associated with {lower-voltage shocks}. Cardiac-arrest victims often respond readily to {artificial respiration and external heart massage}; whereas a fibrillation victim may only respond to an {electrical defibrillator device}. Also with the lower-voltage shock, instead of enough current to {knock you out}, you may get just enough to {set your muscles so you can't let go}


General Tips ▪ Do not ________ about anything.


Some changes in the way the F.D. operates come from the activities and design of community ________ {country}


NATIONAL FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS FOUNDATION'S EVERYONE GOES HOME® PROGRAM 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives 8. Utilize available ________ wherever it can produce higher levels of health and safety.


The following guidelines should be observed when conducting the inspections described in the skill sheet: • Since the tiller axle is a steering axle, steering wheel free play must not exceed 2" on a 20" wheel (50 mm on a 500 mm wheel) or 10 degrees on any other sized steering wheel. Because of the location of the tiller cab in relation to the tiller axle, most steering systems have multiple steering linkage assemblies requiring inspection. • Most tiller steering systems can be locked in the straight ahead position by the use of a device such as a lever or pin. This is used so that a single driver in the front cab is transporting the apparatus for maintenance, training or other nonemergency purpose. The tiller operator should inspect the lock system to ensure that it is not engaged before leaving the station. • Unlike tractor suspension systems, most tiller systems have air bag suspensions that require additional attention during inspections. • All tractor drawn aerials have permanently mounted coupling systems attaching the "________" to the "{tractor}" power unit. Since it is the {articulation} point for the apparatus, {insufficient lubrication} will result in the {coupling system binding creating difficulty in steering control} (Figure 16.55)


Biohazard Waste Containers Use: Plastic biohazard boxes will be used for sharp items and other items that might puncture biohazard bags. The bags will be used for contaminated gloves, dressings, and other contaminated materials. The bags shall also be used for transporting reusable contaminated medical equipment back to the station for cleaning. Never clean and re-use disposable equipment. Disposal: Waste generated at the station from medical equipment cleanup or medical treatment performed at the station, shall be placed in one of the containers on the apparatus assigned to that station. Note: only contaminated items should be placed in approved biohazard containers for disposal. Items not contaminated should be put in the ________. Disposable PPE and other biohazard waste generated during on-scene operations and not given to the ambulance service will be stored in the {biohazard disposal area in appropriate leak proof containers or biohazard bags}. The biohazard bag will be deposited in the {designated locker at Fire station 1}. The deposit will be {logged into the biohazard waste log book} in the {watch office}. The OKCFD has a contract with a waste management company to pick up the waste {when necessary}. {Station 1} will contact the pickup company {posted on the locker door} as needed. The current contractor will make every effort to pick up the waste within {one week} after notification Ordering: Replacement biohazard waste containers can be obtained by ordering them from the {monthly EMS supply order form}.


First-Digit Method • If the psi drop is equal to or less than the first digit of the static pressure multiplied by two, then ________ additional lines of equal pressure may be added.


In cases where necessary to place the pumping unit at water source (i.e.: Reverse Lay), the equipment needed to carry out fire fighting operations will have to be removed from rig. According to IFSTA Hose Practices, there are ________ options for type and amount of equipment to be removed When complete complement of equipment is needed to support fire fighting operations for {extended period of time}, "{Full Strip}" is made


RECORD KEEPING Noise exposure measurement records shall be retained for ________ years. Audiometric test records shall be retained for the {duration of the affected employee's employment}.


Jewelry: Members in uniform may wear a wristwatch and a medical bracelet. Rings also may be worn, but only one on each hand. A ________ will be considered {one ring}. Decorative jewelry {will not be worn}. Necklaces are permitted, provided {they do not show when wearing the uniform or present a safety hazard}. Earrings or other body piercing jewelry {will not be worn while on duty}.

wedding set

A. The Work Section Supervisors or District Officers shall be responsible for insuring the completion of the proper report(s). b. The Work Section Supervisor/District Officer will consult with station officers, and ensure the report(s) are complete and accurate. c. If used, ensure the OSDH Form 207 accompanies the injured employee to the treating facility (green copy-retained by treating facility, ________-returned scanned in, uploaded to the online claim and {sent to fire administration}).

yellow copy

Hydrant flushing may cause water customers to receive ________ or {foul smelling} water for a period of time.


IAFC Professional Development Model Level "I" Supervising fire officer (all company officers) Level "II" Managing fire officer (battalion, district, assistant chiefs) Level "III" Administrative fire officer (administrative chiefs in charge of divisions or bureaus within the department) Level ________ {Executive fire officer (department chief)}


PIERCE PUC RURAL ENGINE Fluid Checks Check the radiator by tilting the cab. The radiator is located at the front of the cab. Never check when it is hot. When the coolant is ________ gallon low, an {alarm will sound} and a {notice on the dash will appear}. There is no sight glass for the radiator


PIERCE PUC RURAL ENGINE PRE-CONNECTS , Two 200 foot 1 ¾ inch hand lines, located above the discharge/intake panels , One 400 foot ________ inch {forestry hand} line, located above the {discharge/intake panels} , One {125} foot {1 ½} inch hand line, located in {front bumper} , One {200} foot {2 ½} inch hand line, located on {officer's side hose bed}


The following guidelines are commonly used for proportioning Class A foam: • Fire attack and overhaul with standard fog nozzles — 0.2 to 0.5 percent concentrate • Exposure protection with standard fog nozzles—________ percent concentrate • Any application with air aspirating foam nozzles — {0.3 to 0.7} percent concentrate • Any application with compressed air foam systems (CAFS) — {0.2 to 0.5} percent concentrate

0.5 to 1.0

215 REPORTING FUEL & OXYGEN LEVELS UPDATED FUEL READINGS Fuel readings are reported to the Maintenance Shop daily through Target Solutions from stations with fuel tanks. The fuel readings are reported by ________ hours. Fuel readings are {only phoned in to the Fire Maintenance Administration Office} when {Target Solutions is down}


(high rise fire) Haz-Mat-5 1. Wearing ________-hour SCBA's, ascend to the {floor below the fire} and act as the {initial RIT} 2. Will take other appropriate rescue tools to assist in RIT operations a.{RIT Bag} b. {Rope Assisted Search Bag} c. {Forcible Entry and other Rescue Tools} d. {Thermal Imager}


GOALS Heart attacks are the leading cause of death for fire fighters. In an effort to create a universally accepted program for improving health, wellness, and fitness within the North American fire service, the International Association of Fire Chiefs (lAFC) and the International Association of Fire Fighters (lAFF) joined efforts in ________ to develop and implement the {Wellness/Fitness Initiative (WFI).}


The following message indicates that the miles/hours entered was accepted and the FMU wishes to write the entry back to the key. Insert the Vehicle Key and hold it in. Note: The following display is quickly displayed notifying the user that the entry is being written to the key: After all the required entries have been made, the following hose selection display appears: The choices presented in this prompt are limited to the hoses that have the same product code(s) as those authorized for the Vehicle Key. Select the hose and press ENTER/YES.' Remember to select ________ for {Diesel} and {2} for {Unleaded}


The most common method of distributing gas is through a medium pressure line. In this case, the pressure range is from ________ pounds of pressure. Because of this higher pressure, the gas in most cases is reduced to {5.3} ounces of pressure by a {service regulator} located {ahead of the meter}. There are also {intermediate-pressure and high-pressure} distribution systems Meter settings on these systems contain {two} regulators ahead of the meter. These regulators step down the {intermediate or high} pressure to utilization pressure

1 pound to 60

5.NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Began a project in 1997 and got funded in ________ for a study that investigates firefighter line-of-duty deaths called: {Firefighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program}


Wild land fires Class A Foams - highly effective in promoting penetration of burning fuels. Ratios of .3% used to penetrate ________% used for fire attack {1}% can be used to {pretreat a structure or build a temporary fire line}. When building a fire line with a foam blanket, the width of the fire line needs to be {1.5} times the height of the flames and {completely coat all surfaces of the fuel} With {low humidity}, watch for {spot fires}. Advise {incoming companies and chiefs} to be looking for {spot fires} {Downed power lines} frequently start grass fires. Watch for downed power lines.


Thus, mercury is ________ times denser than {water}. Therefore, the pressure of a liquid in an open vessel is proportional to the density of the liquid. Mercury also has a specific gravity {greater} than one, as it will {sink} in water.


Aerial apparatus placement on the fireground is critically important because aerial devices and ladders have a fixed maximum length, as opposed to pumpers and other fire apparatus that may carry ________ feet (300 m) of fire hose and can attach more length if they need to be positioned at a great distance from the fire. Thus, it is more crucial to obtain the optimum scene position for aerial apparatus, preferably on the first attempt. Placement of apparatus must consider many things including {aerial objective, placement of the turntable, scene conditions, and proper stabilization}.


NOTE: Making a field calculation will require the use of a specialized gauge that displays accurate vacuum readings. A larger portion of the gauge is used to read negative pressure. Formula 11.1 (Customary): Determining Maximum Lift L= ________ Where: L = Height of lift in feet (ft) 1.13 = A constant Hg = Inches of Mercury Example 11.1 (Customary)

1.13 Hg

SPECIFICATIONS Engine Stihl 1 cylinder - 2 stroke engine (4.31 cubic inches) Weight 12.8 pounds Fuel ________ pints Fuel mixture Stihl Oil {50:1} ({1} gallon gasoline to {2.56} ounces) Oil tank capacity {0.7} pints Oil Type {14-50 F}: SAE {20} (50-104 F}: SAE {30}


E-ONE AERIAL Ground Clearance ________"


Inverter — Step-up transformer that converts a vehicle's ________-volt DC current into {110 or 220}-volt AC current.

12 or 24

Table 15.1a Hose and Nozzle Layouts for Pump Tests (Customary) Pump Capacity in gpm Hose and Nozzle Layout (all hose 21⁄2-inch in diameter) ________ {Two sets of twin 100-foot lines, each set supplying a 2-inch nozzle}


FUEL LOCATIONS Station Diesel Unleaded 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y 8 Y Y 13 Y N 16 Y N 18 Y Y 22 Y N 23 Y N 25 Y Y 27 Y Y 30 Y Y ________ Y Y {33} Y N {34} Y N {35} Y Y {36} Y Y {37} Y Y {Maintenance} Y Y


Enforcer Buster tank ________


Ferrara fuel ________


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet ________ {132} {120-240} {252-372}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #________ Discharge {Aerial / Rear LDH} {Pink} {4}" Stortz


RECORD KEEPING Complete course roster form on EMS website no later than ________ days after completion of the class


The Sergeant's Manual is required for all personnel hired after ________. . The manual must be completed in order to be eligible for the {Sergeant's examination}


E-ONE AERIAL Aerial Ladder 95' Platform Aerial Height at Max. Extension and Elevation 92' Aerial Horizontal Reach Max. 82.5' Tip Load ________ lbs


At 0800, ________ shifts prior to a requested date, employees approved for district slots {may not withdraw} their leave request


Advanced and increased educational opportunities: National Emergency Training Center NFA- 1974- Emmitsburg, Maryland ---catalyst for advanced formal education and research Funded by the federal govt. Part of USFA which is a component of FEMA under DHS (department of homeland security) Current structure- result of ________


E-ONE AERIAL Scrub Area , When the ladder is retracted and rotated to the left or right at a ________ degree angle the minimum distance to any object is {37} ft


Electrical Power Distribution Equipment The use of extension cords during incident operations is a common occurrence. Electrical cords may be stored on apparatus in coils, portable reels, or fixed automatic rewind reels. Some jurisdictions may specify 12-gauge, 3-wire cords with 600-volt insulation and twist-lock receptacles to provide secure connections. These heavy duty cords provide greater abrasion protection on the fireground. Junction boxes are used to supply power to several connections from one supply source (Figure 1.16). ________ should also be carried on the apparatus to allow rescuers to plug their equipment into standard electrical outlets or electrical equipment from other agencies that use different types of connections. In areas where departments routinely provide mutual aid, jurisdictions should work together to ensure compatibility of equipment, including electrical supply cords.


________ — Gauge that indicates both the amount of electrical current being drawn from and provided to the vehicle's battery.


Class ________ foam is applied to suppress fires involving {flammable and combustible liquids} (Figure 14.12). It is also used to {suppress vapors from unignited spills involving these liquids}. This section examines the characteristics of common types of Class B concentrates.


Class ________ {Public Uniform}- {Badge Shirt, Polo Shirt and Nomex Trousers} -{Public Education Fire Prevention Booths Fair Opening Night School Presentations Safety talks Career day While hosting or making a presentation in a fire facility, City facility, or elsewhere to Public Officials, Civic Organizations, or Neighborhood Groups. Dinners Accepting awards Parades Other meetings or special events in this category Inspections or walkthroughs Building Surveys}


Footwear Plain black round toe shoes or boots meeting ANSI Z41 (ANSI Z41 will be stamped or labeled on footwear). Safety shoes will be worn with the Class ________ uniform by {all Suppression personnel}.

B or C

(high rise fire) Base Operations Officer (Base) The Base Officer, once assigned will : 1. Establish Base a minimum of 200 feet from the building In extraordinary circumstances, the base may be located/relocated a mile or more away from the incident Base should be located in an area that provides prompt ingress and/or egress, such as main arterial street or large parking lot Base should not be located in an area that is hampered by barriers such as rivers, expressways and/or railroad crossings 2. At the direction of the IC, a Chief Officer may be assigned to supervise Base operations (Consider assigning ________ for initial Base Officer) 3. {Companies responding on extra alarms} should respond to {Base} 4. {All units} will report to the {Base Officer} upon their arrival Vehicles parked at Base should not block the movement of any other vehicle, with special attention given to avoid blocking {ambulances}.


________ — Fire department organizational subdivision consisting of several fire service companies in a designated {geographic} area. A battalion is usually the first organizational level above individual companies or stations.


Another way to add supervision levels is to create ________ within the Operations Section


Classical decision-making model Aim - what IC wants to accomplish, based on Incident priorities Size-up Factors- anything that affect the decision-making process ________- {options the IC has to accomplish the AIM} Based on factors considered, an IC must determine the {strengths and weakness} of each course of action {Plan} (action plan)-course of action that {best fits the situation}, also details how to implement the plan based on resources {on scene} and in staging **Most important factor is—develop a {logical} thought process to evaluate the incident


Class ________ driver license is printed on a {blue} background, and an


Optional patches will be worn on the right sleeve in a like manner. The following is a list of the only shoulder patches authorized to be worn on the right shoulder of the OKCFD uniform: Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) If currently assigned to the Hazardous Materials Team. ________ If currently an active uniformed member of the OKCFD Dive Team. {EMT or Paramedic} Must be State licensed and adhere to the National Standard Refresher Course with successful completion of written and practical refresher examinations.


BLS Instructor (Initial) Complete an Instructor Candidate Application (Form is located on Fireweb Forms webpage) and submit to the ________ Have current AHA provider status in the discipline of the {Instructor Course}, and be proficient in all the skills of that discipline Successfully complete the {discipline-specific classroom Instructor Course} Successfully be monitored by a {TCF (Training Center Faculty) or RF (Regional Faculty)} teaching your {first course within six months after completing the Instructor Course}

EMS Office

Fire or Incident in Station 11's First-In Response District 1. In either case of the above circumstances, where Station 11 personnel are not able to respond with the Command Post, and the incident is west of Station 11, Engine 12 will respond with the Command Post if needed a. All other parameters will apply to Engine 12 2. In either case of the above circumstances, and Station 11 is not able to respond with the Command Post, and the incident is ________ of Station 11, Engine {30} will respond with the Command Post if needed a. All other parameters will apply to Engine 30.


The Hazmat Task Force consists of Hazmat 5, ________ and {Hazmat 55}. The Hazmat Task Force will respond to incidents when deemed necessary by the {incident commander} or {Hazmat 5 officer}

Engine 5

These goals shall be addressed verbally or in writing by the Incident Commander: Isolation Protection Spill Control Leak Control ________ Control {Termination} The goals will address a target group of persons such as: What is the {appropriate isolation} for the site? Nearby {persons}? {Responders}? What are the {Termination requirements} for this site? To {whom and when do we turn it over}? The reply to these goals should be in {writing} from {Hazmat Unit}. The {Hazmat Unit's Action Plan} shall address the goals sent to them by the Incident Commander. Additional actions by the Hazmat Unit shall be addressed in the {Site Safety Plan}


Assignment of vehicles by the ________ will be at one of the {three} levels listed below, determined by {job duties}. It is understood that {all personnel in a work section performing the same duties will be given the same assignment level}. If changes need to be made for {budgetary or departmental needs}, the {Fire Chief and the Bargaining Agent} will determine the changes to be made which will be fair for all individuals performing the same duties.

Fire Chief

Special Operations is under the supervision of a ________ who is responsible for the {development, training, and implementation of the department's specialized response teams}. This includes {Haz-Mat Operations, Underwater Search and Rescue, High-Angle Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, and other areas of specialized training deemed necessary}.

Fire Major

To replace an SCBA, a City of Oklahoma City Building/Property Damage Report form (available on ________) must be completed, along with a {letter of explanation}.


In the event you are called to an escalator incident, it will probably involve a foot caught where the steps terminate at the floor, or a long coat caught between the step edge and the skirt. The safety switch will in all probability have activated, stopping the escalator's movement. The following procedures are suggested : 1. Activate the emergency stop switch 2. Assign a fire fighter to remove the inspection plate located in the floor at the top landing, and pull the mainline disconnects. ________ screws hold the plate in place with {conventional heads} 3. If victim is caught between step edge and skirt, use {pry bar} or {K-12 saw} to release him 4. If victim is caught where the steps terminate, {remove the combs}


There are many different makes and models of elevators, but only two types in service: the ELECTRIC, or TRACTION, and the MECHANICAL, or ________. The one feature common to both types is that {loss of electrical power} will stall either, since both are {powered by electric motors}




________ - and the {number and name(s) of the missing person or company}


Fireboat — Vessel or watercraft designed and constructed for the purpose of fighting fires; provides a specified level of pumping capacity and personnel for the extinguishment of fires in the marine environment. Also known as ________.

Marine Unit

________: may develop due to {bacteria, viruses, physical injury, cancer, and certain drugs}. {Meningitis} is a disease caused by the {inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord}.


PRECONNECTS The basic hose loads currently recognized on the Oklahoma City Fire-Rescue Service for Preconnects are the Triple Layer, ________, and the {Accordion Fold}


Effective ICS communications include three elements: ________: The "{hardware}" systems that transfer information {Planning}: Planning for the use of {all available communications resources} {Networks}: The procedures and processes for {transferring information} internally and externally.


Below are general guidelines for incident recordkeeping: Type all entries when possible Enter dates by month/day/year format Enter date and time on all forms and records. Use local time Fill in all blanks. Use ________ as appropriate Use military {24}-hour time {Section Chiefs and above} assign {record keeper (scribe)}


F550 BRUSH PUMPER To Shift between 4H and 4L Stop the vehicle and place the automatic transmission into ________. Push the {transfer case shift knob down} (toward the ground) and at the same time, pull or push the lever straight forward or rearward (depending on the desired position, 4H or 4L) in order to shift the transfer case. This shift should be in one continuous motion without pausing in the NEUTRAL position. Pausing in the NEUTRAL position can result in {gear clash and difficult shifting}. If, while shifting between 4H and 4L, the transfer case gets stuck in the NEUTRAL position or is difficult to shift into either 4H or 4L, it may be necessary to let the vehicle roll slightly and/or turn off the ignition


________ is the first {standardized approach on a national level to incident management} and response for all {potential responders} and for all {hazards}.


________ Will be worn on the {flap of the right shirt pocket}, {centered on the flap 3/4" down from the top edge of the pocket}. {First initial and last name (example: J. DOE - all capitals)} above {rank}.

Name Tag

________ — Breach of duty in which a person or organization fails to perform at the standard required by law, or that would be expected by a {reasonable person under similar circumstances}.


It is the responsibility of the Officer in charge conducting evolutions on the drill ground to make sure the area and all equipment used is secure at the end of each day The tower should have all the windows closed and the doors locked. The walk and drive through gates on the ________ corner of the grounds will be {locked} Any reserve apparatus that is used will be {parked appropriately}, {windows up}, {batteries} and {radio} switched off and {pumps drained} Any {City-owned vehicle} which is left {overnight} must be {secured inside the drill ground} The {Drill Ground and Tower} are available for {district or individual company training}


Should the elevator be stalled due to a power loss to the building, and the building has a emergency power source, it may be possible to run the elevators by turning the emergency recall switch in the main lobby to the "________" position. Use the {manual standby power selection switch}, if provided, to bring the elevator cars to the main floor, {one at a time}. If this does not accomplish the task, determine the position of the elevator car and continue with the appropriate procedure : 1. Car {at or near landing} 2. Car {within three (3) feet of landing} 3. Car {more than three (3) feet from landing}


Manikin Supplies and Inventory Each station should have a CPR training box with the following supplies: ________ {BLS Instructor Manual} {One (1)} {BLS DVD} {Two (2)} {BLS Provider Manuals} {One (1)} {Family and Friends training DVD} {Ten (10)} {Family and Friends student manuals} (Family and Friends CPR course participation cards are located {inside manuals}) {Five (5)} {course rosters} {One (1)} {Family and Friends lesson plan} {One (1)} {package of face shields} Each District Chief station should have all supplies listed above plus: {Four (4)} {Adult manikins} {Four (4)} {Infant manikins} Enough supplies for {district/station CPR training} should be on hand at {all times}

One (1)

Backfeeding the system through a standpipe discharge cannot be used if the standpipe system is equipped with ________. If the fire department needs to pump the system in a high-rise building, it will have to {match the buildings pump pressure and possibly exceed it} Explanation: there is a {one-way valve} where the {FDC enters into the system}. This valve is on the {discharge side of the building pump}. Because of this one-way check valve, the only way the fire department supplied water can enter the system is to {exceed the building's pump pressure}.


If the elevator is equipped with firefighters' service operation, try activation of ________ {lobby key switch} to recall the elevator car to the {main floor}. The key switch in the main lobby has an "{on}" position, an "{off}" position, and a "{bypass}" position. The "{on}" position activates the return of elevators, and the "{bypass}" position is used to shunt out the {sensing device circuit when heat or smoke initiated the return of the elevators}. There will be an {identical three position key switch} on or beside the {operation panel inside each elevator} that has a travel distance of {70} feet or more. This switch is operable only after the main lobby switch has been keyed to the "{on}" position or the {return of elevators has occurred because of a heat or smoke sensing device} The {same key} operates both the {elevator car switch} and the {main lobby switches}. The key can be removed from the main lobby switch with the switch in the "{on}" position and then used to operate the car switch

Phase 1

Logistics Chief Designated "Logistics" Answers to IC Lobby Control Designated "Lobby" Answers to Logistics Stairwell Support Officer Designated "Stairwell Support" Answers to Logistics Base Officer Designated "Base" Answers to Logistics Planning Chief Designated "Planning" Answers to IC Situation Status/Resource Unit Designated "SitStat/ReStat" Answers to Planning Victim Communications Specialist Designated "VCS" Answers to ________ Technical Specialist Designated by {Specialty} Answers to {Planning}


Post and Beam ________={vertical members} {Beam}={horizontal members} {Nonbearing} wall panels are attached to the {frames} Interior framing may be exposed for {aesthetic} reasons Nonbearing wall panels provide lateral support for the {post and beams}


CAUTION Conduct flushing operations in accordance with the ________ supplied by the foam manufacturer.


________ (Call sign {Recue One}) - A group of {Fire and Police} personnel assigned to enter areas cleared by the {Contact Team} to {locate, recover, and facilitate the evacuation process of victims} to safe areas for {medical evaluation, treatment, and transport}

Rescue Team

(drivers manual) The child and parent position can be dangerous and harmful to everyone. The adult position takes the current situation into consideration, determines the best course of action, and then takes it. If you find yourself reacting from the child or parent position, you can change that habit and react as an adult instead. It takes a conscious effort to (1) ________ your emotional or critical reaction, (2) {THINK} to analyze the actual situation, and (3) {REACT} intelligently, according to the information in front of you


Car at or Near Landing If an elevator car is located at or near a landing, it is possible that the hoistway door is unlocked, and the hoistway and car doors can be opened by hand. If this is the case use the following steps : 1. Set the mainline disconnect switch for the stalled elevator in the "OFF" position 2. Open the doors by hand 3. Enter the elevator car and set the emergency stop switch, if the car is so equipped, in the "________" position


________: Special mechanical emergency brakes provided on cars supported by {cables} Safeties are provided should the {cables fail} or if the car {descends too fast}. {Electric, hydraulic and pneumatic} devices are {no longer permitted}. Safeties are normally activated when car speed exceeds {15-20}% of their rated speeds. Once activated, the car {cannot be moved until the safeties are released and the power returned to the motor}


(high rise fires) ________ is a primary concern because of {poor egress/escape, unforgiving fire behavior, excessive heat and smoke, panic of occupants, and fatigue of firefighters}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #9 Discharge Hose Reel ________ {1}"


Example: ________-{ventilate}, {Tactic}-{horizontal ventilation}, {Method}-{positive pressure fan} Example: {Bucket brigade}-{tactical method (task)} used to meet the {tactical objective (tactic}) of {cooling the fire with water}, which met the {strategic goal} of {extinguishment.}


Environmental surveys conducted across the nation indicate there are "hot-spots" at Fire Stations where multi-drug resistant organisms (________) can hide. {Couch fabrics} are a definite hot spot. There is {NO FDA approved product that can guarantee solid cleaning}. {Prevention} is the best practice, and {keeping these bugs from coming into the station} is the {best solution}. {Office} equipment ({station phones, computer key boards, desks, pens, books, remote controls, chairs}, etc.) is frequently {touched}, but most likely they {aren't} frequently cleaned. {Smooth} surface flooring is easier to disinfect than carpet. Be sure to {wear shoes of some type whenever walking on carpet flooring as well as in the locker room and restroom area}.

Super Bugs

Operations Section: Divisions Divisions are used to divide an incident geographically. The person in charge of each Division is designated as a ________. How the area is divided is determined by the {needs of the incident}


Stihl 044 Chain Saw SAFETY is of the utmost importance in the use of chain saws. ________ cannot be overlooked or downplayed. {TRAINING and PRACTICE}, with {SAFETY} in mind, must be accomplished to be a {successful user and less of a threat to yourself and others}


The three main portions of an aerial ladder to which firefighters and driver/ operators commonly refer are the base rails, the top rails, and the rungs. The base rails, also commonly called the beams, are the lower chords of the aerial ladder to which the rungs, trusses, and other portions of the ladder are attached (Figure 16.7). ________, also called the {handrails}, are the {top chords} to which the {opposite ends of the trussing} are attached (Figure 16.8, p. 546).

Top rails

This list is not all-inclusive and does not give complete safety rules for all aerial devices • Driving: — Drive apparatus only if you are trained, licensed, and authorized (Figure 19.25). — Use a spotter when backing. — Drive at speeds appropriate to the conditions. — Watch for low bridges and other overhead obstructions. — Obey all traffic signals. — Look ahead and anticipate the need to brake or maneuver. — ________ auxiliary brake and reduce speed in inclement weather.

Turn off

(Requirements of all elevating platforms) ________ below the top railing provide {firefighter/victim access and egress}. Current standards call for {inward} opening doors, but older apparatus may have {outward opening doors} (Figure 16.21). Some apparatus platforms have gates that {lift upwards rather than in/out}.

Two gates

Box Stabilizer — ________ aerial apparatus stabilization device consisting of an extension arm that extends directly out from the vehicle, and a lifting jack that extends from the end of the extension arm to the ground. Also known as {H-Jack or H-stabilizers}.

Two piece

Below are general guidelines for incident recordkeeping: ________ all entries when possible Enter dates by {month/day/year} format Enter {date and time} on all forms and records. Use {local time} {Fill in all blanks}. Use {N/A} as appropriate Use military {24}-hour time {Section Chiefs and above} assign {record keeper (scribe)}


EMPLOYEE-PAID INTERNET CONNECTION Worksites may request an employee-paid internet connection through the FIT Officer. The request may be made via email and must contain the following : 1. ________ requesting the internet connection 2. Proposed {Internet Service Provider} (i.e. Cox, AT&T, etc.) 3. List of one or more personnel who will be responsible for {paying service fees} 4. An estimation of {installation and recurring costs} 5. {Make/Model of each device which will utilize the internet connection} (i.e. TVs, desktop computers, laptops, wireless routers, phones) NOTE: Any {additional devices added to the internet connection} can impede the worksite's {Public Safety Signal}. Any additional device(s) not listed in the initial request will require approval of the {FIT officer}


If firefighters cannot safely operate on the roof or if other conditions warrant a different approach, horizontal or cross ventilation can be accomplished with aerial devices. A firefighter on the tip of a ladder or in the platform can break upper-story windows with a pike pole or similar tool. When operating in this manner, the firefighter doing the ventilation should be secured to the ladder or platform with a safety belt. The aerial device should be positioned slightly ________ the window and slightly to the {upwind} side (Figure 20.31. p. 738). If a wind is blowing across the face of the building, windows on the {downwind} portion should be taken out first, using proper ventilation practices. By taking a position slightly above a window, the firefighter is not subjected to {falling glass}. Ensure that firefighters below the window(s) being broken stay {clear to avoid falling glass and debris}.


Program Areas/High Use Areas In areas where "Sports Equipment" is utilized, the equipment should be disinfected after each use. This includes specialty equipment, footballs, basketballs, kick balls, soccer balls, softballs, volley balls, etc. In areas where sports or play activities are conducted ALL participants are required to bandage or securely cover every skin abrasion, cut or laceration before participating in an activity. Participants observed with ________ bleeding should be removed from participation. Participants with {active skin infections} ({wound drainage}) should be referred to a {physician} for evaluation. In public program areas, or high use areas, {hand sanitizer} should be readily available in {portable containers or mounted in a fixed location near the entry/exit doors}.


The Deputy Chief will ensure that the training identified in this section conforms to the Department's goals. The Deputy Chief will coordinate operations level training to accommodate training established by the Training, EMS or Specialty Operations work sections, etc. All matters concerning scheduling, facilities, equipment or personnel involved may be subject to the approval of the Deputy Chief The Deputy Chief will ensure that the training identified in this section is implemented on ________. The Deputy Chief will ensure uniformity of the training activities throughout on all shifts

all shifts

The Division Chief/Acting Officer of the respective section will discuss with the employee their duty assignment and any physical limitation(s). The Deputy Chief of Operations will evaluate the progress of the light duty assignment every (30) days from the beginning date of the assignment. When the ending date arrives and the employee needs to continue on light duty, the Deputy Chief of Operations will notify Human Resources of the new ending date, if ________. Employees who receive medical release to return to full duty shall follow the procedures in {S/HRS-211} Return to Work from Sick Leave or OJI.


(Drivers licence) Endorsement(s), restriction(s), county of residence as well as organ donor and deaf or hard of hearing logo are located on the ________. {Two} bar codes are also on the back of the card containing {information from the front of the card}


APPARATUS PLACEMENT The first arriving company shall position the apparatus in a manner that effectively ________ the "{safe work zone}" from oncoming traffic. The apparatus should be {angled}: To provide {greater lateral protection of the scene} To utilize the {reflective striping} To promote the {flow of traffic in a given direction} Positioning apparatus where personnel will be required to {cross medians or lanes of traffic} is inherently dangerous and should be avoided if at all possible. Additional apparatus shall be positioned before the scene (as suggested in Table 1) to help {warn oncoming traffic and provide an adequate buffer zone.


Service Stars One 3/4" star for each five years of completed service with the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Service with other fire departments will not be counted towards service stars. Color shall be the same as ________.


NOTE: The valve stem should not be cut, cracked, or loose. Valve stem ________ should be in place.


A train collision is always the fault of the ________. {Nearly half} the car/train collisions in America happen at {crossroads with lights, bells, or gates}; and {two-thirds} of the crashes happen in {full daylight}. Why? {Impatience} - Drivers don't want to wait the {30} seconds to {2} minutes average time it takes for the train to pass through the intersection. They try to beat the train. Don't let yourself or your family and friends be one of these statistics. In Oklahoma in 2008 there were {52} crashes involving trains with {5} fatalities and {19} persons injured

car driver

Although the terms elevation and altitude are often used interchangeably, a distinction is made between the two in the fire service. Elevation refers to the ________ of the {pump} or the {bottom of a static water supply source above or below ground level}.

center line

Efficient fill and dump time Suspension and steering matched to terrain requirements Properly sized ________ Adequately sized {engine} for vehicle size and terrain Sufficient {braking} ability for vehicle and terrain Proper tank {mounting and baffling} Adequate {tank venting} system Ability to dump water from {either side or rear} of apparatus


Look for signs of cracks or leaks. Most automotive batteries contain lead and sulfuric acid. Leaking acid is highly corrosive and hazardous if it gets on your skin or eyes. Batteries can also give off hydrogen gas, which is highly explosive and a mere spark can ignite it. Some automotive batteries contain vents to allow the gas to escape, so any ignition source or even a ________ near the battery may cause an explosion or fire. A battery detonation will likely throw {caustic acid} into your eyes or skin.


Some changes in the way the F.D. operates come from the activities and design of community state ________


Leadership is ________ in emergency situations where personal risks are {high and hazardous conditions can change rapidly}. {Motivating} personnel is essential to {limiting injuries, assuring accountability, and attaining operational goals}.


Expansion of the incident may also require the delegation of authority for the performance of the other management functions. The people who perform the other four management functions are designated as the General Staff. The General Staff is made up of ________ Sections: {Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration}


It is well documented that typical fire department centrifugal pumps operate at their highest GPM flow at 150 psi net discharge pressure. Any pressure above 150 psi results in a ________ of total GPM flow from the pump. As a rule of thumb, a {pumper} should be added into the operation for every {150} psi


Depending on the operational capabilities of the apparatus and the severity of the grade, apparatus with two rear jacks may need to face uphill. By facing uphill, the angle of the turntable is ________, thereby {increasing} {capability and stability}. If the apparatus is facing downhill, the capability of the apparatus may be {decreased}.


Intersections are the most likely place for a collision to occur involving an emergency vehicle. Driver/operators must know the motor vehicle statutes as well as department policy regarding proceeding through an intersection with and without traffic control devices. Many jurisdictions as well as NFPA® 1500 require fire apparatus to come to a full stop and account for vehicles in all lanes of traffic before proceeding through the intersection. A driver/operator coasting the apparatus through an intersection is not a substitute for making a complete stop. Make every attempt to make ________ with other drivers to ensure that they are seen before proceeding.

eye contact

The following is a 3-step process for submitting the completed (building) survey : 1. Verify the building address is valid in GIS (Address verification map service) 2. Save the completed document as a PDF file using the verified building address as the ________ (this should be saved on the {Z} drive under {your station folder}) Example: 820 NW 5th St.pdf 3. The {District Officer} will then do the following: a. Ensure the survey {meets their expectations} b. Ensure the {file name is the address and is valid in GIS} c. Ensure the {file size} is less than {300 KB} d. Save the final copy in the {\\svs911db01\pre-plans} folder

file name

Ike Jacket Navy blue, polyester or wool, uniform style currently in use. Breast Badge Will be worn over left pocket in the seamed holes provided for it. Name tag Will be worn on the ________ of the right pocket, centered on the flap, {3/4}" down from the top of the pocket. Patch(es) OKCFD patch will be worn on the left sleeve, {2}" down from the shoulder seam, and centered on the left sleeve. Optional approved patches may be worn on the {right} sleeve in a like manner. Sleeve braid Will be worn on {both sleeves}. Sleeve Stars Upon completion of each individual's {5} years of service a sleeve star will be added. Jacket Collar Insignias No {collar brass} will be worn on the Ike jacket, but {will be worn on the Class A shirt underneath}. Buttons Will be silver or gold (depending on rank) and will have the letters "{FD}" in the center.


(high rise fire) Search Search Priorities : 1. Immediate area around fire 2. Then remainder of fire floor 3. Then the floor above 4. Then the ________ 5. Then the {top floor} 6. Then {remaining floors above if warranted} 7. Attempts should be made to direct occupants to {evacuation stairwell} if the evacuation stairwell is still free of smoke and other contaminates 8. Occupants in the {attack stairwell} must be allowed to pass prior to fire attack or {redirected to a safe location} (i.e. the {evacuation stairwell} if it is still passable) 9. Evacuees should be {supervised closely}

floor below

Almost ________ of firefighter injuries occur on the {fireground}.


Stihl 044 Chain Saw WARNING! The ________ is an integral part of the {chain braking system}. It must not be modified in any way, otherwise it will be {deactivated}. The great advantage of the {inertia chain brake} is that the brake is activated after {severe kickback} even if the {operator's left hand is not behind the front hand guard}. When the hand guard is moved towards the {nose of the guide bar}, both {manually or by inertia}, the {brake lever} is unlatched and the brake band is clamped round the clutch drum at the same instant. This causes the saw chain to be brought to a standstill and locked in position. Apart from {starting and emergencies}, the chain brake may be engaged {only when the saw is idling}. To release the brake, pull the {hand guard back toward the handlebar}

hand guard

The operation of a centrifugal pump is based on the principle that a rapidly revolving disk tends to throw water introduced at its center toward the outer edges of the disk (Figure 9.4). The ________ acts as the disk receiving its water through the {eye in its center}. This water is thrown out to the {volute} around the {outside edge of the pump housing}. The {speed of the impeller} dictates the amount of pressure that is developed. The faster the disk is turned, the harder the water is thrown, giving the water more {velocity}. If the water is contained at the edge of the disk, the water at the center of the container begins to move outward, toward the {path of least resistance}. The velocity of the water is converted to pressure by confining the water within the container. The height to which the water rises, or the extent to which it overcomes the force of gravity, is based on the {speed of the impeller's rotation}.


Stress in aerial devices is ________ when the {ladder rungs are operated nonparallel} to the ground or when the apparatus is {parked on an incline and the aerial device must operate off the side of the apparatus}. These positions and others like them create {torsion}, or a {twisting action on the ladder or boom and the turntable} (Figure 17.16). When an apparatus must operate off an incline, the driver/ operator can reduce these stresses by spotting the turntable {downhill} from the point of operation.


HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION For products with limited information, follow these basic guidelines: If the products/chemicals name ends in IDE or IUM. Use caution when using water Use Guide 111 in the ERG When the fire shows abnormal characteristics: Set zones, isolate or evacuate accordingly Deny access to the zones Do not use Radios in the immediate area. (THE ISOLATION AREA) Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances If the container has a refrigeration unit and is placarded Do not fight the fire Call for the Hazmat Unit Set zones, ________ or {evacuate} accordingly Deny {access} to the zones Do not use Radios beyond the {control zone} Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances


The most common actuators for ball-type valves are either push-pull handles or (T-handles) or quarter-turn handles. The push-pull valve handles on some pumps use a sliding gear tooth rack that engages a sector gear connected to the valve stem. This arrangement provides a mechanical advantage that makes the valve easier to operate under pressure as well as the setting of precise values of pressure when adjusting individual lines. The operating linkage may be adjusted so that the valves may be mounted remotely from the pump panel. The push-pull lever usually has a flat handle that can be used to lock the valve in any position by a 90-degree twist of the handle. The push-pull handle must be pulled straight out with the sides kept ________. If this is not done, the shaft may {bind}, making the valve {difficult to move or inoperable}.


Stihl 044 Chain Saw Proper tension of the chain is extremely important. In order to avoid improper setting, the tensioning procedure must be followed as described. Always make sure the hexagonal nut for the sprocket cover is tightened securely after tensioning the chain. Never start the saw with the sprocket cover ________. Check chain tension once more after having {tightened}. the nut and thereafter at {regular intervals}. If the chain becomes loose while cutting, {shut off the engine} and {then tighten the chain}. Never try to tighten the chain while the {engine is running}!


Firefighter and Civilian Deaths— both have played a ________ in {changes and improvements in tactics} {Firefighter} death - {investigated} Goal of research—{prevent deaths and injuries in the future}

major role

If PRM determines it is a request that can be handled by on-duty personnel, a ________ to an on-duty {District Officer} will be made. The {District Officer} will contact and assign somebody {within the district to conduct the interview}.

phone call

Type III Ordinary Cont...**2 types of spreaders Type 1- rod or cable that runs ________ to the {joists} and ties the walls together to {increase} stability of either or both walls Type 2-{tensile members}, {rod or cable} run {perpendicular} to the {joists} to the wall May be part of original design of {heavy timber building} or added to support a weak wall found in *{typical corner gas station, drug store, supermarket} *structurally {sound} *stand up well to {room and contents} fires (exterior concrete, brick, etc. are poor conductors of heat and don't allow spreading unless wall {failures} *Hazard-potential collapse due to {heavy fire loads} *wall will tend to {bulge} before collapse-providing warning *{pushing smoke/fire}={possible collapse}


For the purpose of these procedures, Hazardous Material in broad terms means a substance or combination of substances which, because of quantity, concentration, ________, {chemical} or {infectious characteristics}, may either {cause or contribute} to an {increase in mortality}, or an increase in {serious irreversible or incapacitating illness}, or pose a present or {potential hazard to human life or the environment}. The term hazardous material is also used interchangeably with the word {hazmat} and is used throughout these procedures


Some apparatus are equipped with backup cameras that also act as ________. These devices provide a limited view of area behind the apparatus. The in-cab monitors are somewhat limited by {screen size as well as environmental factors}. To safely back the fire apparatus, driver/operators should use all means at their disposal including scanning between their {direct field of vision, video screens, and spotters}.


Figure 3.3 Firefighters maintain their fitness level by performing various exercises such as ________.


The Backup Team is the ________ team that will {extract the entry team in an emergency}


, For best results while moving, accelerate ________; spinning the wheels will result in a loss of traction


Pavement Markings - An R X R and a ________ may be painted on the pavement in front of a crossing. Always stay behind the painted stop line while waiting for a passing train

stop line

Wednesday Clean kitchen, ________, {cabinets}, {refrigerators}, etc


***________-combo of {5 like} resources, reports to a {leader}

strike team

Dropping Fold-a-Tanks for Water Supply Single Tank Drop - The tanker will drop off one tank, unload its water into the tank, and pull off both hard suction hoses. The water is then drafted from the tank by an engine or floto pump Be sure to leave enough room for the drafting engine and for the ________ to resupply the tank






The safety trailer is a mobile unit that is used to teach children from seven years old and up, as well as adults, about fire safety and other hazards in the home. We average over 12,000 visitors through our safety trailer every year. One of our most popular programs is the 2nd Grade Safety Program. Working with local fire stations, we run nearly 9,000 second graders, from more than 120 elementary schools, through the safety trailer every school year. Operation of this trailer requires a minimum of ________ personnel. We request a minimum of {150} participants before we will schedule the trailer for {weekend and after hour events}


Headquarters shall endeavor to keep the records in serviceable order by seeking to archive the information on non-acid paper, optical (computer) storage, microfiche, or other long lasting medium. In order to prevent disaster from destroying records, records shall be stored in at least ________ places physically distant from each other, preferably in separate communities.


In accordance with 47 OS 69-1213, obstructing or damaging roads, defacing, damaging, destroying, or removing any traffic control device, road sign board, guide sign or sign post is a misdemeanor. If the action results in personal injury to or death of any person, the person or persons responsible for such action shall be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than ________ years and a fine of ${1,000}, or both such fine and imprisonment.


In order for Emergency Medical Technicians to maintain their licensure they must complete a specified number of continuing education (Con-Ed) hours during their ________-year renewal period


Truss Frame-lightweight very controversial *entire structure is tied together into a ________ frame *stud walls-{load bearing and typical platform-frame method} *floors and roof are {lightweight wood trusses} *up to {3} stories *hazard-wood carries its load by {mass} *smallest dimensions possible - {2X4} *span large areas=potential for {large areas of collapse} *{gusset plates} AKA {gang nailers}, {staple plates}, {metal tooth plate connectors} —{0.05} inches thick *metal staple—{0.25 "to0.375",} but often penetrate less than {0.25}"


The approach and departure lanes should be clear of any hazards, no obstructions 100-150 feet ________ wind of the LZ.

up and down

Markings and Colors Marking numbers that designate a UN/NA Hazardous material Placards and Labels DOT placards NFPA 704M United Nations Hazard Class Numbers HMIS Labels Chemical Data Sheets Data sheets may come in the form of Shipping papers, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and/or Manifests Only retrieve shipping papers if you are able to stay out of the product and its vapors Approach ________ {Facility Personnel} Determine what products are {manufactured or stored on site} If they have been {contaminated}, find out their symptoms and what the {physical state}(s) of the products are, {solid, liquid, gas, what type of odor, what color,} etc.


Class B - Public Uniform Work-shirt (Optional) 95% cotton, 5% polyester, super weight Navy blue, 100% nylon shell. Set-in sleeves. Knit cuffs and bottom band. Cotton, anticurling canvas or denim collar and elbow patches. 7" brass zipper. 9" right chest radio pocket. Standard Embroidery: Right breast embroidered with first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank. Left breast embroidered with the Maltese Cross logo, and OKLAHOMA CITY FIRE. See page 43 for description of logo. #810 Navy Firefighter's Workshirt #5.11 #72321 Navy Job Shirt with canvas or denim The back will be silk-screened "OKLAHOMA CITY RESCUE" in ________, and "{FIRE}" and the {two} lines will be in {genesis phosphorescent}. See page 43 for description of silk-screening.


A Disciplinary Meeting will be held to issue discipline involving Class-2 or higher reprimands, suspension, demotion, or termination. Any Disciplinary Meeting held to issue suspension, demotion or termination, shall be conducted at the Fire Administration offices by a Deputy Chief rank or higher, unless approved by the Fire Chief. Any employee that is scheduled for a Disciplinary Meeting will be notified a minimum of two hours in advance that they will be attending a Disciplinary Meeting. Notice for Disciplinary Meetings shall advise the employee of the subject matter of the Disciplinary Meeting. Notice for Class-2 reprimands may be given orally but higher level Disciplinary Meetings shall be in ________.


Key Control In keeping with the assigned employee's responsibility for sole care and maintenance of each vehicle, the Maintenance Shop will maintain master keys with tags bearing the assigned vehicle number. No duplicate keys will be provided and no locks will be changed unless authorized in ________ by the {Unit Operations Supervisor}.


Required by Law—When you move you must notify the Department of Public Safety in ________ within {10} days, either by reporting to your {local Tag Agent} or by {writing} to: Department of Public Safety, P.O. Box 11415, Oklahoma City, OK 73136 The Department will not notify you: It's your responsibility to report the change within {10} days


(Wildland fire) If you have homes threatened, save lives first and property second. When you have to choose which home to save, look for the one that you have the best chance of saving Homes that have a high fuel load close to the structure may have to be written off as indefensible. Choose the battle ________

you can win

The entire priming action typically requires 10 to 15 seconds from start to finish. However, when up to 20 feet (6 m) of intake hose lifting a maximum of ________ vertical feet (3 m), it may take as long as {30} seconds ({45} seconds in pumps larger than 1250 gpm [5 000 L/min]) to accomplish this. If a prime has not been achieved in this time period, the priming attempt should be {stopped and the problem traced}.


Company Officers who are being held hostage or find they are in grave danger of injury due to a violent person, will use the following procedures : 1. Activate the emergency button on your hand held radio (or a crew member can activate their button too) 2. When Fire Dispatch checks your status, answer with the following, "We are fine, 10-90." 3. If a Fire Dispatcher hears "10-90", immediately notify PD via CAD and via a direct phone call. Advise PD that the crew has issued a "10-90" a. Fire dispatch can either add PD to the current incident to which the Fire Company in trouble is assigned, or if not assigned to an incident, Fire Dispatch will create a specific CAD incident with the last known location b. PD will dispatch the closest unit to check the welfare of the crew at the last known location c. Fire Dispatch will also dispatch the closest OCFD unit and a Chief to the last known location 4. It is understood that "________" means {check the welfare of an Officer} for PD and this definition will also mean check the welfare of a Fire Company


TRAINING Everyone who works with or is potentially "exposed" to hazardous chemicals will receive initial training and any necessary retraining on the Hazard Communication Standard and the safe use of those hazardous chemicals annually. An exposure means that an employee in the course of employment was exposed to a level above that allowed by 29 C.F.R. 1910 of a chemical that is a physical or health hazard, and includes accidental or possible exposure. Whenever a new hazard is introduced or an old hazard changes, additional training shall be provided within ________ days. Training shall be provided within {30} days of employment, during the {recruit academy}, or when an employee could possibly be {placed in an area where exposures are likely}.


2: POST-ENTRY MEDICAL PROCEDURES After ________ minutes, they shall be given {rest} time. Personnel {will be taken out} of protective clothing and monitored by {medically trained personnel} for {temperature}, {dehydration}, {blood pressure}, {signs and symptoms of chemical exposure}, etc {Heart rate} should be measured for {30} seconds, as soon as possible during resting periods. The initial Heart Rate should not exceed {110} beats per minute. If the Heart rate is higher, the next work period shall be shortened by {10} minutes, or {33}%., while the length of the rest period remains the same Body temperature should be measured, {orally with a clinical thermometer}, as soon as possible during rest periods. Oral temperature should not exceed {99}°F. If it does, the next work period shall be shortened by {10} minutes, or {33}%, while the length of the rest period {remains the same} Individuals should not be allowed to wear {semi-permeable or impermeable clothing} if oral temperature exceeds {100.6}°F {Good hygiene} shall be maintained by {frequent showering and change of clothing}. {Dry clothing} will be made available, if necessary {Mobile showers}, {shade}, {shift rotation}, and /or {air conditioning} shall be used to reduce the {heat stress} of entry workers {Gum}, {smoking}, {eating}, {drinking} and {chewing tobacco} shall be prohibited in the {Contamination Reduction} ({Warm}) or {Exclusion} ({Hot}) Zones Decontamination teams shall be equipped with equipment, at most, {one level below that of the entry team}


As a first responder for the Oklahoma City Fire Department, the following confined space guidelines will be adhered to in a rescue situation: A. Awareness Level/First Arriving Company 1. Establish Command 2. Scene size-up a. Is this a confined space? i. Is large enough and configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned duties ii. Has limited or restricted means for entry/exit iii. Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy b. If so, make sure Rescue 8 and Haz-Mat 5 are enroute 3. Deny access to the space 4. Gather space information: Permit, SDS a. If a hazardous material is involved or suspected, follow ________ b. {Set-up Decon} c. Determine stability of confined space for possible {shoring operations} 5. Gather {patient information} a. Number of {victims} b. {Location} c. How long have they been {down}? d. Work being {performed} 6. Stop all {unnecessary traffic around the space} a. {Vehicle}(s) b. {Equipment} c. {Personnel/Bystanders} 7. Determine {rescue or recovery} mode a. How long have they been {down}? b. What products are they {exposed} to? c. How long will it take to {extricate the victim}?


A pumper in good working order can lift water a maximum of ________ feet (7.5 m). However, all available atmospheric pressure is required to overcome this lift. As a result, the remaining capacity of the pump is of little value for fire suppression. To create an effective fire stream, a lift of no greater than {20} feet (6 m) is recommended. Working with this lift, the pump operates at about {60} percent of its rated capacity.


1 EMERGENCY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT For emergency replacement of expended, missing, or damaged EMS equipment/supplies not available from the District Hub Station or any Hub Station in an adjacent district, call the EMS Office during normal business hours at ________. If supplies are in stock, the requesting company will need to {make arrangements} to retrieve items from the EMS Office located at {850 N Portland Ave} (Fire Training Center)


BUNDLING PORTABLE SPRINKLERS 1. Starting with the nozzle and cap, slip nozzle into holder, beginning with the buckle end Connect the first ten-foot section of hose, allowing hose to lay to the left of the holder 2. Place the ________ nozzle into the same end of the holder, directly on top of {1st} nozzle. Bring first hose to your left and connect to 2nd nozzle, leaving the coupling loose so hose can be adjusted later to lay on the same {plane}. Connect 2nd ten-foot section of hose to 2nd nozzle and lay this section to your right 3. Notice the {3} nozzle tip holders on the harness. Place the 3rd nozzle directly on top of the 2nd nozzle from the same direction. Note one difference: The nozzle tip will be threaded into the middle part of the holder. Now connect hose #2 on your right to nozzle #3. Take hose #3 and connect to left side of nozzle #3 4. Place nozzle #4 in the holder in the same way you placed #3 nozzle with tip being placed in to the middle part of nozzle tip holder. Then bring hose #3 back and connect to left side of nozzle. Connect hose #4 to right side of nozzle #4 5. Now all nozzles should be directly on top of the other with all {stems} {pointing the same direction}. Next, offset each {tee} about {1} inch so tees will stack closely. Buckle the harness around nozzles lengthwise, leaving slightly lose so that couplings can be tightened after hose has been aligned to lay on its edge on the same plane. Tighten harness strip completely 6. Notice that you will have {2} ten-foot sections of hose to each side of your nozzles. Roll each of these along the sides of the harness, adjusting about {6} flakes in each ten-foot section and the length of your holder. Buckle the arm strap around folds. Adjust folds again for {uniformity and completely tighten}.


Formula 13.2 provides the means for calculating travel time. There is a built in factor for acceleration and deceleration times as the vehicles approach fill and dump sites. The formula assumes an average travel speed between the fill and dump site of ________ mph (55 km/h). If road conditions allow faster speeds or requires slower speeds, the formula must be adjusted accordingly.


HYDRASSIST OPERATION 1. First engine will spot at the hydrant for hydrant connection using Hydra-assist. Firefighter disembarks engine for hydrant connection. Engine proceeds to fire. Handle on Hydra-assist should point to the "B" position after connection is made and before hydrant is opened. (Figure 1) 2. Firefighter opens the hydrant using the 10 second rule. Firefighter returns to engine company NOTE: 10 second rule should take about 10 seconds to open/close a valve to prevent damage to plumbing 3. Second engine will spot at the hydrant with largest discharge on the hydrant side. Spot apparatus for soft suction connection 4. Operator will set park brake, then connect 5" soft suction to side "C" of the Hydra-assist. Operator will then connect soft suction to the 5" intake 5. Operator will attach 25 feet of 4" hose to side "D" of the Hydraassist The ________" hose is connected to the largest discharge 6. Operator will turn handle on the Hydra-assist to the "{D}" position. Operator will open the {intake valve and the discharge valve}, then {engage the pump} 7. Second engine operator will {pump friction loss} plus {20} psi for residual pressure to the first engine 8. Contact the first engine by radio to confirm {residual pressure} is {20} psi or above NOTE: pump {discharge pressure} should not exceed {200} psi


Emergency supply/equipment needs after hours : 1. Check District Supply Hub Station for replacement items 2. If not available within district, District Coordinator or designee shall call the other District Supply Hubs to see if items are available from other districts. If not available from other districts, call EMSA supply warehouse at 297-7025 and check availability of items 3. Make arrangements to pick up supplies at 2323 S Walker (EMSA Post ________) If {non-disposable}, EMSA will loan if available {Email [emailprotected]} and your {District Officer} listing all items provided by EMSA whether {disposable or non-disposable}


SIMON LTI QS-82 EMERGENCY POWER UNIT OPERATION EPU Operation The Emergency Power Unit consists of an electric motor and a small hydraulic pump which, when activated, allows the operator to move the aerial or outriggers in the event of a main system failure. The system is capable of all functions in a no-load condition,. However, because of short continuous use limit time, it is important that only required functions be used to move personnel and equipment to safety. Functions should be limited to those associated with wrapup of the aerial. The outriggers can be stowed, to allow truck movement in a situation of impending danger. The EPU can be used over a long period of time at a 7% duty cycle, which is approximately 21 seconds in ________ minutes NOTE: The EPU should be run every 10 hours of aerial use to circulate oil in the system and ensure the unit is working properly CAUTION: The EPU is rated for a maximum of three minutes of continuous operation


I. Positive Tuberculosis (TB) Test Procedures: If your Tuberculosis (TB) test result is positive, the following forms must be completed. 1. Complete the Online On the Job Injury Report. Date/Time of injury: Date of Positive Reading How injury occurred: If known, complete same - if unknown enter: Potentially exposed to an airborne pathogen. Severity of Injury: Clinic Visit 2. Complete the Online Supervisor's Investigation Report from the email received. Date: Date of Positive Reading ________ It is only necessary to complete the first {why} in this case. Using a statement such as; "{The employee tested positive during the annual TB screening}". Include: Assisted Employee with Procedures on {Further Testing}

5 "Whys":

Many fire departments choose to outfit their pumpers with water towers. These are telescoping or articulating aerial devices whose primary function is to deploy elevated master streams (Figures 16.29 a and b). The driver/operator remotely controls the movement of the water tower and the fire stream from ground level. These controls are located either at the rear of the apparatus or on the midship pump panel. Most water towers are designed so that their fire streams may be deployed at a range of elevations starting from a few degrees below horizontal to nearly 90 degree from the ground. Common sizes for these devices range from ________ feet (15 m to 40 m). They are capable of maximum flows ranging from {1,000 to 5,000} gpm (4 000 L/min to 20 000 L/min).

50 to 130

BUNDLING PORTABLE SPRINKLERS 1. Starting with the nozzle and cap, slip nozzle into holder, beginning with the buckle end Connect the first ten-foot section of hose, allowing hose to lay to the left of the holder 2. Place the 2nd nozzle into the same end of the holder, directly on top of 1st nozzle. Bring first hose to your left and connect to 2nd nozzle, leaving the coupling loose so hose can be adjusted later to lay on the same plane. Connect 2nd ten-foot section of hose to 2nd nozzle and lay this section to your right 3. Notice the 3 nozzle tip holders on the harness. Place the 3rd nozzle directly on top of the 2nd nozzle from the same direction. Note one difference: The nozzle tip will be threaded into the middle part of the holder. Now connect hose #2 on your right to nozzle #3. Take hose #3 and connect to left side of nozzle #3 4. Place nozzle #4 in the holder in the same way you placed #3 nozzle with tip being placed in to the middle part of nozzle tip holder. Then bring hose #3 back and connect to left side of nozzle. Connect hose #4 to right side of nozzle #4 5. Now all nozzles should be directly on top of the other with all stems pointing the same direction. Next, offset each tee about 1 inch so tees will stack closely. Buckle the harness around nozzles lengthwise, leaving slightly lose so that couplings can be tightened after hose has been aligned to lay on its edge on the same plane. Tighten harness strip completely 6. Notice that you will have 2 ten-foot sections of hose to each side of your nozzles. Roll each of these along the sides of the harness, adjusting about ________ flakes in each ten-foot section and the length of your holder. Buckle the arm strap around folds. Adjust folds again for {uniformity and completely tighten}.


E-ONE AERIAL Checking the Nyla Tron Blocks , This is a two man operation that should take no longer than 30 minutes Working with the ladder in the bedded position one person should extend the ladder while the second person should be watching from the side for the alignment holes to see the screws and the pads Use the set of Allen wrenches that are issued by the shop Check to make sure the screws are snug, if the screws are loose contact the shop so they can ensure they are tightened at the proper torque There are 12 screws on the bottom (________ per side) and there are also {12} screws at the front (6 per side) Make sure the {bolt} is {past flush} with the pad; make sure it's not protruding {past the side of the pad}. If it is that would be an indicator that it is {loose}


FACTS 1 psi will lift water 2.304 feet Base pressure for 1 foot of rise is 0.434 psi 1 cubic foot of water weighs ________ lbs 1 gallon of water weighs {8.33} lbs 1 {cubic foot of water} is {7.5} gallons Condensed Q formula is {Q2}


NOTE: Air pressure should build to ________ (595-700 kPa) in 45 seconds at full engine RPM. Step 19: When the needle stops climbing, the air compressor has cut out.

85-100 psi

Approximately ________% of all incidents are {small responses} that include: Command: {Incident Commander and other Command Staff} Single Resources: An {individual piece of equipment and its personnel complement, or an established crew or team of individuals with an identified work supervisor that can be used on an incident}


NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Qualifications, sets guidelines for qualification to the Fire Officer Level I. Candidates for this position should meet the following requirements: Fire Fighter II as described in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications Fire Instructor I as described in NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications Chapter 4 performance requirements of NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications In addition, NFPA 1021, item 5.1.1 General Prerequisite Knowledge identifies information that candidates should know before promotion or certification to Fire Officer Level I. These items include the following: Their department's organizational structure The geographical configuration and characteristics of their response districts Their departmental operating procedures that relate to administration, emergency operations, incident management system, and safety Their department's budget process Information management and recordkeeping processes for their department The fire prevention and building safety codes and ordinances applicable to their jurisdiction Current trends, technologies, and socioeconomic and political factors that affect the fire service The rights of management and members ________ in force between their organization and members The policies and procedures regarding the operation of their department as they involve {supervisors and members}


The best advice for driving on icy roads is ________. Ask yourself: Is this trip really worth the risk? Rain - The roads are likely to be very slick just after it begins to rain or drizzle. The {first few drops} loosen built-up grease and dirt on the road surface, covering it with a slippery film that makes driving very dangerous. Keep alert - the first few drops of rain signal danger. Slow down and use extra caution: "{Slippery when wet}." As long as the road surface is wet, you should slow down to avoid hydroplaning.


ADDENDUM B - LOGO DESIGN Bright Tiger White Ink for: "OKLAHOMA CITY" The words "OKLAHOMA CITY" are in white ink in one (1) inch, ALL CAPS, Arial Black Font. Curved font raised 1 ½ inch from center base line. Which means: using the bottom of the letters "O" and "Y" in the words OKLAHOMA CITY, as the baseline, measuring up to the bottom of the letter "M" is 1 ½ inch. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "the top line above OKLAHOMA CITY" ¼ inch under the lowest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" is a 12 point centered line 11 5/8 inches in length. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "________" {¼} inch under the line is {2-¾} inch lettering of the word "{FIRE}". The letters are {ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font}. The letters are {1 ½} inches apart. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "the bottom line below OKLAHOMA CITY" {¼} inch under the word "{FIRE}" is another {12} point centered line also {11 5/8}" inches in length. Bright Tiger White Ink for: "{RESCUE}" {½} inch below the {second red line} are {1 ¼} inch lettering of the word "{RESCUE}" spaced evenly in a {seven (7")} inch (from left to right) space. The letters are ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font. Overall: From the top of the highest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" to the bottom of the word "RESCUE" is {7 ½"} inches and from the very left side of the design (the left side of the letter "O") to the very right side of the design (the farthest point right on the letter "Y") is {12}" inches.


Classical decision-making model Aim - what IC wants to accomplish, based on Incident priorities Size-up ________- anything that {affect the decision-making process} {Courses}- {options the IC has to accomplish the AIM} Based on factors considered, an IC must determine the {strengths and weakness} of each course of action {Plan} (action plan)-course of action that {best fits the situation}, also details how to implement the plan based on resources {on scene} and in staging **Most important factor is—develop a {logical} thought process to evaluate the incident


The ________ may approve, for uniformed members, the optional wearing of civilian clothing on duty when it is in the {best interest of the department}. Civilian clothing worn on duty will be {proper for the occasion, clean, neat, in good condition, and conform to the same standards of appearance required when wearing the uniform}. The style should be consistent with the current style in the {business community} as determined by the employee's {district/worksite chief officer}.

Fire Chief

When the employee reasonably believes interviews/investigations may result in discipline, employee rights shall include, but not be limited to the following: 5. Employees or the Union representative may assert a ________ right if they reasonably believe there is a chance of {criminal liability}.


Example Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! E1 to command, we have had a ceiling collapse on the second floor and our exit has been cut off. We are located in the B/C corner of the building on the second floor and need a ladder placed to the second floor window on side When a Mayday is transmitted the following procedures are to be followed by the Incident Commander in charge of the incident : 1. Acknowledge the Mayday 2. Activate the RIT 3. Request an additional alarm and an ambulance 4. Advise dispatch that you will need another TAC channel assigned to this incident. All companies operating and all responding companies will operate on the newly assigned TAC channel. The only companies that will remain on the initially assigned TAC channel will be the RIT and the company that initiated the Mayday 5. Gather as much information as possible to relay to the RIT. Use the ________ acronym L {Location} (floor/quadrant/wing) U {Unit} (E1) N {Name} (Corporal Smith) A {Assignment} (checking for extension) R {Resources} needed (need ladder to 2nd floor for rescue) 6. Assign a RIT Operations, with a {Company Officer or higher} assigned to oversee this operation. A company will need to be assigned as the {back-up RIT} 7. The IC will call for a {Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)} from all companies operating on the fire ground


Fire Marshal Work Section Windbreaker Embroidery: (Investigation or Inspection): FRONT Right breast embroidered with first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank. Below the rank should be, the officer's designation either "INSPECTOR" or "INVESTIGATOR". Left breast embroidered with a 3-inch gold badge with the words FIRE (curved) above the badge and ________ (curved) below the badge. BACK The words "{FIRE MARSHAL}" will be embroidered on the back in {gold}, with the words being {8 ½ inches across and 1 ½ inches in height}.


Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date picture of resource utilization is a critical component of resource management. Resource management includes processes for: Categorizing resources Ordering resources Dispatching resources Tracking resources ________ resources It also includes {processes for reimbursement for resources}, as appropriate


DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY The Oklahoma City Fire Department AHA Training Center strives to promote and support aligned instructors to succeed. All instructors conducting a class on- or off-duty are looked upon as representatives of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Instructors are expected to present AHA lesson plans in an accurate and engaging manner, display patience and understanding with students, and adhere to all applicable administrative policies. If a complaint or problem comes to the attention of the EMS Office, it will be investigated for validity and impact. If complaint warrants action, it will be handled according to the following steps. Depending on the severity of issue by the Instructor, the corrective action taken may go immediately up to step 3 Progressive steps are as follows: ________ - Remediation If after careful investigation, the Training Center Coordinator perceives an {Instructor's performance a problem}, he or she should issue {remediation}. The Training Center Coordinator will {state the problem to the instructor, give support and education from the Training Center to promote success and inform instructor of the next progressive step}. The {TCC} will keep {detailed notes and prepare a letter} about the conversation to be placed in the {instructor's personnel file} {Step 2} - {Written warning} If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator will provide the instructor with a {written warning detailing the problem, along with a statement that continued failure could result in revoking alignment of Training Center}. The {TCC} will complete a letter stating the {problem presented, support and education given from the Training Center to promote success and next progressive step}. Letter will be signed by the {instructor and the TCC} to be included in the {instructor's personnel file}. A copy of the letter will be given to the {instructor} {Step 3} - {Termination} review If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator must notify the {EMS Chief}. The Training Center Coordinator with agreement of the {EMS Chief} will make the final decision of the Instructor's alignment after {careful consideration} of all the information

Step 1

A medical evaluation form will be completed by each employee prior to their initial fit test training (fit test training is required only if the employee needs the fit test). Forward medical evaluation forms to the Safety Office if a ________ response is given to any of the medical questions - {DO NOT FIT TEST} UNTIL {APPROVED.}


THE LAW SAYS Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and shall not proceed until he can do so safely when: a. A clearly visible electric or mechanical signal device gives warning of the immediate approach of a train b. A crossing gate is lowered, or when a human flagman gives or continues to give a signal of the approach or passage of a train c. A train approaching within approximately 1500 feet of the highway crossing emits a signal ________ from such distance, and the train by reason of its speed or nearness to such crossing is an immediate hazard d. An approaching train is plainly visible and is in hazardous proximity to such crossing


In a decentralized model, decision-making authority is limited to only those tasks over which personnel have been given ________. Decentralization of authority allows for the {expeditious handling of most matters}. The details resulting from a decision {do not have to be reported}, but the {effects of the decision do}. With decentralization of authority, {duplication of effort may occur}.


Refilling and Storage The post valve gasket will be replaced every time an oxygen bottle is refilled. This is to assure that we attain a good seal each time a bottle is refilled The old gasket is discarded and replaced with a new gasket. A ________ containing {10} {Post Valve Gaskets} will be carried in every {medical kit on every apparatus} After refilling, {momentarily open} and {close} "{Crack}" the post valve to {blow out debris} before installing the regulator Ensure the regulator flow knob is in the "{off}" position before attaching it to the cylinder Position the equipment so that the valve is pointed {away} from the {user and any other persons} Use the {green} {3}-inch plastic sleeve caps to cover post valves on {all spare bottles} not in use to protect the {valve head and openings from dust, grease, and possible damage} Check {District EMS Supply cache} if in need of replacement items


Stihl 044 Chain Saw Kickback occurs when the upper quadrant of the ________ contacts a {solid object or is pinched} The reaction of the cutting force on the chain causes a rotational force on the chain saw in the {direction opposite to the chain movement}. This may {fling the bar up and back} in an uncontrolled are mainly in the plane of the bar. Under some cutting circumstances the bar moves towards the operator, who may suffer severe or fatal injury. Kickback may occur when the nose of the guide bar is {pinched unexpectedly, unintentionally contacts solid material in the roof or floor, or is incorrectly used to begin a plunge cut}. Many forces influence the occurrence and force of the kickback reaction. These include {chain speed, the speed at which the bar and chain contact the object, the angle of contact, the condition of the chain} and other factors

bar nose

PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE 1. Pull off the road to a safe location 2. Bring the apparatus to a complete stop 3. Disengage the transmission 4. Set the parking brake 5. "PUSH" ________ on the {lower R side} {below the steering wheel} 6. {Notify the shop}

blue button

After considering and/or using the options above, if minimum staffing levels are not met the Fire Chief (or designee) will exercise the following option: CALL-BACK PROCEDURE Call-back will be used under the following guidelines to maintain minimum staffing levels in suppression. Call-back for the purpose of maintaining minimum staffing is not considered an emergency situation. Emergency situations are addressed by Article 19.3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and are authorized by the Fire Chief or his/her designee : 1. Call back shall be a voluntary program for FLSA 7 (k) 24hr operations personnel only who have completed the probationary period. All eligible personnel will be added to the call back list after completing the recruit probationary period. Employees will be placed on the call-back list in order of their seniority on the department. Employees with the same hire date will be added to the list in alphabetical order. Call back shall always start at the top of the list working downward according to the terms of this procedure. Employees called back shall be assigned to work at a location as determined by the Deputy Chief of Operations or their designee. Reasonable efforts should be made to assign personnel where they can function within their rank/classification 2. Employees working call back shall receive 1½ times their regular hourly rate of pay as per Article 19.1 of the current CBA for all call back hours worked. Time will commence when the employee arrives at the call-back assignment and end when the employee leaves the work site. 3. Employees must work their last scheduled shift or be off on approved leave (due day, comp time, vacation leave or holiday leave) prior to being called back. Employees on sick leave, injury leave, or any other administrative leave including FMLA, will not be eligible for call back until they have been released to return to regular duty, but shall retain their position on the call back list 4. Employees rejecting call back will move to the bottom of the call back list. If the employee accepts call back, their name will be moved to the ________ of the call back list 5. Employees must provide a {contact phone number}. Failure to reach an employee at the provided numbers will be {considered a rejection of the call back}. Employees are not allowed to work callback on their {regularly scheduled duty day}. If an employee is next up to be called, and the call-back falls on his/her assigned duty day, the employee {shall be passed over yet retain their position on the call back list}. Should a complete rotation of the call back list not result in the attainment of required staffing levels, subsequent notification shall require {mandatory participation}, and will start {with the least senior employees on the call back list}. Exceptions to mandatory overtime will be allowed in instances where the employee is {unable to report to duty in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 6}


There are 5 "types" of meningitis. Bacterial Meningitis ________ life-threatening and {requires immediate} medical attention. {Viral} Meningitis is {serious but rarely fatal}. {Fungal} Meningitis is a form that can be serious in {immunosuppressed} people. {Parasitic} Meningitis is an {often fatal, rare form that is associated with exposure to bodies of water}. {Non-infectious} Meningitis {is not spread from person to person} but can be caused by {cancers, lupus, certain drugs, and traumatic injury}.

can be

ICS consists of procedures for controlling personnel, ________, {equipment}, and {communications}


Class D Learner License (Permit) (Minimum Age - 15 ½) You must be currently taking or have passed an approved driver education course and show a completed driver education certificate or a contract with a commercial driver education school or the ________ driver education card from a public school. If you are participating in the Parent Taught driver education program you must bring the DPS approved Parent Taught Affidavit and a purchase receipt for the course (Minimum Age - 16) You must qualify for a regular Class D license, except for the driving test


Bed ladder pipes are often equipped with solid stream nozzles because their inability to telescope prevents them from being positioned for effective fog stream application. Automatic remote-controlled bed ladder pipes are rare. Most bed ladder pipes are equipped with manually operated nozzles. These nozzles may be operated from the tip of the retracted aerial device or, preferably, from the ground or turntable through the use of rope(s) attached to the nozzle (Figure 16.40). One end or length of the rope is attached to the nozzle near the outlet tip, and the other is attached to the end of the handle. This allows the nozzle to be moved up and down. Some bed ladder pipes are equipped with a gear-operated mechanism for raising and lowering the fire stream. A ________ at the base of the ladder is used to maneuver the nozzle.

hand crank

FD TALK is part of the trunked system and should be used for "________" companies engaged in non-emergency operations such as training, flowing plugs, etc. It is imperative that Company Officers assign one individual to monitor {FD ALERT} while in the available mode

in service

NOTE: IFSTA recommends fully deploying stabilizers and stabilizer pads (also called ________) during {every stabilizer setup} and every time the {aerial device is raised from its bed}.

jack plates

Personal Factors/Personal Changes New company officers may have to make personal changes to avoid the antagonism, resentfulness, and loss of friendships that can occur if the transition isn't well managed. To overcome these personal challenges, the new officer must: Commit to the responsibilities, duties, and requirements of the supervisory position Show loyalty to the organization**support the leadership team and political authority Show loyalty toward company personnel Act as a ________ Support all types of {education and training} Guard {conversations} Accept {criticism graciously} and {accept praise, honors, and advancement modestly} {Lead} by example - set a {positive example} for subordinates founded on a consistent adherence to a set of {moral, ethical, and social values}. {Praise} in {public}; {discipline} in {private} Project a {professional image} - to the {public, elected officials, internal and external stakeholders, and to peers}


Monthly SCBA Inspection and Daily & Usage Check Information (located in Target Solutions under the Daily Apparatus Inspection quick link) 1. All SCBA's should be checked every morning and after each use and record the findings on the Daily Inspection Form located on Target Solutions. 2. Individuals (officers, drivers, and firefighters) will conduct a daily check on their assigned SCBA. Drivers will check their own plus any extra SCBA's. Extra breathing air bottles on the apparatus should be checked for the next hydrostatic test date and pressure, (________ is needed). Personnel not assigned to operations should check their SCBA {every Friday and complete the Monthly Inspection form on Target Solutions}. 3. {Hydrostatic testing} should occur every {5} years from the {manufacture date} located on the bottle. The air shop will provide a {sticker} located on the {neck of the bottle}, indicating the {due date for the next hydrostatic test}. If during inspection a test date is not found on the neck of the bottle, the air shop {should be contact} for a test date sticker or to have the bottle {replaced with a bottle that has the proper sticker}. 4. As the bottles are tested, the {Air Shop personnel} will date the bottles with a {colored tape} around the neck of the bottle. This will aid everyone in {recognizing and removing from service those bottles that need testing}. As bottles are tested, the date put around the neck will be the {actual date you need to send the bottle in for testing}. {Air shop personnel} will coordinate any {testing and replacement} of bottles.

no form

Only one crew (with the operator) and equipment at a time will use the car to avoid ________, and to permit room for {emergency maneuvers in the car.} (Rule of thumb {6} personnel) Crew and operator must be {fully dressed with S.C.B.A. face pieces in position for quick donning before ascent} A {radio, forcible entry tools, flashlight, stepladder (sometimes located in the supply closet on every floor), water or drychemical extinguisher, and spare bottle} should {remain} in the car with the operator


Date (8th line down from the top margin) Name of Addressee (5th line down from date) Company Street Address City, State Zip Dear Name: (2nd line down from address) Subject: Letter Format (If necessary, 2nd line down from salutation) Do not indent paragraphs. Paragraphs are separated by a blank line between. Make sure you proofread carefully for typos and grammar errors. In WordPerfect 6.0 the spell check and grammar check options can be very helpful. The subject line is optional, however, when it is used it is placed below the salutation, NOT above. The subject line is part of the body of the letter; the salutation is not. The enclosure line and copy distribution lines are only used if enclosures are included or copies are distributed. If there is an attachment, "attachment" would replace "enclosure". If more than one attachment or enclosure is included, use "attachments" or "enclosures". Please make sure the attachments or enclosures are included when indicated on the letter. Preceding the distribution list is "pc:" which means photocopy or printed copy. The initials below the signature line belong in the following order: person signing the letter, the author of the letter, and the typist. All initials are capitalized except the typist's initials. A colon separates each person's initials. If the letter is longer than one page, a heading is placed at the top of the subsequent pages. The first line of the heading will have the name of the addressee, second line will have the ________ and the third line will have the {date}. Typing on the second page will begin on the {third} line down from the heading. To utilize a second page, at least {three} lines from the body of the letter must continue to the second page before the closing begins. The second page must be printed on {paper of the same quality} as the letterhead.

page number

Successful students will receive a digital completion card when available. Students who have been assigned an eCard will receive an email inviting them to claim their eCard online. From the email, students will click on a hyperlink to view their eCard. This hyperlink will direct students to the Student Profile webpage. On the Student Profile page, students confirm or edit their contact information; set up a security question and answer that will be used to access their individual eCard profile in the future; and agree to the AHA's standard Terms of Use. Students are then asked to complete a brief six-question survey about their class experience. Once the student survey has been completed, students will see their individual eCard. The card will be stored digitally on the AHA website. A hard copy can be ________, but is not required. The card can be accessed at any time by going to {www.heart.org/cpr/mycards} and entering the {card holder's information}


Criteria for qualification as a ________ apparatus is based on the following features (Figure 16.30): (5) • {Fire pump • Water tank • Supply and attack hoses • Ground ladders • Aerial device or elevated platform}


Apparatus with rear-mount pumps are becoming increasingly popular (Figure 9.17). This design offers a number of advantages, including a more even weight distribution on the chassis and more usable compartment space. A disadvantage of the rear-mount pump is that the driver/operator may be more directly exposed to oncoming traffic than in other pump-mounting positions. This situation may be somewhat alleviated by placing the pump controls on one of the ________ of the apparatus so that the vehicle may be positioned on an {angle} to protect the driver/operator.

rear sides

If the apparatus fails to perform to the requirements outlined in the bid specifications, it should be ________ by the purchaser. Provisions may be made to give the manufacturer an {opportunity to correct any deficiencies or supply another apparatus that will fit the specifications}. Or, depending on the contract, the purchaser may consider the order {void and choose another vendor} to fill the stated requirements.


213 SMOKING & NON-SMOKING AREAS POLICY UPDATED 7/1/2004 Pursuant to the "Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act" the following policy is adopted for the City of Oklahoma City Fire Department. City buildings are required to be ________ and no smoking is permitted within {25} feet of any outside {entrance or exit}. Smoking is {not permitted} in any Fire Department vehicle. Smoking on the fire ground will be limited to {outside rest areas} only. No smoking is allowed in any working incident structure. This will include {hazardous material incidents}. All personnel should cooperate to work in harmony regarding smoking areas and nonsmoking areas.

smoke free

Fluid resistant gowns are designed to protect clothing from ________. Structural firefighting gear also protects clothing from splashes and is preferable in {fire, rescue, or vehicle extrication activities}. Gowns may interfere with, or present a hazard to, the employee in these circumstances. The decision to use {barrier protection} to protect clothing, and the type of barrier protection used will be dictated by the situation at hand and the {IC} will ensure compliance. {Structural firefighting gear} will always be worn for {fire suppression and extrication activities}.


ADDITIONAL LADDER COMPANIES (Once a significant fire is confirmed) 3rd Ladder 1. The 3rd Ladder will act as the Fire-Attack Stairwell Search Team (Fire-Attack S.S.T) and will report to the U.S.E. Officer. 2. Ascend via proper elevator (if available) or stairwell to the ________ a. Will be equipped with {Forcible Entry Tools} from their apparatus b. {Extra SCBA} from their apparatus 3. Advise Operations of {smoke conditions on top floor} 4. Advise Operations once they have arrived at the top floor so that Operations can advise them on {possible ventilation needs (i.e. Opening top hatch, bulkhead door)} 5. Initiate a {top-down stairwell search} of the {Fire-Attack Stairwell}. If additional resources are required to complete this task, notify {Incident Commander/Ops} 6. Escort any building occupants out of the {Fire-Attack Stairwell} and relocate them to an {area of refuge} (i.e. {Evacuation Stairwell or another safe location}. If occupants are encountered in the Fire-Attack Stairwell above the fire floor, advise {Operations} to {delay the attack until all occupants have been safely removed}

top floor

One ________ method uses an {overhead pipe} that may be a {permanent or portable device}. This device may be made of {PVC}, but due to the brittle nature of this product in extremely cold weather, many jurisdictions opt to use {aluminum piping or another lightweight material}. This fill device is operated by placing one end of the fill pipe in the {static source}. A pumper discharges water through a small diameter hose line into an {inline water siphon} inside the fill pipe. This creates an adequate {flow rate} through the fill pipe. These devices are used only when there is no other way of filling than through the top opening. It is more efficient to use the pumper to draft from the site and {pump directly into the water tender}.


OPERATIONAL TESTING FOR SCBA, HEADS-UP DISPLAY AND CONSOLE 3. Slowly open the cylinder valve fully rotating the knob counter clock-wise. a. Vibralert alarm shall actuate and then stop. b. The heads-up display will initialize with all five lights on for ________ seconds followed by display of {cylinder supply level}. If the {LOW Battery light} at the {far right} of the display {remains lit or begins to flash}, {replace the batteries}. c. The {PAK-ALERT distress alarm} will be actuated when the {cylinder valve is opened}.


Wild land fires Class A Foams - highly effective in promoting penetration of burning fuels. Ratios of ________% used to penetrate {.5}% used for fire attack {1}% can be used to {pretreat a structure or build a temporary fire line}. When building a fire line with a foam blanket, the width of the fire line needs to be {1.5} times the height of the flames and {completely coat all surfaces of the fuel} With {low humidity}, watch for {spot fires}. Advise {incoming companies and chiefs} to be looking for {spot fires} {Downed power lines} frequently start grass fires. Watch for downed power lines.


ADDENDUM B - LOGO DESIGN Letter Dimensions: Height ________ for name & rank Fonts: {Arial Black} (for name & rank) {I.F.C. Hardball} (in logo) (Vendors see CD specifications for specific design font)


Simon LTI Outrigger Circuit Pressure Gauge A ________ psi pressure gauge is piped directly into the outrigger valve bank. The gauge shows selected circuit operating pressure when the outrigger system is activated. The gage is located at the {right} hand outrigger control station

0 to 5000

3. As natural gas is produced, it is usually odorless. ONG adds chemicals to give it a pungent odor. This odorant is noticeable when there is less than ________ percent gas present in a given volume of air. This percentage is enough below the {lower limit of flammability} to provide a {margin of safety in case of a gas leak}


All air purifying respirators used against particulates during grass fire fighting operations will use Charcoal N95 Particulate Respirator. All air purifying respirators used against airborne pathogens such as M. tuberculosis, will be NIOSH approved for the biological hazard anticipated and filter particles ________ micrometer in size in the unloaded state with a filter efficiency greater than or equal to {95}%. The OKCFD uses {8210 N95 particulate, Charcoal N95 Particulate Respirator, 6000 series, and 9970 High Efficiency Air Purifying Respirators} for airborne pathogens. See Appendix D for more information.


BUNDLING PORTABLE SPRINKLERS 1. Starting with the nozzle and cap, slip nozzle into holder, beginning with the buckle end Connect the first ten-foot section of hose, allowing hose to lay to the left of the holder 2. Place the 2nd nozzle into the same end of the holder, directly on top of 1st nozzle. Bring first hose to your left and connect to 2nd nozzle, leaving the coupling loose so hose can be adjusted later to lay on the same plane. Connect 2nd ten-foot section of hose to 2nd nozzle and lay this section to your right 3. Notice the 3 nozzle tip holders on the harness. Place the 3rd nozzle directly on top of the 2nd nozzle from the same direction. Note one difference: The nozzle tip will be threaded into the middle part of the holder. Now connect hose #2 on your right to nozzle #3. Take hose #3 and connect to left side of nozzle #3 4. Place nozzle #4 in the holder in the same way you placed #3 nozzle with tip being placed in to the middle part of nozzle tip holder. Then bring hose #3 back and connect to left side of nozzle. Connect hose #4 to right side of nozzle #4 5. Now all nozzles should be directly on top of the other with all stems pointing the same direction. Next, offset each tee about ________ inch so tees will stack closely. Buckle the harness around nozzles lengthwise, leaving slightly lose so that couplings can be tightened after hose has been aligned to lay on its edge on the same plane. Tighten harness strip completely 6. Notice that you will have {2} ten-foot sections of hose to each side of your nozzles. Roll each of these along the sides of the harness, adjusting about {6} flakes in each ten-foot section and the length of your holder. Buckle the arm strap around folds. Adjust folds again for {uniformity and completely tighten}.


CARBURETOR SETTINGS Remove and clean the air filter as needed. Basic settings for the carburetor are as follows : 1. HIGH SPEED (screw H) back off ________ complete turn 2. {LOW SPEED} (screw {L}) back off {1} complete turn 3. FINE TUNE ENGINE: {clockwise} is {lean} and {counter clockwise} is {richer} The capacities of the oil and fuel tanks are balanced in such a way that, a {certain amount of oil is always left in the oil tank when the fuel tank is empty}. The {oil pump} is controlled by the {chain speed}. Oil flow adjustments can be made if necessary. Always {refill the oil tank} when {refueling}


E-ONE AERIAL Ground Ladders 10' Attic X 2 16' Roof X 2 24' X ________ {30'} X {1} {35'} X {1}


HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS Class ________ - {Explosives} {Do not fight Explosive fires Explosives may detonate with the application of water due to becoming extremely unstable when exposed to fire Use the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) to establish the isolation zone Use the ERG to establish the evacuation zone Once you have set zones, isolate or evacuate accordingly Deny access to the zones Do not use Radios in the immediate area Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances}


Hydration—during heat stress, personnel should consume at least ________ quart of water per hour, rehydration solution should be a {50/50} mixture of water and a {commercially prepared activity beverage} and be administered at {40} degrees F


Personnel Assigned to Apparatus with Minimum Staffing of 3 or Greater 3-5 Station Day Off Slots ________


Name Tag The name tag dimensions are ________ with two rows of letters. The top row should be the name of the individual with {first name initial and full last name (example: J. DOE)} in {3/16}" letters. The bottom row should be the {rank} in {1/8}" letters. All letters should be {black and in capital letters}, and the tag itself should be {polished silver or gold} (depending on rank).

1/2" X 2 3/8"

When selecting a site for drafting, the lift must be kept as low as possible. It is more desirable to lay out an extra ________ feet (30 m) of supply line to set up at a draft location where the lift will be lower and more water can be supplied.


PIERCE PUC RURAL ENGINE PRE-CONNECTS , Two 200 foot 1 ¾ inch hand lines, located above the discharge/intake panels , One 400 foot 1 inch forestry hand line, located above the discharge/intake panels , One ________ foot {1 ½} inch hand line, located in {front bumper} , One {200} foot {2 ½} inch hand line, located on {officer's side hose bed}


PUMPING TO A SPRINKLER/STANDPIPE CONNECTION 1. Operator will spot apparatus approximately 20 feet past sprinkler/standpipe connection and set parking brake 2. Engine crew disembarks engine and offloads enough line to make a sprinkler/standpipe connection. Adapters needed for 4" hose; Storz to 2 ½" male on a 30 degree elbow Adapters needed for a 3" hose is a 2 ½" double male 3. On orders, operator will proceed to hydrant to make connection 4. Firefighter(s) will make connection to sprinkler system/standpipe after a few flakes have deployed off engine and there is no residual pull on the hose. 5. Operator spots apparatus for soft suction connection. Turn wheels 45 degrees away from hydrant. Set parking brake, disembark engine and gather necessary tools to make steamer connection NOTE: only use 5" soft suction to steamer to make this connection. Operator will open hydrant and take static reading 6. Operator will break the line at tailboard and connect to appropriate discharge SPRINKLERS: Operator waits for orders before turning water in STANDPIPES: Open the discharge and allow water to purge the line 7. Chock wheels and engage the pump 8. Operator pumps ________ psi plus friction loss, plus {5} psi per floor above the 1st floor NOTE: do not exceed {200} psi as per system is rated at {500} gpm


Piercing nozzles, also called penetrating nozzles, are commonly used in aircraft fire fighting, car fires, or to apply water to voids, attics, or other areas inaccessible to standard fire streams (Figure 6.10). The piercing nozzle is generally designed as 3 to 6 foot (1 to 2 m) hollow steel rod 1 1⁄2 inches (38 mm) in diameter. The tip of the device is a hardened steel point capable of being driven through a variety of material including concrete block and other building materials. An impinging jet nozzle capable of flowing approximately ________ gpm (500 L/ min) at {100} psi (700 kPa) is part of the hardened tip. At the opposite end of the nozzle a {striking surface} allows the device to be driven with a {sledgehammer or maul axe} through various obstructions.


The adjustment review period shall be 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. the day that the protest period closes and 8:00 a.m. to ________ the {next business day}. When the {adjustment review period has closed}, candidates shall be allowed to {review their answers for accuracy of grading only}, not to {protest the test content}

12:00 noon

All personnel are encouraged to use the gymnasium. It is the intent that employees have free use of the facilities on a 24-hour basis, however to ensure continued use of these facilities some restrictions must be established : 1. The use of the Oklahoma City Police Department Training Center Gym and Weight Room is limited to active and retired members of the Oklahoma City Police Department and the Oklahoma City Fire Department 2. Family members of police officers and firefighters may use the gym facilities, but only when accompanied by the officer or firefighter, who is ultimately responsible for their conduct and safety 3. No persons under the age of ________ are allowed in the {Weight Room} 4. All persons using the facilities will {produce identification and/or official credentials} upon the request of any {Training Center Staff member} 5. Failure to adhere to these directives will be cause for {disciplinary action}.


MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet 20 44 ________ {59-66}


Command should be notified once the fire department pumpers have accomplished their set-up and when the fire department pumpers begin supplying the fire-attack lines. NOTE: If additional pressure is needed past what the system pressure can provide the following two rules shall dictate the allowable increases : 1. System pressures up to ________ psi - maximum pressure of {200} psi 2. System pressures over {150} psi - maximum pressure of {50} psi above system pressure Additional pumpers should be requested to {attach supply lines} to any unused inlets of the FDC This will provide {reliability for supplying the system}, as well as {additional GPM} if needed


Drum-Type Elevator: A drum in the motor room has the hoisting cable wound about it because of size limitations of the drum, lift seldom exceeds ________ feet. Found in {older} installations


Sierra Jumbo Model 44 Hose Clamp It has a bronze screw and nut for strength. Needle bearings are also included in the shut-off bar. The handle is aluminum and is 24-inches in length. The hose clamp base dimensions are 8 inches by ________ inches long


NFPA 1404-Fire Service Respiratory Protection Training NFPA 1410-Standard on Training for Initial Emergency Scene Operations NFPA 1710-Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments NFPA ________- {Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Departments}


Class A, B, or C Commercial License (Minimum Age - ________) Type of Vehicle: {Single or combination} vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of {26,001} lbs. or more (does not include {farm} vehicles); a vehicle transporting hazardous materials in amounts requiring a {placard}; or a vehicle designed to transport {16} or more passengers, including the driver Requirements: If you will be driving any one of these vehicles, you must study the {Commercial Driver} Manual to prepare for the driving test


PROBATIONARY PERIOD Until you are ________, your license is {probationary} (you are in a trial period to show you can drive safely and legally). The Department of Public Safety may cancel or suspend your license for {any unlawful act}, {negligence}, or {misconduct} while driving


Guidelines for initial Mantoux skin test: The initial Mantoux test will be administered with five units of tuberculin PPD injected just under the skin of the forearm. The employee returns one week later to have the test read. At the second visit, those employees with reactions 10 mm or greater are considered positive, and are to have follow up according to current guidelines. Those who have doubtful or negative reactions at the second visit will, at that time, have their skin test repeated. The results of the second skin test are read 48-72 hours later, and are recorded as the employee's "baseline reactivity" at the time of employment. Employees with a history of a positive skin test will not be re-tested; however, they will be required to complete a medical questionnaire. Those employees who have received a skin test within the previous year will only require an initial test and reading ________ hours later and will not require the {third visit}.

48 to 72

F550 BRUSH PUMPER 4X4 OPERATION 4X4 System Indicator Lights A 4x4 light and a LOW RANGE light are located at the lower right of the instrument cluster 2H position: Neither the 4x4 or the LOW RANGE lights are lit 2H position: Only the 4x4 light is lit N position: Neither the 4x4 or the LOW RANGE lights are lit ________ position: {Both the 4x4 and the LOW RANGE lights are lit}


Class 2 - Gases (Flammable, Nonflammable, & Poison) Determine if the container is being impinged on by fire above or below the liquid line. If impingement is above the liquid line then, determine elapsed time since fire has been burning. You have about 5 minutes of fire impingement above the liquid line before a BLEVE can be expected Only attempt to attack the fire if the following water supply can be implemented within this (critical 5 min.) A flow of 500 gpm will be needed to protect the container from failure; the flow should come from two (2) 250 gpm lines. This will cover a wider container surface than one (1) 500 gpm line If ________ minutes have elapsed, use the {ERG to establish the isolation or evacuation zones} Once you have set zones {isolate or evacuate the area} Deny access to the zones.


The water adds weight to the structure at the rate of 2,000 pounds for every ________ gpm (1000 kg for every 1 000 L/min) and could contribute to the collapse of an {already fire-weakened structure}. When possible, find {avenues of drainage} from the building when using master streams during fire fighting operations.


The majority of trench collapse and cave-in incidents are body recovery operations due to the physical forces involved: one cubic foot of dirt weighs approximately 100 lbs./ one cubic yard of dirt weighs approximately ________ lbs. depending on the {soil type} (one cubic yard of dirt is about the size of a {mid-size car trunk}). Victims buried to their waist have the {greatest chance for survival} unless rescue personnel cause a {secondary collapse due to over aggressive tactics}


Enforcer engine Oil ________

28Q 15w40

Stihl 044 Chain Saw The 16" hard tipped bar, with a 3/8" Raptor chain is recommended for fire department use. The engine must be at least 4 cubic inches. With the carbide chain, ________ cutters in a row {may be missing}, or {6} cutters on the {whole chain}, before it needs {repair}. The advantages of the chain saw are {numerous}. The firefighter can cut through roofs covered with {tar and gravel, wood shingles, composition shingles, and light metal}. {Trees, fiberglass, plaster, and floors around floor furnaces} may also be cut


Some amount of sediment and dirt is found in all water supplies. As these impurities pass through the pump, they cause wear on the impeller as it turns at speeds of nearly ________ when the pump approaches its capacity. Particles of sand passing between the impeller and pump casing act like an {abrasive and wear down the metal surfaces}. As gaps increase, {greater amounts of water are allowed to slip back into the intake} and are not available at the discharge. Eventually, the pump is no longer able to pump at its rated capacity. An initial indication of wear may occur during pump tests when {increased engine rpm} is required to pump at the rated capacity.

4,000 rpm

The Unit Operations Supervisor shall ensure apparatus/vehicle(s) are examined within ________ hours of the accident for the purpose of obtaining an estimate of repairs. If a third party is involved, the estimate of damage shall be forwarded to the {Municipal Counselor's office and the Fire Department Safety Officer}, within {48} hours of the accident. Post-accident drug or alcohol testing shall be in accordance with the current Drug Policy. NOTE: The witness statement form is found on the FIREWEB FORMS.


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) should be notified within ________ following a {LODD}. NIOSH will be very helpful in the investigation process, however, they {may not opt to investigate every LODD depending on the circumstances}.

48 hours

Daily apparatus check CHECK LIST 1. Oil, Transmission, and coolant levels 2. Fuel level above 3/4 tank 3. Booster Tank Water (If Applicable) 4. Operation of pump and/or aerial device 5. Primer motors and/or EPU aerial device 6. Bleed Air Tanks (if applicable) 7. Tire Pressure of all tires (within 5 PSI of recommendation on vehicle data plate) 8. Tire Tread Depth (1st and 15th of each month) 9. Lights (including emergency and headlights turn, etc.) 10. Siren, air horns, and safety features (if applicable) 11. Check all water drain valves, intake and discharge valves 12. Work relief valve and transfer valve (if applicable) 13. Check fuel gauge and/or fuel card if gauge is inoperable 14. SCBA (proper seat location and minimum ________ PSI) 15. {Radio and MDC} 16. {RIT} pack 17. {EMS} equipment and supplies 18. {LP-1000} defibrillator, if applicable ({OK} message and {2} battery bars or more) 19. All other inventory not listed above Apparatus checks will be entered daily in the appropriate {Target Solutions fillable form}


VARC Terms of Service 1. Those members listed 1-4 shall serve on the committee for an indefinite period of time. 2. Those members selected to the committee (________) shall serve a {minimum of a two-year} term on the committee. 3. To maintain the {four} members per shift, a member will be asked to {resign their position if they are transferred to a different shift}. If a member must resign due to transfer, he/she {will be offered the first occurring vacancy when one occurs on the shift they have been transferred to.}


INITIAL ATTACK OVERVIEW The first arriving Crew Officer will establish command and operate in the Fast Attack/Investigation Mode unless the first officer is a District Officer. District Officers will operate in the Command Mode. If a working fire is confirmed, a High-rise Alarm will be called for immediately! A High-Rise Alarm is the equivalent to a ________ response. This reinforced response is needed to supply the {minimum staffing} to accomplish the initial job tasks at a highrise fire


The following are safe and efficient nozzle pressures for common fire streams: • Solid stream nozzle (handline) = ________ psi (350 kPa) • Solid stream nozzle (master stream) = {80} psi (560 kPa) • Fog nozzle = {100} psi (700 kPa) • Low pressure fog nozzle = {50} or {75} psi (350 or 525 kPa)


HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS Class ________ - {Radioactives} {Do not fight any Radiation fires in bulk type packaging Radiation fires may create Poisonous/toxic run off problems with the application of water Use the ERG to establish the isolation zone Use the ERG to establish the evacuation zone Once you have set zones isolate or evacuate the area Deny access to the zones Stay out of smoke, it will contain toxic substances}


HIGH-RISE INCIDENT OVERVIEW Most modern high-rises are as much as ________% lighter in mass than earlier constructed buildings (prior to {1940}). They are also {taller}, with {open landscaped floors} as large as {20,000} square foot. The content loading in a modern high-rise can generate as much as {2 ½} times the B.T.U output of the fires from which {current codes} were derived.


REMEMBERING WHEN (SENIOR SAFETY PROGRAM) Each year, approximately 7,000 older adults, age 65 and older, die as a result of home falls, and an additional 1,000 die in their homes from fires or burns. The Remembering When program, developed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teaches older adults to protect themselves from fires and falls through trivia quizzes, humor, and nostalgic interactive games. The focus is fun, but the safety massages are serious. The presentations include a hands-on smoke alarm demonstration The Oklahoma City Fire Department started the implementation of this program in the fall of 1999. The program teaches 8 fire prevention messages and ________ {fall prevention} messages to older adults


Notifications after a LODD: Department of Labor or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) shall be notified within ________ of {LODD or significant injury}. {Oklahoma City Risk Management} can help with this notification.

8 hours

FD TALK1 is a talk group available for coordination and communication of non-emergency activities. This talk group is not monitored by dispatch however it is trunked through the ________ MHz radio system and is therefore {repeated city wide}. {Six} FD TALK "Talk Groups" are also available on the {FD SUPT bank} FD TALK 2 is a talk group available for coordination and communication of non-emergency activities. This talk group is not monitored by dispatch however it is trunked through the 800 MHz radio system and is therefore repeated city wide. Six FD TALK "Talk Groups" are also available on the FD SUPT bank


Most fire fighting foam concentrates are formulated to mix with (range) ________ percent water. For example, when a 3 percent foam concentrate is used, the finished foam solution consists of 97 parts water mixed with 3 parts foam concentrate. The result is {100} parts foam solution (Figure 14.3).

94 to 99.9

Elevation Pressure Loss EP = 0.5H Where: EP = Elevation Pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) 0.5 = ________ H = {Height in feet (ft)}

A constant

OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES FOR AUTOMATIC ALARM OR SMOKE/ODOR INVESTIGATION RESPONSE TO A HIGH-RISE STRUCTURE Investigation Response 1. When the Oklahoma City Fire Department Dispatch Center receives a call about an automatic alarm or odor investigation in a high-rise structure, they will dispatch the following to the address: a. 2-Engine Companies b. ________-Rescue Ladder c. {1}-District Officer




________ fog {15 degrees to 45} degrees


Wild land fires Class ________ Foams - highly effective in promoting {penetration of burning fuels}. Ratios of {.3}% used to penetrate {.5}% used for fire attack {1}% can be used to {pretreat a structure or build a temporary fire line}. When building a fire line with a foam blanket, the width of the fire line needs to be {1.5} times the height of the flames and {completely coat all surfaces of the fuel} With {low humidity}, watch for {spot fires}. Advise {incoming companies and chiefs} to be looking for {spot fires} {Downed power lines} frequently start grass fires. Watch for downed power lines.


________ — Tool for boring (drilling) holes in floors and other solid barriers including ice.


(high rise fire) Victims Communication Specialist (VCS) The VCS Unit, once assigned will : 1. Will operate on a separate TAC channel in order to: a. Allow ________ to refer calls received from occupants still inside the structure to the {Communications Unit} b. Provide instructions to Dispatch of the {proper course of action for the particular caller}: {Shelter in place Evacuation directions} 2. May monitor calls to the {front desk or lobby telephone} from occupants still inside the structure a.Provide instructions of the proper course of action to the caller{: Shelter in place Evacuation directions} 3. Will advise Command of occupant location(s) where: a. Occupant advises their location is posing an {increasing threat to survival} b. {Special Needs occupants} who are unable to {self-evacuate}


Each District Officer will schedule hold stations at least 6 months in advance. Changes within their district may be made as requested by the Station Officer with the approval of the District Officer. Holds must be rotated according to the number of apparatus with minimum staffing of 3 or more. ________ slots may not be used for holds with the exception of {Holidays}, as defined by the CBA. District slot usage for Holidays, as defined by the CBA, will be determined by a {drawing held by the District Officer}


________ —Process of acquiring water from a {static source and transferring it into a pump that is above the source's level}; {atmospheric pressure on the water surface} forces the water into the pump where a {partial vacuum was created}.


________: A condition caused by the {wedging of automatic elevator doors}. The door motors "{burn-out}" and the unit becomes {totally inoperative}


**Appx ________ {firefighters} die on {scene} each {year} **about {½} are due to {firefighter stress}


Begin turn signal and start slowing down at least ________ feet from the corner


Pressure-Reducing Valve — Valve installed at standpipe connection that is designed to reduce the amount of water pressure at that discharge to a specific pressure, usually ________ psi (700 kPa).


NFPA® ________, Standard for Emergency {Vehicle Technician Professional Qualifications}, provides a basis to train and certify fire apparatus mechanics and fire department maintenance officers. Driver/operators must not attempt to perform work beyond the scope of their knowledge and training, leaving repairs to qualified personnel. In order to ensure operational status of the vehicle, NFPA® {1002} requires driver/operators to be able to perform routine tests, inspections, and servicing of the following systems: {Batteries, Braking systems, Coolant system, Electrical system, Fuel system, Hydraulic fluids, Oil, Tires, Steering system, Belts, Tools, appliances, and equipment}


NFPA® ________ {Medium} expansion foam is commonly used at a rate of {20:1 up to 200:1} through {hydraulically operated nozzle} type delivery devices.


Figure 1.15 A portable generator. Powered by gasoline, diesel, power-take-off, or hydraulic systems Have ________ volt capabilities Have capacities up to {12,000} watts Rescue apparatus or other specialized units may feature fixed generator systems with capacities of {50,000} watts or greater.

110 and 220

E-ONE AERIAL AERIAL OPERATION Sloped Surfaces Setting the jacks should not be attempted on slopes exceeding ________% grade ({6.8} degrees, 12 foot rise per 100 feet) front to rear, or side to side. The aerial should not be operated unless the truck can be leveled within {6}% ({3.4} degrees) of level after the jacks are set. Observe the grade indicators located at the rear of the vehicle, and maintain in the green. The smoothest operation will be obtained when leveled within the {green} zone


E-ONE AERIAL Compartment Lights Bright / Dim switch: Controls panel lighting Breaker Box for Generator , Located in the first compartment on the driver side , ________ Breakers are labeled inside of the box


F550 BRUSH PUMPER OPERATION OF PUMP Starting Procedures 1. Pull choke out. (A warm engine requires less choking than a cold engine) 2. Move the throttle control to the mid-throttle position 3. Press starter button. The best starter life is provided to using short starting cycles of several seconds. Prolonged cranking of more than ________ seconds can damage the {starter motor} 4. When engine starts, release the choke 5. To stop engine, move throttle lever to the idle position and push the stop button


Firefighters should never be allowed to ride the tailboard, front bumper, or running boards of any moving apparatus. This is specifically prohibited by NFPA® ________.


Tables 11.1 a and b list minimum discharges that can be expected from a pumper operating at draft with various lifts. All fire department pumping apparatus are rated when drafting with a minimum lift of 10 feet (3 m) from the center of a pump intake to the surface of water through 20 feet (6 m) of hard intake hose. A strainer is submerged at least 2 feet (600 mm) in a water depth of at least 4 feet (1.2 m). As the lift or friction loss in hard intake hose is increased, the water supply capability of the pump decreases. The pump may only deliver about 70 percent of its capacity if lift is increased by 5 feet (1.5 m), to a 15-foot lift (4.5 m), and 60 percent at a ________ foot (6 m) lift.


Truss construction cont...*Top chord-compressed *Bottom chord-in tension *most dangerous truss- bowstring truss-easily identifiable by curved top chord *most common truss-peaked roof truss-most homes and small commercial structures Placed 16" to ________" on center *prior to {1990}-toe nailed to {top plate} *post {1990}-use of {hurricane clips} or {ties-nailed to truss and load bearing walls} **{parallel chord truss}-used for roofs and floors


When the extension arms have been extended to their final positions, the portable stabilizer pads should be centered beneath the stabilizer shoes so that they will be in position when the jacks are lowered (Figure 18.21, p. 656). The stabilizer pads are usually provided by the manufacturer of the apparatus and are usually ________ inch (600 mm x 600 mm) with a {built-in handle} (Figure 18.22, p. 656). Once the stabilizer pads are in position, the stabilizing jacks may be lowered onto them. As the stabilizers are being lowered, the driver/operator should be looking at the {contact area} to be certain the pads are properly positioned (Figure 18.23, p. 656).

24 x 24

Truss Frame-lightweight very controversial *entire structure is tied together into a unitized frame *stud walls-load bearing and typical platform-frame method *floors and roof are lightweight wood trusses *up to ________ stories *hazard-wood carries its load by {mass} *smallest dimensions possible - {2X4} *span large areas=potential for {large areas of collapse} *{gusset plates} AKA {gang nailers}, {staple plates}, {metal tooth plate connectors} —{0.05} inches thick *metal staple—{0.25 "to0.375",} but often penetrate less than {0.25}"


Type IV: Heavy Timber—AKA MILL CONSTRUCTION (northeastern states) *Found in old industrial buildings *8"X 8" Columns, up to 8 stories tall *floors-typically ________" or greater in thickness with {1}" tongue and groove laid {crossways}


Large Diameter Hose (LDH) — Relay-supply hose of ________ inches (90 to 150 mm) in diameter; used to move large volumes of water quickly with a minimum number of pumpers and personnel.

3 1⁄2 to 6

If there is personal injury or death or, if the damage to any vehicle or property is over $________, and if all the parties involved have not reached a settlement within {six} months, you must file an {Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Collision Report}. Be sure you report the exact date and location of the collision. The form is available from the investigating officer, or you can contact any highway patrol, local police, or sheriff's office. This state report is in addition to any reports required by a city


SOP organization ________ Section: {Reference material} such as {equipment manuals, detailed specification charts, and excerpts from textbooks} included as supporting documentation referenced in a {100 or 200} Section policy. Note: The 300 Section should not be used to include large supporting documents which are otherwise available {electronically}.


Theoretical Lift — Theoretical, scientific height that a column of water may be lifted by atmospheric pressure in a true vacuum; at sea level, this height is ________ (10 m). The height will {decrease as elevation increases}.

33.8 feet

The air temperature when the testing is conducted should be between 0° F (18° C) and 110° F (43° C). The water temperature should be between ________° F (2° C) and {90}° F (32° C). The barometric pressure should be at least {29} inches of Mercury (Hg) (100 kPa) when corrected to sea level. This adjustment is necessary because a {1}-inch (3.5 kPa) drop in barometric pressure reduces the static lift of a pumper by approximately {1} foot (300 mm).


Class 6 - Poisons and Infectious Substances Observe the incident from an exaggerated safe distance Do not fight Poisons fires above ________ gallons Poisons may {create run off problems} with the application of water Use the ERG to establish the isolation zone Use the ERG to establish the evacuation zone Once you have set zones, isolate or evacuate the area Deny access to the zones Stay out of smoke, it will contain toxic substances.


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE Boom/Nozzle General Specifications Vertical Reach ________ Horizontal Reach {45' 4}" Tip Load (flowing H2O) {250} lbs


Baseline audiogram Within ________ of an employee's first exposure at or above {85} dB for eight hours, OKCFD shall establish a valid {baseline} audiogram against which subsequent audiograms can be compared. All {fire recruits} will receive a baseline audiogram {prior to employment} with OKCFD.

6 months

Rescue Ladders In order to receive good service and extended life from the A.C. generators mounted on the rescue ladders, the preheat button should be depressed and held for ________ seconds {prior to starting the generator}. If the generator fails to start, wait a {few seconds}, then depress the preheat button for {30} seconds again before starting the generator. Use the {30}-second procedure until the generator starts. If the generator will not start, notify the {maintenance facility for repairs}


Batch mixing of Class ________ foam is accomplished using {portable tanks with tender relays} in some jurisdictions. This method may complicate efforts to restart drafting after a batch is mixed because the foam concentrate {lowers} the viscosity of the water in the portable tank.


SIMON LTI QS-82 AERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Aerial Ladder Type Simon Ladder Towers, Inc Model Number QS-82-OC Height (Extended) 82' Ladder/Outrigger Construction Steel Outrigger (Stance) 16' Rotation Bearing Size 34", External Tooth Turntable Size 96"wide x 96"long Turntable Construction Steel Frame with Aluminum Overlay Communication System Atkinson, Two-way Electric to Ladder Tip 120volt/12v, 2- 500 Watt Quartz lights Pre-Piped Waterway ________, {1000} GPM Monitor/Nozzle {Elkhart 8294-01/Elkhart SM-100E} Retractable {Feature Fly to Mid-section} Ladder Capacity {500} lbs. ({with and without water})


RIT Responsibilities One of the most difficult assignments a firefighter will ever face is being part of a RIT that has been sent into a structure to find and remove a downed firefighter. The chances of the RIT safely and successfully completing their assignment are greatly increased if all personnel understand their roles and responsibilities during a Rescue situation : 1. RIT will monitor radio traffic of the emergency scene a. The RIT officer will notify the IC if a MAYDAY is called and not immediately acknowledged by the IC b. The RIT members will track where each company is operating within the IDLH atmosphere. This will give the RIT a good location for speeding up their search for Maydays or missing personnel. 2. RIT officer will confer with the IC and Safety Officer to obtain as much information possible about the structure prior to any possibly entry 3. RIT will perform their own size up of the structure when possible and note most likely points of entry and egress for firefighters 4. RIT will remain in "ready" position to be deployed 5. Upon deployment, the RIT officer will report specific ________ to the {RIT Ops}


________ — Process of releasing a liquid or gas under pressure, such as releasing air from the regulator or cylinder of a self-contained breathing apparatus; or allowing air to escape from a hoseline before or during operations.


HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS Class 8 - ________ {Small quantities (up to 5 gallons) may be diluted with water, in an attempt to control reaction between corrosive and additional products Do not attempt to try and dilute the product if over 5 gallons If corrosive is on fire, protect exposures and let the corrosive consume itself If large quantities are involved, call for the Hazmat Unit Use the ERG to establish the evacuation zone Use the ERG to establish the isolation zone Once you have set zones, isolate or evacuate the area Deny access to the zones Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances Contain or confine the spill but avoid letting the product come into contact with organic substances.}


Depending on the area that appears to need attention, an officer may choose to follow any number of paths to improvement, such as ________ {Seminars/workshops} {Books or other literature} on the leadership topics {Counselors/mentors}


Emergency Medical Services are under the direction of the Incident Commander at a hazmat incident. It is the responsibility of the Incident Commander to insure the safety of EMS personnel No EMS personnel shall be permitted to come in contact with a victim of a hazmat incident until Emergency Decon has been performed (a minimum of a 60 second flush) This 60 second flush would be used on all personnel even with life threatening injures The EMS unit would under no circumstances enter any area beyond the ________ (Unless trained to {29 CFR 1910.120 (q) (6) (iii) or (iv) or NFPA 473)} The {Supervisor of the EMS Unit} would be notified of the victims suspected product of contamination. The supervisor would also be provided with all {information/data available} (This will allow the EMS personnel to do any {reconfiguration of their transport unit} when needed.) The information given to the EMS personnel will also be given to the Incident Commander by {radio and/or in a written form} All EMS personnel used at a hazmat incident shall be trained according to {29 CFR 1910.120 (q) (6) (i) or (ii) or NFPA 473} The Incident Commander shall insure, through the {EMS agency representative}, that their employees have been properly trained as above stated

Decon site

First-arriving District Officer Establish or Assume the duties of IC Ensure the tasks are performed to limit fire growth by assessing the fire Ensure tactical actions of opportunities are performed Ensure adequate water supply to support fire flow Develops and evaluates the IAP and adjust as necessary Assign a Safety Officer Request additional resources/agencies as needed (additional alarms, utility companies, mutual aid, etc.) Establish a rehab area Later-arriving Chief Officers are assigned as Incident Safety Officer, Division/Group Supervisors, or Operations Chief based on size and need of the incident. The initial IC/BC may become the ________ upon arrival and transfer of command to the {next arriving and higher ranking Chief Officer}

Deputy IC

The following list of tasks and responsibilities performed by the instructor will assist with OKCFD CPR training: Instruct "BLS Provider courses" to suppression and other personnel as assigned by the District Coordinator ALL BLS Instructors must teach a minimum of four courses to on duty Fire Department personnel in two years. It is up to each instructor to achieve this requirement. The District CPR Coordinators will assist with the requirement by coordinating District CPR training with district CPR Instructors. Complete all course roster forms on EMS website within 7 days of class instructed. By submitting a course roster, the instructor is attesting that the class took place in accordance to all requirements set forth by the current American Heart Association recommendations and the current American Heart Association Program Administration Manual (PAM). Course completion cards will then be delivered through interoffice mail to the District Officer of the district that student is assigned. A copy of rosters and course completion cards will be kept on record by the ________ for a minimum of {three} years Instruct or assist with "{CPR for Family and Friends}" to citizens as needed Forward orders to {District Coordinator} of all training aids and supplies needed to conduct CPR classes at least {30} days in advance Maintain station {CPR equipment inventory} Assure all personnel at your station have a current "{Healthcare Provider}" CPR card Advise District CPR Coordinator of instructor card expiration date no later than {90} days prior to expiration.

EMS Office

Complaints regarding EMSA or other transporting agency personnel are to be forwarded to the ________ via {email} ({[emailprotected]}) {as soon as practical}. After investigating, the EMS Office will determine the appropriate action to be taken. The EMS Office will email the {complainant} with the findings of the investigation

EMS office

The usual equipment trade out with the transport agency will be in effect, additional equipment and supplies will be stocked in the ATMR trailer. At the completion of each event, submit a completed supply order form to the ________ of all expended supplies. Bike team members will maintain {high visibility and promote positive public interaction during special event coverage}

EMS office

Corridors, Lobbies When the flag is suspended across a corridor or lobby in a building with only one main entrance, it should be suspended vertically with the union of the flag to the observer's left upon entering. If the building has more than one main entrance, the flag should be suspended vertically near the center of the corridor or lobby with the union to the North when entrances are to the East or West---or to the ________ when entrances are to the North and South. If there are entrances in more than two directions, the union should be to the {East}.


________ involves instruction that emphasizes {knowledge-based learning objectives that are not tied to a specific job}. Education is related to concepts such as, {management styles, budget process, governmental theories, or history}. The {U.S. Fire Administration/National Fire Academy}, working in conjunction with {universities}, created the {FESHE} model curriculum. {Certification} results from tests or assessments to determine their {abilities to apply knowledge and skills}. Career {advancement or mobility} within the profession can often depend on {certification}. Traditional fire service {terminology} is referred to as {jargon}. The Level {"I"} officer will be referred to by the term {supervisor} and the Level {"II"} officer will be referred to as {manager}. {National Fire Protection Association} is in {Quincy, Maryland}.


GENERAL RADIO GUIDELINES The two-way radio is the basic tool for communication in modern fire departments. Clear, Concise and Complete messages are essential for communications between the dispatcher and fire apparatus and between fire apparatus on the scene of an incident a. There are three questions to ask when preparing to send a message over the radio : 1. Is the message CLEAR? a. Have you thought the message out b. Will it be understood 2. Is the message CONCISE? a. Is it as short as possible 3. Is the message COMPLETE? a. Does it contain all the information needed b. Voice 1. Normal Tone a. Slowly and distinctly b Not too loud or too soft c. Speak directly into the microphone 2. ________ a. {Distorts} voice b. {Anger, nervousness and excitement} indicates {loss of control} c. Understanding the message 1. Be sure you {understand the message} a. {Put yourself in place of the receiver} of the message before sending b. When receiving a message, be sure you understand before sending c. {Get clarification} if you do not understand the message sent to you d. {Repeat the message back} if necessary d. {Choice of words} 1. The {shorter} the message, the better in most cases 2. Choose words that are a. {Easily understood } b. {Distinct} c. {Definite} e. {Humor} 1. Is generally {unprofessional and not amusing} 2. May cause {misinterpretation of message} 3. Be professional f.


SOGs must be: Written Simple Attainable Official Applicable to all situations Practiced ________


FERRARA ENGINE To check the ________ remove the cover on the {driver's side cowling panel} and {open the hatch}. Remove the dipstick and check the level. If level is at or below the {ADD} mark, fill with15w40 motor oil. Capacity is 40 qts

Engine oil

________ The near-simultaneous ignition of most of the directly exposed combustible material in an enclosed area due to thermal radiation. This causes the fire to spread rapidly throughout the space, resulting in fire involvement of the entire compartment or enclosed space


Potential Tuberculosis Exposure Once the Critical Post Potential Exposure Procedures are followed the employee will not go to the source patient hospital. Employee will be contacted by ________ to schedule TB testing which can be up to {two weeks}. The first test is your {baseline}, the second TB test is given {two weeks later} to rule out {false negatives}, and the third is given {90} days later. If the employee receives a positive reading during any portion of the TB testing, they will receive a {chest X-ray} and referral to their {resident county health department} for further treatment.


Facial Hair: Members will be clean-shaven. Mustaches will be permitted, but will be kept neat and trimmed at all times. Mustaches will not extend more than ½ inch below the corners of the mouth or extend sideways in such a manner as to appear unprofessional. Bushy, unkempt mustaches are not allowed. Handlebar mustaches are not allowed. Eccentric mustaches, which attract attention or impair safe operations, are not allowed. ________, or other facial hair, are not allowed.


trench/excavation incidents Initial Response: Engine Rescue Ladder Task Force 8 (Rescue 8 and Engine 8) Haz Mat 5 District Officer 1.Upgraded Equipment Response: a. When the Rescue Officer determines that more equipment is needed to handle the incident ________ will be requested through the {IC} 2. Upgraded Rescue Personnel Response: a. If the {Rescue Officer} determines that more rescue personnel are needed on scene, they will be requested through the {IC} b. Rescue Personnel that are {Rescue Technicians} will be sent to the scene by the {Deputy Chief} or his designee

Heavy 8

Poor Vehicle Design Many serious fire apparatus accidents have been attributed to poor vehicle design and maintenance. Vehicles built by apparatus manufacturers typically do not have design problems. "________" apparatus that have been built by {members of the fire department or local mechanics and custom-built, overloaded vehicles} are more likely to have design problems. These vehicles are often built on {government surplus} or other used vehicle chassis that may be {well worn even before the conversion}. Many are operated over the {gross vehicle weight (GVW)} the chassis is designed to support and are {top heavy} after being retrofitted.


Eight areas monitored on hazardous materials incidents by the Hazmat Unit : 1. Background 2. Command Post 3. Contamination Reduction Corridor 4. Area of Refuge 5. Exposures 6. ________one 7. {Exclusion Zone} 8. {Downwind/Perimeter}

Hot Z

Hot Zone This area is of high risk from the hazard of the product involved. The Exclusion Zone is inside the ________

Hot Zone

________ — Potentially hazardous area immediately surrounding the incident site; requires appropriate {protective clothing and equipment} and other safety precautions for entry. Typically limited to {technician}-level personnel.

Hot Zone

________ — Mechanically applied rivet used in the construction of some aerial devices; huck bolts can only be removed by drilling.

Huck Bolt

NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Qualifications, sets guidelines for qualification to the Fire Officer Level ________. Candidates for this position should meet the following requirements: Fire Fighter {II} as described in NFPA {1001}, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications Fire Instructor {I} as described in NFPA {1041}, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications Chapter 4 performance requirements of NFPA {1021}, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications In addition, NFPA {1021}, item {5.1.1} General Prerequisite Knowledge identifies information that candidates should know before promotion or certification to Fire Officer Level I. These items include the following: Their department's {organizational structure} The {geographical configuration} and characteristics of their {response districts} Their departmental operating procedures that relate to {administration, emergency operations, incident management system, and safety} Their department's {budget process} Information {management} and {recordkeeping processes} for their department The {fire prevention and building safety codes and ordinances} applicable to their jurisdiction {Current trends, technologies, and socioeconomic and political factors} that affect the fire service The rights of {management and members} {Agreements} in force between their organization and members The policies and procedures regarding the operation of their department as they involve {supervisors and members}


(high rise fire) SPAN OF CONTROL OPTIONS All arriving chiefs will notify command of their arrival. (Preferably face-to-face). Incident Commander can designate but is not limited to the following positions as needed: Operations Chief Designated "Ops." Answers to ________ Fire-Floor Division Designated "{Fire-Floor}" Answers to {Operations Chief and/or Incident Commander} Upper, Search and Evacuation Designated "{U.S.E}" Answers to {Operations Chief} R.I.T Officer Designated "{RIT}" Answers to {Operations Chief} Staging Area Officer Designated "{Staging}" Answers to {Operations Chief}


(Drivers manual )Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: You feel drowsy and/or dizzy ________ seem {brighter} The skin has a {blue color; lips turn blue} Your {forehead} tightens


Professional dry cleaning is recommended for indoor parade flags. Incidentally, many establishments will clean ________ {free of charge}, especially during the period just prior to {Flag Day}, {June 14}. 4. Do not place the flag where the wind will whip it against {rough surfaces, tree branches, wires, cables}, etc. The {smallest tear} can soon result in a {tattered} flag. Keep pole surfaces free of heavy dirt, rust, scale and corrosion that could damage your flag. 5. Inspect your flag regularly for signs of wear. In particular, look for "{normal wear}" fabric or thread breaks that may occur in the "{fly}" end. This is the end {farthest from the staff}. {Trimming off and re-hemming torn or frayed ends} will help {extend} the life of your flag. How long will a flag last? There is no exact answer. The U.S. Government generally expects a {nylon or cotton} bunting flag to last approximately {90} days, based on daily usage from sunrise to sunset, but not during periods of inclement weather. Tests have shown that in some cases a flag flown 24 hours a day will last only {one-fourth} as long as one flown during {daylight hours only}.

Old Glory

If the decision is made to abandon the area : 1. The incident commander will make an announcement over the radio 2. Apparatus drivers will sound air horn by using THREE HORN BLASTS 3. All personnel will pick up their equipment, if feasible, and leave the area as soon as possible 4. Personnel will respond back to the staging area and inform the incident commander of what company(ies) are clear of the area NOTE: Fire Personnel Safety is ________!


The sum of the pressure loss encountered as well as the required nozzle pressure will be used to determine the pump discharge pressure. The following formula is used to calculate pump discharge pressure (PDP). Formula 7.4 (Customary): Pump Discharge Pressure ________ Where: PDP = Pump Discharge Pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) NP = Nozzle Pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) TPL = Total Pressure Loss in pounds per square inch (psi) (TPL accounts for pressure loss due to friction, elevation, and appliances)


EXITING THE APPARATUS ROOM / APPARATUS DOOR The officer will assign a firefighter to shut the apparatus door for a single house company. The officer and the rest of the crew will get in the apparatus and put seat belts on and each passenger should verbally state "Ready". Once the apparatus stops clear of the door the firefighter outside the apparatus, after insuring door closes, will get in the apparatus and fasten his/her seat belt and verbally state "________" which will be the {signal} for the driver to proceed to the incident.


Planning Section: Units The Planning Section can be further staffed with four Units. In addition, Technical Specialists who provide special expertise useful in incident management and response may also be assigned to work in the Planning Section. Depending on the needs, Technical Specialists may also be assigned to other Sections in the organization ________ unit, {situation} unit, {documentation} unit, {demobilization} unit


Static water supply sources may need to be used for fire suppression operations for a variety of reasons. ________ often do not have a municipal water supply. Even suburban and urban locations that feature a fully functional municipal system may not have sufficient distribution capabilities to provide water for fire fighting operations in addition to their service area. When factoring in the potential for {tornadoes, earthquakes}, or other incidents that may render municipal systems inoperable, it becomes apparent that alternate water supply sources may be required fairly routinely.

Rural areas

PUMPING TO A SPRINKLER/STANDPIPE CONNECTION 1. Operator will spot apparatus approximately 20 feet past sprinkler/standpipe connection and set parking brake 2. Engine crew disembarks engine and offloads enough line to make a sprinkler/standpipe connection. Adapters needed for 4" hose; Storz to 2 ½" male on a 30 degree elbow Adapters needed for a 3" hose is a 2 ½" double male 3. On orders, operator will proceed to hydrant to make connection 4. Firefighter(s) will make connection to sprinkler system/standpipe after a few flakes have deployed off engine and there is no residual pull on the hose. 5. Operator spots apparatus for soft suction connection. Turn wheels 45 degrees away from hydrant. Set parking brake, disembark engine and gather necessary tools to make steamer connection NOTE: only use 5" soft suction to steamer to make this connection. Operator will open hydrant and take static reading 6. Operator will break the line at tailboard and connect to appropriate discharge ________: {Operator waits for orders before turning water in} {STANDPIPES}: Open the {discharge and allow water to purge the line} 7. Chock wheels and engage the pump 8. Operator pumps {125} psi plus friction loss, plus {5} psi per floor above the 1st floor NOTE: do not exceed {200} psi as per system is rated at {500} gpm


Logistics Chief Designated "Logistics" Answers to IC Lobby Control Designated "Lobby" Answers to Logistics Stairwell Support Officer Designated "Stairwell Support" Answers to Logistics Base Officer Designated "Base" Answers to Logistics Planning Chief Designated "Planning" Answers to IC Situation Status/Resource Unit Designated "SitStat/ReStat" Answers to Planning Victim Communications Specialist Designated "VCS" Answers to Planning Technical Specialist Designated by ________ Answers to {Planning}


________ — (1) Positioning the apparatus in a location that provides the utmost efficiency for operating on the fireground. (2) Positioning a ladder to reach an object or person.


Briefing Elements Provide complete briefings that include clearly stated objectives and the following elements: ________: {what is to be done} {Purpose}: {Why it is to be done} {End State}: {How it should look when done}


________ — Term used within the Incident Command System for a mobile piece of apparatus that has the primary function of supporting another operation; examples include a water tender that supplies water to pumpers, or a fuel tender that supplies fuel to other vehicles.


Four common methods of storage for most fire service applications are: • Pails • ________ • {Barrels} • {Apparatus Tanks}


Certain elements are necessary to achieve the objective of correcting the situation Some of these critical aspects are: Pre-emergency Planning ________ {Equipment and Supplies} {Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)} The purpose of this guide is to establish an emergency response plan and standard operating procedures that define the {responsibilities of emergency response personnel} when responding to hazmat incidents for the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Standard Operating Procedures are {mandated by federal regulations}, which are treated as {law}


________ {Clean out rig room drains and sand trap} , Clean {rig room}, {bunker room ,} {First Tuesday of each month} {wax all apparatus} ,


ATMR Short Olympic Hollywood Uniform Shorts. Durable windproof and water resistant DWR Supplex®. Two back single welt zipper closing pockets. Two zipper closing hip pockets. ________ "{side of the thighs}" bellow cargo pockets with {center pleat and Velcro closing flap}. {Pen pocket} on {right cargo pocket}. Optional chamois pad. {5", 6.5" or 8}" inseam. {Police Blue} in color. Alternatively, the {65/35} blend with cargo pockets found under Class C (optional shorts) may be worn.


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE 2. Check tires for proper inflation. (120 psi cold front, 130 psi cold back) , ________ must be at {top} of tire when checking due to {balancing beads} inside the tires 3. Check all air reservoir drains and close any that may be open 4. Check the area underneath the truck for signs of leaks. If noted, check hoses and lines for leaks. Correct the condition causing the leak 5. Check the windshield washer fluid level and refill if needed 6. Check all oil and coolant levels, including the engine, pump, and axles 7. Push the UP & Down arrows (on gear shift panel) simultaneously to run transmission diagnostics

Valve Stems

In order to control the flow of hydraulic fluid through the system, a number of different valves are used. ________ {start, stop, regulate, and direct the flow of fluid} to control pressure in the system. Valves may be controlled {manually, electrically, hydraulically, mechanically, or by a combination of these methods}. Numerous types of valves are used in an aerial apparatus hydraulic system. {Check valves} prevent fluid from flowing backward through a component and act as a safety feature in the event that a {leak develops} in the system. {Relief valves} limit the pressure built up in the system, thus preventing damage due to {over-pressurization}. {Counterbalance} valves prevent {unintentional or undesirable motion of the device from its established position}.


Operational guidelines must take these staffing changes into account and adjust accordingly A fire department can provide only the level of protection that the community is willing to fund. *Staffing levels will impact the ________ to {meet the strategies} and {officers} must consider this in {deploying their tactics}. {Mission of every F.D}. {Save lives} {Reduce property loss}


At speeds ________ mph (80 km/h), an emergency vehicle may outrun the effective range of its audible warning device. Sirens mounted on emergency vehicles operating at slower speeds project out much farther. In some instances, increasing the speed of an apparatus by {20} mph (30 km/h) can decrease the audible distance by {250 feet (75 m) or more}.

above 50

Life safety: activities that ensure that death or injury to responders/civilians is reduced to a minimum. Most easily done by limiting the exposure to danger to people to an absolute minimum. ****IC must have life safety as the number one priority ________ at {every} incident

at all times

Affected Employee: (All OKCFD emergency responders and support personnel) An employee who performs the duties of his or her job in an area in which the energy control procedure is implemented. An authorized employee and an affected employee may be the same person when the affected employee's duties also involve performing operations on a machine or equipment that must be locked or a tagout system implemented. An affected employee does not perform operations on machines or equipment and, consequently, is not responsible for implementing the energy control procedure. An affected employee becomes an "________" employee whenever he or she performs emergency operations, training or routine functions on machines or equipment that must be locked or tagged.


Brakes: Mechanical devices used to stop the car during normal operation; many types operate much like ________

auto brakes

Staging Areas are temporary locations at an incident where personnel and equipment are kept while waiting for tactical assignments. The resources in the Staging Area are always in ________ status. Staging Areas should be located {close enough to the incident for a timely response, but far enough away to be out of the immediate impact zone}. There {may be more than one} Staging Area at an incident. Staging Areas can be collocated with the {ICP, Bases, Camps, Helibases, or Helispots}


SIMON LTI QS-82 AERIAL MAINTENANCE TO BE PERFORMED EVERY 10 HOURS OF LADDER RUN TIME ON LADDER TRUCKS FOR ALL 1995 SIMON LTI LADDER TRUCKS Ladder Greasing Utilizing a bucket of "Amsoil" brand grease and 3" paint brush, grease the following: , All ________ areas {inside and outside} the ladder sections , All {sheave wheels} for extension and retraction cables (zircs) , Top & bottom lift cylinder pin bushings (zircs) , Heel pin bushing (zircs) Under ladder on top plate of turntable (center), grease fittings to {rotek bearing}. Note: Ladder needs to be rotated during bearing greasing ({2} full rotations while steadily applying grease) ({1/4} tube)


E-ONE AERIAL Checking the Nyla Tron Blocks , This is a two man operation that should take no longer than 30 minutes Working with the ladder in the bedded position one person should extend the ladder while the second person should be watching from the side for the alignment holes to see the screws and the pads Use the set of Allen wrenches that are issued by the shop Check to make sure the screws are snug, if the screws are loose contact the shop so they can ensure they are tightened at the proper torque There are 12 screws on the ________ ({6} per side) and there are also {12} screws at the front (6 per side) Make sure the {bolt} is {past flush} with the pad; make sure it's not protruding {past the side of the pad}. If it is that would be an indicator that it is {loose}


During the first six months after an apparatus is received, while the paint and protective coating are new and unseasoned, the vehicle should be washed frequently using cold water to harden the paint and keep it from spotting. To ensure the best overall appearance of the apparatus in the future and reduce the chance of damaging new paint and protective coatings, the following washing instructions are recommended: Use a garden hose without a nozzle to apply water to the apparatus. High pressures can drive dirt and debris into the finish (Figure 2.3). Rinse as much loose dirt as possible from the vehicle before applying soap. This will lessen the amount of grit that may be scratched into the finish. Never remove dirt by ________. Wash the apparatus {before dirt, grit, and road salt can dry on the surface}. Use only cleaning products that have been specifically designed for use on {automotive paint}. Do not wash with {extremely hot water or while the surface of the vehicle is hot}. Begin washing from the {top} of the vehicle and work downward. Dry the apparatus with a clean {chamois} that is rinsed frequently in clean water, or use a {rubber squeegee}. Failure to dry the vehicle thoroughly may encourage {corrosion}.

dry rubbing

Another pumper is located near the fire scene and is used to draft water from portable tanks that are filled by water tenders making shuttle runs to and from the fill site. This location is commonly called the ________, and the dump site pumper is assigned to this operation (Figure 13.3). Depending on the distance from the fire scene and the particulars of the operation, the dump site pumper may also operate {as the attack pumper or it may relay water to the attack pumper}. (This concept is discussed in greater detail later in this chapter.)

dump site

When using portable tanks for dump site supply, the water tenders do not need to be equipped with a fire pump as long as they are designed with an adequately sized direct tank discharge valve (________) and {proper venting} (Figure 13.25).

dump valve

Special instructions for cleaning and decontamination against HIV-1(AIDS Virus), HBV (Hep-B), or HCV (Hep-C) on surfaces/objects soiled with blood/body fluids: Contact Time: also known as kill-time or ________, is the amount of time EPA registered disinfecting products need to be present on a surface in order to be effective against the {micro-organisms listed on the label}. Contact times usually fall between {30} seconds and {10} minutes depending on the products. {Lysol I.C.} is recommended a minimum of {10} minutes surface time before wiping off.

dwell time

215 EMERGENCY ALERT BUTTON ACTIVATION UPDATED The MA-COM mobile radios are equipped with a Red Emergency button on either the top or the ________ of the radio body. Fire department personnel in possession of either radio may activate this feature in the event of a {life-threatening situation} simply by depressing the {red} button for a period of at least {one} second. When the emergency feature of the radio is activated, the radio will demand a {minimum of three seconds of open communication}. These three seconds of open communication will be repeated {each time the red button is depressed (at least one second).} During this period of open communication, the firefighter in possession of the radio will broadcast his emergency in accordance with the {Personal Accountability System} procedures (O/SUP-229 Mayday Policy). The emergency channel will not be activated by accidentally pressing the button for less than one second


AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCY REPAIRS From 4:00 p.m. Monday to 7:00 a.m. the following Monday (seven days), the Duty Mechanic drives a shop service pickup truck to and from his residence and carries tools or equipment necessary to perform emergency repairs after 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays the Duty Mechanic may remain at their residence when they are not needed. If Duty Mechanic cannot make repairs within a two-hour period, the mechanic will determine if the apparatus should be ________

traded out

The best way to learn the ideal approach angles for your aerial apparatus is to ________. When safe to do so, it is recommended to {physically step off the platform and on to the objective} so that you can be sure of the preferred positioning for your device.


The primary engine crew task is to place a hand line in service to control and extinguish the fire This task requires careful consideration of several important factors : 1. Determine the location of the fire within the building 2. Once the location of the fire has been determined an appropriate stairwell can be selected No hose should be connected until the location of the fire has been determined 3. The IC must direct whatever resources are necessary to ensure the availability of an adequate number of firefighters to place the first hand line in service. It will require 2 engine companies to place a single 2 1/2"line in service allowing continuous advancement 4. Note the distance between the reported fire and the hose outlet on the floor below. This will also provide an idea about how much hose will be needed 5. The standpipe hook-up will be initiated at the standpipe connection ________ floor below the reported {fire floor} in the {Fire-Attack Stairwell} 6. Remove the "{You Are Here}" signs and take them with you if they will assist you with {floor layouts} 7. {Residential Buildings}- check the {floor below for layout and location of reported fire apartment}. The floor plan is {usually the same from floor to floor} 8. Residential Buildings- Using an apartment on the same floor as the fire room (Preferably an apartment with {exterior windows}), crews should make an {area of refuge} for themselves in case the fire overwhelms their efforts and the {hallway also becomes untenable}. The area of refuge should be a couple of apartments down from the fire apartment toward the {floor exit} and should be {forced opened prior to making entry into the fire apartment} 9. Commercial Buildings- familiarize yourself with the {design and construction} of the building This may include an {interior tenant stairwell}, which creates {direct exposures} to {multiple floors}.


NATIONAL FIRE ACADEMY FIRE FLOW FORMULA Multiply the length of building by the width : 1. Divide by 3 (L x W) ÷ 3 2. Multiply by the number of floors involved. [ ( L x W) ÷ 3 ] x # of Floors The total is for 100% involvement If 75% involved, multiply by 3/4 If 50% involved, multiply by 1/2 If 25% involved, multiply by ________


4" HOSE INTAKE CONNECTION 1. Put pump in gear 2. Open the tank to pump valve and pump proper pressure 3. Set relief valve 4. Call for water if mobile radio is used or signal to the plug catcher if possible 5. Bleed air from the 4" hose 6. Open the intake valve and close the tank to pump valve slowly (________ second rule) 7. {Re-adjust the pump pressure} and set the {relief valve}.


Personnel leaving the Rehab Area must check out through the Rehab Officer. When a rehabilitation area is established, no member should be reassigned to return to duty before being medically evaluated, hydrated for at least ________ minutes, and cleared by {Rehab Officer}


NATIONAL FIRE ACADEMY FIRE FLOW FORMULA Multiply the length of building by the width : 1. Divide by 3 (L x W) ÷ 3 2. Multiply by the number of floors involved. [ ( L x W) ÷ 3 ] x # of Floors The total is for ________% involvement If {75}% involved, multiply by {3/4} If {50}% involved, multiply by {1/2} If {25}% involved, multiply by {1/4}


Class A, B, or C Commercial Learner Permit (Minimum Age - 18) Requirements: You must pass all the required examinations for an Oklahoma Class D license and have passed all parts of the tests for a Class A, B, or C license except the skills tests. You must be accompanied by a licensed driver 21 or older, who is licensed for the classes of vehicles being driven, including all required endorsements. Valid for (________) days and may be renewed for an additional (180) days. You will be eligible for skills tests {14} days after obtaining the Permit. You can take the test only {3} times after date of eligibility. After that, you can take the test only once every {30} days REQUIREMENTS: A Learner License is valid only while a licensed driver, {21} or older, is {actually sitting in the seat beside the driver}. The driving test can be taken {6} months after the permit is issued. The restriction of "{Licensed Driver in the Front Seat}" will be removed when you pass the driving test. You can take the test only 3 times after date of eligibility. After that, you can take the test only once every 30 days.


SIMON LTI QS-82 GENERATOR RELATED ITEMS Generator Manufacturer Generac Generator Output ________ KW Electric Cable Reels ({2}) Hanney, Capacity {250'} {(1) Left side, (1) Right side}


FERRARA ENGINE PRE-CONNECTS There are three cross lay 1 ¾ pre-connects located just above the pump panel. The normal load is 200 feet and can have either fog, smooth, or break down nozzles. The 1 ¾ front jump line is located in a compartment in the center of the front bumper. The normal load is 150 feet with a fog nozzle. The left rear and right rear discharges are connected with 2 ½ inch couplings and the load will vary based upon station/district needs. The normal load is 2 ½ or 3" hose with lengths of ________ feet


Daily apparatus check CHECK LIST 1. Oil, Transmission, and coolant levels 2. Fuel level above 3/4 tank 3. Booster Tank Water (If Applicable) 4. Operation of pump and/or aerial device 5. Primer motors and/or EPU aerial device 6. Bleed Air Tanks (if applicable) 7. Tire Pressure of all tires (within 5 PSI of recommendation on vehicle data plate) 8. Tire Tread Depth (________ and {15th} of each month) 9. {Lights} (including {emergency and headlights turn}, etc.) 10. {Siren, air horns, and safety features} (if applicable) 11. Check {all water drain valves, intake and discharge valves} 12. Work {relief valve and transfer valve} (if applicable) 13. Check {fuel gauge} and/or {fuel card} if gauge is {inoperable} 14. {SCBA} ({proper seat location} and minimum {5,000} PSI) 15. {Radio and MDC} 16. {RIT} pack 17. {EMS} equipment and supplies 18. {LP-1000} defibrillator, if applicable ({OK} message and {2} battery bars or more) 19. All other inventory not listed above Apparatus checks will be entered daily in the appropriate {Target Solutions fillable form}


Tandem Attack Method - The second in brush pumper should go immediately to the tandem attack mode and follow the first in brush pumper. As the lead brush pumper runs out of water, it should move out of the fire area to refill and should be replaced at the rear of the tandem attack with another full brush pumper. A minimum of three brush pumpers would be required on the ________ alarm on medium or large grass fires


When starting apparatus for daily apparatus check, all lights and accessories should be turned off and unplugged from the shore line/AC power, pulled out on the apron. After apparatus daily checks are complete the engine should be throttled up 1000 to 1200 rpm for at least ________ minutes to allow the {batteries to charge}


If a Chief Officer is in charge of the Division, Sector, or Group, the District Officer's ________ is responsible for {tracking the companies that have been assigned to that area}. When the IC calls for a PAR the following terminology should be used so that {uniformity is kept throughout the department and so everyone knows exactly what is meant when the report is given}


The driver/operator is not protected from the legal consequences of driving with reckless disregard for the safety of others. If the driver/operator is negligent in the operation of an emergency vehicle and is involved in a collision, both the driver/operator and the jurisdiction he or she represents may be held responsible. ________ is usually found when the driver/operator has been found guilty of a gross violation of {standing laws, policies, or ordinances}. One example of gross negligence would be {driving under the influence of alcohol}. Driving under the influence of alcohol is not only an example of {gross negligence, but recklessness} as well.


The following are six hand signals that may be used to maintain clear communication between the spotter and driver/operator: Stopping—The spotter crosses both forearms into a large X to stop the apparatus (Figure 3.23). The driver should interpret this signal as: backing complete, immediate but normal stop required. If an urgent stop is required, tap the crossed forearms together in an exaggerated manner, and use a voice command to Stop Now! The driver/operator should interpret this action as ________!

Stop Now

(High rise fire)Ventilation 1. Ascertain if a false ceiling is used as an ________ 2. Check floors throughout the building to determine the level of the {smoke concentration} and if {stack effect} has occurred 3. If {stratification} has taken place, it will be necessary to {cross-ventilate}, utilizing {horizontal ventilation} 4. If the fire is in a residential building, assume control of the {apartment/area across the hall from the fire-apartment/area}, if needed, to achieve {horizontal} ventilation. If occupants are present in the apartment/area, move them to a {safe location} before initiating ventilation 5. When vertical ventilation is necessary, ensure that {natural openings such as bulkhead doors that pierce the roof} are utilized 6. Coordinate all ventilation efforts with {Command or Operations}, so not to put personnel or civilians in danger 7. Do not break open windows on the {fire floor} a.If a window can be {opened} without breaking, it can be used to {test the ventilation potential} but control of the opening must be maintained b. Possible in draft could cause {massive fire acceleration} if the window is broken out.

air return

The electric elevator is found in use in buildings of ________ and is used exclusively above {6 or 7 floors}. Other distinguishing features of these elevators are (1) the {hoistway cables} and (2) the {machine room}, which is usually {located near the roof}

all heights

Personal Responsibility Wash your hands and wash thoroughly. Experts suggest that you wash your hands for as long as it takes you to recite the ________. Use soap and water, or an {alcohol-base hand product} if your hands are {not visibly soiled}.


OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES FOR AUTOMATIC ALARM OR SMOKE/ODOR INVESTIGATION RESPONSE TO A HIGH-RISE STRUCTURE Investigation Response 3. The Ladder Crew Officer will assume the role of Investigation Group Leader and ensure completion of the following tasks: a. That a copy of the building's pre-fire plan is requested and determine whether building management or tenants have made any fire notifications or evacuation announcements b. Determine whether stairwell doors are auto unlocking and obtain any keys that can be used to access doors c. That a main floor/main lobby telephone number and any other information deemed important (presence of a smoke proof tower) has been obtained from building management and/or engineering staff (if available) d. That the location and control of the fire/communication command panel has been confirmed and the location of the alarm and/or water flow is made e. That all Investigation Group personnel are equipped with ________ f. That Ladder personnel are also equipped with appropriate equipment including, {sledge hammers, Hydra-Ram, forcible entry irons, and, if available, thermal imager} g. Recall {1} bank of elevators and deploy {personnel for fire investigation}, if it is determined that the elevators are safe to use h. That all members of the Investigation Group are assembled {before any ascent is made}. i. Report the findings of the fire investigation to the Incident Commander, including the {extent and nature of fire, heat or smoke encountered by the Investigation Group, as well as the extent of the evacuation} j. If a fire is confirmed, the Investigation Group companies will then be {referred to by their assignments}. (i.e. Fire-Attack, Search, Ventilation, etc.) k. Assign {Fire-Attack Stairwell and Evacuation Stairwell}. Consider {ventilation paths and proximity of standpipe} connections when determining which stairwell is going to be used for a particular purpose l. After confirming a fire to the Incident Commander, the companies will advise command when a {primary search} of the fire area is initiated m. Report to IC when {forcible entry and ventilation} in the affected area, where necessary, is initiated n. One firefighter will operate each {elevator} for departmental personnel (if used) and will be equipped with a {portable radio, forcible entry tools, SCBA, one (1) extra SCBA, flashlight, and fire extinguisher}

all PPE

(high rise fire) STAGING AREA OPERATIONS (3 floors below the fire floor) 1. Request ________ as needed to operate staging area needs 2. Control the movement of {equipment from the members going to the fire floor} 3. {Document the companies committed to the fire area}, and the {length of time committed} 4. {Monitor the amount of equipment on hand} and notify the {Logistics or Operations} concerning available or needed resources when requested or when necessary 5. Assign {1} member to {direct personnel getting off elevators} or coming out of {Stairwells} to the {Staging Area}. 6. Coordinate the assembly of equipment and establish a separate area for {full air bottles and a separate area for empty air bottles} 7. Monitor the amount of equipment on hand and notify {Staging Area Chief} of available resources on hand 8. Provide {medical care} to any {civilians/firefighters} as required 9. Locate an area that may be utilized as the {Rehabilitation Area} (possibly {1} floor below the {Staging Area}) a. Establish a {Rehab Area}, in a {non-hazardous environment} b. Designate {personnel} to be responsible for the Rehab Area c. Document personnel as they {enter and leave} the Rehab Area d. Recognize the IC may dispatch EMS personnel and equipment to the Rehab Area at the IC's discretion or at the request of the {Rehab Officer} {Oxygen} should be available for {civilians and fire personnel}


In an effort to improve the air quality of our facilities and to reduce the spread of diesel fumes into the living areas, onto protective clothing, and most importantly into employee's breathing air, the department has installed vehicle exhaust venting systems in our facilities. All employees assigned to apparatus that utilize bays fitted with these control systems shall follow these guidelines ________.

at all times

DATA COLLECTION The goal of data collection described in this Initiative is to collect long-term information on the health and fitness of fire service personnel to study the medical and fitness history of a large group of fire fighters and determine the impact of the program. The data collected from the fitness assessments will identify the following: Aerobic capacity, flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance of all uniformed personnel Changes in fitness levels of personnel over their careers Effectiveness of the medical and fitness program in improving individual physical fitness levels Muscular weaknesses and imbalances in individuals, which may contribute to future injuries if left uncorrected Possible risk factors for ________ Possible factors associated with {musculoskeletal injuries} in fire service personnel

back injury

A ________ is a {charged line of equal or larger diameter hose that is placed to back up the attack crew}. (A backup line should be pulled and advanced anytime a crew is making {any type of interior attack}). The backup line should {follow the attack line}, not in a {collapse or flashover area}, and {not directly behind the attack crew but close enough to protect the attack crew and provide a means of escape if necessary without becoming victims themselves}

backup line

There are rural and suburban areas in the state where companies other than ONG distribute natural gas. Here the gas service may be ________, such as {liquid, propane gas}. The information contained in this guide is not applicable to this service. Fire fighters in these areas should follow the instructions that are furnished by the {National Fire Protection Association}

bottled gas

Disposal The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by ________. Send it to the {shop} and our {Explorer Post} will conduct the proper disposal ceremony.


Collections, record keeping, and security will be the responsibility of the Station Officer/Supervisor, on their respective shift. Assessments will be collected on the first shift following a pay day, at the work site where you are assigned. Employees who may be off duty are expected to pay the first shift of their return. In cases of transfers, Special Assignment, promotions, etc., dues owed will be collected by the worksite where the employee was assigned on that particular pay day. Personnel on leave, vacation, holidays, OJI, sick leave, etc. must "________" back dues. Each worksite will determine by {majority vote} of the personnel assigned to that work site the manner of managing the collection of house dues from personnel on {long term leave}. This may include "{catch-up" provisions, reduced assessment for the period of time the employee is off, excuse from payment during this time period, etc., and will apply to personnel equally}. The policy approved shall remain in effect until {such time as it is amended or changed by a majority vote of the personnel assigned to that work site}. This type of change in policy {will not be enforced} for people who are currently on long term leave when the change is approved.

catch up

Class 1 - Explosives Do not fight Explosive fires Explosives may ________ with the application of {water} due to becoming {extremely unstable} when exposed to fire Use the {Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)} to establish the {isolation zone} Use the ERG to establish the {evacuation zone} Once you have set zones, {isolate or evacuate} accordingly Deny access to the zones Do not use {Radios} in the {immediate area} Stay out of smoke, it may contain {toxic substances}


Manual Shift Transmission — A component of the power train that receives torque from the engine and converts it to rotation to the wheels. A ________ is used to disengage the transmission from the engine to allow the apparatus to {start, stop, or change gears} to maximize engine performance.


The PTO unit is powered by an idler gear in the vehicle's transmission. The speed of the shaft is independent of the gear in which the road transmission is operating when the pump is in use but is under the control of the ________. When the driver/operator disengages the clutch to stop or to change gears, the pump {also stops turning}. The PTO pump does permit {pump and roll operation}, but it is not as effective as the {separate engine unit}.


Class A Trouser Navy blue polyester or wool blend, uniform style currently in use. No pocket flaps, pleats or cuffs. Material and color to match ________.


All Support Division work sections will contact the Facilities Manager to report a Work Order Request (WOR): The supervisor at each facility will : 1. Identify the problem and the exact location 2. Check the online Building Work Order Request on Fireweb to see whether or not a WOR has been submitted for the problem 3. If no WOR has been completed, the Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will complete an online WOR. Advise the other shifts of the problem to insure no duplication of effort 4. When a representative from Building Management arrives at the facility, the Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will record his/her name and arrival time in the station log book or facility maintenance file. Be courteous and professional in your dealings with Building Management personnel. The Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that Building Management personnel are not harassed or hindered in their work while at an OKCFD facility. Document their reason for, and time of arrival and departure in the log book. Communicate to Building Management personnel that you need to log whether they are finished, going for parts, lunch, etc 5. When Building Management has completed the WOR, the Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will update the online WOR by marking it as "________". This is accomplished by selecting the WOR and clicking on "{Edit Item}" in the {toolbar}. Once in Edit Mode, the WOR will open and allow you to scroll to the {bottom}, enter the {completion date}, and choose "{Save}". The {Facilities Manager} will handle completed WORs in {Support Work Sections} 6. If a problem develops with Building Management personnel, remain {courteous and professional}. Email the {Facilities Manager} with {as much documented information as possible}. The {Facilities Manager} will {mediate} the problem


Anytime a possibility exists that evidence may be lost during the initial stages of response, the first investigators to arrive at the scene, whether Police or Fire personnel, will take the necessary steps to preserve evidence. Once the Police Homicide Unit arrives at the scene, the Police Homicide Investigators will take charge of the crime scene investigation. Fire Investigators and the Police Homicide Unit will investigate the death ________


An open fire hose (open butt) produces a stream that normally has no use in fire fighting. Some type of nozzle is needed to shape the stream. When a closed nozzle with a 1-inch (25 mm) tip is added to the system, the water level in the glass tubes returns to Line A. When the nozzle is opened, the water level drops to Line C (Figure 5.14). If the 1-inch (25 mm) tip is replaced with a 3⁄4-inch (19 mm) tip, the water level in the glass tubes rises even higher. The velocity of the water exiting the nozzle increases, but the amount of flow ________. By decreasing the amount of water flowing, a firefighter reduces the speed of the water in the hose; consequently, there is less friction loss.


Attack pumpers equipped with an adjustable intake relief valve should be set between 50 and 75 psi (350 and 525 kPa) to establish a stable operating condition. If an attack line is shut down, or the amount of discharge changes, the friction loss in the supply line ________ and the residual pressure {increases}. The intake relief valve will operate, allowing water to dump from the intake. When this occurs, the flow through the supply line and the pressures in the relay return to their original settings. Increases in demand by the attack pumper will cause reduced residual pressure, and the valve will close. Water will cease dumping, and again the pressure will stabilize at the original setting. Pumps equipped with automatic pressure governors will automatically make this compensation with an internal relief valve operating in the {pressure mode}.


Automatic regeneration occurs when the engine load, exhaust temperature, and engine speed are within an acceptable range. When the conditions are met, the engine will begin ________ into the exhaust stream to {raise the exhaust temperature and burn off the soot}.

dosing fuel

A circular route is the optimum arrangement for a water shuttle circuit (Figure 13.17). When a circular pattern is used, the full tenders leaving the fill site follow one route toward the dump site. The empty tenders leave the dump site and return to be refilled using a different route. This strategy eliminates the need for large tenders passing each other on narrow, rural roads and limited weight bridges. This arrangement is often employed by necessity during incidents on limited access highways. When using a circular travel route, consider the direction of travel if there is a substantial grade on a portion of the route. Fully loaded tenders should travel ________ and empty tenders should make the return trip traveling {uphill}. Although not always possible, it is advantageous to have {roadways closed to nonemergency vehicles} during water shuttle operations to lessen {traffic congestion and reduce the possibility of collision}.

down grade

An electromagnetic retarder is either mounted in the ________, or supplied as an {integral part of the rear axle}. When activated, an {electromagnetic field is created by supplying electrical power to a series of coils in the retarder}. This field inhibits the {rotation of the rotor} and creates a braking torque at the rear wheels. Various options allow the retarder to be applied in stages either {manually or by combinations of brake and accelerator pedal settings}.


(high rise fire) 8th Engine 1. If the building is equipped with additional FDC's, the ________ of the 8th Engine crew will hook up to this {connection and prepare for pumping operations} 2. The remainder of the crew will then carry their {High-Rise hose and extra SCBA cylinders to the lobby and stand by}


Pants Inspect for cleanliness Inspect for holes, burns, or tears Inspect seams and stitching (including reflective trim) Inspect cuffs for fraying (pants may be too long) Inspect suspender attachment points (should be ________) Inspect {hooks, d-rings, and snaps}, {inside and out}


EMSA Ride-Alongs Candidates seeking initial credentialing will complete a minimum of ________ {supervised shifts with EMSA}. Candidates will submit {Electronic Patient Care Reports (ePCRs)} at the conclusion of {each shift} to their assigned {EMS Officer} via {email} so progress can be monitored. The {Medical Director} may require {additional supervised shifts} due to {identified deficiencies in clinical performance} or a {deficiency in high-acuity patient contacts}. When the candidate has demonstrated an {acceptable level of performance}, as determined by the {Office of the Medical Director}, the candidate will be released as a {credentialed medic} for a period of {two} years

eight (8)

You are urged to familiarize yourself with the following procedures to be utilized when requesting service or modification to any City-paid telephone equipment or system : 1. All requests for system changes, equipment addition or deletion, extra calling options, and additional lines must be directed to the FIT Officer by ________ or {297-3638} 2. Any routine telephone equipment or line trouble is to be reported to the {IT Help Desk} 3. If you are receiving any billing for other than a privately paid system at your work site please contact {Fire Administration}


The physician is to report, in writing, to the ________: Results of the {Medical Examination and tests} The Physician's opinion as to whether the employee has any {detectable medical conditions which would place him/her at risk} The physician's recommended {limitations} upon the employee's work assignment A statement that the employee has been {informed}, by the physician, of the results of the medical examination and any medical conditions requiring further examination or treatment The written opinion given to the employer shall not {reveal specific findings or diagnosis not related to occupational exposures} The Oklahoma City Fire Department shall provide the {employee} with a copy of this written statement


Efficient fill and dump time Suspension and steering matched to terrain requirements Properly sized chassis Adequately sized ________ for vehicle size and terrain Sufficient {braking} ability for vehicle and terrain Proper tank {mounting and baffling} Adequate {tank venting} system Ability to dump water from {either side or rear} of apparatus


Mechanical blowers look very similar to an ordinary smoke ejector. They operate on the same principle as the water aspirating nozzle, except that air is forced through the foam solution by the ________ instead of being pulled by water movement. The mechanical blower produces foam containing a very high air content that is well suited for incidents requiring total flooding. Its use is limited to high-expansion applications.


Friction loss in these appliances varies with the rated capacity of the device as well as the ________. For this text, it is assumed that there is a {0} psi (0 kPa) loss for flows less than {350} gpm (1 400 L/min) and a {10} psi (70 kPa) loss for each appliance (other than master stream devices) in a hose assembly when flowing {350} gpm (1 400 L/min) or greater.


The following is a 3-step process for submitting the completed (building) survey : 1. Verify the building address is valid in GIS (Address verification map service) 2. Save the completed document as a PDF file using the verified building address as the file name (this should be saved on the Z drive under your station folder) Example: 820 NW 5th St.pdf 3. The District Officer will then do the following: a. Ensure the survey meets their expectations b. Ensure the file name is the address and is valid in GIS c. Ensure the ________ is less than {300 KB} d. Save the final copy in the {\\svs911db01\pre-plans} folder

file size

Hopping Tanks This method is best used on moving grass fires. The Water Supply Officer will direct the tanker where to drop the Fold-a-Tank and water. Intersections and driveways are a good choice for this operation, allowing plenty of room for apparatus to maneuver. After unloading, the tanker will respond to the water supply site to refill. Water is supplied to the apparatus fighting the fire out of the Fold-a-Tank by an engine drafting from the tank. When necessary, the Fold-a-Tank(s) are emptied and hopped to another specified location. If this method is chosen, try to use mutual aid companies that you have trained with. Save the OKC Tankers for ________.

fire attack

*About 1/3 of firefighter deaths occur on the ________.


Respiratory Protection The Oklahoma City Fire Department will provide fit testing and training for use of approved masks as needed. Masks are available to all personnel. Gloves, eye protection, and a TB mask (air purifying respirator) Respirator fit testing will be provided any time there is a 10% weight gain or loss, injury or facial scarring, change in denture structure, or anytime the employee fails the fit check. All students will complete the TB Mask Fit Update form (which is a part of the Level-2 OSHA Exam on Target Solutions) or they will be ________.

fit tested

A resting heart rate and blood pressure will be taken prior to the aerobic capacity assessment. If the resting heart rate exceeds 110 beats per minute and/or resting blood pressure exceeds 180/100 mm Hg., the individual will be asked to relax in a quiet place for ________ minutes and retested. If the heart rate and/or blood pressure remain at these levels, the fitness assessment will be {cancelled} and the individual will be referred to the {Occupational Health Clinic Physican} at that time. If the re-test indicates a reduction in heart rate and blood pressure, the evaluation {will be given}.


Automatic Aid - written agreement between two or more agencies to automatically dispatch predetermined resources to any fire or other emergency reported in the ________ area covered by the agreement. These areas are generally located near {jurisdictional boundaries} or in {jurisdictional "islands}".


8 things are needed to ensure safe, effective fire-ground operations and control of the incident: Effective communication process Effective size-up Incident priorities Strategic ________ Tactical {objectives} Tactical {methods} Action {planning} preincident {planning}


ADDENDUM B - LOGO DESIGN White Shirts: The Maltese Cross logo will be embroidered in red with gold outline. The center circle of the Maltese will be in navy blue. "FD" will be in red outlined in gold. "OKC" will be in white. The banner across the top will be navy in center outlined in gold. "FIRE RECUE EMS" lettering inside the banner will be white. "EST" and "1889" will be white. The ladder and EMS cross will be in ________. Name and rank lettering on the right breast will be in {gold}.


Hydraulic Elevator: Car mounted on top of hydraulic plunger that is raised by oil pressure and lowered by ________. Some older installations receive {partial support from cables and counterweights}. Generally not used for lifts over {65'} or speeds over {200} f.p.m


When protection of life requires de-energizing a building, cutting service wires should be considered only when it is not practicable to remove fuses, open circuit breakers, open the main switch, or wait for an electric company representative. Specialized equipment must be used to cut each wire individually and then bend each one back, to prevent short-circuiting the wires together. All wires must be cut. Never assume that one wire is a ________ and is therefore safe. Even a "{ground}" wire can be contacting an energized wire at some {unseen location}. If the service wires can be cut on the supply side of where they connect to the building's wires, it will be possible to {restore the service more quickly when required}. However, far more important, service wires should always be cut on the {building side of where they are first attached to the building} - this avoids having {wires fall on the ground}

ground wire

The approach and departure lanes should be clear of any ________, no obstructions {100-150} feet {up and down} wind of the LZ.


The ________ banner guard is {orange with black letters}


In the fire service, ________ refers to the {height of a water supply above the discharge orifice} (Figure 5.11). In this example, the water supply is 100 feet (30 m) above the hydrant discharge opening. This is referred to as 100 feet (30 m) of {head}. To convert head in feet to head pressure, you must {divide the number of feet by 2.304} (the number of feet that 1 psi will raise a one square inch column of water). The result is head pressure in psi. In metrics, divide the number of meters by 0.1 to get head pressure in kPa. The water source has a head pressure of 43.4 psi (300 kPa).


Occasionally, an incident may require the use of multiple hoselines of the same or different diameter that are of unequal length. When presented with this scenario, the driver/operator must calculate the friction loss for each hoseline supplied by separate discharges to individual nozzles. The hose with the ________ friction loss represents the {total pressure loss} at the pump, assuming that there is minimal change in elevation. Examples 7.14 and 7.15 illustrate the {total pressure loss} calculations for this hose layout.


Isolating the hazard consists of steps taken to control the product from a safe distance This can be accomplished by: Diking a storm drain (ahead of the spill, at a safe distance) Digging a ________ for the product to run into {Damming} an area to keep the product out of either a {natural or artificial} water system Only attempt this if it is possible to stay {UPWIND and OUT of the product or its vapors}

holding pit

CAUTION Using ________ on LDH may be unsafe. Flow through LDH should only be controlled at the {pumper or with valve appliances}.

hose clamps

These methods require proactive fire department approach as well as approval from a local or state agency with regulatory authority over the water source. In cases where there are no provisions for quick access through the ice, it may be necessary to cut a hole for the intake hose and strainer. Most fire departments use a chain saw, power auger, axe, or a combination of tools to breach the ice. Firefighters operating on the ice should use extreme caution to be sure that the strength of the ice will not be unduly compromised by their weight and cutting activities (Figure 11.6). Firefighters may also deploy a ground ladder across the ice to help distribute their weight. Provisions for making an ________ should be available at the scene before any firefighters begin work on the ice.

ice rescue

Apparatus may be equipped with manually applied tire chains or automatic chains featuring short lengths of chain on a rotating hub in front of each drive wheel (Figure 3.18). The hubs swing down into place upon activation from the cab. The hub with chains attached is driven by the drive wheel and the lengths of chain are spun under the tire by centrifugal force. These chains may be ineffective in snow deeper than 3 to 6 inches (75 to 150 mm) depending on consistency of the snow, or when the vehicle is moving at very slow speeds, or ________.

in reverse

Supervisors should use the above guidelines along with their best judgment in providing care for injured employees. For this policy, an ________ will be defined as: {Beginning with the dispatched alarm, including time spent on scene and finishes when an employee steps off the unit back in quarters, or at the point your unit proceeds to a destination other than back to the station}.


A critical part of an effective incident management system is for all communications to be in plain English. That is, use clear text. Do not use radio codes, agency-specific codes, or ________


Any person applying for a permit must submit an application completed by a physician. The physician must state that the person has a physical disability, as required by law. A ________ for the driver license may be required Making a false statement in an application or unauthorized use of a permit is a {misdemeanor}

review test

Extra effort should be expended in winter months to see that the hose lengths are tightly coupled to prevent ________. Once a hose line is charged at freezing temperature, it {must not be shut down until it is ready to be picked up}. If it is not practical immediately to drain and pick up the hose lines, {some water should be kept running through the hose by slightly opening the nozzle}. This will prevent the line from {freezing}. When closing the nozzle, {slowly nudge the shutoff handle towards the closed position until a small stream is still flowing}. If the nozzle is {completely closed}, it could {freeze shut} and be {rendered immovable} until it is thawed out


Badges The breast badge is to be worn over the ________ shirt pocket in the seamed holes provided for it. These are the badges furnished by the Department, given {upon initial employment and replaced at some promotional levels, and are the only badges to be worn with the uniform}. Personnel may purchase personal badges for wear on their uniforms as long as they are identical to the badge issued to them. Any changes must be approved by the {Fire Chief} before wearing. Badges purchased by individuals for their personal use are not covered under these guidelines.


Alcohol slows your reflexes and reaction time, reduces your ability to see clearly, and makes you ________. As the amount of alcohol in your body increases, your judgment will worsen and your driving skill will decrease. You will have trouble judging distances, speeds, and the movement of other vehicles, and you will have trouble controlling your vehicle

less alert

Lobby Panel: Same as a lobby control, normally found ________


The "________" method is mostly used on {small fires that are not likely to get out of control}. If the fire will require more than {3},000 gallons of water, the tanker will need to refill and most likely the {engine will run out of water} before the tanker returns


IN THE EVENT OF AN EARTHQUAKE 1. If a warning is given, bring all elevators to the ground floor immediately and secure them 2. If no warning is given, stop all elevators and secure them by pulling the mainline disconnects. If elevators are equipped with communication systems, notify the passengers to stop the cars and evacuate 3. After the emergency is over, do not move the elevators until a ________ has thoroughly checked the system.


When AR-AFFF foam is applied to polar solvent fuels, a ________ is created over the fuel. This membrane separates the water in the foam blanket from the effects of the solvent. The blanket acts in much the same way as ordinary AFFF. Alcohol resistant AFFF should be applied {gently} to a fuel product in order to allow the membrane to form. {Aspirating} nozzles are generally best for preserving the membrane that forms on the surface of these products.


Elevation — Height of a point above ________ or {some other reference point}.

sea level

Headquarters shall endeavor to keep the records in serviceable order by seeking to archive the information on non-acid paper, optical (computer) storage, ________, or other {long lasting medium}. In order to prevent disaster from destroying records, records shall be stored in at {least two places physically distant from each other}, preferably in {separate communities}.


Cold weather presents several special considerations for the aerial apparatus driver/operator. Cold weather causes an increased viscosity of the hydraulic oil, slowing overall machine operation. Less obvious effects of cold weather include physical changes in the properties of the metal structural members of the device. When subjected to extreme cold (sub-zero temperatures), the device should be operated in a manner that will ________ or {eliminate} "{shock loading}" to its structural members.


The variables that effect the span of control in any given situation include the: Ability and experience of the supervisor Ability and experience of subordinates Nature of the task - characteristics Urgency Conditions under which it must be performed Complexity Rate at which it must be performed Similarity/dissimilarity to tasks being performed by others Proximity of subordinates to the supervisor and each other Ease/reliability of communications medium Consequences of a ________


Stocking Cap May be worn in cold weather with the supervisor's approval. It will be worn forward. The stocking cap will be ________ blue and embroidered with the {same logo as the ball cap}. The cap style may be {scull or stocking} (stocking cap pictured below).


Simon LTI A PTO control switch is installed in the apparatus cab, in the main control panel. An indicator light on the switch illuminates when the switch is positioned to "on". Activating the switch energizes a solenoid which allows transmission fluid to the PTO. A clutch within the PTO engages the shaft which transfers power to the hydraulic pump. The truck transmission must be in ________ and the {park brake set}, before engaging the PTO


The Oklahoma City Fire Department will not release the names of injured and deceased fire and accident victims. The Police Department is responsible for notification of ________. The {Medical Examiner's Office} will do a {positive I.D.;} therefore OKCFD {will not release the names of victims}. The {Medical Examiner's Office or the Police Department} will release names of victims.

next of kin

DISTRIBUTION OF RESPIRATORS Respirators shall be provided at ________ to the employees. All respiratory protective devices must be approved by the {National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).}

no cost

Beware of "Telephone" Cables Telephone cables are rarely dangerous when accidentally contacted. But, are you so sure you can tell the difference between telephone cables and electric power cables, that you'd stake your life on it - and the lives of others? Although higher voltage facilities are generally installed higher up on utility poles, this is not always true, electric power cables operating at 34,000 volts maybe attached below telephone cables on the same pole. And a fallen telephone cable may be contacting a powerline! NEVER REST LADDERS ON WIRES OR ON ANY OTHER ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT! NEVER DRAG HOSES OVER WIRES! NEVER COME TOO CLOSE TO WIRES - BRUSHING AGAINST ONE CAN BE FATAL! NO ENCORES, PLEASE You may have some experience where you were able to contact energized facilities without incident. But, just because you "got away with it" before doesn't guarantee you will get away with it again. Remember, higher voltage facilities have much greater "________" behind the electricity. Something you "got away with" on {120}-volt facilities can bring disaster if attempted on {34,000}-volt facilities. And since {normal water} is a {conductor} of electricity, even {slightly damp objects} become much more hazardous


The notation for an actual atmospheric pressure reading is ________, which is {pounds per square inch absolute} (the {psi above a perfect vacuum is absolute zero}). For the purposes of this text, psi means {psig (pounds per square inch gauge}). A gauge reading {10} psi (70 kPa) at sea level means that it is actually 10 psig plus the atmospheric pressure of {14.7} psi. This pressure is not normally accounted for, as the gauge is calibrated to {zero} at ambient pressure. Therefore, 10 psig is 24.7 psia at sea level. The pressure actually is 24.7 psi (170 kPa) plus 10 psi (70 kPa). Any pressure less than atmospheric pressure is called {vacuum}, and {absolute zero} pressure is called a {perfect vacuum}. For example, when a gauge reads 10 inches of Hg (35 kPa) of vacuum on the compound gauge, it actually indicates {less than} atmospheric pressure.


Acceptance testing is conducted to demonstrate to the purchaser that the apparatus conforms to all bid specifications at the time of delivery. Testing is conducted at the jurisdiction to which the apparatus has been sold with representatives from the purchasing agency and the manufacturer available to review the procedures. Acceptance testing should feature a ________ test in addition to the pump certification test that was previously performed at the factory. This process should be adequate to prove the {validity of the pump certification}.


Although the terms elevation and altitude are often used interchangeably, a distinction is made between the two in the fire service. Elevation refers to the center line of the ________ or the {bottom of a static water supply source above or below ground level}.


If hoistway door unlocking devices are not provided, it may be possible on some installations for a passenger to manually open the car and hoistway doors from within the elevator car. If this is not possible, a member of the rescue team should enter the elevator and place the emergency stop switch, in the "STOP" position if the car is equipped with one. A LADDER CAN BE PLACED ACROSS THE OPEN BETWEEN THE ELEVATOR PLATFORM AND THE BUILDING FLOOR 2. Opening Doors from Adjacent Elevator Car: When an elevator door interlock release key is not provided, or the doors cannot be opened from within the elevator car by the passengers, and an adjacent car is operable, use the steps listed below a.Take an adjacent elevator car to the floor closest to the stalled car and open its doors b. Set the mainline disconnect switches for both elevators to the "OFF" position. If the elevator being used for the rescue is equipped with an emergency stop switch, place it in the "STOP" position c. By extending a pike pole through the opening between the car and hoistway doors of the rescue elevator car, it may be possible to engage the interlock roller of the stalled elevator car so that its doors can be opened by hand. When performing this procedure, be careful not to extend the pole into the hoistway of any elevator that is still in service d. A firefighter should enter the stalled elevator and set the emergency stop switch, in the "STOP" position. (if the car is equipped with an emergency stop switch). If this method does not work use forcible entry method 3. Opening Doors With Forcible Entry Tools. When the hoistway doors cannot be unlocked by a key or other means, and an adjacent elevator in the same hoistway is not available, the hoistway door at the floor nearest to the stalled elevator car can be forcibly opened a.Set the mainline disconnect switch for the stalled elevator in the "OFF" position b. Place blade of tool (ax, or claw) at the top, between center closing doors, and twist. If door closes to jamb (single door), use a ________ at {top} where door and jamb meet, this will minimize damage to the doors and to allow for {quicker return to normal service}

pry bar

NOTE: In order to fill at maximum capacity, a ________ is usually required at the hydrant.


Medium-Pressure Meter Settings Figure 5 is a typical meter facility on a medium pressure system. The inlet pressure to this meter is greater than that used by house appliances and is called medium pressure (1 pound to 60 pounds per square inch gauge). Gas under this higher pressure is reduced to 5.3 ounces of pressure before it is introduced into the customer's piping system. A regulator located on the inlet side of the meter ________ the gas pressure before it goes through the meter and into the customer's piping system. The {cutoff valve} such as the one noted in the picture can be opened or closed by turning it {one quarter turn or 90 degrees}.


CARBURETOR SETTINGS Remove and clean the air filter as needed. Basic settings for the carburetor are as follows : 1. HIGH SPEED (screw H) back off 1 complete turn 2. LOW SPEED (screw L) back off 1 complete turn 3. FINE TUNE ENGINE: clockwise is lean and counter clockwise is richer The capacities of the oil and fuel tanks are balanced in such a way that, a certain amount of oil is always left in the oil tank when the fuel tank is empty. The oil pump is controlled by the chain speed. Oil flow adjustments can be made if necessary. Always refill the oil tank when ________


The Special Operations office will be responsible for maintaining the department's thermal imaging program. This will include: • Developing and making available training programs for the thermal imagers • Provide scheduled maintenance as required The thermal imager batteries will be periodically conditioned following the manufacturers guidelines. • Facilitate needed ________ o The following procedures should be used when repairs to a TIC are needed : 1. Complete the {Thermal Imager Repair - TIC form} found on {Fireweb Forms} 2. Email the form to {FD-TICrepair}


Rescue teams will consist of a minimum of ________ firefighters (preferably {four}) and a minimum of {two} police officers. It must be absolutely clear that LEO's assigned to Fire-Rescue operations maintain {security and protection over their assigned team} and as such should {not assist with the physical removal of casualties}


Stihl 044 Chain Saw Listed below are SAFETY TIPS that must be studied and practiced for safe and efficient use of the chain saws : 1. As with any power tool you must use HEARING AND EYE PROTECTION 2. Full protective gear must be worn including gloves 3. Stand with feet apart for comfortable balance 4. If using the Leg Lock Device on the ________ {two} firefighters must be employed 5. Hold the saw {FIRMLY} with {BOTH} hands 6. Let the {saw} do the work 7. {NEVER PLUNGE} THE NOSE OF THE BAR STRAIGHT INTO THE ROOF. THIS WILL CAUSE THE SAW TO {KICK-BACK} 8. DO NOT {DROP START} THE CHAIN SAW. THIS IS {VERY DANGEROUS} 9. The chain saw is operated at approximately {13,000} RPM

roof ladder

Groundwater supply can be water wells or water-producing springs. Some communities have started using desalination plants to supply municipal requirements from ________. An {engineering estimate} can determine the amount of water that a community needs. This estimate is the total amount of water needed for {domestic and industrial use and for fire fighting} use. In cities, the {domestic/ industrial} requirements far exceed that required for fire protection. In small towns, the requirements for fire protection {may exceed other requirements}.


A second method is uniquely useful for unconscious or severely injured victims who are not able to physically assist in their own rescue. The steps are as follows: 1. Position the victim across the rails of the ladder with the fire fighter supporting from below. The best position for the victim is the one that will be most comfortable for him/her or the least potential to exacerbate any injuries. This position may be face up, face down, or on a side. 2. Place both hands under the victim's body and grasp the handrails (Figure 20.22). The firefighter's arms ________ the victim. This method poses {little or no risk to fall}.


203 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES UPDATED 2/25/2016 To establish procedures to administer the tuition reimbursement program and process requests for tuition reimbursement. The procedures will ensure compliance with the Agreement with the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 157. These procedures work in concert with the Tuition Reimbursement Policy. The Tuition Reimbursement Policy provides guidelines and direction to employees eligible to participate in the program. GENERAL PROCEDURES A. The Fire Chief may designate a program administrator to oversee the day to day activities of the tuition reimbursement program. b. Eligible employees must have a minimum of twelve months of service to participate in the tuition reimbursement program. c. The employee will be reimbursed the cost of tuition and mandatory fees for up to $1,250 per ________. The courses taken must be at an {accredited institution of higher learning or Vocational-Technical School District}. d. Following completed reimbursement, the documentation for each employee will be placed in the files of {completed purchasing transactions}.


Emergency Kit Flashlight with good batteries Inflated spare tire and tire jack Oil for loosening lug nuts Rags Change for pay phones or a prepaid phone card Water Blanket Adjustable crescent wrench Emergency flares Jumper cables Heavy-duty lug wrench Windshield sun screen or sign with "________" on it Local maps and a road atlas Tarp Tire gauge and screwdriver set First-aid kit Bungee cord or strong rope Candles and matches

send help

ALMAND LIGHT TOWER / GENERATOR Stopping and Disconnecting 1. Move the handle on the manual transfer switch located inside the Fire Station from the Generator position to the center OFF position, turn off the EPANEL circuit breakers, then complete the motion of the handle to the Normal (OG&E) position. Turn the breaker back on the EPANEL 2. Move the safety switch on the generator to the center or OFF position 3. Turn off the 50 AMP MAIN breaker on the generator control panel, and then turn off the IGN switch 4. Disconnect, remove, and store the building cable inside the generator's ________ compartment


(high rise fire) TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS Fire conditions should be ________ before the {line is charged}. A {bedroom or kitchen fire} in a high-rise residential building with the apartment door {closed} and a hallway that is tenable allows the engine crew to stretch the line dry to the apartment door. In those situations when the fire is more developed (especially if {wind} is a factor), and the apartment door is open and cannot be closed, the line should be charged in the {stairwell}

sized up

To fulfill the mission of the Oklahoma City Fire Department to "respond quickly, safely, and courteously", it is essential that our personnel maintain basic firefighting skills. Along with our pride and dedication, our ________ is a key component in the service we provide to the community. These basic skills enable us to operate {efficiently and safely} in a variety of incidents. If we do not maintain our skill level by actual use during emergency operations, or through training; we {risk erosion of those skills needed to perform at a proficient level} Therefore, it is the purpose of this program to increase the level of "{hands on}" training as it applies to our basic firefighting skills General Requirements This is a "{practical activity}" based program. {Classroom type instruction and discussion} are encouraged, but {only to enhance or explain the training to take place and should never replace the "hands on" requirements of this program}. {All personnel} should participate in each activity

skill level

This list is not all-inclusive and does not give complete safety rules for all aerial devices • Water Management: — Account for reduced personnel capacity when flowing water. — Open or close master stream valves and nozzles ________ to prevent water hammer. — Make directional changes of water streams {slowly and smoothly}. — {Drain} pre-piped waterways prior to extending or retracting (Figure 19.29). — {Open drain or bleeder valves} before removing {intake or discharge caps}. — {Drain} waterway before retracting. — Drain water from waterway before {stowing} in freezing conditions.


SAMPLE TO: John Doe (8th line down from the top margin) Fire Chief FROM: Jane Doe, Lieutenant Truck 123 A Shift DATE: January 24, 2002 SUBJECT: A request for New Equipment - A New Procedure - To Correct an Existing Problem (This is an Example) The first paragraph should point out the situation as it exists. Be truthful about the problem. The second paragraph should relate to the problem you have with the apparatus, station, equipment or etc. The third paragraph should identify a ________ to the problem. This is very important. The last paragraph should contain justification for the changes. Justification is necessary even if it is obvious. Captain Jane Doe ____ Truck 123 A Shift Captain John Smith ___ Truck 122 B Shift Captain Jane Smith ___ Truck 123 C Shift (signed by all {3} officers) pc: John Smith, Battalion Chief 650A (pc = {personal copy, printed copy, or photo copy}) APPROVED: DENIED: Date: (The employee to whom the memo was written will sign on the {appropriate line} as to approving or denying, and the date that it was signed)


Apparatus inspection. The information in the following section is based on the requirements of NFPA® 1002 and the government pre-trip inspection requirements for obtaining a commercial drivers' license (CDL) in the United States. Not all jurisdictions require their driver/operators to obtain a CDL. However, these inspection procedures provide a ________ for the type of inspection that all driver/operators should be able to perform at the {beginning of each tour of duty} in a {career department} and on a {weekly basis} as well as after {each run} in a volunteer department.

sound basis

The primary intake into the fire pump is through large-diameter piping and connections (Figure 9.19). Intake piping is round in shape at the point where the intake hose connects to it. As the piping nears the pump itself, it typically tapers to a ________ shape in order to eliminate the {vortex that may occur in water that flows through circular piping}. This vortex could introduce air into the pump. Midship pumps usually have a large intake connection on {either side of the apparatus}, whereas on front-mounted pumps the connection and piping extend from {the lower portion of the pump}.


Precipitation and/or airborne water droplets from the master stream appliance combined with below freezing temperatures will result in ice formation on the device. Due to its weight, ice adversely affects ________, lessens the {working load capacity}, and significantly reduces rescue capability (Figure 19.20, p. 694). The ice buildup on the aerial device can also cause damage to the structural members or auxiliary systems when the device is moved. The limit of ice build-up allowed by NFPA® 1901 is {1/4} inch (6 mm) on all surfaces. Consult load charts to determine safe load capacities.


HELP THE UNSEEN PEDESTRIAN A teenager steps into the crosswalk (or worse, into the roadway) on a four-lane city street. The driver in the lane nearest her sees her and stops. But the drivers in the next lane don't see her and don't know why the first driver stopped. They go ahead at full speed. A pickup driver, several vehicles back in that second lane, reaches the girl's path just as she steps into view - and into danger. If you are the driver in the stopped car, do everything you can to help protect that girl, such as warning the drivers behind you with a "________" {hand signal} or with {several taps on your brakes}, flashing your brake lights. If you see the car in the lane next to you stop suddenly for no apparent reason, slow down and look out. That driver may be stopped for a pedestrian.


Infectious disease as referred in this section shall be defined as Hepatitis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Meningitis and Tuberculosis (TB). All physician diagnosed presumptive on job injuries and illnesses (heart, lung, cancer and infectious disease) must be processed by the City's workers compensation health care program once the presumptive injury/illness is reported to Human Resources (HR) or a supervisor. Notifying the HR Work Section of a presumptive injury/illness takes care of the requirement of an employee giving notification to their ________. Note: All injuries that occur while {ON DUTY}, including potential exposures from {infectious disease or chemical}, shall be handled in the {normal fashion at the station level}.


Evacuation The decision as to how much of the building to evacuate must be weighed against the conditions that are being presented. Several issues must be considered before the order to evacuate the entire building or portions of the building is given Is there at least one stairwell clear of smoke and other contaminants? If all evacuation stairwells are contaminated, the option of sheltering in place should be considered, especially if the location of the occupants is currently ________ If shelter in place is opted, occupants should be advised to {place damp towels or another suitable option under the door(s) that lead into the hallway} to further prevent smoke from entering their apartment/office This information can be passed to the occupants through the building's {P.A. system} or given to occupants who {call 911} inquiring about what they should do : 1. Dispatchers should notify {Command/VCS} of the location of any person who calls 911 from inside the building 2. How far will the occupants have to {travel to escape the building}? a. The farther the occupants have to travel before they get below the fire floor should be considered due to the {dynamic nature of the incident} b. {Elderly or Special Needs occupants} may {succumb to fatigue} or other medical issues if required to travel {long distances} {Have fire-attack operations begun?} Fire-attack could dramatically change the building's environment If fire-attack has commenced, evaluate if conditions change in the evacuation stairwell before deciding whether to further evacuate the building If evacuation must take place, ensure evacuation stairwell has {electric Positive Pressure Fans} placed so that the stairway can remain clear even as additional stairwell doors are opened {Are all of the doors in the stairwell unlocked?} If conditions change the occupants may be overcome from the smoke before they find an unlocked door


204 FACILITY REPAIRS DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS UPDATED The priorities the Facilities Manager assigns to WOR's are as follows: Essential repairs to Fire Department Facilities: The priorities the Facilities Manager assigns to WOR's are as follows: This type of service would include any item determined by the Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor as necessary for the day-to-day operations of the Department. These repairs will usually be contained in the first ________ priorities


In cold weather climates, driver/operators must consider that after traversing frozen ground to arrive at a drafting site, thawing may occur from an increase in air temperature, or immediately around the apparatus from the heat of the vehicle's exhaust. The apparatus may begin to sink in the softened ground. If pumping operations are ongoing, the apparatus should continue to provide water if possible. Arrangements for a ________ may be made to free the apparatus after the incident has been stabilized.

tow truck

Some fire pumps have been constructed using up to four impellers connected in series to develop pressures up to 1,000 psi (7 000 kPa) for high pressure fog fire fighting operations. Another method to increase pressure involves using a single-stage high-pressure centrifugal pump mounted outboard in conjunction with a conventional two-stage pump with a separate drive system. When pressures higher than 250 psi (1 750 kPa) are needed, the separate ________ stage is engaged and used to increase the pressure from the second stage. These types of pumps are usually found in cities with a {large number of high rise buildings}. The increased pressure capabilities allow fire department pumpers to {supply sprinklers and standpipes on the upper floors of very tall high rises}. These pumpers must be equipped with {hose and adapters that are rated for use at these pressures}.


WARNING! Failure to properly stabilize the apparatus could result in ________ the apparatus.


REMOVAL THROUGH TOP EMERGENCY EXIT CAUTION: DO NOT USE THE TOP EMERGENCY EXIT ON AN ELEVATOR IN AN UNENCLOSED HOISTWAY. NEW ELEVATORS IN UNENCLOSED HOISTWAYS WILL NOT HAVE TOP EMERGENCY EXITS. IF EXIT THROUGH THE ELEVATOR ENTRANCE IS NOT POSSIBLE, WAIT FOR ELEVATOR PERSONNEL TO ARRIVE, AND HAVE THEM MOVE THE ELEVATOR CAR TO A LANDING LEVEL : 1. The mainline disconnect switches in the machine room for all the elevators should be set in the "OFF" position. (if the stalled elevator is in a multiple hoistway) 2. The door at the nearest landing should be opened, or an emergency access door, where provided, above the stalled elevator car top. This can be accomplished by use of the hoistway door key, the emergency-door key, or by forcing open the hoistway doors 3. A ladder of sufficient length to extend at least 3 feet above the landing floor, should be lowered to the elevator car top and secured in position 4. A firefighter, wearing a safety belt and tied off to a lifeline, should descend to the top of the stalled car. A second ladder should be lowered through the top emergency exit and positioned between the elevator car floor and car top. This second ladder should be of sufficient length to extend at least ________ feet above the car top 5. A second firefighter, also wearing a safety belt and tied off to a lifeline, should then descend to the car top, with {additional safety belts for use in rescuing passengers} 6. One firefighter should enter the elevator through the top exit. The other firefighter should remain on the {top of the stalled elevator}. A third firefighter should be at the {landing used to gain access to the hoistway} 7. The emergency stop switch in the stalled elevator should be set in the "STOP" position. (if the car is equipped with a emergency stop switch) 8. The passengers should then be assisted from within the elevator to the car top, then to the landing above with the {use of safety belts and lifelines}

three (3)

F550 BRUSH PUMPER HOSE REELS There are ________ types of hose reels on the rear {Booster Red Line} ({drivers side}) {High Pressure Line} ({passenger side})


Failure to meet all the renewal requirements will result in not being renewed and removal of instructor alignment with the AHA Oklahoma City Fire Department Training Center Complete the requirements of BLS renewal and maintain Provider Card Teach a minimum of 4 classroom provider courses or renewals on duty to OKCFD employees in 2 years for the discipline in which the instructor is renewing Be monitored while teaching before instructor status expiration. The monitoring form must be filled out and submitted along with the roster to EMS Training by the TFC or RF. The first monitoring after the initial instructor course does not satisfy this requirement Attend any ________ as required within the previous {2} years. Updates may address {new course content or methodology and review TC, regional, and national ECC information} NOTE: Instructors cannot teach any CPR courses after their {card expires}


Positioning the aerial apparatus to attack fires or protect exposures in processing facilities or refineries can be an extremely challenging task. The nature of the fuels involved with these fires requires ________ positioning. These facilities present a number of challenges to positioning aerial apparatus. Some of the challenges include the following: • {Narrow driveways} — It may be {extremely difficult and time consuming} to maneuver the apparatus into the most desirable position. • {Dead-end accesses} — Because incidents of this nature have the potential to quickly become more severe, never place the apparatus in a position where a {difficult reverse retreat} would be required. Take the time to {back the apparatus} into position if this is the case. {Over head obstructions}—Refineries and chemical processing facilities are typically a {maze of overhead piping and conduits} (Figure 17.29). Be certain that the {final spot} chosen for the aerial apparatus will allow the aerial device to be deployed effectively without coming into contact with any {overhead obstructions}.


A ________ evaluates the {priming device, pump, and intake hose for air leaks}. Many fire departments perform this test {first}, as it will be difficult to proceed if the pump will not hold the necessary vacuum. See Skill Sheet 15-2 for the steps to perform a vacuum test.

vacuum test

Multiple-Dwelling Meter Settings Figure 6 shows a meter facility for multiple dwelling buildings. There is a master control valve that shuts off the gas to all the meters in the manifold. There is also a ________ on the {inlet} side of each meter. This makes it possible to shut off gas to an {apartment or other area in a building where an emergency situation} exists without interrupting service to other parts of the building. The number of the apartment or office served is {noted either on the front of each meter} or on a {tag attached to the meter}


Above 212°F (100°C) (the boiling point of water), it converts to a gas, water vapor, or steam. Water cannot be seen in its ________ form. It only becomes visible {as it rises away from the surface of the liquid and begins to condense} (Figure 5.1, p. 168).


When climbing on or off vehicle, always: Face the ________. Use {steps and handholds}. Maintain {three} points of contact with vehicle ({two feet and one hand or two hands and one foot}). Keep steps, handholds, shoes, and walkways clean of {grease, mud, dirt, fuel, ice, and snow}. Use extra caution when {wet, icy, or muddy}. Replace surfaces when {worn}.


The operation of a centrifugal pump is based on the principle that a rapidly revolving disk tends to throw water introduced at its center toward the outer edges of the disk (Figure 9.4). The impeller acts as the disk receiving its water through the eye in its center. This water is thrown out to the volute around the outside edge of the pump housing. The speed of the impeller dictates the amount of pressure that is developed. The faster the disk is turned, the harder the water is thrown, giving the water more ________. If the water is contained at the edge of the disk, the water at the center of the container begins to move outward, toward the {path of least resistance}. The velocity of the water is converted to pressure by confining the water within the container. The height to which the water rises, or the extent to which it overcomes the force of gravity, is based on the {speed of the impeller's rotation}.


A third alternative is the over-the-shoulder carry. This carry is the most difficult and most risky since the firefighter will only have one hand available for stability while descending the ladder, and he or she will be bearing the entire weight of the victim. Rescuers should only perform this carry with a "safety" firefighter descending just below the firefighter carrying the victim. In order to perform this carry safely, a firefighter inside the fire building should assist with loading the victim onto the shoulder of the firefighter. Steps for this method are as follows: 1. In order to provide the best possible balance, position the victim face down across the firefighter's shoulder. The victim's ________ should be on the firefighter's {shoulder}, and the victim's {knees} should be in the {middle of the firefighter's chest} in order to obtain a {well-balanced carry} (Figure 20.23). 2. When the rescue firefighter is satisfied that the victim is balanced and secure, he or she should back down the ladder at a {safe pace}. The assisting firefighter below the rescue firefighter should remain in {physical contact} with the carrying firefighter as the descent is performed.


The load monitor "________" the system for any added electrical loads that threaten to overload the system. If an overload condition occurs, the load monitor will shut down {less important electrical equipment} in order to prevent the overload. This is referred to as {load shedding}. For example, if an inverter is activated to supply power to two 500-watt flood lights, the load monitor may shut down the {air conditioning system} in the cab or the {compartment lights}. Driver/operators must understand the design of the electrical load management system on their apparatus so that they can determine if it is operating properly. They must also be able to distinguish between {load shedding and an electrical system malfunction}.


Class 1 - Explosives Do not fight Explosive fires Explosives may detonate with the application of ________ due to becoming {extremely unstable} when exposed to fire Use the {Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)} to establish the {isolation zone} Use the ERG to establish the {evacuation zone} Once you have set zones, {isolate or evacuate} accordingly Deny access to the zones Do not use {Radios} in the {immediate area} Stay out of smoke, it may contain {toxic substances}


(wildland fire) Working from the burned side is safer. If it's an option, use it, if not, have an escape route When working from the unburned side, extreme caution is required. Know your fuel load, know the topography and know the ________. Look at the {intensity} of the fire Know the {weather conditions and forecasted weather} (including {regular humidity drop} during the {hottest} part of the day). A weather change requires a {size up with expected conditions} Ask yourself, Should I be here? If you are at the top of a hill with cedar trees around, do I really want to be here when the fire gets here? How much water do I have? How hot is this going to be burning when the fire arrives? Maybe this is not the place to "{make a stand}"


Compressed air foam offers several tactical advantages, including: • The reach of the fire stream is considerably longer than those of low energy systems. • A CAFS system produces small uniform air bubbles that are very durable. • Foam produced by a CAFS adheres to a fuel surface and resists heat longer than low energy foam. • Hoselines containing high energy foam solution ________ than those containing {plain water, or low energy foam solution}. • CAFS may provide a safer fire attack that allows effective reach from a {greater distance}.

weigh less

Fuel Management Unit (FMU) Operations You will need to know three things prior to fueling your vehicle: , ________ , the {current odometer reading} , the {type of fuel} ({1}={Diesel} Hose; {2}={Unleaded} Hose) Before exiting the vehicle take note of the vehicle's current {meter reading}. You'll need this information prior to fueling

your User ID

Traffic Signal Preemption Devices Some traffic control systems may be activated by the vehicle's ________ as it approaches an intersection. A {microphone on the traffic signal} receives the sound of an oncoming siren and orders the appropriate signal preemption. This device may be adjusted to activate from distances of {several hundred feet to about half a mile}. Intersections equipped with this device will have {3-inch (77 mm) white and blue lights, mounted near the regular traffic light, facing each direction of travel}.


(Pay Range Sleeve Braid Color) 025 ________" {Gold}

Five - 1/2

OPERATIONAL TESTING FOR SCBA, HEADS-UP DISPLAY AND CONSOLE 8. The regulator is equipped with a red purge knob which allows air to flow into the face piece in an emergency without breathing on the respirator. The purge control is also used to release residual air from the respirator after the cylinder valve is turned off. Check the purge valve as follows: a. Rotate purge valve ½ turn counterclockwise (pointer on knob downward). Air shall freely flow from the regulator. b. Rotate purge valve ________ turn {clockwise} to full closed position (point on knob upward). Air flow from regulator shall {stop}.


(wild land fire) Find a place with natural fire breaks/escape routes. Use of the 1" whip line with a ________ solid stream nozzle can flow up to {80} GPM. Use this line {sparingly} to avoid {wasting water}.


ADDENDUM B - LOGO DESIGN Bright Tiger White Ink for: "OKLAHOMA CITY" The words "OKLAHOMA CITY" are in white ink in one (1) inch, ALL CAPS, Arial Black Font. Curved font raised 1 ½ inch from center base line. Which means: using the bottom of the letters "O" and "Y" in the words OKLAHOMA CITY, as the baseline, measuring up to the bottom of the letter "M" is ________ inch. {Genesis Phosphorescent} for: "{the top line above OKLAHOMA CITY}" {¼} inch under the lowest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" is a {12} point centered line {11 5/8} inches in length. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "{FIRE}" {¼} inch under the line is {2-¾} inch lettering of the word "{FIRE}". The letters are {ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font}. The letters are {1 ½} inches apart. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "the bottom line below OKLAHOMA CITY" {¼} inch under the word "{FIRE}" is another {12} point centered line also {11 5/8}" inches in length. Bright Tiger White Ink for: "{RESCUE}" {½} inch below the {second red line} are {1 ¼} inch lettering of the word "{RESCUE}" spaced evenly in a {seven (7")} inch (from left to right) space. The letters are ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font. Overall: From the top of the highest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" to the bottom of the word "RESCUE" is {7 ½"} inches and from the very left side of the design (the left side of the letter "O") to the very right side of the design (the farthest point right on the letter "Y") is {12}" inches.

1 ½

PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE Wheelbase 210 Front Tires 425/65R 22.50, 20 ply Back Tires 315/80R 22.50, 20 ply Ground Ladders 10 attic, 14 roof, 24 2-section Aerial Sky-Boom 55', Alum Body Ground Clearance ________ in


Customary (inches) 1 1/8 Metric MM (known as) ________


All of these records shall be kept on file by the Department for ________ years after the {employee leaves the job}


Friction loss in these appliances varies with the rated capacity of the device as well as the flow. For this text, it is assumed that there is a 0 psi (0 kPa) loss for flows less than ________ gpm (1 400 L/min) and a {10} psi (70 kPa) loss for each appliance (other than master stream devices) in a hose assembly when flowing {350} gpm (1 400 L/min) or greater.


NOTE: OSHA recently revised their overhead power line clearances for the construction industry. The new standard requires 20 feet (6 m) between the device and overhead electric lines of less than 350 kilovolts. For high tensions lines of over ________ kilovolts, OSHA requires {50} feet (15 m) of clearance.


Large elevators such as hospital cars weigh approximately 5000 pounds and smaller cars about ________ pounds


E-ONE AERIAL Tip Load with water flowing ________ lbs (one man equals {200}lbs)


________ is a {secondary} talk group for EMSA in the Western Division, (OKC). This talk group is also generally shared with {medical helicopters and can be used to coordinate landing zones for these helicopters}


Tables 11.1 a and b list minimum discharges that can be expected from a pumper operating at draft with various lifts. All fire department pumping apparatus are rated when drafting with a minimum lift of 10 feet (3 m) from the center of a pump intake to the surface of water through 20 feet (6 m) of hard intake hose. A strainer is submerged at least 2 feet (600 mm) in a water depth of at least 4 feet (1.2 m). As the lift or friction loss in hard intake hose is increased, the water supply capability of the pump decreases. The pump may only deliver about ________ percent of its capacity if lift is increased by {5} feet (1.5 m), to a {15}-foot lift (4.5 m), and {60} percent at a {20} foot (6 m) lift.


2: POST-ENTRY MEDICAL PROCEDURES After 20 minutes, they shall be given rest time. Personnel will be taken out of protective clothing and monitored by medically trained personnel for temperature, dehydration, blood pressure, signs and symptoms of chemical exposure, etc Heart rate should be measured for 30 seconds, as soon as possible during resting periods. The initial Heart Rate should not exceed 110 beats per minute. If the Heart rate is higher, the next work period shall be shortened by 10 minutes, or 33%., while the length of the rest period remains the same Body temperature should be measured, orally with a clinical thermometer, as soon as possible during rest periods. Oral temperature should not exceed ________°F. If it does, the next work period shall be shortened by {10} minutes, or {33}%, while the length of the rest period {remains the same} Individuals should not be allowed to wear {semi-permeable or impermeable clothing} if oral temperature exceeds {100.6}°F {Good hygiene} shall be maintained by {frequent showering and change of clothing}. {Dry clothing} will be made available, if necessary {Mobile showers}, {shade}, {shift rotation}, and /or {air conditioning} shall be used to reduce the {heat stress} of entry workers {Gum}, {smoking}, {eating}, {drinking} and {chewing tobacco} shall be prohibited in the {Contamination Reduction} ({Warm}) or {Exclusion} ({Hot}) Zones Decontamination teams shall be equipped with equipment, at most, {one level below that of the entry team}


COURSE COMPLETION CARDS The Oklahoma City Fire Department offers course completion cards for the all the disciplines approved by ________ to provide. All required cards for the provider's EMS level must obtained by an {OKCFD instructor or EMS affiliate within the Office of the Medical Director's regulated area}


E-ONE AERIAL Breathing Air , The breathing air system supplies fresh air to fire fighters during operations. ________ are mounted at the {base} of the aerial device All lines in the air system have a {3 to 1} safety margin. A regulator {near the air bottle} reduces the air pressure to approximately {100} PSI. All valves, fittings and hoses are constructed of {corrosion resistant material}. An {integral pressure relief valve} is set at {1.5} times the {working pressure} to relieve the airlines in the event of a pressure regulator failure.

Air bottles

The following tasks, performed by the District CPR Coordinator, will assist with the management of CPR training within each district: Coordinating with the District Officers and Shift CPR Coordinators for the scheduling of all CPR Instructors within their district for retraining Confirming that all personnel within their district have a current CPR card Ensuring that CPR Instructors within their district are teaching the required number of courses "________" Shift Coordinator will assist with {ordering required CPR supplies located in the EMS supplies order form} Maintain {inventory of all CPR equipment and supplies} for district Coordinating with station officers to assist with citizen CPR training when instructors and/or staffing is needed District CPR Coordinators will review the CPR {expiration report monthly on the EMS website}. This report can be used to ensure that all new expiration dates have been entered correctly and/or that all personnel in their district have been retrained


Class B - Public Uniform Work Jacket (Optional) These optional work jackets can be worn with Class B or C uniforms only. OKCFD patch will be worn on the left sleeve, 2" down from the shoulder seam, and centered on the sleeve. Optional approved patches will be worn on the right sleeve in a like manner. (brands and number) Horace Small / Blauer #6025 or #9970-2 These work jackets may be worn with or without fur collar, liner, etc. May be worn with Class ________ uniform. No {vests} will be permitted. A {breast badge} will be worn over {left} pocket. Buttons will be {silver or gold (depending on rank) and will have the letters FD in the center}.

B or C

Civilian deaths have also influenced changes: Mostly in the form of codes or Increased enforcement of existing codes **Best example** Coconut Grove fire- ________ {1942} {492} people died due to 3 primary reasons {Flammable decorations Inadequate exits Overcrowding}

Boston Ma

________ — Loss of braking function that occurs due to excessive use of the brakes.

Brake Fade

Finance/Administration Section 4 units Compensation/claims unit Cost unit Procurement unit Time unit Depending on the size of incident, each section may have its own command staff. The support positions for the main sections are then assisted as they are further broken down into branches, divisions, and groups. **________- established when the manageable span of control of the number of {divisions/groups} is {exceeded} Also, implemented when at least {2} {specific and distinct} operations need to take place at the {same time} When a branch is implemented, a {Branch Manager} is {assigned and manages} a number of {divisions/groups, task forces, strike teams, or even single unit resources.}


In a ________ structure, the {Hazmat Branch Director} may have up to {five groups} under its direction: NOTE: Figure 2 only shows five groups. This allows for the Hazmat Director {some room to modify the branch to meet his needs}


FIRE IN AN ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM If a fire should develop in an elevator machine room, precede as follows : 1. Pull all mainline disconnect switches. They should be near the entrance door to the machine room 2. Use class ________ fire extinguisher. Do Not use {water} 3. Remove {passengers} from stalled elevators, following procedures previously outlined


________: Either {oil cylinder(s)} or a {spring cushion(s)} located in the {pit} to prevent car {overtravel}

Car Buffer

A Disciplinary Meeting will be held to issue discipline involving Class-2 or higher reprimands, suspension, demotion, or termination. Any Disciplinary Meeting held to issue suspension, demotion or termination, shall be conducted at the Fire Administration offices by a Deputy Chief rank or higher, unless approved by the Fire Chief. Any employee that is scheduled for a Disciplinary Meeting will be notified a minimum of two hours in advance that they will be attending a Disciplinary Meeting. Notice for Disciplinary Meetings shall advise the employee of the subject matter of the Disciplinary Meeting. Notice for ________ reprimands may be given {orally} but higher level Disciplinary Meetings shall be in {writing}.


ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE CHECKED AROUND THE FIRE STATION DURING WINTER MONTHS 1. Window and door seals 2. Weather-stripping on doors 3. Check the flues on all gas hot water tanks and furnaces 4. Caulking around all outside openings 5. Outside water sillcock. (do not leave garden hose hooked-up) 6. Clean out all gutters and downspouts 7. ________ or around the furnace rooms 8. {Tire chains} for each rig The item that every officer should be aware of is the {emergency generator}. The {water level} in the {storage battery} and the {oil level in the generator} must be checked. If a strong winter storm moves through Oklahoma City, each fire station will be depending on their {emergency generator} for {electricity for lights and to run the radios}

Clean out

The cold zone is the outermost part of the site and is considered a non-contaminated area. The ________ is a {protected area} (from {bystanders}) and it contains the {Support Zone, Staging, IC, EMS, and any agency, that is rendering aid} {Support equipment, Hazmat Command Post and authorized response personnel} are located in the area {Normal work clothes} are appropriate within this zone.

Cold Zone

The Chief Safety Officer is the program coordinator, acting as the representative of the fire department to the City of Oklahoma City. The City of Oklahoma City has overall responsibility for the program. The Safety Officer will review and update the program as necessary. ________ of the {written program} may be obtained from the {office of the Chief Safety Officer} and are accessible at all work sites via the {FIREWEB Desk Reference link}. The {Safety Office} will review {hazardous chemical SDS'} before the chemical is introduced into the OKCFD workplace.


Effective February 7, 2007, Eligibility requirements for Sergeant are: NOTE: Seniority points start accruing on the date all eligibility requirements have been met , Must have been a ________ for at least {one} year in {Suppression}, from the {last date of employment} Must have a minimum of {five} years as an employee of the Oklahoma City Fire Department from the date of last employment , Employees hired after {July 1, 2005}, must have completed {Sergeant's Manual} and turned in with all {required signatures} at least {30} calendar days {prior to exam date} , Must compete in a {100} question written examination given by the {Training Work Section} The questions are to be {germane to the position} and {procedures of the Oklahoma City Fire Department} and shall include questions on {operating procedures, general knowledge, driving techniques, and firefighting operations} The top {25} scoring candidates will be placed into a {one}-week academy. The academy shall include, but not be limited to, instruction in: {driving techniques}, {equipment operation}, and {Fire Department policy and procedures} The top {25} scoring candidates, {combining written test score}, {seniority points}, and {academy score}, shall be placed on a {sequence list} for promotion


Finance/Administration Section: Units The Finance/Administration Section may staff four Units. Not all Units may be required; they will be established based on need Procurment, Time, Cost, Compensation Procurement Unit: Responsible for administering all financial matters pertaining to vendor contracts, leases, and fiscal agreements Time Unit: Responsible for incident personnel time recording ________ Unit: {Collects all cost data, performs cost effectiveness analyses, provides cost estimates, and makes cost savings recommendations} {Compensation/Claims Unit}: Responsible for the {overall management and direction of all administrative matters pertaining to compensation for injury and claims related activities kept for the incident.}


Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (HSPD-5): President George W. Bush asked Secretary of Homeland Security to develop a national IMS to provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, state, tribal, and local governments to work together to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity. ***________ released {NIMS} in {March 2004}


GENERAL RADIO GUIDELINES The two-way radio is the basic tool for communication in modern fire departments. Clear, Concise and Complete messages are essential for communications between the dispatcher and fire apparatus and between fire apparatus on the scene of an incident a. There are three questions to ask when preparing to send a message over the radio : 1. Is the message CLEAR? a. Have you thought the message out b. Will it be understood 2. Is the message CONCISE? a. Is it as short as possible 3. Is the message COMPLETE? a. Does it contain all the information needed b. Voice 1. Normal Tone a. Slowly and distinctly b Not too loud or too soft c. Speak directly into the microphone 2. Emotion a. Distorts voice b. Anger, nervousness and excitement indicates loss of control c. Understanding the message 1. Be sure you understand the message a. Put yourself in place of the receiver of the message before sending b. When receiving a message, be sure you understand before sending c. Get clarification if you do not understand the message sent to you d. Repeat the message back if necessary d. Choice of words 1. The shorter the message, the better in most cases 2. Choose words that are a. Easily understood b. ________ c. {Definite } e. {Humor} 1. Is generally {unprofessional and not amusing} 2. May cause {misinterpretation of message} 3. Be professional f.


The following common application needs are provided: • Areas that require maximum penetration. Wet foam is very fluid and will easily penetrate Class A fuels (Figure 14.11). • Vertical surfaces. ________ forms a {rigid coating} that adheres well. It is slow to drain, allowing the foam to cling to a vertical surface for extended periods. Dry foam, which often resembles {shaving cream}, has very low water content and high air content. • Surface of a fuel. Foam must have the ability to {cling and penetrate the surface} of a fuel. {Medium} foam is able to penetrate a fuel while maintaining a {sufficient blanket of protection}.

Dry foam

There are many different makes and models of elevators, but only two types in service: the ________, or {TRACTION}, and the {MECHANICAL}, or {HYDRAULIC}. The one feature common to both types is that {loss of electrical power} will stall either, since both are {powered by electric motors}


1 Deployment Wipe down bikes and check mechanical condition of bike and make minor adjustments if necessary (position seat, inflate tires, etc.) Check medical supplies using check list. No changes, additions, subtractions or location changes of medical supplies will be implemented without ________ approval Conduct {radio check} with dispatch or on {scene incident command} Ensure {water} availability for proper hydration {Sunscreen and sunglasses} are recommended {Pre-ride} event site to ensure familiarity {Emergency strobe lights} are functioning

EMS Office

When the flag is displayed over the middle of the street, it should be suspended vertically with the union to the North in an East and West street or to the ________ in a North and South street.


All Support Division work sections will contact the Facilities Manager to report a Work Order Request (WOR): The supervisor at each facility will : 1. Identify the problem and the exact location 2. Check the online Building Work Order Request on Fireweb to see whether or not a WOR has been submitted for the problem 3. If no WOR has been completed, the Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will complete an online WOR. Advise the other shifts of the problem to insure no duplication of effort 4. When a representative from Building Management arrives at the facility, the Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will record his/her name and arrival time in the station log book or facility maintenance file. Be courteous and professional in your dealings with Building Management personnel. The Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that Building Management personnel are not harassed or hindered in their work while at an OKCFD facility. Document their reason for, and time of arrival and departure in the log book. Communicate to Building Management personnel that you need to log whether they are finished, going for parts, lunch, etc 5. When Building Management has completed the WOR, the Station Officer/Work Section Supervisor will update the online WOR by marking it as "completed". This is accomplished by selecting the WOR and clicking on "________" in the {toolbar}. Once in Edit Mode, the WOR will open and allow you to scroll to the {bottom}, enter the {completion date}, and choose "{Save}". The {Facilities Manager} will handle completed WORs in {Support Work Sections} 6. If a problem develops with Building Management personnel, remain {courteous and professional}. Email the {Facilities Manager} with {as much documented information as possible}. The {Facilities Manager} will {mediate} the problem

Edit Item

________ — (1) Portable proportioning device that injects a liquid, such as foam concentrate, into the water flowing through a hoseline or pipe. (2) Venturi device that uses water pressure to draw foam concentrate into a water stream for mixing; also enables a pump to draw water from an auxiliary source.


Hazmat The Incident Commander has responsibility of the incident. All agencies without exception when responding to a hazmat incident will report to the Incident Command Post and check in All agencies will fall under the responsibility of the Incident Safety Officer Agency representatives will insure all of their employees are wearing proper protective clothing for the hazard This includes but is not limited to: EMSA Oklahoma City Police Department Oklahoma State Highway Patrol Oklahoma State Health Department Oklahoma City Emergency Management Oklahoma City/County Health Department Oklahoma City Engineers Oklahoma City ________ Oklahoma {Gas & Electric (OG&E)} Oklahoma {Natural Gas (ONG)} Oklahoma City {Storm Water Quality (SWQ)}


If a company is in the AVAILABLE status, use the following protocol to dispatch the company : 1. Hail the company on the radio (________) 2. {Verbally dispatch them} over Fire OPS a. You can dispatch them in {CAD simultaneously} 3. Ensure they verbally {acknowledge they received the call and are ENROUTE}

Fire OPS

RESPONSES TO STRUCTURE FIRES Multiple companies responding to Structure Fires on Airport Property, (including the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center), will be dispatched on ________ and assigned a {TAC} channel by dispatch WRFD Dispatch will monitor and respond on the {assigned TAC channel with OCFD}. If necessary OCFD Dispatch will contact WRFD and notify them about which TAC channel the incident is assigned


The following policy regarding radio use will be followed when responding to incidents at Will Rogers World Airport: SINGLE COMPANY RESPONSES Single companies responding to incidents on airport property such as EMS, Trash Fires, Auto Alarms, etc... will continue to be dispatched on ________ and will respond on {FIRE OPS} {WRFD Dispatch} will monitor and respond on FIRE OPS with the responding company and may relay important incident information to the {Company Officer}


________ is a talk group available for coordination and communication of {non-emergency activities}. This talk group is {not monitored by dispatch} however it is trunked through the {800} MHz radio system and is therefore {repeated city wide}. {Six} FD TALK "Talk Groups" are also available on the {FD SUPT bank} FD TALK 2 is a talk group available for coordination and communication of non-emergency activities. This talk group is not monitored by dispatch however it is trunked through the 800 MHz radio system and is therefore repeated city wide. Six FD TALK "Talk Groups" are also available on the FD SUPT bank


The ________ ({Fuel Management Unit}) screen displays the following prompt: This message indicates that the FMU is available for use. Insert the ProKee® into the {ProKee® receptacle}. Press it in and hold it there until the display screen on the FMU changes to the next prompt (approximately {one second}) The next prompt looks like this: This prompt requires entry of a {USER ID}. This is your {City Employee Number}. Once the USER ID is entered on the FMU keypad, press the ENTER/YES key to receive the next prompt. USER ID entry is verified against an authorization list stored in the FMU. If the entry is invalid, a total of {5} attempts to enter a valid USER ID are afforded the user. Upon failure to enter a valid USER ID, an {error message} is sent to the {on-site printer} stating that an invalid user id was entered and the process begins again. This method requires entry of an {authorized number} and {allows these numbers to be locked out} ({de-authorized})


The FIT Officer will use their best efforts to secure the electronic media shared files. Only persons listed in paragraph 2 of this policy are allowed access to the electronic media shared files. Security to delete electronic media will only be granted to ________ personnel after permission from the {Deputy Chief of Support Services}


ALMAND LIGHT TOWER / GENERATOR MONTHLY TESTING The first test of the month should also include turning on the tower lights. This will load the generator during the test. The light tower may be left down for the test. THE FUEL TANK HOLDS 50 GALLONS OF DIESEL, FOR 48 HOURS OF USE. FILL OUT A ________ WHEN THE GENERATOR IS REFUELED


________ Level Briefings This level typically involves resources {assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site}. These briefings will be delivered to {individual subordinates, full crews, or multiple crews such as Strike Teams or Task Forces} and will occur at the {beginning of an operational shift}. The location will usually be {near the work site or just prior to mobilization to the field}. The supervisor attempts to focus the subordinates on their {specific tasks} and helps define {work area, reporting relationships, and expectations}


Badges The breast badge is to be worn over the left shirt pocket in the seamed holes provided for it. These are the badges furnished by the Department, given upon initial employment and replaced at some promotional levels, and are the only badges to be worn with the uniform. Personnel may purchase personal badges for wear on their uniforms as long as they are identical to the badge issued to them. Any changes must be approved by the ________ before wearing. Badges purchased by individuals for their personal use are not covered under these guidelines.

Fire Chief

Human Resources is charged with the responsibility of generating new vacancy announcements at the request of the ________ and/or the {Deputy Chief of the respective division where the vacancy exists}

Fire Chief

Level 3: The vehicle may be used on-duty to provide transportation to conduct City or Fire Department business. The vehicle may not be used when not specifically on City or Fire Department business. The vehicle will be parked at the work site or other Fire Department facilities after hours as determined by the ________. During work periods, the employee may stop for {regularly scheduled lunch and breaks while using the City vehicle}.

Fire Chief

________ — {Vessel or watercraft designed and constructed for the purpose of fighting fires}; provides a specified level of pumping capacity and personnel for the extinguishment of fires in the {marine environment}. Also known as {Marine Unit}.


Any injury will be submitted electronically through the Risk Management on-line OJI/Vehicle Accident/Property Damage reporting system located on ________ or the {Inside OKC websites}. To access the reporting system, simply click on the link provided on {Fireweb}, this will direct the user to the {Risk Management Reporting Portal (Origami Risk}).


REPLACEMENT OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT Anytime protective clothing and/or equipment is lost, damaged, needs to be altered, or worn to the point it must be replaced, a protective clothing request form (available on ________) will be {completed and signed by the District Officer}.


Manikin Supplies and Inventory Each station should have a CPR training box with the following supplies: One (1) BLS Instructor Manual One (1) BLS DVD Two (2) BLS Provider Manuals One (1) Family and Friends training DVD Ten (10) Family and Friends student manuals (Family and Friends CPR course participation cards are located inside manuals) ________ {course rosters} {One (1)} {Family and Friends lesson plan} {One (1)} {package of face shields} Each District Chief station should have all supplies listed above plus: {Four (4)} {Adult manikins} {Four (4)} {Infant manikins} Enough supplies for {district/station CPR training} should be on hand at {all times}

Five (5)

No license shall be issued to any alien whose documentation indicates the alien is a visitor or is not eligible to establish residency. A receipt for an application for presence in the U.S. is NOT proof of legal presence 3. Bring valid proof of auto liability insurance if you're taking the driving test 4. If you have health or physical conditions that might impair your driving ability, you may be required to have a doctor's statement about your condition 5. Provide your Social Security number. This number will not appear on your license 6. If you are under 18 years of age, you must also bring one of the following: Proof of current enrollment in a secondary or vocational-technical school, on a form provided by your school, or Proof of an excused absence, as defined in State Statutes Title 47 Sect. 6-107.3 on a form provided by your school, or Proof of enrollment and satisfactory progress in a program leading to a Certificate of High School Equivalency (General Equivalency Diploma: GED), on a form provided by the Department of Public Safety, or Proof that you have completed a ________, or Proof of home schooling, on a form provided by the Department of Public Safety, or Proof of employment, if you are working a minimum of {24} hours a week. The form may be obtained from the Department of Public Safety and must be signed by your employer and {notarized}, or Your high {school diploma} showing proof that you have graduated from high school 7. If you are under 18 years of age, you must also bring: Documentation from your school showing you have successfully passed the criterionreferenced reading test required for all {eighth} grade students or an alternative reading proficiency test approved by the State Department of Education pursuant to State Statutes Title 47 Section 3 [Section 1210.515 of Title 70] demonstrating reading proficiency at the eighth grade reading level, unless such student is excused from such requirement pursuant to the provisions of State Statutes Title 47 Section 3 [ibid.] 8. Bring {driver's education completion certificate} (i.e., {green} card from driver's ed) or a certificate of completion of driver's education from a commercial school or a parent-taught driver's education course approved by the Department of Public Safety. If proof of driver's education completion is not presented, additional restrictions may be imposed All forms provided by the schools must be {typed}. Each signature block must have an {original signature}


Persons at high risk for TB: Medically under-served low-income populations. Residents of long term care facilities (e.g., nursing homes and mental institutions). ________ workers who provide care for high-risk groups. {Foreign-born persons} from countries with a high prevalence of TB. {Transients} living in facilities for the homeless. {Correctional} inmates {Alcoholics and intravenous drug} users. Persons with {HIV infection or medical conditions known to increase the risk of TB once infected} (e.g., {diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, being 10% or more below the ideal body weight, persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy, leukemia and lymphomas, and other malignancies}).

Health care

The ability to overcome losses in pressure is limited to atmospheric pressure at sea level (14.7 psi [100 kPa] or 30 inches Hg). The inches of mercury measurement is used in drafting since the changes of pressure are so minute. This pressure decreases approximately 0.5 psi (3.5 kPa) or 1 inch of ________ for each 1,000 feet (300 m) of altitude gain. In a city located 5,000 feet (1 500 m) above sea level, the atmospheric pressure is 12.2 psi (85 kPa). Because the same atmospheric pressure of 14.7 (100 kPa) psi must overcome elevation pressure as well as any friction loss, increasing the height of the lift will {decrease total pump capacity}. A lift increased from {10 to 16} feet (3 m to 5 m) would require the vacuum to increase from {9 to 14} inches of mercury (Hg) (-30 to -50 kPa), which leaves 5 inches (-20 kPa) less to overcome any friction loss encountered. Considering the same 750 gpm (3 000 L/min) pumper used in the previous example, increasing lift to 16 feet (5 m) with 41⁄2-inch (115 mm) intake hose would reduce the capacity of the pump to 585 gpm (2 350 L/min).


GENERAL RADIO GUIDELINES The two-way radio is the basic tool for communication in modern fire departments. Clear, Concise and Complete messages are essential for communications between the dispatcher and fire apparatus and between fire apparatus on the scene of an incident a. There are three questions to ask when preparing to send a message over the radio : 1. Is the message CLEAR? a. Have you thought the message out b. Will it be understood 2. Is the message CONCISE? a. Is it as short as possible 3. Is the message COMPLETE? a. Does it contain all the information needed b. Voice 1. Normal Tone a. Slowly and distinctly b Not too loud or too soft c. Speak directly into the microphone 2. Emotion a. Distorts voice b. Anger, nervousness and excitement indicates loss of control c. Understanding the message 1. Be sure you understand the message a. Put yourself in place of the receiver of the message before sending b. When receiving a message, be sure you understand before sending c. Get clarification if you do not understand the message sent to you d. Repeat the message back if necessary d. Choice of words 1. The shorter the message, the better in most cases 2. Choose words that are a. Easily understood b. Distinct c. Definite e. ________ 1. Is generally {unprofessional and not amusing} 2. May cause {misinterpretation of message} 3. Be professional f.


Accountability Systems must meet the following objectives: Account for exact locations of all individuals at any given moment Provide for expansion Be adaptable for the IMS that is in use Ensure that all individuals are checked into the system at the outset of the incident Provide for visual recognition of participation Provide for points of entry into the hazard zone **officers- location of crew **Group leaders- accountability in work area **Accountability officers- accountability of any area of an incident from a specific point of entry **________ {responsible for putting in place the accountability function into the I.M.S.} **{accountability division/group- at large incidents}, {determine points of entry, ensure communication with accountability officers and provide the overall coordination of accountability at a specific incident}


Fluid resistant gowns are designed to protect clothing from splashes. Structural firefighting gear also protects clothing from splashes and is preferable in fire, rescue, or vehicle extrication activities. Gowns may interfere with, or present a hazard to, the employee in these circumstances. The decision to use barrier protection to protect clothing, and the type of barrier protection used will be dictated by the situation at hand and the ________ will ensure compliance. {Structural firefighting gear} will always be worn for {fire suppression and extrication activities}.


NIMS recognizes the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) ICS training as a model for course curricula and materials applicable to NIMS: ICS-100, intro to ICS ICS-200, basic ICS ICS-300, intermediate ICS ________, advanced ICS Both the {United States Fire Administrations, National Fire Academy and the Emergency Management Institute} follow this ICS model.


HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION For products with limited information, follow these basic guidelines: If the products/chemicals name ends in ________ or {IUM}. Use caution when using {water} Use Guide {111} in the {ERG} When the fire {shows abnormal characteristics}: Set zones, isolate or evacuate accordingly Deny access to the zones Do not use Radios in the immediate area. (THE ISOLATION AREA) Stay out of smoke, it may contain {toxic substances} If the container has a {refrigeration unit} and is {placarded} {Do not} fight the fire Call for the {Hazmat Unit} {Set zones}, {isolate} or {evacuate} accordingly Deny {access} to the zones Do not use Radios beyond the {control zone} Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances


All District Officer vehicles will carry a supply of crowd control banner guard in the ________

ISO Go Bag

HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION For products with limited information, follow these basic guidelines: If the products/chemicals name ends in IDE or ________. Use caution when using {water} Use Guide {111} in the {ERG} When the fire {shows abnormal characteristics}: Set zones, isolate or evacuate accordingly Deny access to the zones Do not use Radios in the immediate area. (THE ISOLATION AREA) Stay out of smoke, it may contain {toxic substances} If the container has a {refrigeration unit} and is {placarded} {Do not} fight the fire Call for the {Hazmat Unit} {Set zones}, {isolate} or {evacuate} accordingly Deny {access} to the zones Do not use Radios beyond the {control zone} Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances


In the event you are called to an escalator incident, it will probably involve a foot caught where the steps terminate at the floor, or a long coat caught between the step edge and the skirt. The safety switch will in all probability have activated, stopping the escalator's movement. The following procedures are suggested : 1. Activate the emergency stop switch 2. Assign a fire fighter to remove the inspection plate located in the floor at the top landing, and pull the mainline disconnects. Four screws hold the plate in place with conventional heads 3. If victim is caught between step edge and skirt, use pry bar or ________ to release him 4. If victim is caught where the steps terminate, {remove the combs}

K-12 saw

The International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) was established in 1934 as a nonprofit educational association of fire fighting personnel who are dedicated to upgrading fire fighting techniques and safety through training. To carry out the mission of IFSTA, Fire Protection Publications was established as an entity of Oklahoma State University. Fire Protection Publications' primary function is to publish and distribute training materials as proposed, developed, and validated by IFSTA. As a secondary function, Fire Protection Publications researches, acquires, produces, and markets high-quality learning and teaching aids consistent with IFSTA's mission. IFSTA holds two meetings each year: the Winter Meeting in ________ and the Annual Validation Conference in {July}. During these meetings, committees of technical experts review draft materials and ensure that the professional qualifications of the National Fire Protection Association® standards are met. These conferences bring together individuals from several related and allied fields, such as: {Key fire department executives, training officers, and personnel Educators from colleges and universities Representatives from governmental agencies Delegates of firefighter associations and industrial organizations Committee members are not paid nor are they reimbursed for their expenses by IFSTA or Fire Protection Publications}. They participate because of a commitment to the fire service and its future through training. Being on a committee is prestigious in the fire service community, and committee members are acknowledged leaders in their fields. This unique feature provides a close relationship between IFSTA and the fire service community. IFSTA manuals have been adopted as the official teaching texts of many states and provinces of North America as well as numerous U.S. and Canadian government agencies. Besides the NFPA® requirements, {IFSTA} manuals are also written to meet the {Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education} (FESHE) course requirements. A number of the manuals have been translated into other languages to provide training for fire and emergency service personnel in Canada, Mexico, and outside of North America. Copyright © 2015 by the Board of Regents, Oklahoma State University All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. ISBN 978-0-87939-571-1


________ is a science because it is a {learnable, teachable body of knowledge}, but it is also an {art} because this body of knowledge has to be applied to "{real life" with skill and relevance}. Leadership cannot just be learned, it also has to be lived.


The incident priorities on a structure fire are : 1. ________ 2. {Incident stabilization} 3. {Property/environmental protection and conservation} 4. {Safety of all personnel assigned to the incident}

Life safety

Approaches for a Successful Transition In order to take advantage of the opportunities that becoming an officer provides, a new company officer should try the following approaches: Communicate effectively Apply appropriate supervisory techniques Manage effectively Project a command presence Develop an appropriate leadership style Show respect for others Be loyal to the company, organization, and community Be a positive and ethical role model at all times Live by a personal and professional code of ethics Set high yet attainable standards Value diversity in people and situations Praise accomplishments ________ to others Commit to {education and training} Remain {humble} Start {tight}, then go {light}.


________: Usually the {main floor} (but not necessarily) of a building


________ is the preferred method of {energy isolation}. When physical lockout is not possible, the energy isolation device will be {tagged out of service} with a warning tag attached in conjunction with a secondary control measures such as: {A firefighter on standby The removal of an isolating circuit element Blocking of a controlling switch Removing fuses Blocking of switches or opening an extra disconnecting device} In the case of {plug-in power source}, the tag will be attached to the {plug}. To ensure full employee protection using tagout instead of lockout, a {secondary control measure shall be taken to guard against accidental or inadvertent energization}.


Manikins will be borrowed from the District Station with an entry in the ________ of {how many manikins borrowed and date of expected return}. An entry should be made in the {Station Log Book of the borrowing Station, the number of manikins borrowed and date of expected return}

Log Book

"MAYDAY" FIREFIGHTERS: A crew or member of a crew who has reported a ________ for; {disorientation (lost), missing crew member(s), entanglement, trapped, downed, or any other need for rescue assistance}


The following common application needs are provided: • Areas that require maximum penetration. Wet foam is very fluid and will easily penetrate Class A fuels (Figure 14.11). • Vertical surfaces. Dry foam forms a rigid coating that adheres well. It is slow to drain, allowing the foam to cling to a vertical surface for extended periods. Dry foam, which often resembles shaving cream, has very low water content and high air content. • Surface of a fuel. Foam must have the ability to cling and penetrate the surface of a fuel. ________ foam is able to penetrate a fuel while maintaining a {sufficient blanket of protection}.


Meningitis: may develop due to bacteria, viruses, physical injury, cancer, and certain drugs. ________ is a disease caused by the {inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord}.


The Duty Mechanic will maintain cleanliness of the call truck. Time will be provided each ________ for this to be performed by the {mechanic going off call}, unless the daily schedule doesn't allow enough time, which will be decided by the {supervisor} When called to a fire station report to the {station officer} to be logged into the {logbook} During the call week if the Duty Mechanic encounters departmental problems and/or is unsure about a mechanical problem, notify the {supervisor} If the Duty Mechanic feels additional personnel are needed for assistance, notify the {Unit Operations Supervisor} If called to an incident, the mechanic must report to the {command post} and report to the {Incident Commander} Use proper {radio procedures}


Car within three (3) feet of Landing If the hoistway doors are not unlocked and the elevator car platform is within 3 feet of the landing level, use the following steps : 1. Opening doors from landing or from inside elevator car a.Set the mainline disconnect switch for the stalled elevator in the "________" position b. Unlock the hoistway door at the {floor nearest to the stalled elevator} car by means of the {hoistway door unlocking device} ({elevator door interlock release key}), if provided, and {open the hoistway and car doors by hand}.


ON THE JOB INJURY NOTIFICATION Inform the personnel entering time in your division to notify the Human Resource Work Section immediately when an employee is on ________. The {Human Resource Work Section} is responsible for monitoring OJI leave. {Supervisors} are responsible for ensuring that the Human Resource Work Section will be informed of all updates and/or changes in the employee's health status. Timely OJI notification to Human Resources will ensure {accurate and consistent tracking of leave time}.

OJI Leave

SETTING THE RELIEF VALVE 1. Turn the relief valve control all the way in 2. Using the hand throttle, increase the pump pressure to 5 psi above the highest correct discharge pressure 3. Turn the relief valve to the "________" position is so equipped 4. Turn the {relief valve control out slowly}, until the pressure gauge shows a {drop in pressure} 5. Re-adjust the relief valve until the pressure is 5 psi above the highest correct discharge pressure 6. Using the {hand throttle}, lower the pump discharge pressure to the proper setting (5 psi less than the relief valve setting)


CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE SIGNS - ________ = {WORK ZONE} = DANGER The color orange tells you that you are nearing or in a work zone. Signs, barricades, and lane-channeling devices— such as cones and barrels—are placed to direct you through the work zone safely and protect workers and flagpersons. Most signs are {diamond-shaped}, but some are {rectangular}


General staff: ________: management of all tactical objectives and activities**direct involvement of developing action plans {Planning}: development of action plans, documents and disseminates plan info, collects and evaluates tactical info {Logistics}: nonoperational support {Finance/administration}: analyzes incident costs, tracks time of equipment and personnel, procuring food and supplies by contract services


The Incident Commander is the Scene Manager for ALL people, Responders and ________ alike.


The ________ are an {integral part of the Wellness Program} and injury prevention for our personnel. They will assist individuals who {request help} or are {scoring low on the annual wellness assessment}. {District PFTs} visit stations in their districts each {quarter} to track progress. PFTs will document their efforts on {Target Solutions}.


ATMR Members Only This uniform will be worn by the ATMR - All Terrain Medical Response Members during Special Events. Shirt Red in color. Moisture Wicking ________. {Short} Sleeve. (%){50% polyester/50% cotton}. Right breast embroidered with {first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank}. Left breast embroidered with the {Maltese Cross logo, and OKLAHOMA CITY FIRE}. See Addendum B for specification description of embroidery and logo. The back will be silk-screened "{OKLAHOMA CITY RESCUE" in white, "FIRE" and the two lines will be in genesis phosphorescent}. See Addendum B for specification description of silk-screening. (Front) (Back)


PROCEDURE The Team Leaders, when notified by the Dispatch Office of an employee suffering a critical injury or a service-connected death, will consult with the Fire Chief to mobilize the SIT. The Team will meet at the location designated by the Team Leaders, (usually the incident scene), and will assist the Incident Commander as necessary. The first arriving Team member must ensure the incident scene and/or evidence is secured by consulting with the Incident Commander (IC) and/or Police Department representative; recommend the use to the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team. Reduce radio traffic as much as practical, utilizing other forms of communication regarding affected personnel and issue no public statements. At the conclusion of the incident, the Team will immediately interview all OKCFD personnel involved and take statements that may be reduced to writing. All personnel must cooperate with the SIT during an authorized investigation. The EMS Chief will establish a liaison with the receiving hospital and request appropriate test be conducted (e.g., blood gases), and ensure proper OJI procedures are followed. The ________ will manage {media relations and ensure video or photo documentation of the scene is managed}. The {SIT} will {impound and secure affected vehicles}, {protective clothing}, {SCBA}, {dispatch audio}, {incident and casualty reports as deemed necessary}. Develop {area maps}, {floor plans} and {other drawings} as needed to indicate {location, position, direction of movement, other actions of affected personnel and apparatus, and take photographs and video all aspects of the incident}.

PRM Chief

Resources Unit (ResStat): Functional unit within the ________ Section responsible for {recording the status of resources committed to the incident}. This unit also evaluates resources {currently committed to the incident, the effects additional responding resources will have on the incident, and anticipated resource needs}


Personal Factors/Personal Changes New company officers may have to make personal changes to avoid the antagonism, resentfulness, and loss of friendships that can occur if the transition isn't well managed. To overcome these personal challenges, the new officer must: Commit to the responsibilities, duties, and requirements of the supervisory position Show loyalty to the organization**support the leadership team and political authority Show loyalty toward company personnel Act as a liaison Support all types of education and training Guard conversations Accept criticism graciously and accept praise, honors, and advancement modestly Lead by example - set a positive example for subordinates founded on a consistent adherence to a set of moral, ethical, and social values. ________ in {public}; {discipline} in {private} Project a {professional image} - to the {public, elected officials, internal and external stakeholders, and to peers}


Water has the ability to extinguish fire in several ways. It can cool or absorb heat from the fire, as well as smother (exclude oxygen from) fires. Water may also be used to smother fires in combustible liquids whose specific gravity is higher than 1 (heavier than water) (Figure 5.2). ________ may also occur when {water converts to steam within a closed space}.


________ foams derived from {animal protein} sources such as {hooves, horns, or feather meal}. These sources are hydrolyzed in the presence of {lime} and converted to a {protein hydrolysate} that is neutralized. {Stabilizers, corrosion inhibitors, and antimicrobial agents}, as well as additives to inhibit {freezing} are also contained in the formula. Regular protein foam generally has good {heat stability} and {burn back resistance}. However, it is not as fluid as other low expansion foams when applied to a fuel source. In addition, regular protein foam {degrades more quickly} in storage than synthetic foam (an approximate {ten year} shelf life). Regular protein foam is becoming {increasingly rare} in the modern fire service. Jurisdictions that continue to maintain this product in their inventory should monitor its remaining {shelf life}.


________ — Charts carried on a fire apparatus to aid the pump operator in determining the proper pump discharge pressure when supplying hoselines.

Pump Charts

Remember, you are laying a portable water main above ground and catastrophic damage can be done to pumps, appliances, hose, and the city water system. ________ can be {cracked or broken}, {appliances damaged, hose burst, and water mains broken underground}. Any of these things caused by {water hammer} can cause {injury to firefighting personnel}.


Stihl 044 Chain Saw ________ occurs when the chain on the {top of the bar} is {suddenly stopped}, when it is {pinched, caught, or encounters a foreign object in the floor or roof}. The reaction of the chain drives the saw {straight back toward the operator} and may cause {loss of saw control}. Pushback frequently occurs when the {top of the bar} is used for cutting. Be alert to situations that may cause material to pinch the top of the chain


Rapid Intervention Crews (RIC) Must comply with OSHA's 2 in, 2 out rule Must be provided early in the incident Some smaller departments are utilizing automatic mutual aid to staff an on-scene RIC **good idea to dispatch a ________ automatically to all working fires **once assigned to RIC, should generally {not be assigned to other tasks that would render them unavailable}


EXITING THE APPARATUS ROOM / APPARATUS DOOR The officer will assign a firefighter to shut the apparatus door for a single house company. The officer and the rest of the crew will get in the apparatus and put seat belts on and each passenger should verbally state "________". Once the apparatus stops {clear of the door} the firefighter outside the apparatus, after {insuring door closes}, will get in the apparatus and {fasten his/her seat belt} and verbally state "{Ready}" which will be the {signal} for the driver to proceed to the incident.


ALMAND LIGHT TOWER / GENERATOR Connecting and Starting the Generator Connected to a Fire Station 1. Park and level the generator using the tongue and rear jacks 2. Connect the generator to the station ground rod 3. Connect the power cable between the 50 AMP generator plug located on the rear panel of the generator and the receptacle located on the Fire Station 4. Turn off all circuit breakers on the generator control panel 5. Turn on the IGN switch, and then press the START ASSIST and the ________ buttons at the same time to start the generator 6. Turn on the 50 AMP MAIN breaker located on the generator control panel, then move the {safety switch} located on the {outside back panel} of the portable generator to the {50 AMP OUTLET} position 7. Inside the station, move the {TRANSFER SWITCH} handle from the {Normal (OG&E)} position to the {center} OFF position; turn off the {EPANEL} breakers, then complete the motion of the handle to the {Generator} position. Turn on the {EPANEL breakers.}


In no way are the skills maintenance activities designed to limit training to only the activities issued from Training. Also at times, the skills maintenance activities could coincide with previously established goals, such as a district study activity coinciding with the map or hydrant program The importance of the role of the Company/Station Officer in this program cannot be overstated The Officer will not only be responsible for conducting skills maintenance training but also for establishing the proper tone and atmosphere in which the training takes place. The Officer should continually assess the readiness and capability of their personnel, and provide leadership through training to maintain that readiness. This program is not intended to limit or restrict the ability of the Officer to address any additional training needs that would be beneficial to their personnel. ________ is of the utmost importance, as with any "{hands on}" training, a {safety officer} should be designated for each exercise.


________ — Ongoing evaluation of {influential factors at the scene of an incident.}


(high rise fire) Stairwell Support Officer (Stairwell Support) The Stairwell Support Officer, once assigned will : 1. Report to Logistics and coordinate the transport of equipment via the stairwells from the lobby to Staging a.One member per two floors b. One Officer per four or five members c. Personnel shall have on their person: Flashlight Portable radio d. Personnel shall have available at the lowest landing they serve: Personal safety equipment (P.P.E) and S.C.B.A 2. Consider relief if extended operation 3. If an auxiliary water supply is required, the Stairwell Support Officer will coordinate and supervise this function 4. If helicopters are used, coordinate the transport of equipment from roof to ________


DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY The Oklahoma City Fire Department AHA Training Center strives to promote and support aligned instructors to succeed. All instructors conducting a class on- or off-duty are looked upon as representatives of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Instructors are expected to present AHA lesson plans in an accurate and engaging manner, display patience and understanding with students, and adhere to all applicable administrative policies. If a complaint or problem comes to the attention of the EMS Office, it will be investigated for validity and impact. If complaint warrants action, it will be handled according to the following steps. Depending on the severity of issue by the Instructor, the corrective action taken may go immediately up to step 3 Progressive steps are as follows: Step 1 - Remediation If after careful investigation, the Training Center Coordinator perceives an Instructor's performance a problem, he or she should issue remediation. The Training Center Coordinator will state the problem to the instructor, give support and education from the Training Center to promote success and inform instructor of the next progressive step. The TCC will keep detailed notes and prepare a letter about the conversation to be placed in the instructor's personnel file Step 2 - Written warning If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator will provide the instructor with a written warning detailing the problem, along with a statement that continued failure could result in revoking alignment of Training Center. The ________ will complete a letter stating the {problem presented, support and education given from the Training Center to promote success and next progressive step}. Letter will be signed by the {instructor and the TCC} to be included in the {instructor's personnel file}. A copy of the letter will be given to the {instructor} {Step 3} - {Termination} review If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator must notify the {EMS Chief}. The Training Center Coordinator with agreement of the {EMS Chief} will make the final decision of the Instructor's alignment after {careful consideration} of all the information


Lockout/tagout devices must also meet the following requirements: 1. Durable: OKCFD lockout/tagout devices must be capable of withstanding the environment to which they are exposed for the entire period of time that they are used. ________ devices must be constructed so that {exposure to weather conditions or wet and damp locations will not cause the tag to deteriorate or the message on the tag to become illegible}. Tags must not {deteriorate when used in corrosive environments}, such as areas where {acid and alkali chemicals} are used or stored.


Emergency service organizations are organized in divisions. Within each work assignment group, subgroups are assigned to complete the specific tasks. Work groups may be created based on the following elements: Type of task Geographical area ________ of year or season Available {resources} {Skills} specialization


DISPATCH SCRIPT FOR INCIDENTS REQUIRING ASSIGNED TALK GROUPS The following guide will be used when dispatching companies on incidents requiring an assigned talk group, (Haz-Mat, Fire Alarms, etc...) 1. Incident Type 2. Channel 3. Address (announced twice) 4. Companies 5. Map Number 6. Channel 7. ________ Example 1: "House Fire, TAC 1, 813 NW 8th, 813 NW 8th, Engine 1, Engine 51, Engine 10, Engine 6, Rescue Ladder 1, 601, 602, 721, 722 , Map Number 4540, Respond on TAC 1, Time Out 07:45" Example 2: "Grass Fire, TAC 2, 11800 N Ecker, 11800 N Ecker, Engine 2, Engine 27, Brush Pumper 2, Brush Pumper 27, Tanker 27, 602, map Number 4545. Respond on TAC 2, Time Out 07:45" While responding companies are in route, the {District Officer} will announce {address enroute to, acknowledge their responding companies and state they are ready for updates}. A response summary will be given on the {Assigned Talk Group} and any pertinent information should also be broadcasted as soon as possible

Time Out

________ — (1) Force that tends to create a {rotational or twisting} motion. (2) Measurement of {engine shaft output}. (3) Force that produces or tends to produce a {twisting or rotational action}.


Special Operations Officer Although the Special Operations Officer does not set policy, he works with, and recommends policy to the Fire Chief to insure that the best interest of the Fire Department and citizens are considered. In conjunction with the Hazmat Officers at Station 5, the Special Operations Officer establishes, standardizes, specifies and coordinates: ________ {Equipment} {Operation procedures} {Preplanning procedures} {Vehicles} This is to ensure the efforts of Special Operations members be deployed in the most {efficient, safe and legal} manner possible. The Special Operations Officer carries the rank of {Captain/Major}


________ — In a hydraulic cylinder, the pivoting end of the piston rod that is connected to the anchor ear by the heel pin.


Honesty and integrity are the two most important characteristics of a successful leader. ________ is the foundation of leadership. When we violate another's trust we are finished. Respect that has taken years to develop may evaporate overnight if an individual breaks the trust of others. Good leaders {speak the truth and live it}. {Integrity} is the capacity to walk the talk, to deal with issues straight on, and to do what the mission statement directs us to do. True leaders lead by example. True leaders realize that they should be {servants}. They focus on what they can do for the organization and every person they come in contact with. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. Leaders find ways for the team to win. Leaders need to show {humility}. The most popular and successful leaders are the ones {that do not feel the need to brag about their position}. An individual's rank entitles that person to a certain measure of respect. True leaders understand that the majority of respect must be {earned and is thus deserved}. Informal leaders depend even more on {earned respect} and they achieve that respect by {diligently doing whatever it takes to get the job done}.


The in-line eductor uses the ________ principle to draft foam concentrate into the water stream. When operating this system, several operating guidelines must be followed to achieve properly proportioned finished foam: • The {flow in gallons per minute (L/min)} through the eductor must {NOT Exceed} its rated capacity. • The quality of foam may {decrease or the flow may stop altogether} if the gpm (L/min) capacity of the eductor is exceeded. • The pressure at the discharge side of the eductor must NOT Exceed {70} percent of the eductor inlet pressure. This {back pressure} is determined by adding the {nozzle pressure, friction loss in the hose between the eductor and the nozzle, and the elevation pressure}. {Excessive back pressure} may result in no foam concentrate being inducted into the water. • The concentration of foam solution will only blend accurately if the inlet pressure at the eductor is correct (usually {150-200} psi [1 050-1 400 kPa]). • Inlet pressure that is {too low} will not create the Venturi effect necessary to pick up foam concentrate or may pick up too lean a mixture for suppression. • When inlet pressure is {too high}, the foam concentration may be too rich, {rapidly depleting} available resources. •Eductors must be properly maintained after each use in order to ensure readiness for the next incident. Use a {bucket of water} to immerse the foam pick up tube, letting it induct water for at least {one} minute (Figure 14.19). • {Metering valves} must be set to draw the correct percentage needed to develop the correct quality of foam for the fuel product. An incorrect setting may result in production of a {poor quality foam blanket}. • The foam concentrate inlet to the eductor should be no more than {six feet (2 m) above the liquid surface of the foam concentrate} (Figure 14.20, p. 496). If the inlet is too high, the foam concentration will either be {too lean or may not be inducted at all}. • {Viscosity}, or the thickness and ability of a liquid to flow freely, is affected by {temperature}.


What is energized? Electricity, whether from a powerline or from a thundercloud, is always trying to get to the earth, which is at ground voltage - also called zero voltage. ________ is a measure of the "{pressure}" that pushes {electric charge through a conductor}. An object with any voltage above zero is called "{energized}". Any energized object will produce a flow of electric charge through a conductor. An object with any voltage above zero is called "{energized}". Any energized object will produce a flow of electric charge through a conductor placed between it and the earth or any other object at ground voltage, such as a {grounded wire}. Since {nearly all common materials, including the human body}, are {conductors} to some extent, the only way to keep the electricity where it belongs is to place some sort of {insulator} ({non-conductor}) between the energized object and the earth. Bare wires are supported on {utility poles} by such insulators


________ — Aerial device primarily intended for deploying an elevated master stream; not generally intended for climbing operations. Also known as {Elevating Master Stream Device}.

Water Tower

Aerial device stress can occur from one or a combination of the following conditions: • Excessive degree of angle, both horizontal and vertical, measured from the truck's center line axis • Operation in nonparallel positions (uphill, downhill, or lateral grades) • Operation in supported tip vs. unsupported tip positions • Length of aerial device extension • Nozzle reaction from elevated master stream • Weight and/or movement of hose, water, personnel, and/or equipment on the aerial device • ________ reaction • Improper operation of the aerial device ({sudden starts and stops, rough operation of hydraulic controls}) • {Heat exposure} ({radiant and convection}) • {Ice} on ladder or platform • {Impact} with the building or other object • Improper {stabilization } • Wear caused by {road travel}


FUEL LOCATIONS Station Diesel Unleaded 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y 8 Y Y 13 Y N 16 Y N 18 Y Y 22 Y N 23 Y N 25 Y Y 27 Y Y 30 Y ________ 31 Y {Y} 33 Y {N} 34 Y {N} 35 Y {Y} 36 Y {Y} 37 Y {Y} Maintenance Y {Y}


A hydraulic system has four main components: actuators, hydraulic fluid, a hydraulic pump, and a hydraulic reservoir. The ________ {transforms power into mechanical force}. {Hydraulic fluid} is the {medium by which the system transmits force}. {Force} is created on the {fluid by a hydraulic pump}. The pump is powered by a {power-take-off (PTO) arrangement off the vehicle's main engine}. Depending on the manufacturer of the aerial device, the pump used for the hydraulic system is either a {load sensing piston pump, rotary vane pump, or rotary gear positive-displacement pump}.


In order to achieve more accurate results, some jurisdictions perform tests using the equipment they own. Before undertaking this task, several principles must be considered. • Conduct testing using the ________ that will be used during fire fighting operations. • Test {one diameter of hose at a time}, as well as hose of the {same construction and manufacturer}. Different kinds of hose may provide inconsistent results as {material, construction, and wear} affect friction loss. • Base the results of the test on the {measuring devices used to record the data}. Properly calibrated {pitot tubes, in-line gauges, and flowmeters} achieve reliable readings.

actual hose

To disinfect: clean equipment then allow it to be wet with disinfectant solution according to manufacturer's instructions. Allow items to ________ on the {shelving above sinks}.

air dry

NOTE: Do not use anything ________ on window glass. Washing the Exterior Step 8: Apply water to the apparatus from {top to bottom} using a garden hose {without a nozzle}. Rinse as much loose dirt as possible from the vehicle {before applying cleaning agent}.


HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION For products with limited information, follow these basic guidelines: If the products/chemicals name ends in IDE or IUM. Use caution when using water Use Guide 111 in the ERG When the fire shows abnormal characteristics: Set zones, isolate or evacuate accordingly Deny access to the zones Do not use Radios in the immediate area. (THE ISOLATION AREA) Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances If the container has a refrigeration unit and is placarded Do not fight the fire Call for the Hazmat Unit Set zones, isolate or evacuate accordingly Deny ________ to the zones Do not use Radios beyond the {control zone} Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances


**Not every incident requires an ________ to satisfy each {goal}, however, each {goal} must be {considered} at each incident. **Size-up factors help to determine the {strategic goals} that need to be implemented or that can be implemented **{overhaul} is a {strategic goal} that can satisfy one or more of the incident priorities


Discussion may include but not limited to the following: What goals were submitted to the Hazmat Unit by the Incident Commander? What objectives were outlined for the Entry Team by the Hazmat Director? What ________ were made? What {notifications} were made? What {PPE} was used? How was the {PPE derived}? {Who decided} the PPE? What {monitoring device/s} was used? What were the {readings of the devices}? Where the {zones were physically} located? How was {site security and zones control}? What {decon procedures} was used? What {Evacuation/Isolation} Procedures? What {Evacuation/Isolation} Routing?


The S.P.I.F.F.I. CHART I. before the group arrives: (duty of station officer) A. Check the appearance of the personnel, equipment, and apparatus b. Make the chart available c. Designate items for the visitors to handle. (May depend on the age of the tour participants) II. Upon arrival of group: (duty of station officer) A. Note size of group and split the group if necessary b. The guide should direct the talk to the appropriate age level III. The tour: (duty of tour guide) Introduction of firefighters Perform ________ and {inform visitors what to do in case of alarm} Discussion 1. {How a firefighter spends their day 2. Purpose of units in the station 3. Watch office explanation} Engine explanation 1. {Function of engine 2. Tools on the engine} Rescue Ladder explanation 1. {Function of rescue ladder: 2. Tools on the rescue ladder} Other apparatus explanation 1. Function of the particular apparatus 2. Tools on the particular apparatus Important items for every tour 1. Have a {firefighter bunk out and demonstrate S.C.B.A} 2. Discuss {E.D.I.T.H} 3. Discuss {stop, drop, and roll} 4. Discuss {general fire safety, especially matches and lighters} With the help of the S.P.I.F.F.I. chart, any firefighter can learn to communicate their knowledge and experience to members of the public during a station tour. The {PUBLIC EDUCATION STATION/COMPANY ACTIVITY} form should be filled out {after each station tour and turned in with the regular monthly paperwork}. (Form is available on {Fireweb forms webpage})

audio test

The three main portions of an aerial ladder to which firefighters and driver/ operators commonly refer are the base rails, the top rails, and the rungs. The base rails, also commonly called the ________, are the {lower chords} of the aerial ladder to which the {rungs, trusses, and other portions of the ladder} are attached (Figure 16.7). {Top rails}, also called the {handrails}, are the {top chords} to which the {opposite ends of the trussing} are attached (Figure 16.8, p. 546).


Sixth Principle The pressure of a liquid at the ________ of a vessel is independent of the {shape} of the vessel. This principle is illustrated by observing water in several different shaped containers, each having the same cross-sectional area at the bottom and the same height. The pressure is the {same} in each container.


Driver/operators must have a keen awareness of these three angles for the apparatus they are driving. This awareness gives the driver/operator a sense of which objects can safely be traversed. Failure to realize this information could result in damage to the apparatus and property of others if it "________" while crossing an obstacle.

bottoms out

When an electric elevator stalls, the machine brake is automatically applied mechanically. A hydraulic elevator does not have a ________. Should it stall, the {pump} is stopped mechanically and the car will not move. This eliminates the danger of elevators {falling}, barring disasters


In exposure protection operations, wide sweeping nozzle patterns are generally used to cover the involved area. When using sweep patterns, the stream should not be rotated beyond the safe limits required by the manufacturer of the aerial device. Also, do not operate elevated streams in natural ventilation openings at any time. Take care to avoid ________ windows. Broken windows may result in {extensive water damage and could enhance the fire's ability to spread inside the exposure}. The exact type of stream to use will depend on the conditions of the individual fire. When possible, a {fog} pattern will allow for maximum coverage of the exposure.


(Drivers manual )Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: You feel drowsy and/or dizzy Lights seem ________ The skin has a {blue color; lips turn blue} Your {forehead} tightens


Stihl 044 Chain Saw CHAIN SAW TIPS DO NOT DROP START Always keep a tight grip Be careful of the 3 reactive forces: kickback, pull-in, and pushback Always fill oil when filling with gas At the correct idle speed the chain should not rotate Do not use the saw with one hand Do not stick the nose of the bar in to start the cut Do not carry saw up ladder with the engine running Keep the chain at the proper tension The choke is operated by the master control lever Every time chain is replaced, turn bar over for even wear Chain tension is very important, should be set ________ If wear marks on sprocket are more than {0.02} inches deep, it should be replaced Stop engine before setting the saw down on the ground or roof or floor BE CAREFUL WITH THIS {TOOL MEMORANDUM ON CHAIN BRAKE} USE Some problems have developed with the manual chain brake on two of our saws. The problem seems to be caused by {accidental engagement} of the brake manually while cutting or using the brake to stop the chain when the cut has been made


Stihl 044 Chain Saw PREPARATION FOR STARTING a. Engage the chain brake by pushing the hand guard (1) towards the bar nose. You will hear a definite click when the brake engages b. Adjust the controls 1. If cold: press down safety throttle lock (2) and move master control lever (3) to "________" 2. If warm: press down safety throttle lock (2) and move master control lever (3) to "{warm start}" NOTE: select this position if engine has been {running but is still cold

cold start

Purpose of the Summit: produce agenda of initiatives that must be addressed to reach those milestones and to gain the ________ of the fire service leadership to support and work toward their accomplishment.


RESPONSIBLE PARTIES The Oklahoma City Fire Department is responsible for incidents involving hazmat during both the ________ ({stabilizing}) and {containment stages}. According to regulations, the Oklahoma City Fire Department {Operations Level First Responders} and {Hazmat Response Team} shall provide: {Technical expertise} {Assistance} {Equipment} at the incident to perform duties as directed by the Incident Commander (IC)


Importance of the Company Officer The company officer is the first contact with all fire department ________. * tip of the fire/ems "{spear}", directly overseeing the application of the agency's {personnel, training, equipment, and apparatus} to the resolution of issues faced by the agency. Also , the first contact with all fire department customers. {Recognizing and understanding} the importance of the position and the responsibilities are critical to the success of a company officer. Filling the position requires {competency as a leader, ethical behavior, and supervisory skills} that many new officers will have to develop. New officers should adopt an appropriate level of {humility and respect} for those they supervise in order to make the transition to officer less {lengthy and difficult}.


The following are reasons why many departments prefer to use quints: • Quints may be ________ to a accommodate differences in {geography, water supply, type of occupancy and construction, and many other factors}, {after the standard has been met}. • Depending on the nature of the call, the apparatus may be operated as a {ladder company, an engine company, or both (if sufficient numbers of responders are available}). This provides the fire department with more {flexibility}.


These methods require proactive fire department approach as well as approval from a local or state agency with regulatory authority over the water source. In cases where there are no provisions for quick access through the ice, it may be necessary to ________ for the intake hose and strainer. Most fire departments use a {chain saw, power auger, axe, or a combination of tools} to breach the ice. Firefighters operating on the ice should use extreme caution to be sure that the {strength of the ice} will not be {unduly compromised by their weight and cutting activities} (Figure 11.6). Firefighters may also deploy a {ground ladder} across the ice to help distribute their weight. Provisions for making an {ice rescue} should be available at the scene before any firefighters begin work on the ice.

cut a hole

If a fire department pumper were capable of creating a total vacuum, water could be raised by atmospheric pressure to a height in accordance with that pressure. This theoretical lift would ________ as altitude above sea level increases. For every {1,000} feet (300 m) of altitude, the atmospheric pressure decreases by approximately {0.5} psi (3.5 kPa). Because a total vacuum is not attainable using a fire department pumper, the maximum lift at a given altitude will be {less than the theoretical lift}.


Class 8 - Corrosives Small quantities (up to 5 gallons) may be ________ with water, in an attempt to control reaction between {corrosive and additional products} Do not attempt to try and dilute the product if over {5} gallons If corrosive is on fire, {protect exposures and let the corrosive consume itself} If large quantities are involved, call for the {Hazmat Unit} Use the ERG to establish the evacuation zone Use the ERG to establish the isolation zone Once you have set zones, isolate or evacuate the area Deny access to the zones Stay out of smoke, it may contain toxic substances Contain or confine the spill but avoid letting the product come into contact with {organic substances}.


Diesel fuel residue is problematic because it sticks to anything that it touches, leaving a gummy residue. Some of the most vulnerable areas are in the engine compartment where linkages, fuel injectors, or other controls may become inoperable due to collection of ________. Firefighters should check the {side of the engine} where the fuel lines and fuel filter are located.


The Fire Department Incident Commander (or designee) will contact ________ to request {Fire Investigators and the on-call Homicide Lieutenant} providing the pertinent information {surrounding the fire and discovery of the body}. In all cases when OCPD and/or OKCFD personnel are on a fire death scene, the scene will be {secured and protected} as required. All witnesses {will be separated and secured with the assistance of police operations personnel} {Public safety, crime scene investigation, and evidence preservation}, are of paramount importance during the {initial arrival of first responders}


Passengers in the vehicle are permitted during operation. The employee is expected to use discretion regarding allowing passengers to accompany them on calls. Passenger safety will be given first priority in both vehicle operation and response to calls. Passenger appearance and conduct are the responsibility of the ________. Passengers must {wear seat belts}.


Top Emergency Exit: Minimum 20" x 20" opening on top of the car. Newer installations can only be opened from the ________


Class A, B, or C Commercial License (Minimum Age - 18) Type of Vehicle: Single or combination vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,001 lbs. or more (does not include ________ vehicles); a vehicle transporting hazardous materials in amounts requiring a {placard}; or a vehicle designed to transport {16} or more passengers, including the driver Requirements: If you will be driving any one of these vehicles, you must study the {Commercial Driver} Manual to prepare for the driving test


Manual Shift Transmissions If the apparatus is equipped with a manual shift transmission, check the adjustment of the clutch pedal. The pedal should not have insufficient or excessive free play (also called ________).

free travel

The following equipment is commonly used during testing: • Pitot tube or flowmeter (Figures 7.2 a and b). • Two in-line gauges, preferably calibrated in increments of 5 psi or less (50 kPa or less for metric gauges) • Hose • Smooth bore nozzle (if using pitot tube) • Any type of nozzle (if using ________)


A bicyclist can ride in the ________ when: The rider is overtaking and passing another vehicle going in the same direction The bicyclist is getting in place for a left turn at an intersection or turning left into a private road or driveway There are unsafe conditions in the roadway, such as parked cars, moving vehicles or machinery, fixed obstacles, pedestrians, animals, potholes, debris The lane is too narrow for both a car and a bicycle to safely share the lane. In this case, it is safest to let the bicycle take the full lane If you see this {flag} on a bicycle, slow down; the bicycle rider may have {impaired hearing} All bicyclists must ride in the correct lane of traffic

full lane

Figure 20.5 Building occupants on the fire floor are in the greatest amount of danger. The aerial device should be raised to the group of victims first. Individual victims can be removed after the ________ has been evacuated.


Weight, emotional state, ________ and {breathing rate}, food intake, amount of sleep, tolerance for a drug, and other factors, can all influence the way you react to {drugs}. Even a small amount of alcohol or drugs will reduce your ability to judge a driving situation, decide what to do, and act quickly


Lowering the Light Tower 1. Rotate the light tower until the crank handle points to the trailer tongue 2. Turn the tower crank counter-clockwise to lower the lights to their lowest position 3. Turn the side crank clockwise to tighten the mast cable, then loosen the knob and lift the mast latch in the raised position 4. Turn the side crack counter-clockwise to lower the mast to the ________ position. The mast may have to be guided into the mast support 5. Rotate and push the mast pin to secure the mast support 6. Remove the {ground rod, raise and secure the jacks and outriggers} before moving the generator.


As the primer operates, the vacuum reading should ________ as atmospheric pressure forces water into the intake hose. The hose will fill with water, the weight of which causes the intake hose to {drop}. When the body of the pump fills with water, the primer {discharges water onto the ground under the apparatus}. Initially the stream of water will be {intermittent as the remaining air mixes with water} as it is removed.


Type III Ordinary Cont...**2 types of spreaders Type 1- rod or cable that runs parallel to the joists and ties the walls together to ________ stability of either or both walls Type 2-{tensile members}, {rod or cable} run {perpendicular} to the {joists} to the wall May be part of original design of {heavy timber building} or added to support a weak wall found in *{typical corner gas station, drug store, supermarket} *structurally {sound} *stand up well to {room and contents} fires (exterior concrete, brick, etc. are poor conductors of heat and don't allow spreading unless wall {failures} *Hazard-potential collapse due to {heavy fire loads} *wall will tend to {bulge} before collapse-providing warning *{pushing smoke/fire}={possible collapse}


The ________ method of proportioning foam uses the pressure of a water stream to {induct (draft) foam concentrate into the fire stream}. This is achieved by passing the stream of water through a {Venturi device} called an {eductor} (Figure 14.4). A pickup tube connected to the eductor is inserted into the foam concentrate container. The pressure differential created by the water passing through the Venturi causes a reduction in pressure in the device that allows atmospheric pressure to force foam concentrate into the water stream. {In-line eductors and foam nozzle eductors} are examples of foam proportioners that work by this method.


Tractor-drawn aerial apparatus (TDA), also known as tillered trucks, are equipped with steerable rear wheels on the trailer. A firefighter assigned as tiller operator is required to steer the rear wheels of this type of vehicle (Figure 16.19, p. 555). In general, tractor-drawn aerial apparatus are more maneuverable than single-straight vehicles. A tillered apparatus is also capable of sharp U-turns in dead-end streets or courts. As discussed later in this manual, the tiller's ability to be ________ may also aid in {stabilization} of the apparatus when the aerial device is deployed.


The aerial operator is responsible for the safety of people on the device whenever it is in motion. Never rotate, elevate, or lower the device with people on the ladder unless they are securely attached to a structural feature of the ladder using an approved safety ladder belt and tether. Starting and stopping rotation can cause the device to ________ making it more difficult for personnel to hang on. Rotating the aerial device with unsecured personnel on the ladder puts their lives at risk. Maintain {communication between personnel} and always {notify personnel} on the device before moving it.


ACCORDION LOAD 1. Drain and lay out hose to the side of the apparatus. If it is the ________, lay hose to the {front of the apparatus} 2. Connect the female end to the discharge 3. Lay the hose {on edge}, beginning at the {back of the tray and zig-zag the hose back and forth}, keeping the couplings {away from each other}. For the {jump line}, fold the hose in the box {flat} 4. Continue until the hose is loaded

jump line

F550 BRUSH PUMPER BUMPER TURRET OPERATIONS 1. Engage the pump 2. Open tank to turret valve lever on the back 3. Flip monitor switches inside the cab to allow use of joystick 4. Use joystick to move turret up, down, left, and right 5. Pushing the red trigger on the front of the joy stick will enable turret to open up and pump water 6. To change pattern of stream you push the lever on the back of the joystick to the right for straight stream and ________ for {fog stream}


Chapter 1 The Company Officer I Although the promotion may be immediate, the transition from follower to leader occurs ________ and requires many {changes and adjustments}.

over time

The two basic categories of testing are grouped as preservice and performance tests. Usually the driver/operator is not involved in ________ testing; however, basic knowledge of the criteria and standards for these tests will aid in understanding performance tests, in which the driver/operator often is involved.


When an electric elevator stalls, the machine brake is automatically applied mechanically. A hydraulic elevator does not have a brake. Should it stall, the ________ is stopped mechanically and the car will not move. This eliminates the danger of elevators {falling}, barring disasters


Figure 20.39 Combustible interior items may begin to burn if exposed to ________ heat.


NOTE: The air filter restriction shall be monitored per NFPA® 1911 (2012) 7.7.5. Exhaust System Step 9: Step 10: Test the ________ (if so equipped) on the exhaust system

rain cap

The shapes and colors of traffic signs have specific meanings and you should be able to recognize them immediately. Even if a stop sign is damaged or blocked by dirt or snow, you know by the octagonal shape and ________ color that you must stop


Up to one 30 minute SCBA cylinder, 20 min of intense work without SCBA, Up to two 30-minute SCBA cylinders, One 45-minute SCBA cylinder, One 60-minute SCBA cylinder, 40 minutes of of work without SCBA. At least 10 minutes of self-rehabilitation (rest with hydration ) as a company or crew (When encapsulating chemical protective clothing is worn) At least 20 minutes of ________ (with {hydration}) in {rehabilitation area}


NIGHT DRIVING Night driving presents a serious danger, especially on poorly lighted highways and country roads. The distance that you can see clearly is greatly reduced. Dark-colored animals, dark objects on the ________, or {people} walking or riding bikes and dressed in dark clothing will be hard to see


Once the relay operation is flowing water at the desired pressure, the driver/ operator of the attack pumper should set the pressure governor at an appropriate level. These devices serve an important role in the safety of a relay operation because of the cumulative effect of pressure increases when changes in flow occur. Apparatus equipped with pressure governors should be set in the pressure mode when acting as the attack pumper and in the ________ mode while working as a {relay pumper}.


The ________ are the portions that are attached between the {two base rails} and are used as {steps} for personnel on the aerial ladder. Aerial ladders designed and built with "{K-bracing}" as a {standard feature} provide greater strength than those with older designs (Figure 16.9, p. 546).


In tandem pumping operations apparatus may be located up to 300 feet (90 m) apart. The pumper directly connected to the water source pumps water through its discharge outlet(s) to the intake(s) of the second engine (Figure 4.13). This enables the second engine to discharge water at a much higher pressure than it could generate on its own. The higher pressure is a result of the two pumpers acting in ________.


GOOD DRIVING POSTURE You will be driving more effectively and with less fatigue if you are comfortable, your body is well-aligned in your car seat, you are the proper distance from the steering wheel and the pedals, and if you can use your mirrors to the best advantage Adjust the seat to a comfortable position so you can reach the pedals easily and have good vision Adjust the rearview mirror so that you can see the road behind Check and adjust your left outside rearview mirror Be sure there's nothing on the front seat that can fall on the floor and distract you Fasten your seat belt Use a solid, strong grip on the steering wheel: You should have at least 1/3 of the wheel between your hands to have a strong turning force with either hand. Think of the steering wheel as a clock. Generally, your left hand should be between 9:00 and 10:30 and your right hand between 2:00 and 4:00 Don't drive with your elbow out the window. You don't have full control of the steering wheel and a ________ collision could take off your arm.


Open all valves ________, especially when using large diameter hose (Figure 10.13).


Firefighter deaths have Influenced the way fires are fought Influenced decisions made on the fire ground Prompted code changes Philadelphia—3 firefighters killed in a high-rise office building Code changed to require ________ in {all high-rise office buildings} in Philadelphia


Although the NFPA® 1911 standard allows performance testing to be conducted using a hydrant or static water supply, many jurisdictions prefer a ________ water source because it will provide easier evaluation for {pump performance} (Figure 15.2). The water level of the static source must be at least {4} feet (1.2 m) deep, with the strainer submerged at least {2} feet (600 mm) below the surface. The distance of the {centerline of the pumper intake above the surface of the water} is based on its capacity. For pumps rated at {1,500} gpm (6 000 L/min) or less, {10} feet (3 m) is the maximum distance, while {2,000} gpm (8 000 L/min) pumps use a {6} foot (2 m) maximum lift.


In the event an employee who is not "on call" is called in after the normal working hours, the employee will receive time and a half compensation time for that time worked. If problems are resolved over the ________, compensation will be evaluated on a {case-by-case basis}


Truss construction cont...*Top chord-compressed *Bottom chord-in ________ *most dangerous truss- {bowstring truss}-easily identifiable by {curved top} chord *most common truss-{peaked roof} truss-{most homes and small} commercial structures Placed {16}" to {24}" on center *prior to {1990}-toe nailed to {top plate} *post {1990}-use of {hurricane clips} or {ties-nailed to truss and load bearing walls} **{parallel chord truss}-used for roofs and floors


Guidelines for initial Mantoux skin test: The initial Mantoux test will be administered with five units of tuberculin PPD injected just under the skin of the forearm. The employee returns one week later to have the test read. At the second visit, those employees with reactions 10 mm or greater are considered positive, and are to have follow up according to current guidelines. Those who have doubtful or negative reactions at the second visit will, at that time, have their skin test repeated. The results of the second skin test are read 48-72 hours later, and are recorded as the employee's "baseline reactivity" at the time of employment. Employees with a history of a positive skin test will not be re-tested; however, they will be required to complete a medical questionnaire. Those employees who have received a skin test within the previous year will only require an initial test and reading 48 to 72 hours later and will not require the ________.

third visit

Stabilizers (also called outriggers, ground jacks, and screw jacks) are required to prevent the apparatus from ________ as the aerial device is extended away from the centerline of the chassis.


The end of the piston rod outside the cylinder is fitted with a ________ that is anchored to the {aerial device or to the turntable}, depending on the make of the apparatus (Figure 16.15). This allows the piston to transmit the force of the hydraulic fluid in the cylinders to the {aerial device}. The amount of force exerted by the hydraulic fluid depends on the {hydraulic system pressure and the piston surface area}. The larger the {piston area}, the {more upward force is produced}. {Normal hydraulic pressure} is from {850 to 3,000} psi (5 950 kPa to 21 000 kPa).


Never enter an elevator in an emergency without forcible entry tools, and as you are ascending stop and start the elevator to make certain that it is working properly. The elevator, if used, should be taken to ________ floors below the indicated fire floor. The {stairway} must be used from here up


Up to one 30 minute SCBA cylinder, 20 min of intense work without SCBA, Up to ________ 30-minute SCBA cylinders, {One} {45}-minute SCBA cylinder, {One} {60}-minute SCBA cylinder, {40} minutes of of work without SCBA. At least {10} minutes of {self-rehabilitation (rest with hydration )} as a {company or crew} (When encapsulating chemical protective clothing is worn) At least {20} minutes of {rest} (with {hydration}) in {rehabilitation area}


When the flag is suspended over a sidewalk from a rope extending from a house to a pole at the edge of the sidewalk, the flag should be hoisted out, ________ first, from the building. When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be {uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left}.


The speed at which a fluid travels through a hose or pipe is determined by the pressure upon that fluid as well as the size of the orifice through which it is flowing. This speed is often called ________. It is important to identify the type of pressure because the term pressure, in connection with fluids, has a broad range of meanings. {Six} principles determine the action or pressure on fluids. The driver/operator must understand these principles before attempting to understand the types of pressure.


When approaching a vehicle to be inspected indoors, be sure that the area is properly ________ before conducting the inspection.


DAY EMERGENCY REPAIRS This type service would include any item determined by the Company Officer as necessary for the day to day operation of the department; such as rig radio difficulty or failure, MDC difficulties, intercom system failures, or electrical problems which relate to above systems. Also included in this type of service are the station audio system and any related systems, and failure of the station telephones. A telephone call to the IT Service Desk (297-2727) is sufficient to start the repair procedures. During normal working hours (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mon-Fri), problems with rig radios or handhelds can be handled as "drive-up" or "________" service {without} an appointment


It is the responsibility of the Officer in charge conducting evolutions on the drill ground to make sure the area and all equipment used is secure at the end of each day The tower should have all the windows closed and the doors locked. The walk and drive through gates on the Northeast corner of the grounds will be locked Any reserve apparatus that is used will be parked appropriately, ________, {batteries} and {radio} switched off and {pumps drained} Any {City-owned vehicle} which is left {overnight} must be {secured inside the drill ground} The {Drill Ground and Tower} are available for {district or individual company training}

windows up

The driver/operator must be able to roughly determine the wind speeds at the location of aerial device operation. The most reliable methods of obtaining this information involve the use of calibrated wind-measuring equipment. Some fire departments have this equipment mounted on their apparatus. Other departments rely on having this information relayed from the dispatch center. Another easy way to determine wind conditions is to refer to Internet resources that keep up-to-date information on local weather. The winds can be checked several times a day while in the fire station, especially if an unusually windy day is apparent. If none of these options are available, the driver/ operator can refer to Table 19.1 for other strategies to estimate wind speeds. Operators should take advantage of ________ to train and learn the reach of the {fire stream vs wind}.

windy days

Abilities are based on experience and ________ and develop {over time}. {Training} is instruction that emphasizes {job specific learning objectives} and {traditional skills-based teaching}. Training and practice helps to ensure that fire and emergency services personnel become {effective, efficient, and confident} in the performance of their duties.

work ethic

Accessories or Alterations not furnished by the Department All additions and/or alterations of internal and external equipment to vehicles must first be approved by the Unit Operations Supervisor. This requirement is to insure proper installation and minimum defacing. The work will be authorized on a ________ and made part of the {permanent record}. The addition or alteration becomes {property of the City of Oklahoma City}.

work order

If equipment including ECG cables were left on an EMSA unit : 1. Contact the EMSA Field Operations Supervisor (FOS) at ________ 2. Provide the EMSA FOS with the {EMSA unit number, incident address, time of call, and equipment type} 3. Make necessary arrangements to retrieve equipment


Figure 20.35 Blitz attach. Water should enter the window at an angle of approximately ________ degrees. Courtesy of Ron Jeffers.


FIRE FLOW The rate of water flow needed to control a fire. Calculated as ________ multiplied by the % of involvement (See Bluebook 2- Hydraulics)

(L X W)/3

The air temperature when the testing is conducted should be between ________° F (18° C) and {110}° F (43° C). The water temperature should be between {35}° F (2° C) and {90}° F (32° C). The barometric pressure should be at least {29} inches of Mercury (Hg) (100 kPa) when corrected to sea level. This adjustment is necessary because a {1}-inch (3.5 kPa) drop in barometric pressure reduces the static lift of a pumper by approximately {1} foot (300 mm).

CAFS apparatus use a standard centrifugal pump with an automatic discharge side proportioning system. Due to the low eduction rates, a variable flow rate sensing proportioner is required to supply the fire stream at the rate of ________ percent. Generally, {2} cubic feet per minute (0.06 m3/min) of airflow per gallon per minute (4 L/min) of foam solution produces a {dry foam of up to 100 gpm} (400 L/min) of foam solution. This creates a substantial amount of foam at a {10:1} expansion ratio. Most structural and wildland suppression operations conducted with CAFS use an airflow rate of {0.5 to 1.0} ft3/min (0.01 to 0.03 m3/ min) of foam solution. This rate allows adequate drainage of solution from the blanket to wet the fuel and prevent re-ignition as well as controlling any smoldering from beneath the foam blanket.

0.1 to 1.0

Truss Frame-lightweight very controversial *entire structure is tied together into a unitized frame *stud walls-load bearing and typical platform-frame method *floors and roof are lightweight wood trusses *up to 3 stories *hazard-wood carries its load by mass *smallest dimensions possible - 2X4 *span large areas=potential for large areas of collapse *gusset plates AKA gang nailers, staple plates, metal tooth plate connectors —0.05 inches thick *metal staple—0.25 "to0.375", but often penetrate less than ________"


(high rise fire) STAGING AREA OPERATIONS (3 floors below the fire floor) 1. Request assistance as needed to operate staging area needs 2. Control the movement of equipment from the members going to the fire floor 3. Document the companies committed to the fire area, and the length of time committed 4. Monitor the amount of equipment on hand and notify the Logistics or Operations concerning available or needed resources when requested or when necessary 5. Assign 1 member to direct personnel getting off elevators or coming out of Stairwells to the Staging Area. 6. Coordinate the assembly of equipment and establish a separate area for full air bottles and a separate area for empty air bottles 7. Monitor the amount of equipment on hand and notify Staging Area Chief of available resources on hand 8. Provide medical care to any civilians/firefighters as required 9. Locate an area that may be utilized as the Rehabilitation Area (possibly ________ floor below the {Staging Area}) a. Establish a {Rehab Area}, in a {non-hazardous environment} b. Designate {personnel} to be responsible for the Rehab Area c. Document personnel as they {enter and leave} the Rehab Area d. Recognize the IC may dispatch EMS personnel and equipment to the Rehab Area at the IC's discretion or at the request of the {Rehab Officer} {Oxygen} should be available for {civilians and fire personnel}


Incident Characteristics of a Type ________ Incident are as follows: Resources: {National resources} are required to safely and effectively manage the operations All {Command and General Staff positions are activated, and Branches need to be established}. {Operations personnel} often exceed {500} per {operational period} and {total personnel} will usually exceed {1,000}. There is a {high impact} on the {local jurisdiction}, requiring {additional staff} for {office administrative and support functions}. The incident is likely to be designated as an {Incident of National Significance} Time Span: The incident is expected to go into {multiple operational periods}. A {written Incident Action Plan} is required for each operational period.


Later-arriving Engine Companies Monitor the radio communications for incident information and current conditions Announce Level ________ staging location ("Engine 2 is Level 1 staged by the plug at ...") Be prepared to {lay additional supply lines, pump the hydrassist}, etc


Other controls and instruments that may be located on the control pedestal include the following: • Engine speed switch Review this Page 564 1 ________ {1} {1} • Light switches • Override switches • Breathing air level gauge • Hydraulic oil pressure gauge • Hydraulic oil temperature gauge • Aerial dead-man foot switch • Load chart and load minder • Water flow gauge • Cradle indicator light • Extension indicators • Stop and lock controls • Rung alignment indicator • Inclinometer • Hour meter for ladder operation time • Nozzle stow indicator • Engine starter switch • Communications equipment • Elevated master stream controls • Hydraulic lock valve • Rescue/waterway switch • Auxiliary hydraulic pump or emergency pump switch • Switch for the emergency operation pump


Other controls and instruments that may be located on the control pedestal include the following: • Engine speed switch Review this Page 564 ________ {1} {1} {1} • Light switches • Override switches • Breathing air level gauge • Hydraulic oil pressure gauge • Hydraulic oil temperature gauge • Aerial dead-man foot switch • Load chart and load minder • Water flow gauge • Cradle indicator light • Extension indicators • Stop and lock controls • Rung alignment indicator • Inclinometer • Hour meter for ladder operation time • Nozzle stow indicator • Engine starter switch • Communications equipment • Elevated master stream controls • Hydraulic lock valve • Rescue/waterway switch • Auxiliary hydraulic pump or emergency pump switch • Switch for the emergency operation pump


Type I: Fire Resistive *built with steel, concrete, and other fire-resistive or fire-rated materials **structural components that will not burn and resist effects of fire for long periods of time *Rule of thumb for expansion of steel: ________" for every {10'} at appx {800} degrees F *steel-usually {covered} with a fire-protective material (concrete, brick, drywall *drop-ceilings are used as {protection} *protected with spray on coverings with {cementatious} materials *{reinforced} concrete and steel bar-joists *Rebar provides concrete with {Lateral} strength ****Type 1 have the {most} inherent fire safety factors associated with both the building material and building technique ****Many of today's office buildings are built with fire-resistive building components such as those found in {Type 1} construction


Type IV: Heavy Timber—AKA MILL CONSTRUCTION (northeastern states) *Found in old industrial buildings *8"X 8" Columns, up to 8 stories tall *floors-typically 3" or greater in thickness with ________" tongue and groove laid {crossways}


Wild land fires Class A Foams - highly effective in promoting penetration of burning fuels. Ratios of .3% used to penetrate .5% used for fire attack ________% can be used to {pretreat a structure or build a temporary fire line}. When building a fire line with a foam blanket, the width of the fire line needs to be {1.5} times the height of the flames and {completely coat all surfaces of the fuel} With {low humidity}, watch for {spot fires}. Advise {incoming companies and chiefs} to be looking for {spot fires} {Downed power lines} frequently start grass fires. Watch for downed power lines.


Metric Conversions All metrics in IFSTA publications follow a document titled "Training Guidelines for the Metric Conversion of Fire Departments in Canada." The NFPA® does not follow these guidelines. This may result in some differences in what a particular size hose is called in metric terms. Throughout this manual, U.S. units of measure are converted to metric units for the convenience of our international readers. Be advised that we use the Canadian metric system. It is very similar to the Standard International system, but may have some variation. We adhere to the following guidelines for metric conversions in this manual: Metric conversions are approximated unless the number is used in mathematical equations. Centimeters are not used because they are not part of the Canadian metric standard. Exact conversions are used when an exact number is necessary such as in construction measurements or hydraulic calculations. Set values such as hose diameter, ladder length, and nozzle size use their Canadian counterpart naming conventions and are not mathematically calculated. For example, ________ hose is referred to as {38} mm hose. The following two tables provide detailed information on IFSTA's conversion conventions. The first table includes examples of our conversion factors for a number of measurements used in the fire service. The second shows examples of exact conversions beside the approximated measurements you will see in this manual

1 1/2 inch

The Sierra Jumbo Model 44 Hose Clamp is made of tensile aluminum. It handles hose sizes ranging from ________ inches. The MH-44 hose clamp will turn down {easily} under pressure and will {not open accidentally according to the manufacturer}

1 1/2 to 3

Piercing nozzles, also called penetrating nozzles, are commonly used in aircraft fire fighting, car fires, or to apply water to voids, attics, or other areas inaccessible to standard fire streams (Figure 6.10). The piercing nozzle is generally designed as 3 to 6 foot (1 to 2 m) hollow steel rod ________ inches (38 mm) in diameter. The tip of the device is a {hardened steel point} capable of being driven through a variety of material including {concrete block and other building materials}. An {impinging jet nozzle} capable of flowing approximately {125} gpm (500 L/ min) at {100} psi (700 kPa) is part of the hardened tip. At the opposite end of the nozzle a {striking surface} allows the device to be driven with a {sledgehammer or maul axe} through various obstructions.

1 1⁄2

When used as an extinguishing agent, the standard application ratio is 1:100 (one percent solution in water). When used on a fire line, durable agents are often applied at ________ percent. For structure protection, the application ratio is {2 to 3} percent. With this application, durable agents will adhere to vertical structural surfaces for up to {24} hours. In addition, the products may be {rehydrated} by using a {fine water mist}, thus extending protection for up to several days.

1 1⁄2 to 2

Table 8.3 is divided into three sections: • The upper section represents ________ hose flowing {50 to 75} gpm and 2 1⁄2 inch hose flowing {200 to 300} gpm. In this section, the friction loss increases by {2} psi for every {5} gpm flow increase in 1 1⁄2-inch hose and for every {20} gpm flow increase in 2 1⁄2-inch hose.

1 1⁄2-inch

If a fire department pumper were capable of creating a total vacuum, water could be raised by atmospheric pressure to a height in accordance with that pressure. This theoretical lift would decrease as altitude above sea level increases. For every ________ feet (300 m) of altitude, the atmospheric pressure decreases by approximately {0.5} psi (3.5 kPa). Because a total vacuum is not attainable using a fire department pumper, the maximum lift at a given altitude will be {less than the theoretical lift}.


In accordance with 47 OS 69-1213, obstructing or damaging roads, defacing, damaging, destroying, or removing any traffic control device, road sign board, guide sign or sign post is a misdemeanor. If the action results in personal injury to or death of any person, the person or persons responsible for such action shall be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than two years and a fine of $________, or both such fine and imprisonment.


RESPONSE TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS The dispatching of apparatus to a hazardous material incident will follow these guidelines: An engine company and a District Officer shall be dispatched on incidents that involve a release of less than ________ gallons of a {liquid} or less than {20} pounds of a {solid} of a {known} hazardous material. A District Officer will not be required on incidents involving less than {10} gallons of {motor fuel} Some examples include, but are not limited to: • {Small fuel spills} from traffic accidents • {Odor investigation} in a building or vicinity • {Small fuel spills} outside with no fire involved o {Leaking domestic natural gas line} in a house o {LPG leaking} from a small container: such as a {passenger car fuel tank, portable tanks}, etc o Broken containers of "{consumer commodities}" in stores, such as {grocery, hardware, or department stores} The Hazmat Unit will not normally be dispatched on this type of incident, but may be {contacted, called or requested} to respond if needed by the {Incident Commander} for assistance or information


Respiratory Protection The Oklahoma City Fire Department will provide fit testing and training for use of approved masks as needed. Masks are available to all personnel. Gloves, eye protection, and a TB mask (air purifying respirator) Respirator fit testing will be provided any time there is a ________% weight gain or loss, {injury or facial scarring}, change in {denture} structure, or anytime the employee {fails the fit check}. All students will complete the {TB Mask Fit Update form} (which is a part of the {Level-2 OSHA Exam on Target Solutions}) or they will be {fit tested}.


The gpm flowing method is applicable to both solid and fog streams and is calculated using flow in gallons per minute. It may be used for various diameter hose, although it is not applicable to the metric system of measurement. The driver/operator may consult Table 8.2 noting that the gpm flowing method is not applicable to 2 1⁄2 inch hoselines flowing less than 160 gpm. Factoring the flow in gallons per minute from the nozzle at a given pressure, you must then subtract ________ from the {first two numbers of the gpm flow}. A sufficiently accurate estimation of friction loss per {100 feet of 2 1⁄2-inch} hose is obtained. A further review of Table 8.2 reveals that friction loss in 2 1⁄2-inch hose increases {1} psi for every {10} gpm increase in flow.


The notation for an actual atmospheric pressure reading is psia, which is pounds per square inch absolute (the psi above a perfect vacuum is absolute zero). For the purposes of this text, psi means psig (pounds per square inch gauge). A gauge reading ________ psi (70 kPa) at sea level means that it is actually 10 psig plus the atmospheric pressure of {14.7} psi. This pressure is not normally accounted for, as the gauge is calibrated to {zero} at ambient pressure. Therefore, 10 psig is 24.7 psia at sea level. The pressure actually is 24.7 psi (170 kPa) plus 10 psi (70 kPa). Any pressure less than atmospheric pressure is called {vacuum}, and {absolute zero} pressure is called a {perfect vacuum}. For example, when a gauge reads 10 inches of Hg (35 kPa) of vacuum on the compound gauge, it actually indicates {less than} atmospheric pressure.


Around-the-pump Tank proportioners are one of the most common types of installed proportioners used in modern fire apparatus. This system consists of a small return (bypass) water line connected from the discharge side of the pump back to the intake side of the pump (Figure 14.23). An inline eductor is installed in this line with a valve controlling the flow of water passing through it. In the open position the valve allows approximately ________ gpm (40 to 160 L/min) to flow through the piping. This flow passes through the eductor, creating a Venturi effect that draws foam from the {onboard concentrate tank}. The foam solution that is created is pumped through the bypass piping to the intake side of the fire pump where it is pumped to a discharge and into a hoseline. Around-the-pump proportioners should generally be used at the specific flow for which they are rated.

10 to 40

Company Officers who are being held hostage or find they are in grave danger of injury due to a violent person, will use the following procedures : 1. Activate the emergency button on your hand held radio (or a crew member can activate their button too) 2. When Fire Dispatch checks your status, answer with the following, "We are fine, 10-90." 3. If a Fire Dispatcher hears "10-90", immediately notify PD via CAD and via a direct phone call. Advise PD that the crew has issued a "________" a. Fire dispatch can either add PD to the current incident to which the {Fire Company in trouble} is assigned, or if not assigned to an incident, Fire Dispatch will create a specific CAD incident with the last known location b. PD will dispatch the {closest unit} to check the welfare of the crew at the last known location c. Fire Dispatch will also dispatch the closest {OCFD unit and a Chief} to the last known location 4. It is understood that "{10-90}" means {check the welfare of an Officer} for PD and this definition will also mean check the welfare of a Fire Company


CHANNELING DEVICES Cones Each apparatus shall be equipped with at least 3 , 28-inch traffic cones to be used anytime the unit is parked on a roadway. (Cones are designed to guide traffic, not to warn it!) Cones shall be placed starting at approximately ________ feet behind the unit {angling in a line towards the desired flow of traffic around the incident}. Additional cones from other units may be needed to supplement the taper depending on traffic conditions


Class B - Public Uniform Work-shirt (Optional) 95% cotton, 5% polyester, super weight Navy blue, ________% nylon shell. Set-in sleeves. Knit cuffs and bottom band. Cotton, anticurling canvas or denim collar and elbow patches. {7}" {brass} zipper. {9}" {right} chest {radio} pocket. Standard Embroidery: Right breast embroidered with {first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank}. Left breast embroidered with the {Maltese Cross logo, and OKLAHOMA CITY FIRE}. See page 43 for description of logo. #{810} Navy Firefighter's Workshirt #{5.11} #{72321} Navy Job Shirt with {canvas or denim} The back will be silk-screened "{OKLAHOMA CITY RESCUE}" in {white}, and "{FIRE}" and the {two} lines will be in {genesis phosphorescent}. See page 43 for description of silk-screening.


Effective February 7, 2007, Eligibility requirements for Sergeant are: NOTE: Seniority points start accruing on the date all eligibility requirements have been met , Must have been a Corporal for at least one year in Suppression, from the last date of employment Must have a minimum of five years as an employee of the Oklahoma City Fire Department from the date of last employment , Employees hired after July 1, 2005, must have completed Sergeant's Manual and turned in with all required signatures at least 30 calendar days prior to exam date , Must compete in a ________ question written examination given by the {Training Work Section} The questions are to be {germane to the position} and {procedures of the Oklahoma City Fire Department} and shall include questions on {operating procedures, general knowledge, driving techniques, and firefighting operations} The top {25} scoring candidates will be placed into a {one}-week academy. The academy shall include, but not be limited to, instruction in: {driving techniques}, {equipment operation}, and {Fire Department policy and procedures} The top {25} scoring candidates, {combining written test score}, {seniority points}, and {academy score}, shall be placed on a {sequence list} for promotion


Master stream appliances are generally operated during incidents where handlines would be ineffective, conditions require a defensive posture, or personnel are limited. Smooth bore streams are generally operated at 80 psi (560 kPa) nozzle pressure, while fog appliances are generally operated at ________ psi (700 kPa). Driver/operators should consult {manufacturer's recommendations} for specific appliances.


Some nozzles may be designed for adjustable gallonage settings. These nozzles allow the firefighter operating the handline to select the flow rate to suit fire and operating conditions (Figure 6.6, p. 198). The nozzle will supply this flow at the rated nozzle discharge pressure. If the driver/operator does not supply the proper pressure, the handline will not achieve the gallonage selected at the nozzle. Many of these nozzles are designed to flow the gallonage indicated at ________ psi (700 kPa) nozzle pressure. However, some models are available that are capable of operating at {lower nozzle} pressures.


trench/excavation incidents FIRST RESPONDER POLICY 1. Establish command and position all apparatus at least 150 feet from the incident scene All personnel are to walk to the scene 2. Establish an off-site staging area at least ________ feet from the incident site away from the {first arriving apparatus}. All apparatus should {turn their engines off once they are in position on the scene} 3. Conduct an {outer circle scene survey} at least {100} feet around the scene. Utilize first responding personnel to: a. To {shut off all sources of vibrations}: i.e. {construction equipment, traffic, bystanders} b. Identify {witnesses} to the incident and establish {when the incident occurred} c. Identify the {construction foreperson} ({competent person}) and request {pertinent information} such as {site plans, profile sheets, and exact number of personnel working in the trench and on site}. Ask the foreperson to {stay at the command post as a resource if necessary} d. Ensure {all utilities are controlled including water, sewer, electrical, and gas in the trench and around the scene}. Utility companies should be called for as soon as possible (call {811} "{Okie}") 4. Conduct an {inner circle survey} at least {50} feet around the trench (this area should be {secured with banner guard or fencing}, with only {one way in and out}) a. Always approach a trench from the {ends}. {Sidewalls} are most prone to {secondary collapse} b. If you must stand on the sidewall of the trench, {utilize lumber} ({2"x 10" or larger or ¾" plywood)} for {walk-boards}. c. Assist victims who are not trapped out of the trench from the {ends only}. DO NOT ENTER a trench which is greater than {four} feet in depth that is {not shored} d. If needed, place a {ground ladder} at the end of the trench to allow {non-trapped victims to exit} e. Establish the {number of trapped victims and their exact location}. Once you make contact with a conscious victim {maintain it} f. Establish the condition of the trapped victim(s) if possible: i. Totally buried, if so {how deep}? ii. Buried to their neck? iii. Buried to their waist? iv. Trapped by {utilities}? g. Utilize {construction personnel} to assist with {gathering lumber} or {moving equipment} (only move equipment if it will not {disturb the trench}) 5. Patient Care a. Make contact with the patient and determine their {L.O.C.} without getting into the trench b. Provide the patient with {oxygen via non-rebreather mask lowered down to the patient} c. If the patient is buried {above their chest}, which inhibits their breathing, utilize a {long pike pole} or {2" x 4"} to remove dirt from around their chest 6. Update {dispatch and responding units} on the status of the incident: a. Confirm entrapment and {number of victims} b. Establish {staging area} c. Request needed resources: {Special Operations Section } {OCPD} for traffic control Additional {ambulances or Medi-flight} (follow first responder protocol guidelines).


Cold Stress Symptoms absence of sweating, nausea, blistered skin, cramping, rapid heartbeat, dehydration, exhaustion, seizures, low or absent blood pressure, flushed skin, shortness of breath, mental confusion, headache, sunburn, muscle rigidity, or stiff posture mental confusion weakness numbness slow pupil response waxy/pale skin Heat Stress Symptoms If an employee's heart rate exceeds 110 beats per minute, an oral temperature should be taken If an employee's temperature exceeds ________, employee should be moved to {medical treatment area} and, rehabilitation time should be {increased} Measure the {SpO2%.} If an employee's oxygen saturation below {94} percent (while breathing {atmospheric or room air}) employee should be moved to {medical treatment area} Measure the {SpCO%} with {RAD-57} or {LifePak 15} If SpCO% > {3}% with {any of below signs or symptoms}, treat for {CO Poisoning} per protocol {Abdominal pain Diarrhea Gait disturbances Seizures Agitation Distractibility Hallucination Syncope Bizarre neurologic symptoms Dizziness Headache Urinary incontinence Chest pain Drowsiness Impulsiveness Visual disturbances Coma Dyspnea Lethargy Vomiting Confabulation Fatigue Memory disturbances Weakness Confusion Fecal incontinence Nausea Depression Flu-like symptoms Palpitations} CO Poisoning Symptoms


PIERCE ENFORCER ENGINE Trident Air Prime 1. Increase the throttle speed to ________ RPM 2. Depress the push button on the panel 3. Hold button down until the discharge pressure gauge begins to rise 4. Release the primer button Driver Side Pump Panel Officer Side Pump Panel Pre-connects There are two 1 ¾ and one 2 ½ pre-connect on top of the pump panel. There are two 2 ½ discharges on the driver side rear just under the hose bed. Additionally, there is a 1 ¾ discharge on the front bumper driver side for the front bumper pre-connect


When starting apparatus for daily apparatus check, all lights and accessories should be turned off and unplugged from the shore line/AC power, pulled out on the apron. After apparatus daily checks are complete the engine should be throttled up ________ rpm for at least {5} minutes to allow the {batteries to charge}

1000 to 1200

NFPA® 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver⁄Operator Professional Qualifications, has established minimum qualifications for apparatus driver/ operators. In addition, it requires any driver/operator who is responsible for operating an aerial apparatus that is equipped with or without a pump to meet the requirements of NFPA® ________, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.


NFPA® 1071, Standard for Emergency Vehicle Technician Professional Qualifications, provides a basis to train and certify fire apparatus mechanics and fire department maintenance officers. Driver/operators must not attempt to perform work beyond the scope of their knowledge and training, leaving repairs to qualified personnel. In order to ensure operational status of the vehicle, NFPA® ________ requires driver/operators to be able to perform routine tests, inspections, and servicing of the following systems: {Batteries, Braking systems, Coolant system, Electrical system, Fuel system, Hydraulic fluids, Oil, Tires, Steering system, Belts, Tools, appliances, and equipment}


Duties The duties of a company officer are divided into general categories that apply to all fire officer levels. The categories listed in NFPA ________ are: {HI EACH} {Human resources management} {Community and government} relations {Administration} {Inspection and investigation} {Emergency services delivery} {Health and safety}


NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Qualifications, sets guidelines for qualification to the Fire Officer Level I. Candidates for this position should meet the following requirements: Fire Fighter II as described in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications Fire Instructor I as described in NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications Chapter 4 performance requirements of NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications In addition, NFPA ________, item {5.1.1} General Prerequisite Knowledge identifies information that candidates should know before promotion or certification to Fire Officer Level I. These items include the following: Their department's {organizational structure} The {geographical configuration} and characteristics of their {response districts} Their departmental operating procedures that relate to {administration, emergency operations, incident management system, and safety} Their department's {budget process} Information {management} and {recordkeeping processes} for their department The {fire prevention and building safety codes and ordinances} applicable to their jurisdiction {Current trends, technologies, and socioeconomic and political factors} that affect the fire service The rights of {management and members} {Agreements} in force between their organization and members The policies and procedures regarding the operation of their department as they involve {supervisors and members}


1 When employees are assigned to the Rehabilitation unit, the Rehab Officer will observe all members in each crew for employees that have signs of heat stress, hypothermia, or extreme fatigue. If employee has signs of heat stress or does not recover quickly, they should be moved to the medical evaluation area. In the medical evaluation area, heart rate should be measured for 30 seconds as early as possible in the rest area. If an employee's heart rate exceeds ________ beats per minute, a {temperature} should be taken. If an employee's temperature exceeds {100.6 F}, employee should {not be permitted to wear protective equipment}. If it is below {100.6 F} and heart rate remains above {110} beats per minute, {rehabilitation time should be increased}. At the time that the heart rate is measured {all vitals should be taken and recorded} on the emergency the {Emergency Incident Medical Surveillance form}. Vitals will be taken every {5 to 10} minutes. If an employee has {abnormal vital signs or if employee does not recover in a reasonable amount of time}, contact the {Medical Officer} for {possible transport to the hospital}


Hazmat Pre-Entry Medical Evaluation Item Assessed Acceptable Values Pulse Initial: ________ per minute maximum Blood Pressure Initial: {140/90} maximum Respirations Initial: {22} breaths per minute maximum Hydration Level Entry personnel {shall hydrate} before entry operations Mental Alertness {Signs of grogginess} or other compromise are to be reported to the {Incident Safety Officer} and the person removed from entry operations Temperature Initial: {99}°F maximum (taken with {oral clinical thermometer}) Motor skills Any unusual {lack of coordination} is to be noted and the person removed from entry operations Any readings above maximum values listed above will result in {removal from entry operations}


4. The limits of flammability for natural gas are approximately 5 percent to 15 percent gas-inair mixture. This means there must be at least 5 percent, but no more than 15 percent, of natural gas present in air to support combustion. Burning natural gas produces little smoke, but does produce a very high radiant heat. Combustibles must be wetted down with water spray to keep this radiating heat from igniting them 5. The ignition point of natural gas is quite high, around ________ degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is reached by ignition sources such as {pilot lights; flint sparks; matches; or sparks from electrical switches, thermostats, static electricity, or motors}


RELEASE & WAIVER OF LIABILITY UPDATED Anyone who is not employee of the Oklahoma City Fire Department is prohibited from riding in an emergency vehicle without prior approval from the Deputy Chief of Operations, or his designee and the completion of the Release and Waiver of Liability form. Individuals who are under the age of ________ (minors) must have a {parent or legal guardian complete that portion of the form that applies}. The Release and Waiver of Liability forms are found on {Fireweb Forms page} and are to be kept at {each station} and utilized anytime a person who does not work for the Oklahoma City Fire Department rides in an emergency vehicle. This applies whether the vehicle is to respond to an {emergency incident or not}. The individual must complete the form and sign in the presence of a {Fire Department witness (preferably the Company Officer}), who will also sign the form on the {designated line}. The form is to be completed {BEFORE} the person rides in the vehicle.


ADDENDUM B - LOGO DESIGN Bright Tiger White Ink for: "OKLAHOMA CITY" The words "OKLAHOMA CITY" are in white ink in one (1) inch, ALL CAPS, Arial Black Font. Curved font raised 1 ½ inch from center base line. Which means: using the bottom of the letters "O" and "Y" in the words OKLAHOMA CITY, as the baseline, measuring up to the bottom of the letter "M" is 1 ½ inch. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "the top line above OKLAHOMA CITY" ¼ inch under the lowest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" is a 12 point centered line 11 5/8 inches in length. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "FIRE" ¼ inch under the line is 2-¾ inch lettering of the word "FIRE". The letters are ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font. The letters are 1 ½ inches apart. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "the bottom line below OKLAHOMA CITY" ¼ inch under the word "FIRE" is another ________ point centered line also {11 5/8}" inches in length. Bright Tiger White Ink for: "{RESCUE}" {½} inch below the {second red line} are {1 ¼} inch lettering of the word "{RESCUE}" spaced evenly in a {seven (7")} inch (from left to right) space. The letters are ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font. Overall: From the top of the highest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" to the bottom of the word "RESCUE" is {7 ½"} inches and from the very left side of the design (the left side of the letter "O") to the very right side of the design (the farthest point right on the letter "Y") is {12}" inches.


If the post exposure skin test is negative, the test is repeated ________ weeks after the exposure. Exposed persons with skin test reactions {10} mm, or with {symptoms} suggestive of tuberculosis, receive {chest radiographs}. Persons with previously known positive skin test reactions who have been exposed to an infectious patient do not require a repeat skin test or a chest radiograph unless they have {symptoms} suggestive of tuberculosis.


VARk or ARB panel 3rd Offense (within the same ________-month period) {Time Off, Leave Without Pay (LWOP)} {One (1) shift}


HOSE LOADS (LOADING 4" & 5" IN THE HOSEBED) 1. The first coupling is placed in the front of the hose bed 2. The 4" or 5" hose is loaded in the flat load. Load the first section with the fold in the front of the hose bed ________ inches short of the front of the hose bed 3. The next coupling should be placed {in the front of the hose bed ahead of the folds in the hose} 4. All couplings will be placed {at the front of the hose bed} no matter where they come in the hose load 5. The second tier of hose should be folded so the bend in the hose will be {4} inches short of the first layer. The third tier will be the same as the {first}, continue to lay the hose in folds progressively across the bed to complete the load.

12 to 14

Figure 1.15 A portable generator. Powered by gasoline, diesel, power-take-off, or hydraulic systems Have 110 and 220 volt capabilities Have capacities up to ________ watts Rescue apparatus or other specialized units may feature fixed generator systems with capacities of {50,000} watts or greater.


VARC or ARB panel 2nd Offense - Written Reprimand (within the same ________ period) A written reprimand will be documented on a {Specific Occurrence Report} completed by a {Chief Officer} and sent to Administration for placement in the employee's personnel file. The employee will attend a {formal vehicle operations training class developed by the Training Work Section}. Upon the request of the employee, letters of reprimand will be removed from the employee's file after a period of {two (2) years}.


CONDUCTIVITY OF EXTINGUISHING AGENTS CAUTION #7 - AVOID USING HOSE STREAMS ON ENERGIZED FACILITIES The application of water on electric facilities by hand-held hoses may carry the electricity back to the nozzle. Tabularized "safe distances" can be misleading, since water conductivity and nozzle design vary widely. The National Board of Fire Underwriters' Special Interest Bulletin No. 91 advises that for ________-volt facilities there is no danger unless the nozzle is brought within a {few inches}. However, we urge firefighters to consider all electric facilities to be {high voltage}, because even low-voltage wires may {inadvertently be crossed} with high-voltage wires


Resource Typing and NIMS Resource typing is a key component of the NIMS. This effort assists all Federal, State, territory, tribal, and local jurisdictions locate, request, and track resources to assist neighboring jurisdictions when local capability is overwhelmed. The NIMS Center encourages Federal, State, territory, and local officials to use the ________ {NIMS Resource Typing Definitions} as they {develop or update response assets inventories


Stihl 044 Chain Saw Listed below are SAFETY TIPS that must be studied and practiced for safe and efficient use of the chain saws : 1. As with any power tool you must use HEARING AND EYE PROTECTION 2. Full protective gear must be worn including gloves 3. Stand with feet apart for comfortable balance 4. If using the Leg Lock Device on the roof ladder two firefighters must be employed 5. Hold the saw FIRMLY with BOTH hands 6. Let the saw do the work 7. NEVER PLUNGE THE NOSE OF THE BAR STRAIGHT INTO THE ROOF. THIS WILL CAUSE THE SAW TO KICK-BACK 8. DO NOT DROP START THE CHAIN SAW. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS 9. The chain saw is operated at approximately ________ RPM


Class A, B, or C Commercial Learner Permit (Minimum Age - 18) Requirements: You must pass all the required examinations for an Oklahoma Class D license and have passed all parts of the tests for a Class A, B, or C license except the skills tests. You must be accompanied by a licensed driver 21 or older, who is licensed for the classes of vehicles being driven, including all required endorsements. Valid for (180) days and may be renewed for an additional (180) days. You will be eligible for skills tests ________ days after obtaining the Permit. You can take the test only {3} times after date of eligibility. After that, you can take the test only once every {30} days REQUIREMENTS: A Learner License is valid only while a licensed driver, {21} or older, is {actually sitting in the seat beside the driver}. The driving test can be taken {6} months after the permit is issued. The restriction of "{Licensed Driver in the Front Seat}" will be removed when you pass the driving test. You can take the test only 3 times after date of eligibility. After that, you can take the test only once every 30 days.


If your license is expired over ________ days you must appear before a Driver License Examiner or Tag Agent approved to accept a {certified birth certificate}. Tag Agents cannot accept any other documents, including a passport or immigration documents


Motorcycle License Only (Minimum Age - ________) Study the {Motorcycle License Manual} in addition to this manual Requirements: You must meet the vision, written, and skills test requirements. On the driving test, you must prove your ability to operate a cycle safely Motorcycle License Permit (Minimum Age - 14) Restricted to a motor scooter or motorcycle with a piston displacement of no more than {250} cc. (cubic centimeters). You may ride only between the hours of {5:00 a.m. and 10:00} p.m (Effective {Nov. 1, 2010}) You cannot {carry a passenger}. If your motorcycle is less than {150cc}, there is an additional restriction that you may not exceed {35} mph. If your motorcycle is over 150cc but not larger than 250cc, you may drive the posted speed limit with the exception you may not drive on a highway with a {posted minimum speed limit} such as an interstate or turnpike. These restrictions are automatically lifted at age {16}. However, a {helmet} is required for anyone under {18} years of age. (Also see the Motorcycle License Manual.) You must see a Driver License Examiner to have a #{9} restriction added to your motorcycle driver license at the age of 15 1/2 years of age. You must have the permit for {six} months before you are eligible to take the driving test in a class D vehicle Requirements: You must be receiving instruction from a parent, legal guardian or any person 21 or older who has a valid Oklahoma Driver License with a {motorcycle endorsement} added and who has {visual contact} with the operator. You must meet the requirements for a regular driver license. You may take the driving test 30 days after the permit is issued. If you pass, the learner restriction will be removed. {14-15} year olds: {Learner Restriction} is required. Your application must be signed by a {custodial parent or legal guardian} who must agree that the conditions imposed upon the license will be complied with and who must also be willing to assume {financial and legal responsibility} if you violate the law, damage property, or cause personal injury while riding your cycle


THE LAW SAYS Whenever any person driving a vehicle approaches a railroad grade crossing, the driver of such vehicle shall stop within 50 feet but not less than ________ feet from the nearest rail of such railroad and shall not proceed until he can do so safely when: a. A clearly visible electric or mechanical signal device gives warning of the immediate approach of a train b. A crossing gate is lowered, or when a human flagman gives or continues to give a signal of the approach or passage of a train c. A train approaching within approximately {1500} feet of the highway crossing emits a signal {audible} from such distance, and the train by reason of its speed or nearness to such crossing is an immediate hazard d. An approaching train is plainly visible and is in hazardous proximity to such crossing


The Administrative Specialists will administer examinations using the following procedure: , Check that all personnel have signed in and checked seniority points (if applicable) , Announce, if known, the number of candidates to be promoted at that time, No smoking, chewing, dipping, or drinking in any examination room , For single session tests, all candidates must remain in the room until the examination is over (1 1/2 hrs). However, candidates may vote (which must be unanimous) to leave after individual completion of the exam , In the event that staffing does not allow for a single session test in the promotional testing process, a second test will be given on the same day. In this instance, it may be necessary for the candidates in the 1st session, upon the completion of their test, to return immediately to their worksite to allow for the candidates in the 2nd session to report for their test. Candidates from Test 1 shall not communicate with candidates from Test 2 until the completion of both tests , No personal items are allowed in the examination room. (books, recorders, calculators, cell phones, pagers, etc.) All appropriate items will be furnished , Answers to questions pertaining to the content of the examination will be limited to typographical errors , Time remaining will be posted every 30 minutes after the exam begins. When there are ________ minutes remaining, time will be posted every {5} minutes. During the last {5} minutes of the exam, time remaining will be posted {every minute} , {Limit and/or monitor} candidates requesting to use the {restroom facilities}


YOU MUST YIELD TO BLIND PERSONS Drivers must give the right-of-way to any blind person crossing the street. Blind pedestrians will normally have a guide dog or will be using a cane. The cane may be all white, white with a red tip, or chrome. The person will tap it on the pavement ahead. The law says you should: Stop immediately and let the person pass Stop outside the crosswalk, not in the crosswalk A vehicle must stop ________ feet away for a {blind person in the roadway} or at an {intersection}


Class D Learner License (Permit) (Minimum Age - ________ You must be currently taking or have passed an {approved driver education course} and show a completed {driver education certificate} or a contract with a commercial driver education school or the {green} driver education card from a public school. If you are participating in the Parent Taught driver education program you must bring the DPS approved Parent Taught Affidavit and a purchase receipt for the course (Minimum Age - 16) You must qualify for a regular Class D license, except for the driving test

15 ½)

It is advisable to confirm the presence of actual fire conditions before a pumper begins to flow water to the FDC. It is possible that a sprinkler system has malfunctioned or been tampered with, causing the activation of a sprinkler head. If the sprinkler system is to be supplied at the FDC, the driver/operator should slowly develop the amount of pressure required to supply the system, after the need to supply the system has been confirmed. Multistage pumps should be operated in parallel (volume) position. Depending on the policies of a jurisdiction, the suggested discharge pressure may be printed on a plate at the FDC, or contained in pre-incident planning information. If no specific information is available, the general guideline is to discharge ________ psi (1 050 kPa) into the FDC (Figure 10.25).


It is well documented that typical fire department centrifugal pumps operate at their highest GPM flow at 150 psi net discharge pressure. Any pressure above 150 psi results in a decrease of total GPM flow from the pump. As a rule of thumb, a pumper should be added into the operation for every ________ psi


The following procedures shall be accomplished when given the order to pump the system of a high-rise building : 1. A water supply shall be established from a municipal hydrant using a Hydra-assist valve 2. The pumper or pumpers that will be supplying the FDC shall be spotted in such a position to accommodate the following objectives: a. Connect Hydra-Assist Valve to the hydrant, attach 4" supply line to the Hydra-Assist and lay into the FDC b. A minimum of two 2 1/2" discharge lines (3" lines are preferred if available) shall be used to make the connection from the discharges of the pumper to the FDC According to NFPA 1962, the maximum operating pressure for large diameter hose with Stortz couplings is ________ psi and should not be used to supply {high-rise FDCs} c. The pumper shall be spotted with the pump panel {away from the fire building} to protect the engineer from {falling debris} d. The discharge lines supplying the FDC shall be connected to the {discharges opposite from the fire pump panel}, allowing the pump operator to stay clear of the lines in the event of {hose failure} e. Try to spot the pumper at the {corner of the fire building}, if possible, to keep out of the way of {falling glass and debris}.


NFPA® 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within 60 days of the testing. The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers: • A gauge to determine intake pressure. The gauge should be calibrated to a range of 30 in Hg to zero (-100 to 0 kPa) for a vacuum gauge, or 30 in Hg (-100 kPa) vacuum to ________ psi (1 050 kPa) for a compound gauge (Figure 15.4, p. 522 ). • A gauge with a range of {0 to at least 400} psi (2800kPa) (with {+or-5%} accuracy) to determine pump discharge. • A pitot tube with knife edge and air chamber rated from {0 to at least 160} psi (1 100 kPa) is required if a flowmeter is not used (Figure 15.5). • {Smooth bore nozzles} of the appropriate size to provide the volumes pumped for the required tests. (If a flowmeter is used, fog nozzles may be substituted, providing they are rated for the required flows). • A means to secure the nozzles ({rope, chain, or test stand}). • A hand {tachometer} (if applicable). • Appropriate means to {record the test results} ({written form or computer program}). The following additional equipment may serve to make the testing process easier and more efficient: • {Two 6-foot (2m) lengths of 1⁄4-inch} (6mm) diameter, {300} psi (2100kPa) hose with {screw fittings and gauges}. These gauges are connected to fittings at the {pump panel}. • {Clamp} to hold the pitot tube to the test nozzle. • {Test stand} to hold the gauges. • {Stopwatch}.


trench/excavation incidents FIRST RESPONDER POLICY 1. Establish command and position all apparatus at least ________ feet from the incident scene All personnel are to {walk} to the scene 2. Establish an off-site {staging area} at least {100} feet from the incident site away from the {first arriving apparatus}. All apparatus should {turn their engines off once they are in position on the scene} 3. Conduct an {outer circle scene survey} at least {100} feet around the scene. Utilize first responding personnel to: a. To {shut off all sources of vibrations}: i.e. {construction equipment, traffic, bystanders} b. Identify {witnesses} to the incident and establish {when the incident occurred} c. Identify the {construction foreperson} ({competent person}) and request {pertinent information} such as {site plans, profile sheets, and exact number of personnel working in the trench and on site}. Ask the foreperson to {stay at the command post as a resource if necessary} d. Ensure {all utilities are controlled including water, sewer, electrical, and gas in the trench and around the scene}. Utility companies should be called for as soon as possible (call {811} "{Okie}") 4. Conduct an {inner circle survey} at least {50} feet around the trench (this area should be {secured with banner guard or fencing}, with only {one way in and out}) a. Always approach a trench from the {ends}. {Sidewalls} are most prone to {secondary collapse} b. If you must stand on the sidewall of the trench, {utilize lumber} ({2"x 10" or larger or ¾" plywood)} for {walk-boards}. c. Assist victims who are not trapped out of the trench from the {ends only}. DO NOT ENTER a trench which is greater than {four} feet in depth that is {not shored} d. If needed, place a {ground ladder} at the end of the trench to allow {non-trapped victims to exit} e. Establish the {number of trapped victims and their exact location}. Once you make contact with a conscious victim {maintain it} f. Establish the condition of the trapped victim(s) if possible: i. Totally buried, if so {how deep}? ii. Buried to their neck? iii. Buried to their waist? iv. Trapped by {utilities}? g. Utilize {construction personnel} to assist with {gathering lumber} or {moving equipment} (only move equipment if it will not {disturb the trench}) 5. Patient Care a. Make contact with the patient and determine their {L.O.C.} without getting into the trench b. Provide the patient with {oxygen via non-rebreather mask lowered down to the patient} c. If the patient is buried {above their chest}, which inhibits their breathing, utilize a {long pike pole} or {2" x 4"} to remove dirt from around their chest 6. Update {dispatch and responding units} on the status of the incident: a. Confirm entrapment and {number of victims} b. Establish {staging area} c. Request needed resources: {Special Operations Section } {OCPD} for traffic control Additional {ambulances or Medi-flight} (follow first responder protocol guidelines).


PRECONNECTS The basic hose loads currently recognized on the Oklahoma City Fire-Rescue Service for Preconnects are the Triple Layer, Minuteman, and the Accordion Fold These loads are for 1 ¾", 2", and 2 ½" hose with either ________ or {200'} lengths. The {Triple Layer} can be used on {rear deployment or crosslay}. The {Minuteman load} is used exclusively on {rear deployment loads}. The {Accordion load} is used on the {fender mounted Quick Deployment Load} and the {E-One Jump Line} All loads should be pulled in a {safe manner}, {aware of the surroundings} such as {footing and other firefighters}. {Speed} is not as important a factor as is {personnel safety}. Practice in pulling these loads in a {steady fashion} is desirable.


Standpipes- major improvement in firefighting capabilities in multistory and large area buildings Standpipes allows firefighters to carry less hose---equals less fatigue Amount of time needed to deploy hose is greatly reduced Standpipe pack or high-rise pack—________ of hose, a {reducer} or {gated wye} and a {spanner wrench}


One of the major impacts on the fireground safety and health initiative was the publication of: NFPA ________—Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program *Provides a framework for occupational safety and health for firefighters.


PPE for response to fires, broken down into 3 subject areas: Design and purchasing NFPA ________- {new ppe meet current standards} Use Care and maintenance


NEW GRADUATED DRIVER LICENSE (GDL) House Bill ________ requires teens to apply for the license which restricts their driving time to the hours of {5 a.m. to 10 p.m}. with the exceptions for driving to work, school, church or related activities, or if a licensed driver over 21 years of age is seated next to the teenager. The bill also prevents teenage drivers from {chauffeuring their friends around town}, prohibiting teens with a restricted license from driving with {multiple passengers younger than 21} (other than family).


Class A, B, or C Commercial License (Minimum Age - 18) Type of Vehicle: Single or combination vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,001 lbs. or more (does not include farm vehicles); a vehicle transporting hazardous materials in amounts requiring a placard; or a vehicle designed to transport ________ or more passengers, including the driver Requirements: If you will be driving any one of these vehicles, you must study the {Commercial Driver} Manual to prepare for the driving test


FUEL LOCATIONS Station Diesel Unleaded 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y 8 Y Y 13 Y N ________ Y N {18} Y Y {22} Y N {23} Y N {25} Y Y {27} Y Y {30} Y Y {31} Y Y {33} Y N {34} Y N {35} Y Y {36} Y Y {37} Y Y {Maintenance} Y Y


Q Why do we need GDL? A Because Oklahoma's teenage drivers have more crashes than any other age group. This is one reason insurance premiums are so high for teen drivers. During their first year of driving, 25 percent of ________-year-olds either {receive a traffic ticket or are involved in a crash}


There are ________ {Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives} ---Listed on page 26


A train collision is always the fault of the car driver. Nearly half the car/train collisions in America happen at crossroads with lights, bells, or gates; and two-thirds of the crashes happen in full daylight. Why? Impatience - Drivers don't want to wait the 30 seconds to 2 minutes average time it takes for the train to pass through the intersection. They try to beat the train. Don't let yourself or your family and friends be one of these statistics. In Oklahoma in 2008 there were 52 crashes involving trains with 5 fatalities and ________ persons injured


The Dispatch Center will conduct an "Audio Systems Test" daily at 0700 and ________ hours to check {all station audio systems}. The purpose of this test is to determine if the audio system is {in proper working order}


A tank-to-pump flow test must be conducted on any apparatus with an onboard water tank. This test verifies that the piping between the onboard tank and pump is sufficient to supply the minimum amount of water specified by NFPA® ________ and the design of the manufacturer. Pumpers with an onboard tank capacity of 500 gallons (2 000 L) or less must be capable of flowing {250} gpm (1 000 L/min) from their onboard tank. Pumpers with a capacity of greater than 500 gallons (2 000 L) must be capable of flowing at least {500} gpm (2 000 L/min). Some jurisdictions may specify higher flows based on local requirements. If an apparatus with specifications greater than the NFPA® minimum is being tested, it is recommended that the specified capacity be achieved during testing. Use the following procedures in Skill Sheet 15-5 to check the operation of the tank-to-pump line.


All aerial apparatus should meet the design requirements of the edition of NFPA® ________, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus that was in effect at the time the apparatus was manufactured. NFPA® 1901 groups aerial devices into three basic categories: {aerial ladders, elevating platforms, and water towers}. {IFSTA} further classifies aerial fire devices as follows (Figures 16.2): • {Aerial ladder apparatus • Elevating platform apparatus — Aerial ladder platforms — Telescoping aerial platforms — Articulating aerial platforms • Water towers} These three categories group the devices based on {how they are used and their tactical advantages and disadvantages}.


As required by NFPA® ________, all manufacturers of aerial devices provide an {auxiliary hydraulic pump} for use in the event of a failure of the {main hydraulic pump}. The auxiliary pump is typically a {12-volt DC}, electrically operated pump connected directly to the {vehicle's battery}. Some may also have an {emergency stowing manually operated pump}. However, some manufacturers have an auxiliary pump that runs on {110-volt AC} power or {small internal combustion engine}. This direct connection allows the pump to be operated even if the main vehicle {engine fails}.


Depending on the incident, firefighters may need to deploy special nozzles to operate effectively in unusual locations, or on specific fuels. Jurisdictions may have unique needs that are best met by special nozzles not required as part of the NFPA® ________ {standard list of pumping apparatus equipment}. When using special purpose nozzles, consult the manufacturer for the {correct use and operating pressure}.


Flowmeters measure and display water flow in gallons (liters) per minute. This number requires no further calculation as it reflects the water pressure that will be discharged through the nozzle if the hoseline is functioning at its rated capacity. The driver/operator's ability to quickly and accurately determine the flow of a particular hoseline in gallons (liters) per minute is especially advantageous when automatic nozzles are employed with handlines or master stream devices. Because handlines or master stream devices maintain a predetermined nozzle pressure and a stream that appears to be adequate, automatic nozzles may lead you to supply insufficient discharge pressures, creating a low gallon (liters) per minute flow. Insufficient discharge pressures are hazardous during fire suppression operations. Use of a flowmeter will make certain that you are aware of the gallon (liters) per minute flow and that you can develop the correct discharge pressure (within operation limits) to achieve the proper rate of flow. The flowmeter relieves you from relying on calculations based on the friction loss, elevation pressure, and length of the hoseline. Based on the NFPA® ________ standard, for every discharge outlet equipped with a {flowmeter}, a {pressure gauge} shall also be provided. These flowmeters must display flow in increments of {10 gpm (40 L/min) or less}.


NFPA® ________ now requires a {two-way communication system} on all aerial device apparatus. Older apparatus may not have communication systems if the apparatus was constructed before the systems were required. When possible, IFSTA recommends that all aerial devices without a communication system be {retrofitted to include one}.


Pump certification tests are performed by an independent testing organization such as Underwriters Laboratories, and are designed to ensure that the fire pump will operate as designed on the completed apparatus. These tests are performed at the manufacturing plant before final acceptance of the vehicle. The results of the tests are stamped on a plate affixed to the pump panel of the apparatus. Certification testing requirements should be part of the apparatus bid specifications. Commonly, fire departments reference the requirements of NFPA® ________ Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus.


When determining a route to take, plot routes that avoid low overpasses and incompatible bridges. NFPA® ________, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, requires a {placard in every apparatus that lists the vehicle height and weight in feet and tons} to emphasize the importance of watching for bridge and overpass limits.


Heat damage to the aerial device may or may not be visible. Obvious signs of damage include discoloration, disfiguration, deformed welds, or improper operation of the aerial device. Aluminum aerial apparatus are equipped with heat sensors that change color when overheated. When heat damage is Noted, or even suspected, the aerial device must be removed from service immediately. If necessary, an Emergency Vehicle Technician (EVT) should repair the apparatus. Before placing the apparatus back in service, it should be given a thorough operation test in accordance with the non-destructive testing standards within NFPA® ________, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus.


Net pump discharge pressure is the difference between the intake pressure and the discharge pressure. Performance tests are conducted at 150 psi (1 050 kPa), 165 psi (1 150 kPa), 200 psi (1 400 kPa), and 250 psi (1 750 kPa) net pump discharge pressure. When operating at draft, the net pump discharge pressure is more than the pressure displayed on the discharge gauge. When tests are conducted, the friction loss in the intake hose and the height of the lift must be considered. NFPA® ________ provides information on friction loss allowances for various sizes of intake hose that may be used during pump testing.


Tire Inflation The driver/operator should understand all the information imprinted on the sidewall of a truck tire. Check that apparatus tires are inflated to the apparatus manufacturer's recommended tire pressure, according to NFPA® ________. Always follow department tire inflation SOPs.


VEHICLE INSPECTION All vehicles must be equipped as required by Chapter §12 of Oklahoma Statute Title 47. Officers may inspect a vehicle and its equipment according to Chapter §13-102 of Oklahoma Statute Title 47. The following items will be inspected and must be in good working order: Lights: headlight, tail lights, brake Brakes lights, turn signals, parking lights Horn license plate light, reflectors Exhaust system Valid Oklahoma license plate Windshield and glass Windshield wiper Insurance verification form Tires Seat belts (vehicles after ________) Rear view mirror If your vehicle is required by federal law to have the {third} brake light, it must be in working order at the time of testing


Fire Investigation, as it is operated today, started in ________. Prior to that, the Arson Investigators would determine cause and origin of fires and the Police Department Detective Unit would follow up the cases. In 1977, the Fire Marshal's office took fire and arson investigation and all related responsibilities from the Police Department, recognizing that fire and arson investigation was a Fire Department concern. City Ordinance was amended to provide for this change and all Fire Marshal agents to become peace officers after completing the necessary State required training.


(reverse lay) After connections to the hydrant are made, conduct several checks before opening the hydrant. Close the tank to pump valve if the intake is not equipped with a shutoff valve. Newer model pumpers have a check valve in the tank-to-pump line. These valves prevent water from entering the tank under pressure from the pump intake. Pumpers built before ________ may not be equipped with this feature. If water is allowed to enter the tank under pressure, the venting {may not be adequate} to allow the pressure to dissipate, resulting in damage to the tank. If the intake is equipped with a shutoff valve, it is acceptable to {charge the intake line and bleed off the air} while still pumping in water from the tank. Regardless of whether a particular apparatus is equipped with a {check valve in the tank-to-pump line or a shutoff valve on the intake}, the driver/operator should close the {tank-to-pump valve} after transitioning to an external water supply.


Large blood/body fluid cleanup Large blood/bodily-fluid contamination may include large volumes of biohazard or contaminants spread over a large geographical area. Contact OKCFD Hazardous Materials Team as necessary for response or consultation. The recommended clean-up method is to remove all visible blood/bodily fluid and then to decontaminate using an approved disinfectant for the appropriate amount of time. It is important to note that while we are able to assist with clean-up, the property owner will be responsible for decontamination. Property owners must be notified that they are responsible for decontamination. OSHA states that an EPA-registered tuberculocidal disinfectant, EPA-registered disinfectants effective against both HIV and HBV, or a diluted bleach solution (solution of 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) diluted between ________ ({1 cup of bleach to 9 cups of water}) and {1:100} ({1/4 cup bleach per gallon of water}) are acceptable for clean-up of a contaminated surface or item. All disinfectant solutions should be mixed {daily}. Use of a booster line will cause {splash}, {wear eye goggles and cover or wash boots/shoes}. If the contamination is in a {vehicle or building} have owner/occupant contact a {cleanup company}. Washing with soap and water is {not} a substitute for disinfectant. As you enter the spill area, be careful not to step in any {contaminated fluids}. Flood the spill area with the {bleach and water solution}, allowing it to stand for {fifteen} minutes. Note: Under certain conditions a {micro-encapsulation absorbent material} may be applied to {pooled blood} so that the bulk of the contamination can be removed to a {biohazard bag prior to decontamination}. Place blood soaked articles into the {red biohazard bags} along with any contaminated single use PPE items.


Employees shall be informed of the estimated call back period when offered call back 6. An employee being called back must be able to report to duty in less than ________ hours or reject the call back. Employees accepting a call-back offer will be {compensated} for not less than {4} hours and must be {available for the full call back period}. In the event that a call back employee is unable to work the full call back period due to {sickness, injury or other emergency} he/she will be paid for the call back hours {worked}. Failure to report after acceptance of a call back assignment within the allotted time shall result in an employee being subject to {Administration SOP, A/EXC-218 Late for Duty} 7. At no time will employees be allowed to work more than {three consecutive shifts} {72} hours. In situations where the employee would be required to work more than seventy-two (72) consecutive hours, the employee will be {ineligible} for the call back, but will retain their position on the call back list 8. Employees accepting call back must {physically report to duty}. Duty exchanges for straight time call back (earned leave buy back for normal duty days) or off duty call back (at timeand- one-half) under the terms of this Call Back Procedure {shall not be allowed}

Apparatus used to determine "District" day off slots BP's , , 1 each Air-1 , , 1 each District Officer Vehicle , , ________ each Heavy Tanker , , {1} each CSL , , {1} The {District Officer} shall have the authority to {adjust assignments} in the district to maintain minimum staffing levels within the district


BUNDLING PORTABLE SPRINKLERS 1. Starting with the nozzle and cap, slip nozzle into holder, beginning with the buckle end Connect the first ten-foot section of hose, allowing hose to lay to the left of the holder 2. Place the 2nd nozzle into the same end of the holder, directly on top of 1st nozzle. Bring first hose to your left and connect to 2nd nozzle, leaving the coupling loose so hose can be adjusted later to lay on the same plane. Connect 2nd ten-foot section of hose to 2nd nozzle and lay this section to your right 3. Notice the 3 nozzle tip holders on the harness. Place the 3rd nozzle directly on top of the 2nd nozzle from the same direction. Note one difference: The nozzle tip will be threaded into the middle part of the holder. Now connect hose #2 on your right to nozzle #3. Take hose #3 and connect to left side of nozzle #3 4. Place nozzle #4 in the holder in the same way you placed #3 nozzle with tip being placed in to the middle part of nozzle tip holder. Then bring hose #3 back and connect to left side of nozzle. Connect hose #4 to right side of nozzle #4 5. Now all nozzles should be directly on top of the other with all stems pointing the same direction. Next, offset each tee about 1 inch so tees will stack closely. Buckle the harness around nozzles lengthwise, leaving slightly lose so that couplings can be tightened after hose has been aligned to lay on its edge on the same plane. Tighten harness strip completely 6. Notice that you will have ________ ten-foot sections of hose to each side of your nozzles. Roll each of these along the sides of the harness, adjusting about {6} flakes in each ten-foot section and the length of your holder. Buckle the arm strap around folds. Adjust folds again for {uniformity and completely tighten}.


CALCULATING ADDITIONAL WATER AVAILABLE FROM A HYDRANT FIRST DIGIT METHOD 1. Find the difference in psi between the static and residual pressures 2. Multiply the first digit of static pressure by 1, 2, or 3 to determine how many additional lines of equal flow (gpm) may be added as explained below 3. If the psi drop is equal to or less than the first digit of the static pressure multiplied by 1, three additional lines of equal flow (gpm) may be added 4. If the psi drop is equal to or less than the first digit of the static pressure multiplied by ________, {two} additional lines of equal flow (gpm) may be added 5. If the psi drop is equal to or less than the first digit of the static pressure multiplied by {3}, {one} additional lines of equal flow (gpm) may be added.


CREDENTIAL MAINTENANCE To maintain credentialing, EMS personnel must complete the following during their ________-year credential period: (EMR/EMT) Attend an {8}-hour classroom refresher (Intermediate/AEMT/Paramedic) Attend a {24}-hour ({3}-day) classroom refresher Attend {two} {4}-hour Skills Refreshers ({4} hours each {year}) Complete a protocol examination with a minimum score of {80}% Demonstrate competency of cognitive skills as determined by {OMD} Complete {Target Solutions EMS credential} Maintain required {AHA certifications} Maintain {unrestricted State licensure} {Long-Term Absences Personnel} who are absent from work for a period of greater than {90} days but less than {180} days will be required to : 1. Complete a protocol examination with a minimum score of {80}% 2. Complete a minimum of {four} (4) shifts on {OKCFD apparatus} under the supervision of a {System Credentialed Preceptor}


Failure to meet all the renewal requirements will result in not being renewed and removal of instructor alignment with the AHA Oklahoma City Fire Department Training Center Complete the requirements of BLS renewal and maintain Provider Card Teach a minimum of 4 classroom provider courses or renewals on duty to OKCFD employees in ________ years for the discipline in which the instructor is renewing Be {monitored} while teaching before instructor status expiration. The monitoring form must be filled out and submitted along with the {roster to EMS Training by the TFC or RF}. The first monitoring after the initial instructor course {does not satisfy this requirement} Attend any {updates} as required within the previous {2} years. Updates may address {new course content or methodology and review TC, regional, and national ECC information} NOTE: Instructors cannot teach any CPR courses after their {card expires}


Method of Handling Methods of Handling the affected PPE may include, but are not limited to: 1. On-scene decontamination by responding personnel and/or Hazmat Team. 2. Responding personnel placing the affected PPE in plastic bags for transporting back to the fire station for thorough washing with warm soapy water, rinsing and air-drying. 3. Turning the affected PPE over to the responding clean-up contractor for disposal. 4. Placing the affected PPE in plastic bags for later disposal or decontamination. 5. Transporting to the station for washing in the District commercial washer/extractor with the approval of the Chief Safety Officer. 6. Arranging, through the Safety Officer or designee, to have the affected PPE transported to the contracted ISP. 7. Personnel found to have contaminated gear will be issued gear from the ISP loaner pool until such time as the contaminated gear can be cleaned. If it is determined that the gear cannot be effectively cleaned, the determination will be made by the Safety Office to replace the gear or permanently issue gear from the loaner pool. 8. Further Considerations Once PPE has been identified as contaminated, no personnel will use the contaminated PPE until the designated Method of Handling has been determined. Replacement gear for contaminated PPE will be issued as soon as possible. The incident commander will notify the Deputy Chief of Operations or his designee of the equipment contamination and the need for replacement. The Deputy of Operations or designee will facilitate the replacement. Per contract the ISP has a ________ hour window in which they will be available to facilitate the replacement of bunker gear from the department loaner pool.


SAMPLE Date (8th line down from the top margin) John Doe, Fire Chief (5th line down from the date) Oklahoma City Fire Department 123 Nowhere Street Oklahoma City, Ok 67894 Dear Chief Doe: (2nd line down from address) This business letter is written on department letterhead using the full block format. The inside address is typed at the left margin and will contain the name and address of the addressee and their title. After the salutation, a colon will be used. The body of the letter begins ________ spaces below the salutation. The letter should be {single}-spaced. Write to your reader, avoid sexism and offensive language. The letter should be understandable, clear and void of technical jargon. If the letter runs more than one page, the following format should be used at the top left hand corner of the second page: {Name of Addressee, Page 2, Date} Sincerely, ({2nd} line down from the {body of the letter}) John Smith ({4th} line down from the closing) Assistant Fire Chief pc: Name (pc = {personal copy, printed copy, or photo copy}) Name Enclosure (If applicable, {2nd} line down from personal copy)


Driver Side Officer Side BOOSTER LINE There are 2 booster reels on the PUC engines, one on each side above the pump in the hose bed. They both have ________ feet of {¾} inch booster line (two 100 foot sections)


SIMON LTI QS-82 AERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Aerial Ladder Type Simon Ladder Towers, Inc Model Number QS-82-OC Height (Extended) 82' Ladder/Outrigger Construction Steel Outrigger (Stance) 16' Rotation Bearing Size 34", External Tooth Turntable Size 96"wide x 96"long Turntable Construction Steel Frame with Aluminum Overlay Communication System Atkinson, Two-way Electric to Ladder Tip 120volt/12v, ________- {500 Watt} Quartz lights Pre-Piped Waterway {Aluminum}, {1000} GPM Monitor/Nozzle {Elkhart 8294-01/Elkhart SM-100E} Retractable {Feature Fly to Mid-section} Ladder Capacity {500} lbs. ({with and without water})


The dump site pumper should utilize a low-level strainer to allow for continuous drafting to a point of about ________ inches (50 mm). All strainers should be tested for flow capacity prior to use during fireground operations.


The following message indicates that the miles/hours entered was accepted and the FMU wishes to write the entry back to the key. Insert the Vehicle Key and hold it in. Note: The following display is quickly displayed notifying the user that the entry is being written to the key: After all the required entries have been made, the following hose selection display appears: The choices presented in this prompt are limited to the hoses that have the same product code(s) as those authorized for the Vehicle Key. Select the hose and press ENTER/YES.' Remember to select 1 for Diesel and ________ for {Unleaded}


U.S.E.: Upper Search and Evacuation Group. Coordinate search operations ________-floors {above the fire floor and up}. {Initial Search and Rescue post} {two (2)} floors {below} the fire floor, in a separate area from the {Operations Post}


When using a portable tank or swimming pool for drafting operations, a low-level strainer is the appliance of choice. These strainers are designed to sit directly on the bottom of a tank or pool and allow water to be effectively drafted down to a depth of approximately ________ inches (50 mm) (Figure 10.20). However, they may not be able to draft quantities to allow the pump to operate at its rated capacity. In jurisdictions that may draft using ocean water, {tidal movement} must be considered. Locations acceptable for drafting during certain phases of tide may become unusable as the tide changes. Plan for and monitor tidal conditions during {extended drafting operations}.


The Incident Commander shall ensure that no employee enters an atmosphere that is considered IDLH unless the following procedures are followed: Note: IDLH means an atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, which would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual's ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere. IDLH atmospheres include structure fires, unknown atmospheres, toxic, flammable and oxygen deficient atmospheres. Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT): All incidents requiring interior attack or operations in Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health conditions, the IC will maintain compliance with ________-out requirements of respiratory standard {OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 (g)(4)}. For more information on RIT please consult {O/SUP-230, RAPID INTERVENTION TEAM (RIT).} {Commercial Alarm}: The IC shall be responsible for designating a company or companies the assignment of RIT from among the companies responding to an incident. In the event the RIT is utilized at the incident, the IC will designate and {assign an additional company as the RIT}. {House Fire or Single Alarm}: The IC shall be responsible for designating a company or companies the assignment of RIT from among the companies responding to an incident. In the event the RIT is utilized at the incident, the IC will designate and assign an additional company as the RIT. At any time employees (working in teams of at least {two}) enter the {IDLH atmosphere} they will remain in {visual, voice, or signal line communication}. {Radio} or other communication will be maintained between employees in the IDLH atmosphere and the {employees located outside} the IDLH atmosphere. The employee(s) located outside the IDLH atmosphere ({RIT}) are trained and equipped to provide {effective emergency rescue}. The Incident Commander is notified {before} the RIT enters the IDLH atmosphere to provide emergency rescue. The Incident Commander, once notified, provides {necessary assistance appropriate to the situation}. The RIT located {outside the IDLH atmosphere} shall be equipped with: {Positive pressure SCBAs}, or other {positive pressure supplied-air respirator with auxiliary SCBA}; and either Appropriate {retrieval equipment} for removing the employees who enter the IDLH atmosphere where retrieval equipment would contribute to the rescue of the employee(s) and would {not increase the overall risk resulting from entry}; or Equivalent means for rescue where retrieval equipment is not required.

2-in 2

ADDENDUM B - LOGO DESIGN Bright Tiger White Ink for: "OKLAHOMA CITY" The words "OKLAHOMA CITY" are in white ink in one (1) inch, ALL CAPS, Arial Black Font. Curved font raised 1 ½ inch from center base line. Which means: using the bottom of the letters "O" and "Y" in the words OKLAHOMA CITY, as the baseline, measuring up to the bottom of the letter "M" is 1 ½ inch. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "the top line above OKLAHOMA CITY" ¼ inch under the lowest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" is a 12 point centered line 11 5/8 inches in length. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "FIRE" ¼ inch under the line is ________ inch lettering of the word "{FIRE}". The letters are {ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font}. The letters are {1 ½} inches apart. Genesis Phosphorescent for: "the bottom line below OKLAHOMA CITY" {¼} inch under the word "{FIRE}" is another {12} point centered line also {11 5/8}" inches in length. Bright Tiger White Ink for: "{RESCUE}" {½} inch below the {second red line} are {1 ¼} inch lettering of the word "{RESCUE}" spaced evenly in a {seven (7")} inch (from left to right) space. The letters are ALL CAPS in Arial Black Font. Overall: From the top of the highest point of the words "OKLAHOMA CITY" to the bottom of the word "RESCUE" is {7 ½"} inches and from the very left side of the design (the left side of the letter "O") to the very right side of the design (the farthest point right on the letter "Y") is {12}" inches.


TRIPLE LAYER LOAD 1. Connect all drained hose and extend either to the rear or side of the apparatus 2. Connect the female coupling to the discharge 3. Pick up the hose at a point 2/3 of its length towards the nozzle and carry to the discharge connection. This forms 3 layers that should be stacked on top of each other. This may take some adjusting of layers to achieve this a) Extend hose straight from the apparatus b) At ________ distance from apparatus, {pick up hose and return to the apparatus} c) Stack hose {three layers high} and {flake into hose bed in flat layers until the hose is loaded}


All Oklahoma drivers and/or vehicle owners are required by law to carry the minimum limits of liability for this state: $________,000 for {injury or death of one person} ${50,000} for injury or {death of two or more persons} ${25},000 for {property damage} At the time of a collision or a traffic stop, the driver must show a {current security verification form} (proof of liability insurance) to the law enforcement officer


________ — Ability of an apparatus to traverse a body of standing water. Apparatus specifications should list the specific water depths through which trucks must be able to drive.


F550 BRUSH PUMPER NOTE: If on hard pavement, in 4-wheel drive, do not exceed ________ mph


NOTE: Ensure that the apparatus is in a proper location and all safety precautions are followed before beginning this skill. Always follow manufacturer's recommendations and local SOPs. 2-9 Perform a hard intake hose service test. Connect an accurate vacuum gauge (or mercury manometer) to the threaded test gauge connection on the intake side of the pump. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Set up test area. Chock vehicle's wheels. Make sure that the pump is completely drained of all water. Inspect all gaskets of intake hose. Remove the gasket from the intake cap for use in Step 9. Look for foreign matter in the intake hose. Clean the hose if necessary. Place a lighted flashlight into the hose, just inside the female coupling, that will be connected to the intake. Connect ________ feet (6 m) of the correct intake hose to the pump intake connection (check original test records for correct diameter of hose). Support the hose so that it is relatively straight. Step 7:


PUMPING TO A SPRINKLER/STANDPIPE CONNECTION 1. Operator will spot apparatus approximately ________ feet {past sprinkler/standpipe connection} and set {parking brake} 2. Engine crew disembarks engine and offloads enough line to make a sprinkler/standpipe connection. Adapters needed for 4" hose; {Storz to 2 ½" male on a 30 degree elbow} Adapters needed for a 3" hose is a {2 ½" double male} 3. On orders, operator will proceed to {hydrant} to make connection 4. Firefighter(s) will make connection to sprinkler system/standpipe after a {few flakes have deployed off engine and there is no residual pull} on the hose. 5. Operator spots apparatus for soft suction connection. Turn wheels 45 degrees away from hydrant. Set parking brake, disembark engine and gather necessary tools to make steamer connection NOTE: only use 5" soft suction to steamer to make this connection. Operator will open hydrant and take {static reading} 6. Operator will break the line at {tailboard} and connect to appropriate discharge {SPRINKLERS}: {Operator waits for orders before turning water in} {STANDPIPES}: Open the {discharge and allow water to purge the line} 7. Chock wheels and engage the pump 8. Operator pumps {125} psi plus friction loss, plus {5} psi per floor above the 1st floor NOTE: do not exceed {200} psi as per system is rated at {500} gpm


These large, open floors provide ample oxygen and fuel and are capable of reaching flashover in less than 10 minutes. Couple this with the typical response time of ________ minutes to the {fire floor} and you may find a fire on arrival that is {already beyond the ability of hand lines to control, and beyond the limits of the structure to contain}. There are other problems. Because high-rise buildings are {tightly sealed} to contain the {conditioned air}, there is serious potential for {backdrafts}. Add to this a potential for {open shafts, unprotected vertical openings in remodeled and new structures, electrical hazards, unrelieved heat and smoke}, and it should be apparent how difficult the extinguishment of a high-rise fire can become


It is advisable for driver/operators to maintain an intake pressure of 20 to 30 psi (140 to 210 kPa) as a relay pumper. Once the pump discharge pressure on the relay pumper has reached the desired pressure, with water being discharged, no further adjustments should be required. Follow the same procedure for each successive relay pumper in the operation. The first relay pumper opens the discharge valve supplying the relay or attack pumper on a coordinated basis. Conduct this process while observing the intake pressure gauge to maintain intake pressure within the desired range of ________ psi (140 to 210 kPa) residual pressure. The next relay pumper follows the same initial actions as the first. Following this process, long relay operations may be completed efficiently with a minimum of delay.

20 to 30

A truck's blind spots are immediately in front, on either side of the cab, and up to ________ feet in the {rear}. A trucker may not be able to see the road directly in front of the cab. If the tractor has a long hood, the trucker may not be able to see the first {10-20} feet of concrete in front of the bumper - plenty of room for a car to slip unnoticed into a dangerous position If you're stopped behind a truck on an uphill grade, stay to the left in your lane so the driver can see you. When stopped in a traffic lane, leave extra space in front of your car in case the truck rolls back slightly when it starts to move Dim your lights at night. Bright lights reflected in the mirrors can blind the driver In rainy conditions, stay back. Spray and splash from the rear wheels can cover your windshield with sheets of water or mud


An aerial ladder apparatus in fire department jargon may be called the (4) ladder, the truck, the aerial, or sometimes the stick. Regardless of its regional name, the aerial ladder apparatus is the most common type of aerial fire apparatus operated in North America. An aerial ladder is a power-operated ladder that allows firefighters to easily ascend and descend between the tip of the ladder and the turntable for fire fighting or rescue operations. The primary function of the turntable is to provide rotation of the aerial device. In aerial ladders made in North America, the fully extended (working) length ranges from 50 to 137 ft (15 m to 40 m). The working height for aerial ladders is measured from the ground to the highest ladder rung with the ladder at maximum elevation and extension (Figure 16.17). Some aerial apparatus models manufactured and used in the U.S. and overseas far exceed these heights, and may reach in excess of ________ feet (60 m). These are highly specialized apparatus and usually found in specific locations requiring their specialized capabilities.


HYDRASSIST OPERATION 1. First engine will spot at the hydrant for hydrant connection using Hydra-assist. Firefighter disembarks engine for hydrant connection. Engine proceeds to fire. Handle on Hydra-assist should point to the "B" position after connection is made and before hydrant is opened. (Figure 1) 2. Firefighter opens the hydrant using the 10 second rule. Firefighter returns to engine company NOTE: 10 second rule should take about 10 seconds to open/close a valve to prevent damage to plumbing 3. Second engine will spot at the hydrant with largest discharge on the hydrant side. Spot apparatus for soft suction connection 4. Operator will set park brake, then connect 5" soft suction to side "C" of the Hydra-assist. Operator will then connect soft suction to the 5" intake 5. Operator will attach 25 feet of 4" hose to side "D" of the Hydraassist The 4" hose is connected to the largest discharge 6. Operator will turn handle on the Hydra-assist to the "D" position. Operator will open the intake valve and the discharge valve, then engage the pump 7. Second engine operator will pump friction loss plus 20 psi for residual pressure to the first engine 8. Contact the first engine by radio to confirm residual pressure is 20 psi or above NOTE: pump discharge pressure should not exceed ________ psi


Many power-operated transfer valves operate at pressures as high as ________ psi (1 400 kPa). Exposure to pressures in this range poses a threat to equipment and personnel. Driver/operators must use care with these controls and be familiar with {manual override features} should the power equipment fail.


Oklahoma's unintentional injury death rate increased by nearly 50% from ________. {Injuries} are the leading cause of death for Oklahoman's age {1 to 44} years (OSDH). {Unintentional injury} is the leading cause of deaths for our Oklahoma children ranging from {1 to 14} years of age (Children's Safety Network)


5. If staffing is not available at the station level, a leave request will be filled out on the computer and entered into the database. Once the request is submitted into the database, it will automatically be electronically time stamped. It is understood that the leave request form is not a guarantee that an employee's time off will be granted 6. Leave requests shall be held and administered by the Station Officer until 6 shifts from the time requested off. After 0700 hrs 6 shifts prior to the requested time off, any staffing that is available within the district, shall immediately be used to fill any remaining leave requests, based on the valid time stamp, from within the district. After 0700 hrs 3 shifts prior to the requested time off, any staffing that is available within the city, shall immediately be used to fill any remaining leave requests, based on the time stamp 7. For extraordinary circumstances, the Deputy Chief of Operations (or designee) may approve leave time up to 12 months in advance 8. Personnel taking a portion of a shift off shall return to the station no later than ________ hrs 9. The {Station Officer} will manage holidays {recognized by the collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), Article 16.6} 10. Employees with scheduled and approved leave shall not have their leave cancelled in the event of a {transfer}.


No license shall be issued to any alien whose documentation indicates the alien is a visitor or is not eligible to establish residency. A receipt for an application for presence in the U.S. is NOT proof of legal presence 3. Bring valid proof of auto liability insurance if you're taking the driving test 4. If you have health or physical conditions that might impair your driving ability, you may be required to have a doctor's statement about your condition 5. Provide your Social Security number. This number will not appear on your license 6. If you are under 18 years of age, you must also bring one of the following: Proof of current enrollment in a secondary or vocational-technical school, on a form provided by your school, or Proof of an excused absence, as defined in State Statutes Title 47 Sect. 6-107.3 on a form provided by your school, or Proof of enrollment and satisfactory progress in a program leading to a Certificate of High School Equivalency (General Equivalency Diploma: GED), on a form provided by the Department of Public Safety, or Proof that you have completed a GED, or Proof of home schooling, on a form provided by the Department of Public Safety, or Proof of employment, if you are working a minimum of ________ hours a week. The form may be obtained from the Department of Public Safety and must be signed by your employer and {notarized}, or Your high {school diploma} showing proof that you have graduated from high school 7. If you are under 18 years of age, you must also bring: Documentation from your school showing you have successfully passed the criterionreferenced reading test required for all {eighth} grade students or an alternative reading proficiency test approved by the State Department of Education pursuant to State Statutes Title 47 Section 3 [Section 1210.515 of Title 70] demonstrating reading proficiency at the eighth grade reading level, unless such student is excused from such requirement pursuant to the provisions of State Statutes Title 47 Section 3 [ibid.] 8. Bring {driver's education completion certificate} (i.e., {green} card from driver's ed) or a certificate of completion of driver's education from a commercial school or a parent-taught driver's education course approved by the Department of Public Safety. If proof of driver's education completion is not presented, additional restrictions may be imposed All forms provided by the schools must be {typed}. Each signature block must have an {original signature}


Upon completion of the above tests, the pumper may be prepared for the remainder of the tests: • Open a discharge valve to allow pressure in the pump to equalize. • Remove the cap from the end of the intake hose and attach a strainer. • Prepare the intake hose for drafting. The strainer should be a minimum of ________ inches (600 mm) below the surface of the water, with at least {24} inches (600 mm) of water around the sides and bottom of the strainer. • Connect the discharge pressure {test gauge} to the pressure side of the test fitting on the pump panel. • Refer to Tables 15.2 a and b, p. 524, and connect the proper number of hoselines and nozzles in order to flow the rated capacity of the fire pump. • Attach the pitot gauge by clamping it into position {at the nozzle}.


E-ONE AERIAL Ground Ladders 10' Attic X 2 16' Roof X 2 ________ X {1} {30'} X {1} {35'} X {1}


HYDRASSIST OPERATION 1. First engine will spot at the hydrant for hydrant connection using Hydra-assist. Firefighter disembarks engine for hydrant connection. Engine proceeds to fire. Handle on Hydra-assist should point to the "B" position after connection is made and before hydrant is opened. (Figure 1) 2. Firefighter opens the hydrant using the 10 second rule. Firefighter returns to engine company NOTE: 10 second rule should take about 10 seconds to open/close a valve to prevent damage to plumbing 3. Second engine will spot at the hydrant with largest discharge on the hydrant side. Spot apparatus for soft suction connection 4. Operator will set park brake, then connect 5" soft suction to side "C" of the Hydra-assist. Operator will then connect soft suction to the 5" intake 5. Operator will attach ________ feet of {4}" hose to side "{D}" of the Hydraassist The {4}" hose is connected to the largest discharge 6. Operator will turn handle on the Hydra-assist to the "{D}" position. Operator will open the {intake valve and the discharge valve}, then {engage the pump} 7. Second engine operator will {pump friction loss} plus {20} psi for residual pressure to the first engine 8. Contact the first engine by radio to confirm {residual pressure} is {20} psi or above NOTE: pump {discharge pressure} should not exceed {200} psi


NATIONAL FIRE ACADEMY FIRE FLOW FORMULA Multiply the length of building by the width : 1. Divide by 3 (L x W) ÷ 3 2. Multiply by the number of floors involved. [ ( L x W) ÷ 3 ] x # of Floors The total is for 100% involvement If 75% involved, multiply by 3/4 If 50% involved, multiply by 1/2 If ________% involved, multiply by {1/4}


Negligence - When drivers see a railroad crossing sign or warning, they don't respect the potential for danger: they cross the tracks without looking, listening, or stopping. Most collisions occur within ________ miles of the driver's home


National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and the United States Fire Administration established the objectives of reducing fatality rate by ________ within {5} years and by {50%} by {2014}.


Estimated Wind Speed ________ MPH Visible Conditions {Large tree branches in motion; whistling heard in utility wires}


FRICTION LOSS PUMP CHART High-Rise Standpipe Operations 150' 2 1/2" Hose, 1 1/8" Smooth Bore Tip FLOORS PUMP PRESSURE 26 to 30 ________ psi


Simple possession of a fraudulent or counterfeit security verification form may result in a misdemeanor charge being filed against you. A conviction on this charge may result in a fine of up to $________ and a {mandatory suspension of your driving privilege and vehicle registration}. You may only present a security verification form for proof of insurance which has been issued by an {insurance company or agent}


Commercial Drivers' License (CDL) — A driver's license that is issued to individuals who demonstrate competence inspecting and driving vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Rating of ________ pounds or more.


FRICTION LOSS PUMP CHART High-Rise Standpipe Operations 150' 2 1/2" Hose, 1 1/8" Smooth Bore Tip FLOORS PUMP PRESSURE 31 to 35 ________ psi


CHANNELING DEVICES Cones Each apparatus shall be equipped with at least 3 , ________-inch traffic cones to be used {anytime the unit is parked on a roadway}. (Cones are designed to {guide traffic, not to warn it}!) Cones shall be placed starting at approximately {100} feet behind the unit {angling in a line towards the desired flow of traffic around the incident}. Additional cones from other units may be needed to supplement the taper depending on traffic conditions


The air temperature when the testing is conducted should be between 0° F (18° C) and 110° F (43° C). The water temperature should be between 35° F (2° C) and 90° F (32° C). The barometric pressure should be at least ________ inches of Mercury (Hg) (100 kPa) when corrected to sea level. This adjustment is necessary because a {1}-inch (3.5 kPa) drop in barometric pressure reduces the static lift of a pumper by approximately {1} foot (300 mm).


Employee input and suggestions are encouraged. If after reading this program, you find that improvements can be made, please contact the EMS Chief (297-1312) or Chief Safety Officer or designee (297-3314). We encourage all suggestions because we are committed to the success of our written ECP. We strive for clear understanding, safe behavior, and involvement from every level of the OKCFD. The EMS Chief and/or Chief Safety Officer will maintain, review, and update the ECP at least annually, and whenever necessary to include new or modified tasks and procedures. The EMS Chief and/or Chief Safety Officer will be responsible for ensuring that all medical actions required by the standard are performed and that appropriate employee health and OSHA records are maintained. The EMS Chief and/or Chief Safety Officer will be responsible for training, documentation of training, and making the ECP available to employees, OSHA, and NIOSH representatives. The OSHA Standard for bloodborne pathogens is available to any OKCFD employee at http://osha.gov/ Oklahoma City Fire Department makes sure that appropriate PPE in the correct sizes is readily accessible at the work site or is issued without cost to employees. The OKCFD is responsible for all costs associated with the supply, repair, replacement, and safe disposal of exposure control PPE. The EMS work section will determine proper stock supply levels of PPE for stations and for response vehicles. For questions about supply levels: ________ The {station officer} at each station will ensure that station stock of PPE is {adequate and that supplies nearing expiration date are used first}. The decision to use barrier protection to protect clothing, and the type of barrier protection used will be {dictated by the situation} at hand and the {IC} will ensure compliance.


Any Oklahoma City resident who calls requesting a smoke alarm should be directed to call or visit their nearest Oklahoma City Fire Station. They should be provided the non-emergency phone number and be instructed to ask for the station officer. Anyone who calls from outside the city area should be directed to call his or her local fire department. Any other inquiries concerning smoke alarms should be directed to the Public Education office at ________


9 Name of Addressee Page 2 Date If a letter is mailed certified or registered, the words CERTIFIED MAIL or REGISTERED MAIL can be centered at the top of the first page above the date. If you have a letter that cannot be put in the format described, contact the Fire Chief's Administrative Assistant for assistance. Sincerely, (2nd line down from body of letter) Name of Fire Chief (4th line down from closing) Fire Chief enclosure (________ line down from signature block) pc: Name ({2nd} line down from enclosure line) Name


SAMPLE Date (8th line down from the top margin) John Doe, Fire Chief (5th line down from the date) Oklahoma City Fire Department 123 Nowhere Street Oklahoma City, Ok 67894 Dear Chief Doe: (2nd line down from address) This business letter is written on department letterhead using the full block format. The inside address is typed at the left margin and will contain the name and address of the addressee and their title. After the salutation, a colon will be used. The body of the letter begins 2 spaces below the salutation. The letter should be single-spaced. Write to your reader, avoid sexism and offensive language. The letter should be understandable, clear and void of technical jargon. If the letter runs more than one page, the following format should be used at the top left hand corner of the second page: Name of Addressee, Page 2, Date Sincerely, (2nd line down from the body of the letter) John Smith (4th line down from the closing) Assistant Fire Chief pc: Name (pc = personal copy, printed copy, or photo copy) Name Enclosure (If applicable, ________ line down from personal copy)


The safety trailer is a mobile unit that is used to teach children from seven years old and up, as well as adults, about fire safety and other hazards in the home. We average over 12,000 visitors through our safety trailer every year. One of our most popular programs is the ________ Grade Safety Program. Working with local fire stations, we run nearly {9},000 second graders, from more than {120} elementary schools, through the safety trailer every school year. Operation of this trailer requires a minimum of {three} personnel. We request a minimum of {150} participants before we will schedule the trailer for {weekend and after hour events}


CHANNELING DEVICES Cones Each apparatus shall be equipped with at least ________ , {28}-inch traffic cones to be used {anytime the unit is parked on a roadway}. (Cones are designed to {guide traffic, not to warn it}!) Cones shall be placed starting at approximately {100} feet behind the unit {angling in a line towards the desired flow of traffic around the incident}. Additional cones from other units may be needed to supplement the taper depending on traffic conditions


DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY The Oklahoma City Fire Department AHA Training Center strives to promote and support aligned instructors to succeed. All instructors conducting a class on- or off-duty are looked upon as representatives of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Instructors are expected to present AHA lesson plans in an accurate and engaging manner, display patience and understanding with students, and adhere to all applicable administrative policies. If a complaint or problem comes to the attention of the EMS Office, it will be investigated for validity and impact. If complaint warrants action, it will be handled according to the following steps. Depending on the severity of issue by the Instructor, the corrective action taken may go immediately up to step ________ Progressive steps are as follows: {Step 1} - Remediation If after careful investigation, the Training Center Coordinator perceives an {Instructor's performance a problem}, he or she should issue {remediation}. The Training Center Coordinator will {state the problem to the instructor, give support and education from the Training Center to promote success and inform instructor of the next progressive step}. The {TCC} will keep {detailed notes and prepare a letter} about the conversation to be placed in the {instructor's personnel file} {Step 2} - {Written warning} If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator will provide the instructor with a {written warning detailing the problem, along with a statement that continued failure could result in revoking alignment of Training Center}. The {TCC} will complete a letter stating the {problem presented, support and education given from the Training Center to promote success and next progressive step}. Letter will be signed by the {instructor and the TCC} to be included in the {instructor's personnel file}. A copy of the letter will be given to the {instructor} {Step 3} - {Termination} review If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator must notify the {EMS Chief}. The Training Center Coordinator with agreement of the {EMS Chief} will make the final decision of the Instructor's alignment after {careful consideration} of all the information


Level ________: The vehicle may be used {on-duty} to provide transportation to conduct City or Fire Department business. The vehicle {may not be used} when not specifically on City or Fire Department business. The vehicle will be {parked at the work site or other Fire Department facilities after hours} as determined by the {Fire Chief}. During work periods, the employee may stop for {regularly scheduled lunch and breaks while using the City vehicle}.


NFPA® 1901 requires that all intakes or discharges that are ________ inches (77 mm) or greater be equipped with {slow acting valve controls}. This feature prevents the valve movement from open to closed (or vice versa) in less than {3} seconds. This will minimize the risk of damage caused by {water hammer} when large volumes of water are being moved.


NOTE any sounds of air leaking and position of normal. needles. After one minute, air pressure should not drop more than ________ psi (20 kPa) for straight-chassis vehicles or {4} psi (30 kPa) for tractor-drawn aerial apparatus. Step 16: With engine off and master switch on, pump brake pedal continually lowers air tank pressure. Warning light and buzzer should activate before {60 psi} (420 kPa). Step 17: After Step 16 is complete, with parking brake released, continue to pump brake pedal until air brake control sets automatically by the button popping out.


PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE POLICY UPDATED To operate an organization such as the City of Oklahoma City Fire Department in a safe, orderly and effective manner, certain policies are necessary to achieve these ends. Discipline policies shall always be applied fairly, consistently, and within applicable laws (federal, state, and local). It shall be the responsibility of the City of Oklahoma City to provide employees with initial training on this policy within ________ months from the {first day of employment}, and ongoing training {annually} and at other times as agreed to by the {employer and the bargaining agent}. Training shall include but not be limited to {Weingarten Rights, Loudermill Rights, and Garrity Rights}.


REVERSE LAY 1. Operator will spot apparatus approximately 20 feet past the connection point 2. Operator will set park brake, disembark engine, and assist with unloading necessary equipment 3. Firefighters will pull attack hose and advance toward the fire 4. Firefighter(s) fold approximately 10 feet of hose back on top of supply line and secures with knee NOTE: for safety reasons, the Storz coupling should be in front of the firefighter. Upon signal, operator will proceed to hydrant. 5. Firefighter(s) will connect supply line to manifold, then assist in advancing attack line(s) toward the fire. When connecting to a manifold, master stream, such as a portable monitor or aerial device, connection can be made as soon as the supply line does not have residual pull 6. Operator will spot engine for soft suction connection. The operator should turn wheels approximately 45 degrees away from the hydrant. Operator will make connection to hydrant and to the intake with 5" soft suction. Operator will then open the hydrant using the 10 second rule NOTE: Take static pressure reading 7. Operator will disconnect the feeder line and connect to the ________" large discharge 8. Operator will open discharge valve allowing water to start flowing to {purge line} 9. Operator will {chock wheels, return to the engine, and engage the pump}


Refilling and Storage The post valve gasket will be replaced every time an oxygen bottle is refilled. This is to assure that we attain a good seal each time a bottle is refilled The old gasket is discarded and replaced with a new gasket. A bag containing 10 Post Valve Gaskets will be carried in every medical kit on every apparatus After refilling, momentarily open and close "Crack" the post valve to blow out debris before installing the regulator Ensure the regulator flow knob is in the "off" position before attaching it to the cylinder Position the equipment so that the valve is pointed away from the user and any other persons Use the green ________-inch plastic sleeve caps to cover post valves on {all spare bottles} not in use to protect the {valve head and openings from dust, grease, and possible damage} Check {District EMS Supply cache} if in need of replacement items


SEX AND VIOLENT CRIME OFFENDER REGISTRATION State Law requires persons convicted of sex offenses or violent crimes relocating in this state to register with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections within 10 days and local law enforcement within ________ days. Failure to register is punishable by {fine and/or imprisonment}


The two most common types of flowmeters in service are: • Paddlewheel — Mounted at the top of a straight section of the discharge pipe so that only a small portion of the device extends into the waterway. This method of placement reduces the impediment to waterflow and lessens the chance of damage from any debris in the pipe. As water moves past the paddlewheel, a sensor measures the speed at which it spins and translates the information into a flow measurement. • Spring-probe—Employs a stainless steel spring probe to detect water movement in the discharge piping. The greater the flow, the more the spring is bent. An electrical charge is transmitted from the spring to a display unit for review by the driver/operator. With only one simple moving part, the spring probe design tends to require very little maintenance. With proper calibration, a flowmeter in good working order should be accurate to a tolerance of plus or minus ________ percent. In other words, based on a flow of 100 gpm (400 L/min), the display should be no more than 3 gallons (12 L) higher or lower than the actual discharge. Each discharge equipped with a flowmeter must have a {digital readout display} mounted within {6} inches (150 mm) of the control valve for that discharge (Figure 8.1). If a pressure gauge is mounted at the 6-inch (150 mm) location, then the flowmeter must be mounted within {2} inches (50 mm) adjacent to the pressure gauge.


When backing an apparatus to or near a barrier (fence, parked vehicle, overhead door, etc.), the flag person shall signal for the driver to stop when any part of the apparatus is within ________ feet of the {obstruction or barrier}. The apparatus driver shall immediately stop if they {lose site} of the flagman. The Driver will immediately stop and not proceed if the signal to {stop} is communicated


District Chief Battalion Chief Model MTM Elite Badge # TT 5059 Model MTM Elite Badge # TT 5059 Size ________"

3 5/8

Span of Control Span of control refers to the number of subordinates and/or number of functions that one individual can effectively supervise. The number varies with the situation but is usually considered to be somewhere between ________. The {National Incident Management System-Incident Command System} model is based on a span of control ratio of 1 supervisor to {3 to 7} {subordinates or functions}. {NIMS-ICS} suggests an optimum of {5}. Span of control limits the number of personnel each supervisor can {effectively control}.

3 and 7

E-ONE AERIAL Breathing Air , The breathing air system supplies fresh air to fire fighters during operations. Air bottles are mounted at the base of the aerial device All lines in the air system have a ________ safety margin. A regulator {near the air bottle} reduces the air pressure to approximately {100} PSI. All valves, fittings and hoses are constructed of {corrosion resistant material}. An {integral pressure relief valve} is set at {1.5} times the {working pressure} to relieve the airlines in the event of a pressure regulator failure.

3 to 1

ANSI is the abbreviation for the American National Standards Institute. ANSI standards are voluntary in theory, but considered as mandatory in practice. A chain saw with a displacement of ________ cubic inches or more must be equipped with at {least one device designed to reduce the risk of kickback injury} such as a {chain brake, low kickback chain, reduced kickback bar}, etc


TRAFFIC FACTS Oklahoma has more than 700 troopers enforcing its traffic laws and protecting 2,481,432 licensed drivers (and their passengers) on over 113,324 miles of roads. From concrete turnpikes to plain dirt roads, from flat highways in the panhandle to the winding curves of "Green Country" in the east, Oklahoma has a wide variety of terrain and driving conditions that require a variety of driving techniques. When you are licensed to drive in Oklahoma, you will be sharing the road with ________ million registered vehicles and {96,632} motorcycles


1 When employees are assigned to the Rehabilitation unit, the Rehab Officer will observe all members in each crew for employees that have signs of heat stress, hypothermia, or extreme fatigue. If employee has signs of heat stress or does not recover quickly, they should be moved to the medical evaluation area. In the medical evaluation area, heart rate should be measured for ________ seconds as early as possible in the rest area. If an employee's heart rate exceeds {110} beats per minute, a {temperature} should be taken. If an employee's temperature exceeds {100.6 F}, employee should {not be permitted to wear protective equipment}. If it is below {100.6 F} and heart rate remains above {110} beats per minute, {rehabilitation time should be increased}. At the time that the heart rate is measured {all vitals should be taken and recorded} on the emergency the {Emergency Incident Medical Surveillance form}. Vitals will be taken every {5 to 10} minutes. If an employee has {abnormal vital signs or if employee does not recover in a reasonable amount of time}, contact the {Medical Officer} for {possible transport to the hospital}


217 MUTUAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS UPDATED The City of Oklahoma City has Mutual Aid Agreements with other municipalities. The intent is to secure the benefits of Mutual Aid in the protection of life and property from fire and in firefighting, in the respective municipalities. The agreements exist under the following general terms: 1. When requested by an authorized representative of the Oklahoma City Fire Department, to an authorized representative of a participating city, that city(s) equipment and personnel will be dispatched to any location, as designated by the representatives of the Oklahoma City Fire Department, within the area for which the Oklahoma City Fire Department normally provides fire protection. 2. When requested by an authorized representative of a participating city(s), the Oklahoma City Fire Department will reciprocate in the manner described above. 3. Any dispatch of equipment and personnel are subject to the following conditions: A. Any request for aid shall include a statement of the amount and type of equipment and personnel requested, and shall specify the location to which the equipment and personnel are to be dispatched, but the actual amount and type of equipment and number of personnel to be furnished shall be determined by a representative of the responding organization. b. The responding organization shall report to the officer in charge/Incident Commander of the requesting organization at the location to which the equipment was dispatched, and shall be subject to the orders of that official/Incident Commander. c. Upon arrival, Oklahoma City Operations will be established and will work within the Incident Command System until released by the requesting authority/Incident Commander. A responding organization shall also be released by the requesting organization when the services of the responding organization are needed within the area for which it normally provides fire protection, as determined by the authorized representative of the responding organization. d. Each party waives all claims against the other party for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death occurring as a consequence of the performance of this agreement. e. All equipment used shall be owned by the respective departments at the time of the incident. All personnel involved shall be an employee or volunteer member of their respective Fire Department. 4. The agreements may be terminated at any time by any of the parties by written notification thirty (________) days prior to the effective date of such termination. 5. It is not the intent of this mutual assistance agreement to create any rights in any {third} parties. 6. The {Chief} of the Fire Department of each entity shall be an {authorized representative} of said Department and may designate such {subordinates} in the Department as is determined necessary to act in the {Chief's absence}. Each Chief shall provide a {list of authorized representatives and phone numbers for contact purposes}. 7. These agreements may not be assigned except upon the {prior written consent of all parties}. 8. These agreements may not be amended except by {express written agreement of all parties}. 9. None of the parties hereto waives any defenses or rights available pursuant to the {Governmental Tort Claims Act} at O.S. 151 et. seq., {common law, statutes, or constitutions of the United States or the State of Oklahoma} by entering into these agreement.


Calls for emergency assistance go the 911 center. A call taker determines the request is for the fire department. The call is transferred by the call taker electronically to the fire dispatcher; the dispatch of fire equipment takes an average of ________ seconds. Response times by fire apparatus will vary, (a city wide average of {3-4} minutes is normally maintained) dependent upon the incident location. Arrival sequence of apparatus may be affected by the {location of the incident} and other activities currently in progress.


Class A, B, or C Commercial Learner Permit (Minimum Age - 18) Requirements: You must pass all the required examinations for an Oklahoma Class D license and have passed all parts of the tests for a Class A, B, or C license except the skills tests. You must be accompanied by a licensed driver 21 or older, who is licensed for the classes of vehicles being driven, including all required endorsements. Valid for (180) days and may be renewed for an additional (180) days. You will be eligible for skills tests 14 days after obtaining the Permit. You can take the test only 3 times after date of eligibility. After that, you can take the test only once every ________ days REQUIREMENTS: A Learner License is valid only while a licensed driver, {21} or older, is {actually sitting in the seat beside the driver}. The driving test can be taken {6} months after the permit is issued. The restriction of "{Licensed Driver in the Front Seat}" will be removed when you pass the driving test. You can take the test only 3 times after date of eligibility. After that, you can take the test only once every 30 days.


FUEL LOCATIONS Station Diesel Unleaded 4 Y Y 5 Y Y 6 Y Y 8 Y Y 13 Y N 16 Y N 18 Y Y 22 Y N 23 Y N 25 Y Y 27 Y Y ________ Y Y {31} Y Y {33} Y N {34} Y N {35} Y Y {36} Y Y {37} Y Y {Maintenance} Y Y


PENALTIES FOR IMPAIRED DRIVING BAC OVER .05 BUT LESS THAN 0.08 On conviction, a fine of $100-$500, up to 6 months in jail, or both When the Department of Public Safety receives notice of a conviction, the Department will also suspend the person's driving privilege as follows: First suspension - ________ days Second suspension - {6} months Third suspension - {1} year


REMOVAL USING SIDE EMERGENCY EXIT When an adjacent elevator with a matching side emergency exit is available, use the following method to perform rescue: CAUTION: DUE TO THE DIFFICULTY IN LINING UP THE ADJACENT OPENINGS, THIS PROCEDURE SHOULD ONLY BE USED IF THERE ARE EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR PERSONNEL PRESENT OR THE RESCUE TEAM HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TRAINED IN THIS PROCEDURE : 1. Move the rescue car using the independent service, firefighters' service, or inspection mode to line up the floors of the rescue car and the stalled car 2. The mainline disconnect switches in the machine room for the stalled elevator and the rescue elevator should be set in the "OFF" position. 3. A firefighter wearing a safety belt and a lifeline should enter the stalled elevator car through the side emergency exit 4. The emergency stop switch in both elevator cars should be set in the "STOP" position. (if they are equipped with emergency stop switches) 5. If available, an evacuation bridge should be used. If one is not available, use a 6 foot plank to lay across the opening. The span should not exceed ________ inches 6. {Safety belts and lifelines} must be used to protect the passengers, whether or not an {evacuation bridge} is used 7. Passengers should be wearing a safety belt and be tied off to a lifeline {until they are well inside the rescue car}


Special Operations administrative staff will be on a four day/ one Rotating Day Off (RDO), 10 hour work schedule, 0600 - 1700 hours. The Special Operations administrative staff will not have the same RDO. This will ensure Special Operations will have at least one staff member scheduled to work Monday-Friday. Staff will be granted a one-hour lunch interval during their shift. An optional ________-minute {exercise} period is available and personnel are encouraged to participate A {wide variety of situations exist} that may necessitate a {deviation from normal business hours} Conditions that may require variation from normal business hours include {high priority assignments and special events}. Approval from the {Special Operations Coordinator Major} must be obtained prior to any schedule changes


Special instructions for cleaning and decontamination against HIV-1(AIDS Virus), HBV (Hep-B), or HCV (Hep-C) on surfaces/objects soiled with blood/body fluids: Contact Time: also known as kill-time or dwell time, is the amount of time EPA registered disinfecting products need to be present on a surface in order to be effective against the micro-organisms listed on the label. Contact times usually fall between ________ seconds and {10} minutes depending on the products. {Lysol I.C.} is recommended a minimum of {10} minutes surface time before wiping off.


The Administrative Specialists will administer examinations using the following procedure: , Check that all personnel have signed in and checked seniority points (if applicable) , Announce, if known, the number of candidates to be promoted at that time, No smoking, chewing, dipping, or drinking in any examination room , For single session tests, all candidates must remain in the room until the examination is over (1 1/2 hrs). However, candidates may vote (which must be unanimous) to leave after individual completion of the exam , In the event that staffing does not allow for a single session test in the promotional testing process, a second test will be given on the same day. In this instance, it may be necessary for the candidates in the 1st session, upon the completion of their test, to return immediately to their worksite to allow for the candidates in the 2nd session to report for their test. Candidates from Test 1 shall not communicate with candidates from Test 2 until the completion of both tests , No personal items are allowed in the examination room. (books, recorders, calculators, cell phones, pagers, etc.) All appropriate items will be furnished , Answers to questions pertaining to the content of the examination will be limited to typographical errors , Time remaining will be posted every ________ minutes after the exam begins. When there are {15} minutes remaining, time will be posted every {5} minutes. During the last {5} minutes of the exam, time remaining will be posted {every minute} , {Limit and/or monitor} candidates requesting to use the {restroom facilities}


The following list of tasks and responsibilities performed by the instructor will assist with OKCFD CPR training: Instruct "BLS Provider courses" to suppression and other personnel as assigned by the District Coordinator ALL BLS Instructors must teach a minimum of four courses to on duty Fire Department personnel in two years. It is up to each instructor to achieve this requirement. The District CPR Coordinators will assist with the requirement by coordinating District CPR training with district CPR Instructors. Complete all course roster forms on EMS website within 7 days of class instructed. By submitting a course roster, the instructor is attesting that the class took place in accordance to all requirements set forth by the current American Heart Association recommendations and the current American Heart Association Program Administration Manual (PAM). Course completion cards will then be delivered through interoffice mail to the District Officer of the district that student is assigned. A copy of rosters and course completion cards will be kept on record by the EMS Office for a minimum of three years Instruct or assist with "CPR for Family and Friends" to citizens as needed Forward orders to District Coordinator of all training aids and supplies needed to conduct CPR classes at least ________ days in advance Maintain station {CPR equipment inventory} Assure all personnel at your station have a current "{Healthcare Provider}" CPR card Advise District CPR Coordinator of instructor card expiration date no later than {90} days prior to expiration.


Pandemic Influenza: There are many types of influenza and occasionally a strain of influenza is so strong that it causes a pandemic (an epidemic that becomes very widespread). The CDC states that healthcare workers within ________ feet of the patient should wear {respiratory protection}.


NFPA® 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within 60 days of the testing. The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers: • A gauge to determine intake pressure. The gauge should be calibrated to a range of 30 in Hg to zero (-100 to 0 kPa) for a vacuum gauge, or 30 in Hg (-100 kPa) vacuum to 150 psi (1 050 kPa) for a compound gauge (Figure 15.4, p. 522 ). • A gauge with a range of 0 to at least 400 psi (2800kPa) (with +or-5% accuracy) to determine pump discharge. • A pitot tube with knife edge and air chamber rated from 0 to at least 160 psi (1 100 kPa) is required if a flowmeter is not used (Figure 15.5). • Smooth bore nozzles of the appropriate size to provide the volumes pumped for the required tests. (If a flowmeter is used, fog nozzles may be substituted, providing they are rated for the required flows). • A means to secure the nozzles (rope, chain, or test stand). • A hand tachometer (if applicable). • Appropriate means to record the test results (written form or computer program). The following additional equipment may serve to make the testing process easier and more efficient: • Two 6-foot (2m) lengths of 1⁄4-inch (6mm) diameter, ________ psi (2100kPa) hose with {screw fittings and gauges}. These gauges are connected to fittings at the {pump panel}. • {Clamp} to hold the pitot tube to the test nozzle. • {Test stand} to hold the gauges. • {Stopwatch}.


Respirators for atmospheres considered immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) shall meet at least one of the following: Note: IDLH means an atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, which would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual's ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere. IDLH atmospheres include unknown atmospheres and oxygen deficient atmospheres. 1. A full-face piece positive pressure SCBA certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for a minimum service life of 45 minutes. The OKCFD uses Scott Air-PAK X3 Snap-Change SCBA. 2. A combination full-face piece positive pressure umbilical supplied-air respirator (SAR) with auxiliary self-contained air supply. The OKCFD uses Air Source C.A.R.T. system. The C.A.R.T. system provides an uninterrupted supply of breathing air for up to three air-supplied respirators or air-driven tools. Continuous air supply is maintained by rotating fully charged cylinders. Umbilical airlines are limited to ________ feet. 3. Respirators provided only for escape from IDLH atmospheres shall be full face NIOSH certified for escape from the atmosphere in which they will be used. The OKCFD uses the {Scott Air-PAK X3 Snap-Change SCBA}. The Air-PAK X3 is designed to actuate at approximately {33}% of the full rated service pressure and will continue until the cylinder is {nearly depleted}.


The following is a 3-step process for submitting the completed (building) survey : 1. Verify the building address is valid in GIS (Address verification map service) 2. Save the completed document as a PDF file using the verified building address as the file name (this should be saved on the Z drive under your station folder) Example: 820 NW 5th St.pdf 3. The District Officer will then do the following: a. Ensure the survey meets their expectations b. Ensure the file name is the address and is valid in GIS c. Ensure the file size is less than ________ d. Save the final copy in the {\\svs911db01\pre-plans} folder

300 KB

2: POST-ENTRY MEDICAL PROCEDURES After 20 minutes, they shall be given rest time. Personnel will be taken out of protective clothing and monitored by medically trained personnel for temperature, dehydration, blood pressure, signs and symptoms of chemical exposure, etc Heart rate should be measured for 30 seconds, as soon as possible during resting periods. The initial Heart Rate should not exceed 110 beats per minute. If the Heart rate is higher, the next work period shall be shortened by 10 minutes, or 33%., while the length of the rest period remains the same Body temperature should be measured, orally with a clinical thermometer, as soon as possible during rest periods. Oral temperature should not exceed 99°F. If it does, the next work period shall be shortened by 10 minutes, or ________%, while the length of the rest period {remains the same} Individuals should not be allowed to wear {semi-permeable or impermeable clothing} if oral temperature exceeds {100.6}°F {Good hygiene} shall be maintained by {frequent showering and change of clothing}. {Dry clothing} will be made available, if necessary {Mobile showers}, {shade}, {shift rotation}, and /or {air conditioning} shall be used to reduce the {heat stress} of entry workers {Gum}, {smoking}, {eating}, {drinking} and {chewing tobacco} shall be prohibited in the {Contamination Reduction} ({Warm}) or {Exclusion} ({Hot}) Zones Decontamination teams shall be equipped with equipment, at most, {one level below that of the entry team}


A total vacuum is not attainable using a fire department pumper, meaning that pumpers cannot be expected to draft water that is located ________ feet (10 m) below the level of the pump. Concepts of lift as they relate to fire fighting operations are detailed in the following sections.


Isolation is the immediate removal of all persons from an area of danger. Isolation covers all personnel (Fire, PD, EMS, etc.) The Hazmat Intervention Group is the only exception ________ feet in all directions is recommended for any {unknown}


Setting Zones The first-arriving companies shall establish a control zone Suggested distances for initial control zones will follow guidelines set forth in the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) This zone should be a minimum of 75 feet in all directions for a solid, 150 feet in all directions for a liquid or ________ feet in all directions for a {gas}, unless otherwise stated


(high rise fire) 5th Engine 1. Order the driver to assist the driver of the ________ Engine by preparing a {Series Pump Operation} through the 4th {Engine's Hydra-Assist Valve} 2. Remainder of the crew will then take the appropriate equipment to establish a {back-up line} The back-up line shall consist of {2 ½ inch High Rise hose} 3. The back-up line will typically be connected {2} floors below the fire floor and may require an {additional section of 2 ½" hose}


Beware of "Telephone" Cables Telephone cables are rarely dangerous when accidentally contacted. But, are you so sure you can tell the difference between telephone cables and electric power cables, that you'd stake your life on it - and the lives of others? Although higher voltage facilities are generally installed higher up on utility poles, this is not always true, electric power cables operating at ________ volts maybe attached below telephone cables on the same pole. And a fallen telephone cable may be {contacting a powerline}! NEVER REST LADDERS ON WIRES OR ON ANY OTHER ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT! NEVER DRAG HOSES OVER WIRES! NEVER COME TOO CLOSE TO WIRES - BRUSHING AGAINST ONE CAN {BE FATAL}! NO {ENCORES}, PLEASE You may have some experience where you were able to contact energized facilities without incident. But, just because you "{got away with it}" before doesn't guarantee you will get away with it again. Remember, higher voltage facilities have much greater "{pressure}" behind the electricity. Something you "got away with" on {120}-volt facilities can bring disaster if attempted on {34,000}-volt facilities. And since {normal water} is a {conductor} of electricity, even {slightly damp objects} become much more hazardous


(Manufacturers test) The apparatus being tested must meet the following minimum standards: • The apparatus must accelerate to 35 mph (55 km/h) from a standing start within 25 seconds. This test is conducted in two runs in opposite directions over the same course. • The apparatus must achieve a maximum top speed of 50 mph (80 km/h). This requirement may be waived for vehicles not designed for use on public roadways. • The apparatus must come to a full stop from 20 mph (30 km/h) within ________ feet (10.5 m). • The {parking brake} installed on the vehicle must conform to the {specifications listed by its manufacturer}. In addition to these minimum standards, other tests specified by a particular jurisdiction may be added to the specifications to ensure the apparatus will perform as required under local conditions. This may include special requirements for {acceleration, deceleration, or braking on roads with specific degrees of slope}. If special requirements are sought from the apparatus manufacturer, the purchaser should write them into the {bid specifications} as {performance requirements} as opposed to engineering or equipment specifications.


(Manufacturers test) The apparatus being tested must meet the following minimum standards: • The apparatus must accelerate to ________ mph (55 km/h) from a {standing start} within {25} seconds. This test is conducted in {two runs in opposite directions over the same course}. • The apparatus must achieve a maximum top speed of {50} mph (80 km/h). This requirement may be waived for vehicles {not designed for use on public roadways}. • The apparatus must come to a {full stop} from {20} mph (30 km/h) within {35} feet (10.5 m). • The {parking brake} installed on the vehicle must conform to the {specifications listed by its manufacturer}. In addition to these minimum standards, other tests specified by a particular jurisdiction may be added to the specifications to ensure the apparatus will perform as required under local conditions. This may include special requirements for {acceleration, deceleration, or braking on roads with specific degrees of slope}. If special requirements are sought from the apparatus manufacturer, the purchaser should write them into the {bid specifications} as {performance requirements} as opposed to engineering or equipment specifications.


Motorcycle License Only (Minimum Age - 14) Study the Motorcycle License Manual in addition to this manual Requirements: You must meet the vision, written, and skills test requirements. On the driving test, you must prove your ability to operate a cycle safely Motorcycle License Permit (Minimum Age - 14) Restricted to a motor scooter or motorcycle with a piston displacement of no more than 250 cc. (cubic centimeters). You may ride only between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m (Effective Nov. 1, 2010) You cannot carry a passenger. If your motorcycle is less than 150cc, there is an additional restriction that you may not exceed ________ mph. If your motorcycle is over 150cc but not larger than 250cc, you may drive the posted speed limit with the exception you may not drive on a highway with a {posted minimum speed limit} such as an interstate or turnpike. These restrictions are automatically lifted at age {16}. However, a {helmet} is required for anyone under {18} years of age. (Also see the Motorcycle License Manual.) You must see a Driver License Examiner to have a #{9} restriction added to your motorcycle driver license at the age of 15 1/2 years of age. You must have the permit for {six} months before you are eligible to take the driving test in a class D vehicle Requirements: You must be receiving instruction from a parent, legal guardian or any person 21 or older who has a valid Oklahoma Driver License with a {motorcycle endorsement} added and who has {visual contact} with the operator. You must meet the requirements for a regular driver license. You may take the driving test 30 days after the permit is issued. If you pass, the learner restriction will be removed. {14-15} year olds: {Learner Restriction} is required. Your application must be signed by a {custodial parent or legal guardian} who must agree that the conditions imposed upon the license will be complied with and who must also be willing to assume {financial and legal responsibility} if you violate the law, damage property, or cause personal injury while riding your cycle


NOTE: OSHA recently revised their overhead power line clearances for the construction industry. The new standard requires 20 feet (6 m) between the device and overhead electric lines of less than ________ kilovolts. For high tensions lines of over {350} kilovolts, OSHA requires {50} feet (15 m) of clearance.


This list is not all-inclusive and does not give complete safety rules for all aerial devices • Operating: — Operate the controls from the operator's platform, not from the ground. — Only use a secondary operator at the tip if absolutely necessary. — Never operate from the tip without a primary operator at the main controls. — Primary operator must be prepared to over-ride tip operator if unsafe conditions are encountered. — Communicate with personnel on device before moving. — Never exceed load chart limits of operation. — Never extend or retract with personnel on the ladder. — When approaching a structure with the aerial, always finish by lowering. — If ice forms on aerial device, follow reduced capacity per manufacturer's instructions. — During icing conditions, clear all personnel from beneath aerial device, especially during operation. — Cease operation if winds exceed manufacturer's limits. — Adjust operating limits if short-jacking. — Keep aerial device, vehicle, and personnel 50 feet (15 m) from power lines (if voltage is not known) and 10 feet (3 m) (20 feet [6 m], if possible) from power lines if voltage is ________ Kilovolts or less. Account for {swaying of lines and device}. — Never make contact between {device and a structure}. — Never position the device over {high heat or open flame}. — Do not position the device over a roof where there is danger of {sudden roof ventilation}.


Auxiliary Braking Systems NFPA® 1901 requires that all apparatus with a GVWR of ________ (18 000 kg) or greater be equipped with an auxiliary braking system. Using an auxiliary braking system not only helps to reduce {brake fade on long, steep grades}, it can also significantly reduce {service brake system maintenance costs}.

36,000 lb

MPH Driver reaction distance in feet Braking distance in feet Total stopping distance in feet 80 176 213-427 ________


Employees shall be informed of the estimated call back period when offered call back 6. An employee being called back must be able to report to duty in less than 1½ hours or reject the call back. Employees accepting a call-back offer will be compensated for not less than ________ hours and must be {available for the full call back period}. In the event that a call back employee is unable to work the full call back period due to {sickness, injury or other emergency} he/she will be paid for the call back hours {worked}. Failure to report after acceptance of a call back assignment within the allotted time shall result in an employee being subject to {Administration SOP, A/EXC-218 Late for Duty} 7. At no time will employees be allowed to work more than {three consecutive shifts} {72} hours. In situations where the employee would be required to work more than seventy-two (72) consecutive hours, the employee will be {ineligible} for the call back, but will retain their position on the call back list 8. Employees accepting call back must {physically report to duty}. Duty exchanges for straight time call back (earned leave buy back for normal duty days) or off duty call back (at timeand- one-half) under the terms of this Call Back Procedure {shall not be allowed}


HOSE LOADS (LOADING 4" & 5" IN THE HOSEBED) 1. The first coupling is placed in the front of the hose bed 2. The 4" or 5" hose is loaded in the flat load. Load the first section with the fold in the front of the hose bed 12 to 14 inches short of the front of the hose bed 3. The next coupling should be placed in the front of the hose bed ahead of the folds in the hose 4. All couplings will be placed at the front of the hose bed no matter where they come in the hose load 5. The second tier of hose should be folded so the bend in the hose will be ________ inches short of the first layer. The third tier will be the same as the {first}, continue to lay the hose in folds progressively across the bed to complete the load.


Incident Characteristics of a Type ________ Incident are as follows: Resources: Command Staff and General Staff functions are activated ({only if needed}) {Several single resources} are required to mitigate the incident Time Span: {Limited to one operational period} in the {control phase}. No {written Incident Action Plan} is required for {non-HazMat incidents}. A {documented operational briefing} is {completed}


PRIORITY ________ {Enhancements}. Items that are {desirable, but are not necessary to the improvement of the working environment}. ({Most painting, replacement of dirty ceiling tiles, or remodeling}.) These will be done as {time permits}


Resource types range from Type 1 (most capable) to Type ________ ({least capable}), letting you reserve the appropriate level of resource for your incident by {describing the size, capability, and staffing qualifications of a specific resource}


Stihl 044 Chain Saw The 16" hard tipped bar, with a 3/8" Raptor chain is recommended for fire department use. The engine must be at least ________ cubic inches. With the {carbide chain}, {3} cutters in a row {may be missing}, or {6} cutters on the {whole chain}, before it needs {repair}. The advantages of the chain saw are {numerous}. The firefighter can cut through roofs covered with {tar and gravel, wood shingles, composition shingles, and light metal}. {Trees, fiberglass, plaster, and floors around floor furnaces} may also be cut


Table 8.3 is divided into three sections: The lower section represents 1 1⁄2-inch hose flowing 105 to 125 gpm and 2 1⁄2 inch hose flowing 420 to 500 gpm. In this section, the friction loss increases by ________ psi for every 5 gpm flow increase in 1 1⁄2-inch hose and for every 20 gpm flow increase in 2 1⁄2-inch hose.


Training Center Faculty is an appointed position by the Training Center Coordinator (TCC). Initial training will be conducted by the TCC, Regional Facility (RF), or assigned TCF. Training Center Faculty is responsible for providing quality/performance improvement, updates, monitoring, and teaching Instructor Courses. Initial training courses will be scheduled as needed Requirements include: Minimum of 2 years as a BLS instructor Instruct a minimum of ________ courses during the past {24} months Possess a copy of {OKCFD CPR Policies and Procedures Manual} and other materials required at the {Instructor level} CPR Instructor wanting to become Training Center Faculty must complete the {Training Center Faculty Candidate Application} (Form is located on {Fireweb Forms webpage}) and contact an {EMS Officer}


EXPIRED/NEAR EXPIRATION EMS SUPPLIES With the exception of controlled substances, any EMS supplies or medications which have reached their expiration date will be delivered to their District Officer's station. District Coordinators shall notify the EMS office of expired items needing picked up. Alternatively, stations may drop off expired supplies at the EMS Office at any time. Effort should be taken to identify items that are within ________ months of expiration and notify {District Coordinators & EMS Office} of upcoming expirations so these items may be {traded out}. This is to reduce the {amount of waste and cost in the service we provide}.

4 to 6

Warning Devices for Highway-Rail Crossings All ________ Oklahoma public highway-rail crossings have been marked with one or more of the following warning devices. Over {1,200} of these crossings have gates, lights, or bells to warn you of approaching trains Advance Warning Signs - Advance warning signs mean a highway-rail crossing is ahead. The signs are located far enough from the crossing to allow you to stop before reaching the crossing


Figure 10.15, the pressure has been reduced inside the pump and intake hose to reduce the atmospheric pressure inside the pump and intake hose to 12.7 psi (86 kPa). With an atmospheric pressure at sea level of 14.7 psi (100 kPa), a partial vacuum of -2 psi (-14 kPa) is measured on the intake (compound) pressure gauge as 4 inches of mercury (Hg) (-13.6 kPa). This vacuum causes the water to rise ________ feet (1.4 m) into the intake hose from the surface of the water. The weight of water combined with the reduced air pressure acting on its surface creates a {balance}. As the water begins to move through the pump, additional pressure losses are encountered. Any hose or appliance creates a certain amount of friction loss. The amount of friction loss is {proportional to the amount of water moving through it}. The {inertia of water} is an additional factor in friction loss. As water begins to move through a pump, a certain amount of energy is consumed in getting the water at rest to begin to move and increase its velocity sufficiently to supply the amount of water needed. The amount of friction loss in the intake hose depends on the {diameter and length} of the hose as well as the {intake strainer} and any {adapters} in use. A hose with {smaller} diameter and greater length has higher friction loss, which allows less water at the pump (Figure 10.16). Taking this into consideration, the diameter of intake hose may be increased for pumps with larger capacities. It is possible to increase the flow of a pump by using a larger diameter intake hose or adding additional intake hose. For example, a pumper rated at 750 gpm (3 000 L/min) is normally supplied with 41⁄2 inch (115 mm) intake hose to attain the rated capacity. By equipping the pumper with 5-inch (125 mm) hose, the capacity of the pump can be increased to 820 gpm (3 300 L/min), if all other factors remain the same.


All 24 hour shift personnel will be allowed 1.5 hours per shift and all 40 hour uniformed personnel will be allowed 1.5 hours 3 times per week to participate in their personalized fitness program, as long as the normal operations of the Fire Department are not impeded. All other ________ hour per week personnel covered by other bargaining agreements are encouraged to voluntarily participate and will be allowed {1.5} hours {2} times per week as long as the normal operations of the Fire Department are not impeded. All personnel utilizing this time must be actively participating in their {personalized fitness program}. This time must be scheduled and approved through the {immediate supervisor}.


Up to one 30 minute SCBA cylinder, 20 min of intense work without SCBA, Up to two 30-minute SCBA cylinders, One 45-minute SCBA cylinder, One 60-minute SCBA cylinder, ________ minutes of of work without SCBA. At least {10} minutes of {self-rehabilitation (rest with hydration )} as a {company or crew} (When encapsulating chemical protective clothing is worn) At least {20} minutes of {rest} (with {hydration}) in {rehabilitation area}


Electric Traction Elevator: Gearless machines have slow speed motors on a shaft mounted on a traction sheave grooved for hoisting cables--generally used in units moving at more than ________ feet per minute.


Ferrara engine Oil ________

40Q 15w40

Table 8.3 is divided into three sections: The lower section represents 1 1⁄2-inch hose flowing 105 to 125 gpm and 2 1⁄2 inch hose flowing ________ gpm. In this section, the friction loss increases by {4} psi for every 5 gpm flow increase in 1 1⁄2-inch hose and for every 20 gpm flow increase in 2 1⁄2-inch hose.

420 to 500

Customary (inches) 1 ¾ Metric MM (known as) ________


Up to one 30 minute SCBA cylinder, 20 min of intense work without SCBA, Up to two 30-minute SCBA cylinders, One ________-minute SCBA cylinder, {One} {60}-minute SCBA cylinder, {40} minutes of of work without SCBA. At least {10} minutes of {self-rehabilitation (rest with hydration )} as a {company or crew} (When encapsulating chemical protective clothing is worn) At least {20} minutes of {rest} (with {hydration}) in {rehabilitation area}


Watch out for the second train. When you are at a multiple track crossing and the last car of the train passes by, don't go until you're sure that no other train is coming on another track, from either direction Get out of your vehicle if it stalls on the tracks. Get yourself and everyone else out and get off the tracks immediately. If a train is coming, get away from the tracks and run toward the direction of the train at a ________ degree angle (away from the point of impact) as in the picture. If no train is in sight, {post lookouts and try to start the vehicle or push it off the tracks} Your car is {replaceable}. You aren't! No vehicle is worth a human life Never race a train. You will never have a second chance if you lose the race Watch for vehicles that must stop at highway-railway crossings


Additional intake lines, usually gated, are provided for use in relay operations, or when water is received through small diameter supply hose. Many of these intakes have 2 1⁄2 inch (65 mm) hose couplings. The amount of flow that can be obtained is determined by the diameter of the pipe from the valve to the pump inlet and the straightness of the pipe routing. If 2 1⁄2-inch (65 mm) pipe is used with 90 degree bends and T-fittings, the flow may be limited to 250 gpm (1 000 L/min). Whereas, if 3-inch (77 mm) pipe is used with a straighter piping route, a flow as high as ________ gpm (1 800 L/min) is possible through one of these intakes, which may also be used as auxiliary drafting points.


(high rise fire) Water Supply The Incident Commander will assign an engine company (typically the ________ Engine) to be responsible for the initial {Fire Department Connection (FDC).} After the water supply to the FDC has been established, the {officer and firefighters} shall report to the Command Post for further assignment (typically {Lobby Control}) After all lines are connected and the fire department pump is placed into {pump gear}, the driver shall open all appropriate discharge valves and supply the FDC with {hydrant water pressure only}. Initially, the fire department pump will act as a {backup to the building's pump}. If it is determined the building's pump is {not maintaining sufficient pressure for fire fighting operations}, the fire department pump will {IMMEDIATELY} assume {water supply responsibilities to the building's standpipe system}


SAMPLE Date (8th line down from the top margin) John Doe, Fire Chief (5th line down from the date) Oklahoma City Fire Department 123 Nowhere Street Oklahoma City, Ok 67894 Dear Chief Doe: (2nd line down from address) This business letter is written on department letterhead using the full block format. The inside address is typed at the left margin and will contain the name and address of the addressee and their title. After the salutation, a colon will be used. The body of the letter begins 2 spaces below the salutation. The letter should be single-spaced. Write to your reader, avoid sexism and offensive language. The letter should be understandable, clear and void of technical jargon. If the letter runs more than one page, the following format should be used at the top left hand corner of the second page: Name of Addressee, Page 2, Date Sincerely, (2nd line down from the body of the letter) John Smith (________ line down from the closing) Assistant Fire Chief pc: Name (pc = {personal copy, printed copy, or photo copy}) Name Enclosure (If applicable, {2nd} line down from personal copy)


4. The limits of flammability for natural gas are approximately 5 percent to 15 percent gas-inair mixture. This means there must be at least ________ percent, but no more than {15} percent, of natural gas present in air to {support combustion}. Burning natural gas produces {little smoke, but does produce a very high radiant heat}. Combustibles must be {wetted down with water spray to keep this radiating heat from igniting them} 5. The {ignition point} of natural gas is {quite high}, around {1100-1200} degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is reached by ignition sources such as {pilot lights; flint sparks; matches; or sparks from electrical switches, thermostats, static electricity, or motors}


Add approximately ________ psi (35 kPa) for {each floor above the fire department connection} that will have operating fire streams. Consider friction loss for the {attack line(s), standpipe piping, and layout from the pumper to the standpipe connection}. These calculations can become complex and are not practical to compute under fireground conditions. Fire departments should have a {planned pump discharge pressure, or develop a rule-of-thumb} for each building in the area equipped with a standpipe.


After a driver/operator continues to ignore an empty DEF tank, the apparatus may be limited in speed to ________ mph (10 km/h) and will need {service from the dealer}.


Hackensack Ford Fire: July 1st 1988, ________ Firefighters died. {Catalyst for change} in the {way fires are fought}, as {risk management} has come into the equation. Investigated by: {NFPA} and {IAFF}


Incident Characteristics of a Type ________ Incident are as follows: Resources: {One or two single resources} with up to {six} personnel. Command and General Staff positions (other than the Incident Commander) are {not activated} Time Span: Incident is contained within the {first operational period and often within a few hours after resources arrive on scene}. No {written Incident Action Plan} is required Examples include a {vehicle fire, an injured person, or a police traffic stop}.


Loading fire hose while driving the apparatus is particularly common when loading large diameter (4-inch [100 mm] or larger) supply hose. It is common for large-diameter supply hose to be loaded as the driver/operator slowly drives the apparatus. NFPA® 1500 provides the following directions on how these operations should be performed: Train all members specifically on how to perform the moving hose-load operation. The procedure must be contained in the department's written standard operating procedures (SOPs). Assign at least one member, other than the driver/operator and the firefighters actually loading the hose, as a safety observer to the operation. The observer must have constant visual contact with the hose-loading operation, as well as visual and voice communication (usually via a portable radio) with the driver/operator (Figure 3.10, p. 92). Close the area in which the hose loading is being performed to other vehicular traffic. Drive the apparatus only in a forward direction, straddling or to one side of the hose, and at a speed no greater than ________ mph (10 km/h). Do not allow members to stand on any portion of the apparatus while the vehicle is in motion.


PPE bags will contain the following supplies: Engine Rescue Ladder Haz-Mat 5 Light Rescue Heavy Tanker Brush Pumper Tank Pumper Body Substance Isolation Kits 5 Body Substance Isolation Kits 3 Approved disposable respiratory protective masks (9210/N95) 5 Approved disposable respiratory protective masks (9210/N95) 3 Safety Glasses ________ Safety Glasses {3} Nitrile Gloves {5} Nitrile Gloves {3} Red Bio-Hazard Bags {2} Red Bio-Hazard Bags {2} Bio cleanup kit {1} Bio cleanup kit {1}


Road Brakes Step 1: Mount the vehicle cab safely. Step 2: Fasten all safety restraints. 2-4 Test apparatus road and parking brakes. Judge or measure the distance it takes for the apparatus to come to a complete stop. a. Evaluate if there is any indication of pulling to one side or delayed stopping action, or unusual noise. b. Park apparatus safely. c. Dismount safely. d. Use caution if on a public road. Step 8: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Adjust the mirrors, steering wheel, and seat. Start the vehicle per vehicle manufacturer's recommendations. Drive the vehicle to the flat section of the test area. Observe all traffic rules and regulations if the test must be done on a public road. Begin at the testing area by slowly and smoothly moving the apparatus forward. Check brakes. Step on the brake pedal firmly when the apparatus is moving at about ________ mph (10 km/h).


SIMON LTI QS-82 INSTA-CHAIN (THE AUTOMATIC ICECHAIN) OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Engaging the Insta-Chains 1. The Insta-Chains work best when engaged while moving, and before slippage occurs 2. The Insta-Chains may be disengaged at any time 3. When approaching an icy grade and you don't have the Insta-Chains engaged, slow down to 25 mph and engage the Insta-Chains. Then slowly regain and maintain your speed Use of the Insta-Chains While They are Engaged 1. The Insta-Chains work better at speeds of more than 5 mph 2. The Insta-Chains should be engaged between ________ mph. If you need to engage the Insta-Chains from a standstill, spin the tires {5} mph before engaging the Insta-Chain. This will prevent the Insta-Chains from becoming tangled 3. Do not exceed {30} mph with the Insta-Chains engaged 4. When climbing a hill with the Insta-Chains try to maintain your momentum, this will improve the performance of the Insta-Chains 5. For best results while moving, accelerate slowly, spinning the wheels will result in a loss of traction 6. While using the Insta-Chains in reverse, the Insta-Chains will work best at speeds above 7- 10 mph

5 and 25

NOTE: The needle should stop climbing between 120 and 130 psi (840 and 910 kPa). Step 20: Apply the brake pedal, lowering the pressure in the tanks by ________ (35 to 70 kPa) increments stopping at {85 psi} (595 kPa). Ensure that the air gauge needle begins to indicate a pressure increase following the test. Documentation Step 21: Document the test, record any maintenance actions, and report any deficiencies per local policy.

5 to 10 psi

1 Medical Surveillance Enter name of person entering the medical evaluation area for heat/cold/fatigue or for medical treatment of injury or illness Once in the medical surveillance area, heart rate should be measured for 30 seconds as early as possible in the rest period along with full vital signs including pulse ox and CO readings Vitals will be taken every ________ minutes If any of the following signs and/or symptoms, or any complaint or reason for concern in the opinion of rehab officer or employee, they should be moved from the medical monitoring area to {medical treatment area}


Positive TB skin test follow-up People with TB infection (positive skin test without disease) have bacteria in their body but are not sick. These people cannot spread TB to others. People with a positive TB Mantoux skin test only, cannot infect other people. Most people who test positive fall in this category. People with the TB disease usually have symptoms of TB and are sick because the bacteria are active (multiplying in the body). Persons with TB disease of the lungs can spread TB to others. People with "TB disease" can infect other people. Most people become noninfectious after the first few weeks of taking TB medication. About ________% of TB infectious people may develop TB disease during their lifetime.


(high rise fire) Crews beginning the ascent should attempt to stop the car at the first typical tower floor, but not over five floors, to verify that the 'fire feature' is working. While stopped at that floor note the relationship of the elevator to the closest exit stairs in the event the car becomes erratic and the door opens into flames on the fire floor. If the Lobby or Fire Control Room position indicator show cars have not returned to the Lobby, it may be possible to combine the floor check with a search for the stalled cars on the way up. If the car performs properly, continue the ascent to two floors below the indicated fire floor, stopping every ________ floors to check the elevator operation. Check the shaft for {smoke} every time you {open the door}


Hydration—during heat stress, personnel should consume at least 1 quart of water per hour, rehydration solution should be a ________ mixture of water and a {commercially prepared activity beverage} and be administered at {40} degrees F


FLOOD DYNAMICS Water weighs about 62.4 pounds per cubic foot and typically flows downstream at 6 to 12 miles an hour. When a vehicle stalls in the water, the water's momentum is transferred to the car. For each foot the water rises, ________ pounds of lateral force are applied to the car. For each foot the water rises up the side of the car, the car displaces {1,500} pounds of water. In effect, the car weights 1,500 pounds less for each foot the water rises! Most vehicles will float in just {two} feet of water even SUVs! Most vehicles will become buoyant in {two} feet of water or less


Formula 15.1 - Conductivity Test for Foam Concentrate in Solution Percent of Concentrate in Solution = (Conductivity of Solution) - (Conductivity of Water) / 500 The divisor of ________ is used only if the meter in use is incremented in units of ms/cm. A different divisor will be required for other types of meters. Specific information is provided by the manufacturer of the meter.


Large blood/body fluid cleanup Large blood/bodily-fluid contamination may include large volumes of biohazard or contaminants spread over a large geographical area. Contact OKCFD Hazardous Materials Team as necessary for response or consultation. The recommended clean-up method is to remove all visible blood/bodily fluid and then to decontaminate using an approved disinfectant for the appropriate amount of time. It is important to note that while we are able to assist with clean-up, the property owner will be responsible for decontamination. Property owners must be notified that they are responsible for decontamination. OSHA states that an EPA-registered tuberculocidal disinfectant, EPA-registered disinfectants effective against both HIV and HBV, or a diluted bleach solution (solution of ________ percent {sodium hypochlorite} ({household bleach}) diluted between {1:10} ({1 cup of bleach to 9 cups of water}) and {1:100} ({1/4 cup bleach per gallon of water}) are acceptable for clean-up of a contaminated surface or item. All disinfectant solutions should be mixed {daily}. Use of a booster line will cause {splash}, {wear eye goggles and cover or wash boots/shoes}. If the contamination is in a {vehicle or building} have owner/occupant contact a {cleanup company}. Washing with soap and water is {not} a substitute for disinfectant. As you enter the spill area, be careful not to step in any {contaminated fluids}. Flood the spill area with the {bleach and water solution}, allowing it to stand for {fifteen} minutes. Note: Under certain conditions a {micro-encapsulation absorbent material} may be applied to {pooled blood} so that the bulk of the contamination can be removed to a {biohazard bag prior to decontamination}. Place blood soaked articles into the {red biohazard bags} along with any contaminated single use PPE items.


The most common method of distributing gas is through a medium pressure line. In this case, the pressure range is from 1 pound to 60 pounds of pressure. Because of this higher pressure, the gas in most cases is reduced to ________ ounces of pressure by a {service regulator} located {ahead of the meter}. There are also {intermediate-pressure and high-pressure} distribution systems Meter settings on these systems contain {two} regulators ahead of the meter. These regulators step down the {intermediate or high} pressure to utilization pressure


After successfully priming the pump, the throttle setting should slowly be increased before attempting to open any discharges. Increasing the throttle setting is required to raise the pressure to between 50 and 100 psi (350 kPa and 700 kPa). Open the desired discharge valve slowly while observing the discharge pressure. If the pressure drops below ________ psi (350 kPa), {pause for a brief time} to allow it to stabilize before opening the valve further. Opening the valve too quickly may cause air to enter the pump causing a loss of prime. If the pressure continues to drop, {momentarily operating the primer} may eliminate any small pockets of air still trapped in the pump and restore the pressure to its point. Once water begins to flow, the discharge gauge may {fluctuate} due to {air trapped in the pump and hose}. This effect will stabilize once full flow is established.


For landing safety, always remember : 1. Approach the helicopter from the front only, never from the rear, and only when motioned to do so by the pilot or a crewmember 2. Do not run beneath the helicopter when it is landing or taking off 3. Ensure the landing area is secured by law enforcement personnel on the scene, or by fire or EMS personnel 4. The landing guide should be at least 100 feet from the helicopter. When signaling where to land, stand with your back to the wind. Depart when the helicopter is on final approach 5. If possible, land the helicopter no closer than ________ yards from the scene 6. Approach the aircraft from the {downhill} side if on sloped terrain 7. Carry all equipment {below the waist} 8. Do not assist the flight crew with {opening or closing the doors} 9. {No smoking or running} within {50}-feet of the aircraft 10. Medical Helicopter personnel will coordinate all {loading and unloading of patients and equipment} 11. {Rotor wash} can produce {high winds} on take-off or landing. Protect your {eyes}. Remove {caps or loose apparel}. If you do lose something, do not {try to retrieve it}.


NOTE: Driver/operators must be aware of the margin of difference when using the Condensed Q formula. Although sufficient for many fireground calculations, the friction loss results will be 20 percent greater than when using the FL= CQ2L formula. In some instances, 20 percent will not amount to a major effect in psi. However, in a hose lay of 1,000 feet of 3-inch hose, the difference may be as great as ________ psi.


****TIMBER TRUSS—supermarkets, bowling alleys, theaters, etc. ***Bowstring Truss—MOST DANGEROUS-collapse without warning **when they collapse-can push exterior load bearing walls outward **Hackensack Ford Fire-July 1, 1988-killed 5 firefighters **Heavy fire of building/attic-stay away from top, underneath, sides **Bowstring can span ________ feet and spaced {20} feet on centers **defects can {weaken} wooden members {Warpage, shrinkage, torn or lifted grain} **biggest concern—condition of {connection methods} **wood treatments

50 to 100

The process of engaging the PTO is fairly similar for all types of aerial apparatus. The engagement switch for the PTO or hydraulic system is usually located on the dashboard of the vehicle, between the driver and passenger/officer seats, or in the switch panel above the driver's seat (Figure 18.9, p. 646). The type of PTO activation switch varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and may be pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, or a combination of these three. Pneumatic systems require anywhere from ________ psi (350 kPa to 980 kPa) air pressure for the PTO to be operated, depending on the manufacturer. Regardless of the type of activation switch used, the overall process for engaging the PTO {is the same}.

50 to 140

Incident Characteristics of a Type 1 Incident are as follows: Resources: National resources are required to safely and effectively manage the operations All Command and General Staff positions are activated, and Branches need to be established. Operations personnel often exceed ________ per {operational period} and {total personnel} will usually exceed {1,000}. There is a {high impact} on the {local jurisdiction}, requiring {additional staff} for {office administrative and support functions}. The incident is likely to be designated as an {Incident of National Significance} Time Span: The incident is expected to go into {multiple operational periods}. A {written Incident Action Plan} is required for each operational period.


Mini-Pumper — Small fire apparatus mounted on a pickup-truck-sized chassis, usually with a pump having a rated capacity less than ________ gpm (2 000 L/min). Its primary advantage is {speed and mobility}, which enables it to respond to fires more rapidly than larger apparatus.


PLACARDING The National Fire Protection Association Standard 704 (N.F.P.A. 704) applies to placarding of fixed storage facilities, tanks etc., that exceed a threshold for compliance. Any Oklahoma City Fire Department storage tank or storage container with 55 gallons of liquid, ________ pounds of {nonliquid}, or {800} cubic feet of {pressurized gas}, must have an appropriate {N.F.P.A. placard} according to this standard (see below for N.F.P.A. application). Buildings or Structures with a floor space of {five thousand (5000) square feet or less}, must {post a sign on the outside of the building or structure identifying the highest degree of hazard in each category}. Buildings with {more than five thousand (5000) square feet} must have additional signs posted inside the building where significant amounts of hazardous chemicals are {permanently stored} to identifying the type of hazardous chemicals. See Appendix "{D}" for appropriate N.F.P.A. placard.


Midship pumps The gear ratio is set to match the engine torque curve to the speed of the rotation required for the impeller to deliver the rated capacity of the pump. This ratio is arranged so that the impeller turns faster than the engine, usually one and a half (1 1⁄2) to two and a half (2 1⁄2) times as fast. The maximum capacity that can be obtained by this system is limited only by the engine horsepower and the size of the pump. Most fire pumps can be configured to operate over a range of capacities determined by the piping arrangement and gear ratio used in the apparatus. Some pumps can be rated anywhere from ________ gpm (2 000 L/min to 9 000 L/min) with no major changes to the pump itself. The usual arrangement provides control of the {transfer case} from inside the apparatus cab by using a {mechanical linkage or by electrical, hydraulic, or air-operated controls}. If so equipped, the driver/operator should engage the {pump and put the road transmission in the proper gear} (based on the manufacturer's instructions) {before leaving the cab}. If the road transmission is not placed in the correct gear, the pump will {not turn at the needed rpm to operate effectively}. When the driver/operator places the transmission in the correct gear, a {lockout} feature engages, preventing the transmission from {switching gears} as rpms are raised or lowered.

500 to 2,250

HVAC Units Thermostat for living quarters should be set at 68 degrees or below for heat. Rig room thermostat should be maintained at 50 degrees or below. All personnel should be familiar with proper procedure for lighting apparatus room heater pilot. Air conditioning should not be used when temperature is ________ degrees or less. Never run the air conditioner at the fire station if the outside temperature is {55} degrees Fahrenheit or below


Placard Application The following ratings will be used when the placarding total amount of hazardous chemicals stored, placed, or used at an OKCFD work site is greater than or equal to ________ gallons of {liquid} or {five hundred pounds} of {non-liquid} or {eight} hundred cubic feet of pressurized gas: Health rating of {greater than or equal to TWO (2),} or Flammability rating of {greater than or equal to TWO (2),} or Reactivity rating of {greater than or equal to ONE (1).}


Articulating platform apparatus are similar to the telescoping aerial platform apparatus. The primary difference is in the operation of the aerial device. Instead of telescoping into each other, the boom sections are connected by a hinge, and they fold and unfold like an elbow. The booms are constructed in basically the same manner as telescoping platforms. These units perform many of the same functions as telescoping aerial apparatus. These functions include rescue, ventilation, master stream application, and gaining access to upper floors. An additional benefit of an articulating aerial platform is that the assembly enables the platform to go "up and over" and into areas that are not accessible with a straight line apparatus. This ability may be especially useful during rescue operations. Standard articulating aerial platforms range in height from ________ feet (17 m to 26 m).

55 to 85

Tribal Tribal-term that describes the governmental structure of Native American and Aboriginal Peoples of North America (also known as First Nations, Aboriginals, Inuit, and Metis). There are 562 federally recognized Native American tribal governments within the U.S. Many reside on the ________ million acres of land that the U.S. government holds in {trust}. The {U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs} {trains, equips, and funds} fire and emergency services organizations while {members of the tribe} living on each reservation staff the organizations.


Tribal Tribal-term that describes the governmental structure of Native American and Aboriginal Peoples of North America (also known as First Nations, Aboriginals, Inuit, and Metis). There are ________ federally recognized {Native American tribal governments} within the U.S. Many reside on the {55.7} million acres of land that the U.S. government holds in {trust}. The {U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs} {trains, equips, and funds} fire and emergency services organizations while {members of the tribe} living on each reservation staff the organizations.


**large sections of wood more than ________" thick can have more fire resistance than {exposed} steel *Exterior walls-{masonry} *some large buildings have {firewalls} *if firewalls are used, will have fire doors that {drop down/close} when subjected to {heat} **identified by-{size} and {age} of the industrial building **hazard-walls/ceilings are typically {unfinished}, fire can {quickly expose connection points} *difficult to {control fires} due to {size/openness} of interior ****wood loses {strength} by losing its mass****


5. If staffing is not available at the station level, a leave request will be filled out on the computer and entered into the database. Once the request is submitted into the database, it will automatically be electronically time stamped. It is understood that the leave request form is not a guarantee that an employee's time off will be granted 6. Leave requests shall be held and administered by the Station Officer until ________ shifts from the time requested off. After 0700 hrs {6} shifts prior to the requested time off, {any staffing that is available within the district, shall immediately be used to fill any remaining leave requests, based on the valid time stamp, from within the district}. After 0700 hrs {3} shifts prior to the requested time off, any staffing that is available within the {city, shall immediately be used to fill any remaining leave requests, based on the time stamp} 7. For extraordinary circumstances, the {Deputy Chief of Operations} (or designee) may approve leave time up to {12} months in advance 8. Personnel taking a portion of a shift off shall return to the station no later than {2300} hrs 9. The {Station Officer} will manage holidays {recognized by the collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), Article 16.6} 10. Employees with scheduled and approved leave shall not have their leave cancelled in the event of a {transfer}.


In order to ensure personnel are allowed to use their scheduled and approved leave when unscheduled or unanticipated long term leave situations would otherwise result in staffing levels being reduced below minimum requirements, the Deputy Chief of Operations (or designee) may use any of the options listed below: a. Allow the use of the district hold person within the district in question b. Approve the use of the hold person from other districts if available, within ________ shifts of the date in question c. {Cancel or reschedule} training and the person(s) scheduled to attend the training can be reassigned to maintain minimum staffing levels d. Temporarily re-assign {Community Service Liaison (s) (CSL)} e. Employees with scheduled and approved leave will be offered their {regular hourly pay rate}, according to the CBA, in addition to their {regular pay} to report to duty on a scheduled leave day. This additional pay will be for the {amount and type of leave scheduled}. Employees with approved leave for the day in question will be offered the additional pay first and in {ascending order by initial entry time stamp} until minimum staffing levels are met


REMOVAL USING SIDE EMERGENCY EXIT When an adjacent elevator with a matching side emergency exit is available, use the following method to perform rescue: CAUTION: DUE TO THE DIFFICULTY IN LINING UP THE ADJACENT OPENINGS, THIS PROCEDURE SHOULD ONLY BE USED IF THERE ARE EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR PERSONNEL PRESENT OR THE RESCUE TEAM HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TRAINED IN THIS PROCEDURE : 1. Move the rescue car using the independent service, firefighters' service, or inspection mode to line up the floors of the rescue car and the stalled car 2. The mainline disconnect switches in the machine room for the stalled elevator and the rescue elevator should be set in the "OFF" position. 3. A firefighter wearing a safety belt and a lifeline should enter the stalled elevator car through the side emergency exit 4. The emergency stop switch in both elevator cars should be set in the "STOP" position. (if they are equipped with emergency stop switches) 5. If available, an evacuation bridge should be used. If one is not available, use a ________ foot plank to {lay across the opening}. The span should not exceed {30} inches 6. {Safety belts and lifelines} must be used to protect the passengers, whether or not an {evacuation bridge} is used 7. Passengers should be wearing a safety belt and be tied off to a lifeline {until they are well inside the rescue car}


Washer extractors are located at Fire Stations 1, 4, ________, {7}, {14}, {18}, {21}, {23}, {25}, {26}, and {34}.


FIGURE 6 High-Pressure Meter Settings The inlet pressure to the meter setting shown in Figure 7 is much higher than that used by house appliances and is called high pressure (________ pounds or more per square inch gauge). The meter setting for these systems contains {two regulators in front of the meter}. These regulators step down the {intermediate or high} pressure to {utilization} pressure


NFPA® 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within ________ days of the testing. The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers: • A gauge to determine intake pressure. The gauge should be calibrated to a range of {30} in Hg to zero (-100 to 0 kPa) for a vacuum gauge, or 30 in Hg (-100 kPa) vacuum to {150} psi (1 050 kPa) for a compound gauge (Figure 15.4, p. 522 ). • A gauge with a range of {0 to at least 400} psi (2800kPa) (with {+or-5%} accuracy) to determine pump discharge. • A pitot tube with knife edge and air chamber rated from {0 to at least 160} psi (1 100 kPa) is required if a flowmeter is not used (Figure 15.5). • {Smooth bore nozzles} of the appropriate size to provide the volumes pumped for the required tests. (If a flowmeter is used, fog nozzles may be substituted, providing they are rated for the required flows). • A means to secure the nozzles ({rope, chain, or test stand}). • A hand {tachometer} (if applicable). • Appropriate means to {record the test results} ({written form or computer program}). The following additional equipment may serve to make the testing process easier and more efficient: • {Two 6-foot (2m) lengths of 1⁄4-inch} (6mm) diameter, {300} psi (2100kPa) hose with {screw fittings and gauges}. These gauges are connected to fittings at the {pump panel}. • {Clamp} to hold the pitot tube to the test nozzle. • {Test stand} to hold the gauges. • {Stopwatch}.


NOTE any sounds of air leaking and position of normal. needles. After one minute, air pressure should not drop more than 3 psi (20 kPa) for straight-chassis vehicles or 4 psi (30 kPa) for tractor-drawn aerial apparatus. Step 16: With engine off and master switch on, pump brake pedal continually lowers air tank pressure. Warning light and buzzer should activate before ________ (420 kPa). Step 17: After Step 16 is complete, with parking brake released, continue to pump brake pedal until air brake control sets automatically by the button popping out.

60 psi

Industrial Fire Brigades Many commercial facilities, such as oil refineries, chemical processing plant, research facilities, marine port facilities, and airports, maintain industrial fire brigades or other emergency response teams. These teams or brigades may be established in accordance with NFPA ________, Standard on {Industrial Fire Brigades} and NFPA {1081}, Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications. These businesses maintain their {own facilities, personnel, apparatus, and equipment} to respond to fires and other emergency incidents.


SCHEDULING OF LEAVE Employees that have properly scheduled and approved leave shall not have their leave cancelled. During times of large scale emergencies and disasters the Fire Chief may cancel leave, restrict the approval of leave, or call back off duty personnel when necessary as per Article 19.3 of the current CBA. It is understood that large scale emergencies and disasters may only cause temporary disruptions in scheduling of leave, and that the Union and city will consult together during those times for the most efficient manpower utilization and productivity per section 1.2 of the CBA. Leave time will be scheduled and approved at the station/district level according to the terms of this policy.: 1. Leave time shall be administered by the Station Officer at each individual station within minimum staffing requirements. Employees shall be required to submit a Leave Request on-line and email the confirmation page to their Station Officer NOTE: If the Station Officer determines the request is eligible for the use of a District day off slot, the Station Officer shall email a copy of the request to the District Officer 2. The minimum amount of time that can be approved off is 6 hours 3. Once a lesser amount of time has been approved, an employee requesting a greater amount of time cannot override it 4. The Station Officer will approve leave up to 61 shifts in advance at the station level. The Station Officer will approve the leave and enter the employee's time in the Leave Management Data Base. The Leave Request will provide a time stamp for the requested date. Leave requests may not be submitted prior to 0700, ________ shifts from the requested date. Any Leave Request submitted prior to 0700, 61 shifts from the requested date, will be considered {invalid}


FLOOD DYNAMICS Water weighs about ________ pounds per cubic foot and typically flows downstream at {6 to 12} miles an hour. When a vehicle stalls in the water, the water's momentum is transferred to the car. For each foot the water rises, {500} pounds of lateral force are applied to the car. For each foot the water rises up the side of the car, the car displaces {1,500} pounds of water. In effect, the car weights 1,500 pounds less for each foot the water rises! Most vehicles will float in just {two} feet of water even SUVs! Most vehicles will become buoyant in {two} feet of water or less


The Oklahoma City Fire Department serves a population of more than 500,000 scattered over an area of ________ square miles. Oklahoma City is divided into {six} firefighting districts. Each of these districts is under the supervision of a {District Officer}. These chiefs are on duty for {24} hour periods like the firefighters under them and are responsible for directing all {operations, emergency or otherwise, in their respective districts}.


Shorts (Optional) Only to be worn between May 1 and September 30 Navy Blue ________ Blend with {Cargo} Pockets (types{) Blauer Street Gear Style #8840X Flying Cross Style #47330 511 Tactical Series Style #73308-724} Shoes/Socks: All {black} {athletic shoe or work shoe no higher than the ankle (3/4 top) steel toe not required}. {Black low cut ankle} sock


The JRC is supplied by a hoseline from the main fire pump that is supplying other hoselines. The flow of water to this device represents only about 2.5 percent of the total flow in the system. Like a standard in-line eductor water flowing through the JRC creates a venturi effect that draws foam concentrate into the pickup tube, then into the hoseline. However, a JRC proportions the concentrate at a ________ percent solution. This overproportioned solution is then pumped into a {self-educting master stream foam nozzle} where it is further proportioned with water also supplied by the fire pump, resulting in a discharge solution of {three percent}. In order to achieve the proper proportion the {JRC and nozzle} must be correctly matched.


CPR COURSES TAUGHT OFF DUTY Oklahoma City Fire Department AHA Instructors (and outside instructors with the approval of the TCC) may align with the Oklahoma City Fire Department AHA Training Center at the discretion of the TCC. AHA courses taught by instructors of their own time are not fire department related, but are regulated by the Oklahoma City Fire EMS work section. Classes will be conducted according to all AHA PAM policies and the Oklahoma City Fire Department AHA Training Center policies. Complete all course rosters and submit to Training Center within ________ days of class completion. Assigning eCards and uploading rosters to AHA Instructor Network does not eliminate the responsibility of the instructor to submit rosters to {Target Solutions} for classes taught off duty


Certain aerial apparatus may carry hose on the top of the body under the aerial ladder. These apparatus have a "trough" or "chute" to guide the hose around the ladder turntable on its way out the back of the truck. While this method has many operational advantages, the hose chute must be watched carefully to ensure that hose connections do not get caught as the hose is exiting through the chute. Operators of this type of device must take special care to lay the hose in a manner conducive to the chute design and keep apparatus speeds very slow during deployment. Hose couplings that jam or catch on corners or other obstructions can cause the deploying hose to pull taught or whip, damaging equipment and injuring bystanders. Lay couplings so that they are pulled out straight, without flipping around. Lay hose so that it never crosses over itself when paying out. Maintain vehicle speed of 5 mph (10 km/h) or less. At 5 mph (10 km/h), ________ feet (2 m) of hose is pulled out each {second}. Travelling more than 5 mph (10 km/h) is likely to cause a {hose jam in the hose chute}.


SIMON LTI QS-82 EMERGENCY POWER UNIT OPERATION EPU Operation The Emergency Power Unit consists of an electric motor and a small hydraulic pump which, when activated, allows the operator to move the aerial or outriggers in the event of a main system failure. The system is capable of all functions in a no-load condition,. However, because of short continuous use limit time, it is important that only required functions be used to move personnel and equipment to safety. Functions should be limited to those associated with wrapup of the aerial. The outriggers can be stowed, to allow truck movement in a situation of impending danger. The EPU can be used over a long period of time at a ________% duty cycle, which is approximately {21} seconds in {5} minutes NOTE: The EPU should be run every 10 hours of aerial use to circulate oil in the system and ensure the unit is working properly CAUTION: The EPU is rated for a maximum of three minutes of continuous operation


Volunteer Organizations Volunteer firefighters staff approximately ________ percent of fire and emergency services organizations. May be a {municipal, county or nonprofit} organization.


The following are safe and efficient nozzle pressures for common fire streams: • Solid stream nozzle (handline) = 50 psi (350 kPa) • Solid stream nozzle (master stream) = ________ psi (560 kPa) • Fog nozzle = {100} psi (700 kPa) • Low pressure fog nozzle = {50} or {75} psi (350 or 525 kPa)


The nozzle pressure and size of the discharge orifice determine the flow and reach of a solid stream. Solid stream nozzles on handlines should generally be operated at a maximum of 50 psi (350 kPa) nozzle pressure, while master stream appliances should be operated at a maximum ________ psi (560 kPa).


Some other general safety principles to follow when using detachable ladder pipes are: • Only one firefighter at a time should be on the top fly of the aerial ladder when changing the stream pattern. Do not extend or retract the ladder while the firefighter is at the tip. • The driver/operator should avoid sudden movement or surges in pressure when using a ladder pipe. Slowly elevate or lower the ladder pipe barrel and gradually increase the nozzle pressure. • When shutting down the flow to the ladder pipe, it should be done slowly to avoid unnecessary stress on the aerial device. Sudden pressure changes produce reactions that may result in shock loading and ladder sway, with damaging results. • Always locate the supply hose in the center of the ladder and secure it with a hose strap or other suitable means (Figure 19.16). • Turn table movement should be smooth and slow when rotating the turntable to direct the ladder pipe stream in different directions. • Use the ________ guideline for quick ladder pipe use: {75 degree elevation, 80 percent extended length, and 80 psi (560 kPa) nozzle pressure for a 1 1⁄2-inch (38 mm) tip} (Figure 19.17). Use ladder pipes {perpendicular} to the rungs on older units, with a maximum lateral movement of {15} degrees to either side, if lateral movement is allowed. Many new models offer a {180} degree sweep. • Do not use a {hoseline and nozzle} strapped to a ladder as a ladder pipe. • Always follow specific operating guidelines that the aerial device manufacturer provides.


Common Pumper Requirements and Equipment NFPA® 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, contains the requirements of pumper design. The standard specifies a minimum pump capacity of ________ gpm (3 000 L/min) and a water tank with a capacity of at least {300} gallons (1 200 L). Pump capacities larger than 750 gpm (3 000 L/min) increase in increments of {250} gpm (1 000 L/min) with most municipal fire departments operating pumpers of {2,000 gpm (8 000 L/min) or less}. There are, however, many pumpers in service with {industrial} fire departments that {exceed 2,000 gpm} (8 000 L/min). In addition to a fire pump, the apparatus must be equipped with {intake and discharge pump connections, pump controls and gauges, as well as a variety of hose sizes and types}. These hoses include {intake, supply, and attack} hose. The apparatus will also feature various nozzles and appliances based on local requirements. Modern fire department pumpers carry a wide variety of portable equipment in addition to that associated with its water supply function (Figure 1.2). {NFPA® 1901} specifies the minimum portable equipment that must be carried on all fire department pumpers. Each jurisdiction may supplement this equipment based on local practices and conditions. The following list contains equipment commonly found on pumpers: {Ground ladders Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) Forcible entry tools Salvage tools and equipment Portable water tank Emergency medical equipment}


Lack of driving skills may result from: Overconfidence in your driving ability. Inability to recognize a dangerous situation, False sense of security because of a good driving record, Misunderstanding of apparatus capabilities, Insufficient training on a piece of apparatus. Overconfidence in your driving ability. You must not let the adrenaline rush of responding to an emergency impair good judgment and sound decisions. The task of safely driving the apparatus to the scene must always be foremost in your mind. Inability to recognize a dangerous situation. In a study conducted by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), it was determined that in 42 percent of all collisions, the driver/operator was not aware of a problem until it was too late to correct. You may not have the ability to identify when you are approaching a dangerous situation. False sense of security because of a good driving record. You may not have had a previous collision and, therefore, do not believe a collision could occur. Misunderstanding of apparatus capabilities. Fire apparatus do not handle the same or stop as quickly as passenger vehicles. Inexperienced or poorly trained driver/operators may fail to consider the size and weight of the apparatus and drive it in the same manner as their personal vehicle. A full water tank provides better braking for the weight and subsequent road surface traction. When a water tank is empty, the apparatus is lighter, faster, and handles the road differently than when the water tank is full. Considering a pumper with a 1,000 gallon (4 000 L) tank, the difference in weight between a full and empty tank is over ________,000 pounds (4 000 kg). An apparatus with a properly baffled tank that is partially filled may be {more dangerous than a full or empty tank}. For safety reasons, many manufacturers recommend that tanks be either completely {empty or full}. Insufficient training on a piece of apparatus. This may result in a {lack of knowledge} about the {controls of the apparatus}.


REMEMBERING WHEN (SENIOR SAFETY PROGRAM) Each year, approximately 7,000 older adults, age 65 and older, die as a result of home falls, and an additional 1,000 die in their homes from fires or burns. The Remembering When program, developed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teaches older adults to protect themselves from fires and falls through trivia quizzes, humor, and nostalgic interactive games. The focus is fun, but the safety massages are serious. The presentations include a hands-on smoke alarm demonstration The Oklahoma City Fire Department started the implementation of this program in the fall of 1999. The program teaches ________ {fire prevention} messages and {8} {fall prevention} messages to older adults


CREDENTIAL MAINTENANCE To maintain credentialing, EMS personnel must complete the following during their 2-year credential period: (EMR/EMT) Attend an 8-hour classroom refresher (Intermediate/AEMT/Paramedic) Attend a 24-hour (3-day) classroom refresher Attend two 4-hour Skills Refreshers (4 hours each year) Complete a protocol examination with a minimum score of ________% Demonstrate competency of cognitive skills as determined by {OMD} Complete {Target Solutions EMS credential} Maintain required {AHA certifications} Maintain {unrestricted State licensure} {Long-Term Absences Personnel} who are absent from work for a period of greater than {90} days but less than {180} days will be required to : 1. Complete a protocol examination with a minimum score of {80}% 2. Complete a minimum of {four} (4) shifts on {OKCFD apparatus} under the supervision of a {System Credentialed Preceptor}


Fire Suppression is the largest division within the Oklahoma City Fire Department and consists of uniformed Firefighters, Apparatus Drivers, Company Officers, and District Chiefs. These are the crews that make up the city's fire companies which responded to more than ________,000 calls a year. They may handle {fires, rescues, hazardous materials incidents, medical emergencies and other situations}.


Master stream appliances are generally operated during incidents where handlines would be ineffective, conditions require a defensive posture, or personnel are limited. Smooth bore streams are generally operated at ________ psi (560 kPa) nozzle pressure, while fog appliances are generally operated at {100} psi (700 kPa). Driver/operators should consult {manufacturer's recommendations} for specific appliances.


Type I: Fire Resistive *built with steel, concrete, and other fire-resistive or fire-rated materials **structural components that will not burn and resist effects of fire for long periods of time *Rule of thumb for expansion of steel: 1" for every 10' at appx ________ degrees F *steel-usually {covered} with a fire-protective material (concrete, brick, drywall *drop-ceilings are used as {protection} *protected with spray on coverings with {cementatious} materials *{reinforced} concrete and steel bar-joists *Rebar provides concrete with {Lateral} strength ****Type 1 have the {most} inherent fire safety factors associated with both the building material and building technique ****Many of today's office buildings are built with fire-resistive building components such as those found in {Type 1} construction


Annual audiogram At least annually after obtaining the baseline audiogram, the OKCFD shall obtain a new audiogram for any employee exposed at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of ________ decibels. Each employee's annual audiogram shall be compared to that employee's baseline audiogram to determine if the audiogram {is valid and if a standard threshold shift has occurred}.


NOTE: Air pressure should build to ________ (595-700 kPa) in {45} sec at full engine RPM. Step 24: When the needle stops climbing, the air compressor has cut out.

85-100 psi

NFPA ________ - No heater employing an {open flame or glowing element} shall be installed in enclosed parking areas, or sections communicating therewith, except as herein after specifically provided. All heating equipment in enclosed parking areas shall be of an {approved type} with all flames associated therewith being located {18} inches above the floor or protected by a {partition} not less than {18} inches high. {Improvised furnaces, salamanders or space heaters} shall not be permitted


SAMPLE VEHICLE ACCIDENT MEMORANDUM TO: Battalion Chief, 650A (________ line down from the top margin) FROM: Lieutenant Jane Doe Engine 50A DATE: January 24, 2002 SUBJECT: Vehicle Accident Memorandum In any letter concerning Oklahoma City Fire-Rescue vehicles, {a/saf 204} should be consulted. Items that should be covered in the letter concerning the accident are: {1. Facts that led to the accident 2. Your version of what happened 3. Steps taken after the accident} Any letter should answer these questions: {1. Who? 2. What? 3. Where? 4. When? 5. Why? 6. How?} A signature is not required on this memorandum. You should initial just to the right of your name on the FROM line.


TO: 680D Battalion Chief(________ line down) FROM: Lieutenant Jane Doe Engine 50D DATE: January 24, 2002 SUBJECT: Memorandum for Information This {memorandum} format is used for information to anyone in our {organization or City office}. The {pink} memo can be used for {less formal communications for inter-departmental mail}. This memorandum format should be used {whether or not} you have the memorandum letterhead. The memorandum format can be used to transmit any information in writing to {anyone}. For example, this format could be used for {running late, to inform the District Officer of lost equipment, or any other reason you would need to pass information}. Any letter should answer the questions: {1. Who? 2. What? 3. Where? 4. When? 5. Why? 6. How?} A signature {is not required} on this memorandum. You should initial just to the {right} of your name on the "{FROM}" line.


Class B - Public Uniform Work-shirt (Optional) 95% cotton, 5% polyester, super weight Navy blue, 100% nylon shell. Set-in sleeves. Knit cuffs and bottom band. Cotton, anticurling canvas or denim collar and elbow patches. 7" brass zipper. ________" {right} chest {radio} pocket. Standard Embroidery: Right breast embroidered with {first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank}. Left breast embroidered with the {Maltese Cross logo, and OKLAHOMA CITY FIRE}. See page 43 for description of logo. #{810} Navy Firefighter's Workshirt #{5.11} #{72321} Navy Job Shirt with {canvas or denim} The back will be silk-screened "{OKLAHOMA CITY RESCUE}" in {white}, and "{FIRE}" and the {two} lines will be in {genesis phosphorescent}. See page 43 for description of silk-screening.


During the testing process the pumper must not show signs of overheating, power loss, or other mechanical issues. Upon completion of testing, all fluid levels should again be checked and any losses noted. The results of any tests conducted should be recorded per the policy of the jurisdiction where the pumper is in service. Any apparatus that achieves results less than ________ percent of its originally rated capabilities has two options for continued use: {It may be placed out of service and restored to its original capabilities and tested again, or the apparatus may be given a lower rating based on the results of the most recent testing}.


Good Jackknifing — Condition of truck tractor/semitrailer combination when their relative positions to each other form an angle of ________ degrees or less about the trailer {kingpin}, such as turning the tractor portion of a tractor-tiller aerial apparatus at an angle from the trailer to increase stability when the aerial device is being used. stability occurs at angles {up to 90°.} {Beyond 90°} stability {decreases rapidly} (Figure 17.14). The driver/operator must be familiar with the manufacturer's recommendations for that particular apparatus. Modern tillered apparatus may have stabilizer systems that allow them to be adequately stabilized {without jackknifing}. However, even those apparatus become {more stable} when the apparatus is jackknifed.


Potential Tuberculosis Exposure Once the Critical Post Potential Exposure Procedures are followed the employee will not go to the source patient hospital. Employee will be contacted by GENEX to schedule TB testing which can be up to two weeks. The first test is your baseline, the second TB test is given two weeks later to rule out false negatives, and the third is given ________ days later. If the employee receives a positive reading during any portion of the TB testing, they will receive a {chest X-ray} and referral to their {resident county health department} for further treatment.


The most common actuators for ball-type valves are either push-pull handles or (T-handles) or quarter-turn handles. The push-pull valve handles on some pumps use a sliding gear tooth rack that engages a sector gear connected to the valve stem. This arrangement provides a mechanical advantage that makes the valve easier to operate under pressure as well as the setting of precise values of pressure when adjusting individual lines. The operating linkage may be adjusted so that the valves may be mounted remotely from the pump panel. The push-pull lever usually has a flat handle that can be used to lock the valve in any position by a ________-degree twist of the handle. The push-pull handle must be pulled straight out with the sides kept {level}. If this is not done, the shaft may {bind}, making the valve {difficult to move or inoperable}.


The quarter-turn handle has a simpler mechanical linkage with the handle mounted directly on the valve stem. The valve is opened or closed by a ________-degree movement of the handle. Modern versions of this handle lock by rotating the handle in a {clockwise} direction (Figure 9.24). Some of the valves {lock automatically} when the handle is released, but the majority requires a {positive action} to lock the valve in position.


All bike team members will wear ________ approved helmet (mandatory). Only {helmet and uniform} approved by the {Fire Chief} will be used for special event coverage (check with the {Bike Team Coordinator} for questions regarding approved uniform)


(high rise fire) Base Operations Officer (Base) The Base Officer, once assigned will : 1. Establish Base a minimum of 200 feet from the building In extraordinary circumstances, the base may be located/relocated a mile or more away from the incident Base should be located in an area that provides prompt ingress and/or egress, such as main arterial street or large parking lot Base should not be located in an area that is hampered by barriers such as rivers, expressways and/or railroad crossings 2. At the direction of the IC, a Chief Officer may be assigned to supervise Base operations (Consider assigning BP for initial Base Officer) 3. Companies responding on extra alarms should respond to Base 4. ________ will report to the {Base Officer} upon their arrival Vehicles parked at Base should not block the movement of any other vehicle, with special attention given to avoid blocking {ambulances}.

All units

Beware of "Telephone" Cables Telephone cables are rarely dangerous when accidentally contacted. But, are you so sure you can tell the difference between telephone cables and electric power cables, that you'd stake your life on it - and the lives of others? Although higher voltage facilities are generally installed higher up on utility poles, this is not always true, electric power cables operating at 34,000 volts maybe attached below telephone cables on the same pole. And a fallen telephone cable may be contacting a powerline! NEVER REST LADDERS ON WIRES OR ON ANY OTHER ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT! NEVER DRAG HOSES OVER WIRES! NEVER COME TOO CLOSE TO WIRES - BRUSHING AGAINST ONE CAN ________! NO {ENCORES}, PLEASE You may have some experience where you were able to contact energized facilities without incident. But, just because you "{got away with it}" before doesn't guarantee you will get away with it again. Remember, higher voltage facilities have much greater "{pressure}" behind the electricity. Something you "got away with" on {120}-volt facilities can bring disaster if attempted on {34,000}-volt facilities. And since {normal water} is a {conductor} of electricity, even {slightly damp objects} become much more hazardous


RELEASE & WAIVER OF LIABILITY UPDATED Anyone who is not employee of the Oklahoma City Fire Department is prohibited from riding in an emergency vehicle without prior approval from the Deputy Chief of Operations, or his designee and the completion of the Release and Waiver of Liability form. Individuals who are under the age of 18 (minors) must have a parent or legal guardian complete that portion of the form that applies. The Release and Waiver of Liability forms are found on Fireweb Forms page and are to be kept at each station and utilized anytime a person who does not work for the Oklahoma City Fire Department rides in an emergency vehicle. This applies whether the vehicle is to respond to an emergency incident or not. The individual must complete the form and sign in the presence of a Fire Department witness (preferably the Company Officer), who will also sign the form on the designated line. The form is to be completed ________ the person rides in the vehicle.


RAILROAD WARNING SIGNS - ROUND YELLOW & ________ OR {BLACK & WHITE CROSSBUCKS} This advance warning sign lets you know you are approaching railroad tracks. Slow down and be prepared to stop within {15-50} feet of the first track


Class 2 - Gases (Flammable, Nonflammable, & Poison) Determine if the container is being impinged on by fire above or below the liquid line. If impingement is above the liquid line then, determine elapsed time since fire has been burning. You have about 5 minutes of fire impingement above the liquid line before a ________ can be expected Only attempt to attack the fire if the following water supply can be implemented within this (critical {5} min.) A flow of {500} gpm will be needed to protect the container from {failure}; the flow should come from {two (2) 250} gpm lines. This will {cover a wider container surface} than one (1) 500 gpm line If {5} minutes have elapsed, use the {ERG to establish the isolation or evacuation zones} Once you have set zones {isolate or evacuate the area} Deny access to the zones.


________ {Service} signs give information and directions about facilities. They show where service stations, restaurants, and motels are available


GUIDE SIGNS—GREEN, WHITE, OR ________ Guide signs give you travel information. They identify highways, show distances, mark exits, point to parks and recreation areas, and more


There are 5 "types" of meningitis. ________ Meningitis {can be} life-threatening and {requires immediate} medical attention. {Viral} Meningitis is {serious but rarely fatal}. {Fungal} Meningitis is a form that can be serious in {immunosuppressed} people. {Parasitic} Meningitis is an {often fatal, rare form that is associated with exposure to bodies of water}. {Non-infectious} Meningitis {is not spread from person to person} but can be caused by {cancers, lupus, certain drugs, and traumatic injury}.


(high rise fire) Base Operations Officer (Base) The Base Officer, once assigned will : 1. Establish Base a minimum of 200 feet from the building In extraordinary circumstances, the base may be located/relocated a mile or more away from the incident Base should be located in an area that provides prompt ingress and/or egress, such as main arterial street or large parking lot Base should not be located in an area that is hampered by barriers such as rivers, expressways and/or railroad crossings 2. At the direction of the IC, a Chief Officer may be assigned to supervise Base operations (Consider assigning BP for initial Base Officer) 3. Companies responding on extra alarms should respond to ________ 4. {All units} will report to the {Base Officer} upon their arrival Vehicles parked at Base should not block the movement of any other vehicle, with special attention given to avoid blocking {ambulances}.


NOTE: The Control Zone/Line, ________ and the {Area of Refuge} are established by the {First In Companies}. The {Hot}, {Warm} and {Cold} Zones are established by the {Hazmat Unit after site monitoring with air monitors has been completed}.

Basic Decon

HYDRASSIST OPERATION 1. First engine will spot at the hydrant for hydrant connection using Hydra-assist. Firefighter disembarks engine for hydrant connection. Engine proceeds to fire. Handle on Hydra-assist should point to the "B" position after connection is made and before hydrant is opened. (Figure 1) 2. Firefighter opens the hydrant using the 10 second rule. Firefighter returns to engine company NOTE: 10 second rule should take about 10 seconds to open/close a valve to prevent damage to plumbing 3. Second engine will spot at the hydrant with largest discharge on the hydrant side. Spot apparatus for soft suction connection 4. Operator will set park brake, then connect 5" soft suction to side "________" of the Hydra-assist. Operator will then connect soft suction to the 5" intake 5. Operator will attach {25} feet of {4}" hose to side "{D}" of the Hydraassist The {4}" hose is connected to the largest discharge 6. Operator will turn handle on the Hydra-assist to the "{D}" position. Operator will open the {intake valve and the discharge valve}, then {engage the pump} 7. Second engine operator will {pump friction loss} plus {20} psi for residual pressure to the first engine 8. Contact the first engine by radio to confirm {residual pressure} is {20} psi or above NOTE: pump {discharge pressure} should not exceed {200} psi


HYDRASSIST OPERATION 1. First engine will spot at the hydrant for hydrant connection using Hydra-assist. Firefighter disembarks engine for hydrant connection. Engine proceeds to fire. Handle on Hydra-assist should point to the "B" position after connection is made and before hydrant is opened. (Figure 1) 2. Firefighter opens the hydrant using the 10 second rule. Firefighter returns to engine company NOTE: 10 second rule should take about 10 seconds to open/close a valve to prevent damage to plumbing 3. Second engine will spot at the hydrant with largest discharge on the hydrant side. Spot apparatus for soft suction connection 4. Operator will set park brake, then connect 5" soft suction to side "C" of the Hydra-assist. Operator will then connect soft suction to the 5" intake 5. Operator will attach 25 feet of 4" hose to side "D" of the Hydraassist The 4" hose is connected to the largest discharge 6. Operator will turn handle on the Hydra-assist to the "________" position. Operator will open the {intake valve and the discharge valve}, then {engage the pump} 7. Second engine operator will {pump friction loss} plus {20} psi for residual pressure to the first engine 8. Contact the first engine by radio to confirm {residual pressure} is {20} psi or above NOTE: pump {discharge pressure} should not exceed {200} psi


209 FLOWER FUND UPDATED The flower fund collects $1.00 each month from all Fire Department employees. With the flower funds collected, flowers from "The Oklahoma City Fire Department" are sent in the event of a ________ only. This applies to the following list of Fire Department employees' relatives: {Employee of the Department Spouse of Employee Children of Employee Stepchildren of Employee Son-in-law of Employee Daughter-in-law of Employee Grandchildren of the Employee Parents of Employee Step-parents of Employee Mother-in-law of Employee Father-in-law of Employee Siblings of Employee Sister-in-law of Employee Brother-in-law of Employee Grandparents of Employee or Employee's Spouse}


The ________ collects {particulates (soot)} from the exhaust stream and burns them {more completely}. Apparatus equipped with a DPF will have very clean exhaust emissions and {no black smoke} as is common with older diesel engines. The soot burns out of the DPF {naturally} when the exhaust is very hot. If the apparatus makes {frequent short runs, or operates in very cold climates}, the exhaust may never get hot enough to burn out the soot and an {active regeneration} is required.


Isolating the hazard consists of steps taken to control the product from a safe distance This can be accomplished by: Diking a storm drain (ahead of the spill, at a safe distance) Digging a holding pit for the product to run into ________ an area to keep the product out of either a {natural or artificial} water system Only attempt this if it is possible to stay {UPWIND and OUT of the product or its vapors}


I. Positive Tuberculosis (TB) Test Procedures: If your Tuberculosis (TB) test result is positive, the following forms must be completed. 1. Complete the Online On the Job Injury Report. Date/Time of injury: ________ of Positive Reading How injury occurred: If known, complete same - if unknown enter: {Potentially exposed to an airborne pathogen}. Severity of Injury: {Clinic Visit} 2. Complete the {Online Supervisor's Investigation Report} from the email received. Date: {Date} of Positive Reading {5 "Whys":} It is only necessary to complete the first {why} in this case. Using a statement such as; "{The employee tested positive during the annual TB screening}". Include: Assisted Employee with Procedures on {Further Testing}


OPERATIONAL TESTING FOR SCBA, HEADS-UP DISPLAY AND CONSOLE 9. Push in and rotate the cylinder valve knob clockwise to close. When the cylinder valve is fully closed, open the purge valve slightly to vent the residual air pressure from the system. As the residual air pressure vents from the system, the remote pressure gauge needle will swing from "FULL" and move towards "EMPTY". Observe the lights of the Heads-up display and verify that they light properly in descending order. Close the purge valve when the gauge needle crosses the "1/3" mark but before the beginning of the red "________" band. a. The {Vibralert} end of service indicator alarm shall actuate ({rapid clicking}). b. The {red} light on the far {left} of the heads-up display shall flash rapidly at ten ({10}) times per second. c. On units equipped with either the {PASS or the SEMS II} Console, the gauge shall be illuminated by a {RED} light.


________ is the {immediate removal of all persons from an area of danger}. Isolation covers {all personnel (Fire, PD, EMS, etc.)} The {Hazmat Intervention Group} is the {only exception} {330} feet in all directions is recommended for any {unknown}


Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) Communicable Disease Risk Exposure OSDH Form 207 (Part 1, items 1 through 13). Follow instructions on the form. Know your hepatitis B vaccination history. Form must be completed in a legible manner. Item 11. "Description of Exposure" must, be as descriptive as possible. If there is not enough room for a total description, attach an additional sheet to the form. The employee must describe what area of the body was exposed, to what extent, and how long exposed. (i.e., blood covered both gloved hands and onto forearms to elbow, skin without cuts or abrasions, 30 minutes before able to clean up, etc.). ________ or designee will complete items {14 - 19}. {Hospital} personnel will complete items {20, 21, and 22}. The {green} copy of the form will be retained by the {treating facility}. The {yellow} copy of the form will be sent with other required paperwork to {Fire Administration} (this form will {not be scanned and emailed to Risk Management}).

EMS Chief

The following procedures shall be accomplished when given the order to pump the system of a high-rise building : 1. A water supply shall be established from a municipal hydrant using a Hydra-assist valve 2. The pumper or pumpers that will be supplying the FDC shall be spotted in such a position to accommodate the following objectives: a. Connect Hydra-Assist Valve to the hydrant, attach 4" supply line to the Hydra-Assist and lay into the ________ b. A minimum of {two} 2 1/2" discharge lines ({3}" lines are preferred if available) shall be used to make the connection from the {discharges of the pumper to the FDC} According to NFPA {1962}, the maximum operating pressure for {large diameter hose with Stortz couplings} is {185} psi and should not be used to supply {high-rise FDCs} c. The pumper shall be spotted with the pump panel {away from the fire building} to protect the engineer from {falling debris} d. The discharge lines supplying the FDC shall be connected to the {discharges opposite from the fire pump panel}, allowing the pump operator to stay clear of the lines in the event of {hose failure} e. Try to spot the pumper at the {corner of the fire building}, if possible, to keep out of the way of {falling glass and debris}.


Education involves instruction that emphasizes knowledge-based learning objectives that are not tied to a specific job. Education is related to concepts such as, management styles, budget process, governmental theories, or history. The U.S. Fire Administration/National Fire Academy, working in conjunction with universities, created the ________ model curriculum. {Certification} results from tests or assessments to determine their {abilities to apply knowledge and skills}. Career {advancement or mobility} within the profession can often depend on {certification}. Traditional fire service {terminology} is referred to as {jargon}. The Level {"I"} officer will be referred to by the term {supervisor} and the Level {"II"} officer will be referred to as {manager}. {National Fire Protection Association} is in {Quincy, Maryland}.


EMERGENCY RADIO OPERATIONS PROCEDURES Companies dispatched to small incidents such as car fires, automatic alarms, trash fires, etc... will remain on FIRE OPS for the duration of that incident. Companies responding on EMS incidents will respond on EMSA channel for the duration of the EMS incident. Company Officers may wish to have one or more personnel remain on FIRE OPS during EMS incidents to maintain situational awareness. In addition, personnel will need to hit the Emergency Button on a radio that is on ________. Radios with the Emergency Button activated while on the {EMSA} channel {may not be as quickly checked}. Fire Dispatch {does not routinely monitor} the EMSA channel


EMPLOYEE-PAID INTERNET CONNECTION Worksites may request an employee-paid internet connection through the ________. The request may be made {via email} and must contain the following : 1. {Worksite} requesting the internet connection 2. Proposed {Internet Service Provider} (i.e. Cox, AT&T, etc.) 3. List of one or more personnel who will be responsible for {paying service fees} 4. An estimation of {installation and recurring costs} 5. {Make/Model of each device which will utilize the internet connection} (i.e. TVs, desktop computers, laptops, wireless routers, phones) NOTE: Any {additional devices added to the internet connection} can impede the worksite's {Public Safety Signal}. Any additional device(s) not listed in the initial request will require approval of the {FIT officer}

FIT Officer

You are urged to familiarize yourself with the following procedures to be utilized when requesting service or modification to any City-paid telephone equipment or system : 1. All requests for system changes, equipment addition or deletion, extra calling options, and additional lines must be directed to the ________ by {email} or {297-3638} 2. Any routine telephone equipment or line trouble is to be reported to the {IT Help Desk} 3. If you are receiving any billing for other than a privately paid system at your work site please contact {Fire Administration}

FIT Officer

Progressive Discipline for permanent Probationary employees will begin with Class-2 Reprimand. The ________ may deviate from the progressive steps when considering the following factors: {Seriousness of the offense Employee's past history with the Department Repeated violations}

Fire Chief

The Accident Review Board will provide a written recommendation to the ________ as to whether a vehicle accident incurred by the OKCFD was {preventable, non-preventable, reasonable, or unreasonable}. The final disposition will be forwarded to {Risk Management, and the affected employee}(s). Note: Per A/SAF-207 Safety Investigation Team; If the Fire Chief deems necessary, a {Safety Investigation Team (SIT)} will {muster to further investigate the accident}. The goal of the SIT is to {find facts and contributing factors in an effort to keep a similar accident from occurring}. The decision to muster a SIT would be based on the {severity and/or potential severity of the accident}.

Fire Chief

The request for light duty must be made in writing by the employee. The request for light duty will include the following items: Date of request Employees full name Current duty assignment Date of injury Type of injury Statement requesting light duty and start date. Types of skills employee possesses, (i.e. typing, computer, etc.) Employee's signature Attached to the request must be a proper medical release and/or a letter from the physician. That letter must include: Date of letter Employee's name Current diagnosis Prognosis Statement that employee can perform light duty List any work restrictions When employee is scheduled for next appointment Physician's printed name, phone number and address Physician's signature The letter, along with medical release and any attachments must be routed to Fire Administration for timestamp. The letter is then routed to the Deputy Chief of Operations for review. The Deputy Chief of Operations will determine if an assignment meeting the medical restrictions exists and forward recommendation to approve or deny the request to the ________. The {Fire Chief} will determine if the request is {approved or denied}.

Fire Chief

Travel policy GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The Fire Chief, or his designee, will approve travel outside the Metropolitan area of Oklahoma City. Requests for travel will be made in writing by submitting a Travel and Training Request form (Fireweb Forms), to the ________, through the appropriate {Deputy Chief}, {one} month in advance of the trip. The request form must include the {dates of travel, destination, purpose of the trip and an itemized list of expected expenses to include registration, meals, transportation and lodging}. The use of a rental car must be {justified and approved} in advance as a {separate} request memo. If an employee plans to use their private vehicle, they must submit a copy of their {driver's license and vehicle insurance security verification} with the Travel/Training request form. Mileage will be reimbursed only up to an amount equal to the {lowest available airfare} and should be submitted on the {City of Oklahoma City Council/Employee Travel Policy Expense Documentation} form (Fireweb Forms). If an employee intends to use a City vehicle for travel, the request form should include this information. Use of a City vehicle outside of the Metropolitan area requires the approval of the {Fire Chief} in advance. The use of a rental car must be justified and approved in advance. If approved, rental cars are paid by the employee and reimbursed along with the other travel expenses.

Fire Chief

Uniformed members will wear only the uniform items prescribed by this regulation. The ________ is the only person who has the authority to {waive uniform appearance and grooming standards} identified in this policy. This policy is a {living document}; please submit any requests for policy deviation {through your chain of command}.

Fire Chief

Professional dry cleaning is recommended for indoor parade flags. Incidentally, many establishments will clean Old Glory free of charge, especially during the period just prior to ________, {June 14}. 4. Do not place the flag where the wind will whip it against {rough surfaces, tree branches, wires, cables}, etc. The {smallest tear} can soon result in a {tattered} flag. Keep pole surfaces free of heavy dirt, rust, scale and corrosion that could damage your flag. 5. Inspect your flag regularly for signs of wear. In particular, look for "{normal wear}" fabric or thread breaks that may occur in the "{fly}" end. This is the end {farthest from the staff}. {Trimming off and re-hemming torn or frayed ends} will help {extend} the life of your flag. How long will a flag last? There is no exact answer. The U.S. Government generally expects a {nylon or cotton} bunting flag to last approximately {90} days, based on daily usage from sunrise to sunset, but not during periods of inclement weather. Tests have shown that in some cases a flag flown 24 hours a day will last only {one-fourth} as long as one flown during {daylight hours only}.

Flag Day

If there "Was a Risk Exposure" A District Officer or the EMS Chief ensures follow-up procedures are started at the hospital: Take the completed Form 207 and an OSDH envelope to the Health Care Facility to which the source patient was transported. Inquire to meet with the Exposure Control Practitioner or the Emergency Department Supervising Nurse. Have the Exposure Control Practitioner sign the ________ in the {lower right hand corner}. Remove the {yellow} copy of the form and {mail it to OSDH}, and leave the {green} copy of form and envelope with the facility. Ensure all completed forms (EXCEPT {State Form 207}) are placed in an envelope and forwarded through the {Chain of Command}. If the EMS Chief or designee is on scene, the EMS Chief or designee will secure the {State Form 207} and mail them in the appropriate envelope to the designated State Department. If the EMS Chief or designee is not available to collect the signed State Form 207 from the {ER Physician} it will need to be placed in an envelope and sent directly to the {EMS Chief} or designee. The EMS Chief or designee will then place this document in the appropriate envelope and mail it to the designated State Department. THE STATE FORM 207 IS {CONFIDENTIAL}, AND SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE {OFFICIAL JOB INJURY FORMS} BEING FORWARDED THROUGH THE CHAIN OF COMMAND

Form 207

Tactical Objectives Establish Site Control (ZONES) Deny Access to the support zones Receive ________ from the {IC} Address {Tactical Objectives} for each team Appoint a {Hazmat Safety Officer} Assess the personnel in the {Area of Refuge} Assess need for {Basic Decon} to continue Appoint a {Decon Officer} Complete {Decon site} Appoint a {Science Officer} Obtain the latest {weather information} Gather {Product Information} Complete the {Site Safety plan} and turn it in to the {IC} Draw a {map} showing all the components listed below and send to the IC/OP {IDLH conditions Area of refuge Routes of Teams Exclusion Zone Position of back up team} Appoint an {Intervention Leader} Insure all personnel that are going into {suits} are {trained} Adequate {manpower} for entry Appoint an {EMS Leader} Complete the {medical surveillance} Use the {Hazmat call list} to insure {proper authorities} are notified


(high rise fire) 4th Engine 1. Order driver to connect to the proper FDC and prepare to pump the required pump pressure to the system 2. Remainder of the crew will assume Lobby Control after placing all tools in a convenient location a. Extra SCBA cylinders from their apparatus b. 2 ½" Lightweight High-Rise hose packs from their apparatus 3. Ensure that repeated and/or modified announcements are provided to building occupants, as needed, with the status of the event and appropriate directives 4. Ensure the activation of the stairwell door-unlocking device, if present, on the fire/communication panel. The Officer must activate this device if it has not activated automatically 5. Ensure that the building engineer is located to control the ________ or the officer must {shut down the HVAC system} 6. Verify the operation of the {fire pumps} and other {built-in safety equipment} 7. Ensure that a {set of master keys} has been obtained 8. Secure a {list of persons} who are {self-identified as requiring special assistance, including their ordinary location in the building and their identified points of refuge, if applicable} 9. Secure additional {floor plans} and {identify the stairwells designated} by the {Investigation Group} a. The stairwell doors in the lobby should be {appropriately labeled according to their use} ("Fire-Attack Stairwell" or "Evacuation Stairwell") 10. Direct a member {to operate another elevator car}. That member must be equipped with {portable radio, SCBA, forcible entry tool, flashlight, fire extinguisher and one (1) extra SCBA} 11. Be cognizant that fire companies may utilize {stairwell fire telephones} as an alternate means of communication 12. Shut down {escalators} to assist with the evacuation of building occupants


(high rise fire) Technical Specialist (Referred to by Specialty) Examples: Building Engineer(s) Structural Engineer ________ {Elevator Technician} {Code Enforcement} ({Water Supply Specialist}) The Technical Specialist, once assigned will: a. Assist {Command/Planning} with {expert information} and/or procedures that pertain to their field b. If the Technical Specialist is not an OKCFD member, they will remain in the {Command/Planning area} unless accompanied by an {OKCFD member equipped with a radio}.


Case History: Driver/operator candidates reading this chapter should understand that the design, production, and use of fire department pumping apparatus is an evolutionary process in which technological advances are introduced to the fire service. With the invention of the siphon pump used during Roman times to the advent of the first pieces of sewn leather fire hose in Holland during the late 1600s, fire fighting capabilities have advanced as better equipment and tactics have developed. ________ apparatus like the {Newsham engine} gave way to the {horse drawn steam engine} and finally {motorized fire apparatus}. While pumpers of a generation ago may have carried {hose}, a few {nozzles}, and {ground ladders}, the many configurations, special applications, and wide variety of equipment carried on modern pumpers are a direct result of adapting {evolving technology} to the expanding mission of the fire service. Pumping apparatus capable of supporting extrication or technical rescue incidents as well as providing scene lighting and electrical power are now commonly found in many jurisdictions. The driver/operator must often be proficient in the operation of many types of specialized equipment as well as safely driving the apparatus and operating the fire pump. Fire apparatus are classified according to the primary function for which they are designed. This chapter describes various types of apparatus that are equipped with a fire pump. Some of these vehicles feature additional systems such as aerial devices or rescue tool systems. The {fire department pumper} is the {core} unit of the fire service and is sometimes expected to fill several roles such as {rescue, hazardous materials (hazmat), or medical responses}.

Hand tub

Fire Department response to an "Active Assailant" incident will include; 2- Engine Company's, 1- Rescue Ladder, ________, and the {District/Battalion Chief (DO).} Dispatch will also activate the {Fire Departments "Command Page"} Fire Response: The Fire Department DO assigned to the event will go to {OCPD Dispatch 6} and contact Police Dispatch to establish communications with PD on-scene command/supervisor {PD dispatch} will relay any needed information to the responding Fire DO until on-scene {PD command is able to communicate directly}. The immediate goal of establishing {radio communication is to set up face-to-face contact as early in the incident as possible}

Hazmat 5

The Hazmat Science Group, led by the Science Officer, is responsible for gathering information for the Hazmat Organization, the need for information (product, container, outside resources, etc.) and equipment (PPE, monitors, tools, etc.) and fills the needs for materials and information that is on site for the ________. The {Science Officer's} Radio call sign is "{Science}".

Hazmat Team

Those incidents requiring an "entry" by the Hazmat Unit to stabilize the situation will follow these standard procedures PRE-ENTRY All tasks and procedures are to be identified before attempting entry Unfamiliar tasks are to be practiced before entry No personnel are to enter the Exclusion Zone until support personnel complete the Entry Team Checklist There shall be a visible identification system for all Entry and Decontamination Team personnel. This identification system shall provide incident commanders with the ability to identify personnel at a distance Conduct an Incident Risk Analysis with the ________ with respect to {possible results of actions taken to stabilize the incident} Identify {Known hazards} and risks This must include all known or suspected {physical, biological, radiological or chemical hazards}

Hazmat Team

In some cases, the aerial apparatus may be required to position on and operate from a bridge or overpass. This most commonly occurs when a large fire of some type or rescue operation occurs next to a bridge. In these cases, the Incident Commander may determine that it is tactically important to deploy elevated master streams or rescue equipment from the bridge side of the incident. The following guidelines should be used in these situations: • Be sure that the bridge has a load capacity that is safe for the apparatus to drive on and operate from. • If multiple apparatus must work on a bridge, do not park or operate all apparatus on the same span. The combined static load of all apparatus may exceed its design limitations. Instead, stagger apparatus in different traffic lanes without parking side-by-side. • Be sure the road surface upon which the apparatus is parked is in good repair. Avoid weak spots that might allow a stabilizer to punch through the bridge decking. • Follow the principles discussed earlier in this chapter for setting up the aerial apparatus on an incline if the bridge has a significantly sloped road surface. • Use caution when raising the aerial device if the bridge has a superstructure above the road surface. If electric lines are present, allow the standard 10 foot (3 m) safety distance from the lines. • Be alert for wind conditions on top of a large bridge. It may be necessary to use high-wind operating principles for the aerial device. Wind conditions may be more severe here than on either side of the access to the bridge. • Recognize that most large bridges are designed to move somewhat in response to forces placed upon them by wind, traffic, and water movement below. This movement will be somewhat amplified at the tip of a raised aerial device, depending on the type and intensity of the force. ________ will further affect the movement of the aerial device. When this movement becomes {uncomfortable for firefighters or begins to place excessive lateral stress on the aerial device}, {minimize the extension} of the device as much as possible. • Remember that {bridges and elevated sections of roads} will be the first road surfaces to {freeze during cold weather}. This can pose serious travel and positioning hazards.

High winds

________ weather can also affect surface conditions. Icy/snowy surfaces and hot surfaces will be addressed in the sections following.

Hot and cold

(high rise fire) Because the products of combustion create an ________ atmosphere, ventilation should begin as soon as possible. Proper ventilation will remove the {toxins from the building and should reduce heat in the affected area(s).} Heat conditions in high-rise fires may exceed the capabilities of {firefighter's PPE}. When excessive heat conditions exist, crews may have no choice but to {withdrawal from the area until the temperatures fall to a level that can be withstood}. When crews have to withdraw, {defensive operations} should begin until the temperatures are within tolerable limits : 1. Do not bring {PPV blowers to the fire floor initially}. Due to the lack of exit openings, PPV could cause the fire to {massively accelerate} 2. Use PPV at the {base of the stairwells} as this will have {minimal affect} on {fire behavior}, and will help {keep the stairs clear of smoke} 3. Consider {electric} fans 4. Top priority should be given to {protecting elevator shafts} from {water cascading}, thereby {rendering elevators useless}. {Diking} around the elevator shafts, on floors where hose lines are deployed, is essential to the continued operation of elevator cars 5. If access above the fire floor is required, utilize an elevator in the {blind shaft}, if present, to ascend above the fire floor. If a fire department member does not already man this elevator, then a member must be assigned to {remain in the elevator} 6. Building personnel should be consulted, if possible, for utilization of equipment to assist in performing {salvage work}: i.e. {hand-trucks}, {pallet-jacks}, {forklifts}, etc, for relocating or removing {valuable contents}.


The International Fire Service Training Association produces two manuals to meet the training objectives of NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications. Level "I" and Level "II"- ________ Manuel—{Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer} Level "III" and Level "IV"- {IFSTA} Manuel—{Fire and Emergency Services Chief Officer}


Fire Marshal Work Section Windbreaker Embroidery: (Investigation or Inspection): FRONT Right breast embroidered with first initial and last name (example: J. DOE) above the rank. Below the rank should be, the officer's designation either "________" or "{INVESTIGATOR}". {Left} breast embroidered with a {3}-inch {gold} badge with the words {FIRE} (curved) above the badge and {MARSHAL} (curved) below the badge. BACK The words "{FIRE MARSHAL}" will be embroidered on the back in {gold}, with the words being {8 ½ inches across and 1 ½ inches in height}.


Aerial device stress can occur from one or a combination of the following conditions: • Excessive degree of angle, both horizontal and vertical, measured from the truck's center line axis • Operation in nonparallel positions (uphill, downhill, or lateral grades) • Operation in supported tip vs. unsupported tip positions • Length of aerial device extension • Nozzle reaction from elevated master stream • Weight and/or movement of hose, water, personnel, and/or equipment on the aerial device • Wind reaction • Improper operation of the aerial device (sudden starts and stops, rough operation of hydraulic controls) • Heat exposure (radiant and convection) • ________ on ladder or platform • {Impact} with the building or other object • Improper {stabilization } • Wear caused by {road travel}


________ — Hose used to connect a fire department pumper or a portable pump to a nearby water source; may be {soft sleeve or hard suction hose}.

Intake Hose

The tanker will have dropped a tank with hard suction hose, jet siphon, 1 section of 3" hose and 1 section of 1 ¾" hose. This equipment is for the second arriving engine company to draft with Procedures for Drafting Engine 1. Position rig to draft out of drop tank. Leave room for tanker shuttle 2. Hook up 50' section of 3" hose to WYE and then to your pump discharge 3. Hook up hard suction to jet siphon and then to intake valve. (Remove intake valve and connect hard suction directly to pump intake. Leaks in the intake relief valve may cause loss of suction.) 4. Hook up 1 ¾" hose to jet siphon and then to pump. This will be to assist prime 5. Place rig in pump gear (make sure all valves, drains and discharges are closed or air leak will cause you to lose prime) 6. Open the tank to pump valve and open discharge to 3" line on the WYE (throttle up to pressure 20 psi + FL). 7. Open WYE on engine side and close tanker side a.Tanker shuts down nursing operation and dumps remaining water into drop tank 8. Open the large intake valve to begin drafting and increase throttle to assist priming 9. Prime can be achieved by any 1 of 3 ways: a. First Method - Use pump primer b. Second Method - ________ c. Third Method - {Backfilling with tank water} 10. Watch for {movement of water thru} hard suction. As prime is achieved begin closing tank to pump slowly until closed a.Watch {booster tank level} closely. Prime must be achieved before Booster tank is empty! 11. As soon as the tank to pump valve is closed, open tank fill valve slowly and only part way or you will lose pressure. Fill the booster tank as soon as possible 12. Watch water level in drop tank and notify {Water Supply Officer} if water level falls to {half} a. Keep the booster tank {full} as an {emergency reserve}! b. Notify Command if you have to {start using booster tank water}

Jet Siphon

Effective February 7, 2007, Eligibility requirements for Sergeant are: NOTE: Seniority points start accruing on the date all eligibility requirements have been met , Must have been a Corporal for at least one year in Suppression, from the last date of employment Must have a minimum of five years as an employee of the Oklahoma City Fire Department from the date of last employment , Employees hired after ________, must have completed {Sergeant's Manual} and turned in with all {required signatures} at least {30} calendar days {prior to exam date} , Must compete in a {100} question written examination given by the {Training Work Section} The questions are to be {germane to the position} and {procedures of the Oklahoma City Fire Department} and shall include questions on {operating procedures, general knowledge, driving techniques, and firefighting operations} The top {25} scoring candidates will be placed into a {one}-week academy. The academy shall include, but not be limited to, instruction in: {driving techniques}, {equipment operation}, and {Fire Department policy and procedures} The top {25} scoring candidates, {combining written test score}, {seniority points}, and {academy score}, shall be placed on a {sequence list} for promotion

July 1, 2005

Hoistway Access Switch: ________ operated switch, found at the {top landing and lowest landing}, for {operation hoistway doors}. Normally the switch is {72}" above the floor and {12}" to the side of the door


________: {Floor or floor level at which the car should stop}


The International Association of Fire Chiefs divides fire officer ranks into 4 levels in its Professional Development Model. These very slightly form the NFPA model shown in NFPA 1021 Level I- Supervising fire officer (all company officers) Level II-________ fire officer ({battalion, district and assistant chiefs}) Level III- {Administrative} fire officer ({administrative chiefs in charge of divisions or bureaus within the department}) Level IV- {Executive} fire officer ({chief of the department})


Hackensack Ford Fire: July 1st 1988, 5 Firefighters died. Catalyst for change in the way fires are fought, as risk management has come into the equation. Investigated by: ________ and {IAFF}


If and IC fails to delegate authority properly at a major incident, the span of control may be exceeded. Making every decision in the absence of good delegation can be quickly overwhelming and can cause: Chaos at the incident scene Breakdowns in communication and coordination Confused, inefficient operations at best and perhaps losses of life and property ________ of the task - {characteristics} {Urgency} {Conditions} under which it must be performed {Complexity} {Rate} at which it must be performed {Similarity/dissimilarity} to tasks being performed by others


The variables that effect the span of control in any given situation include the: Ability and experience of the supervisor Ability and experience of subordinates ________ of the task - characteristics {Urgency} {Conditions} under which it must be performed {Complexity} {Rate} at which it must be performed {Similarity/dissimilarity} to tasks being performed by others {Proximity} of subordinates to the {supervisor and each other} {Ease/reliability} of communications medium Consequences of a {mistake}


Chain saw 10. Watch out for by-standers when using the saw 11. If you are using the Leg Lock Device, carry the saw in the device 12. DO NOT CARRY THE CHAIN SAW UP A LADDER WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING 13. Shut off the engine before setting the saw down on the roof, floor or ground 14. This is a ________ person saw 15. NEVER USE THE SAW WITH {ONE HAND} 16. Do not operate the saw with the starting {throttle lock engaged} 17. NEVER TOUCH THE {CHAIN} WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING 18. Cut at {full throttle} 19. When cutting watch out for {loose objects} 20. Never operate a chain saw that is in {need of repair}


Information and Training OKCFD will ensure that employees, covered by the bloodborne pathogens standard, are trained at the time of initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure may occur, and every year thereafter by the following methods: Annual training will be given from the Safety Office through the annual ________ computer training on {Target Solutions}. Training is tailored to the {education and language} level of the employee, and offered during the normal work shift. The training will be interactive and cover the following: The standard and its contents. The epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborne diseases. The modes of transmission of bloodborne pathogens. This Oklahoma City Fire Department Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan (ECP) and a method for obtaining a copy. The recognition of tasks that may involve exposure. The use and limitations of methods to reduce exposure, for example engineering controls, work practices and House Keeping, Personal Hygiene and personal protective equipment (PPE). The types, use, location, removal, handling, decontamination, and disposal of PPE. The basis for selection of PPE. The Hepatitis B vaccination, including efficacy, safety, method of administration, benefits, and that it will be offered free of charge. The appropriate actions to take and persons to contact in an emergency involving blood or body fluids. The procedures to follow if an exposure incident occur, including the method of reporting and medical follow-up. The evaluation and follow-up required after an employee exposure incident. The signs, labels, and color coding systems.


LABELS Chemicals utilized at OKCFD facilities shall be labeled according to the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of chemicals (GHS). The types of information employees can expect to see on the new GHS shipping labels include the following elements: Pictogram: OSHA's required pictograms must be in the shape of a square set at a point and include a black hazard symbol on a white background with a red frame sufficiently wide enough to be clearly visible. A Square red frame set at a point without a hazard symbol is not a pictogram and is not permitted on the label. ________ has designated ({8}) pictograms under this standard for application to a hazard category.


Environmental surveys conducted across the nation indicate there are "hot-spots" at Fire Stations where multi-drug resistant organisms (Super Bugs) can hide. Couch fabrics are a definite hot spot. There is NO FDA approved product that can guarantee solid cleaning. Prevention is the best practice, and keeping these bugs from coming into the station is the best solution. ________ equipment ({station phones, computer key boards, desks, pens, books, remote controls, chairs}, etc.) is frequently {touched}, but most likely they {aren't} frequently cleaned. {Smooth} surface flooring is easier to disinfect than carpet. Be sure to {wear shoes of some type whenever walking on carpet flooring as well as in the locker room and restroom area}.


(high rise fire) Stairwell Support Officer (Stairwell Support) The Stairwell Support Officer, once assigned will : 1. Report to Logistics and coordinate the transport of equipment via the stairwells from the lobby to Staging a.One member per two floors b. One ________ per {four or five} members c. Personnel shall have on their person: {Flashlight Portable radio} d. Personnel shall have available at the {lowest landing they serve}: {Personal safety equipment (P.P.E) and S.C.B.A} 2. Consider {relief} if extended operation 3. If an {auxiliary water supply is required}, the {Stairwell Support Officer} will coordinate and supervise this function 4. If {helicopters} are used, coordinate the transport of equipment from {roof} to {Staging}


(high rise fire) Stairwell Support Officer (Stairwell Support) The Stairwell Support Officer, once assigned will : 1. Report to Logistics and coordinate the transport of equipment via the stairwells from the lobby to Staging a.One member per two floors b. ________ {Officer} per {four or five} members c. Personnel shall have on their person: {Flashlight Portable radio} d. Personnel shall have available at the {lowest landing they serve}: {Personal safety equipment (P.P.E) and S.C.B.A} 2. Consider {relief} if extended operation 3. If an {auxiliary water supply is required}, the {Stairwell Support Officer} will coordinate and supervise this function 4. If {helicopters} are used, coordinate the transport of equipment from {roof} to {Staging}


Manikin Supplies and Inventory Each station should have a CPR training box with the following supplies: One (1) BLS Instructor Manual One (1) BLS DVD Two (2) BLS Provider Manuals One (1) Family and Friends training DVD Ten (10) Family and Friends student manuals (Family and Friends CPR course participation cards are located inside manuals) Five (5) course rosters ________ {Family and Friends lesson plan} {One (1)} {package of face shields} Each District Chief station should have all supplies listed above plus: {Four (4)} {Adult manikins} {Four (4)} {Infant manikins} Enough supplies for {district/station CPR training} should be on hand at {all times}

One (1)

(high rise fire) Under the direction of the Incident Commander, the Ops Chief is responsible for all tactical operations. The following is a list of some of the Operations Chief's responsibilities: Fire Floor-Division The Fire-Floor Division Supervisor once assigned will : 1. Confer with Operations 2. Proceed to the fire floor and take control of all operations on the fire floor and the floor above under the direction of Operations, including, but not limited to, the following: a. Conduct size-up b. Supervise extinguishment, check for fire extension, and monitor smoke spread c. Establish back-up lines d. Supervise all searches and ventilation on the fire floor, floor above, and floor below e. Provide progress reports to ________, in {person} if possible f. Monitor the safety of all personnel operating on the {fire floor and one (1) floor above the fire} and assess {ongoing conditions} g. Initiate {salvage and overhaul operations}


ADDITIONAL LADDER COMPANIES (Once a significant fire is confirmed) 4th Ladder 1. The 4th Ladder will act as the Evacuation Stairwell Search Team (Evacuation S.S.T) and will report to the U.S.E Officer 2. Ascend via appropriate elevator (if available) or stairwell to the top floor a. Will be equipped with Forcible Entry Tools from their apparatus b. Extra SCBA from their apparatus 3. Initiate a top-down stairwell search of the Evacuation Stairwell. If additional resources are required to complete this task, notify ________ 4. Check the conditions of the Evacuation Stairwell and remove building occupants to safe area, if required. The stairwell door to the {fire floor} should not be opened into the Evacuation Stairwell. The only exception is when it necessitates a {rescue}. {Operations and the Incident Commander} will be notified if this procedure becomes necessary and will notify the {search and rescue units} of this action


HELMET MARKINGS AND CARE There will not be any names or any other markings allowed on the outside of the fire department helmet that is not factory issue except station numbers, initials, rig assignment, and the American Flag. The numbers and letters will be issued from the Fire Department ________ Division only. Any changes must be approved by the {Deputy Chief of Operations}.


There are five major management functions that are the foundation upon which the ICS organization develops. These functions apply whether you are handling a routine emergency, organizing for a major non-emergency event, or managing a response to a major disaster. The five major management functions are: Incident command, Operations, Planning, logistics, finance/administration Incident Command: Sets the incident objectives, strategies, and priorities and has overall responsibility at the incident or event ________: Conducts {tactical operations} to carry out the plan. Develops the {tactical objectives and organization, and directs all tactical resources} {Planning}: {Prepares and documents} the {Incident Action Plan} to accomplish the {objectives, collects and evaluates information, maintains resource status, and maintains documentation} for incident records. {Logistics}: Provides {support, resources, and all other services} needed to meet the operational objectives {Finance/Administration}: {Monitors costs} related to the incident. Provides {accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analyses}


(high rise fire) Under the direction of the Incident Commander, the ________ is responsible for {all tactical operations}. The following is a list of some of the Operations Chief's responsibilities: {Fire Floor-Division} The {Fire-Floor Division Supervisor} once assigned will : 1. Confer with {Operations} 2. Proceed to the {fire floor} and {take control of all operations on the fire floor and the floor above} under the direction of {Operations}, including, but not limited to, the following: a. {Conduct size-up} b. Supervise {extinguishment}, check for {fire extension}, and monitor {smoke spread} c. Establish {back-up lines} d. Supervise {all searches and ventilation} on the {fire floor, floor above, and floor below} e. Provide progress reports to {Operations}, in {person} if possible f. Monitor the safety of all personnel operating on the {fire floor and one (1) floor above the fire} and assess {ongoing conditions} g. Initiate {salvage and overhaul operations}

Ops Chief

SIMON LTI QS-82 CHASSIS Interior Cab Controls 1. Battery Master Switch 2. Steering Column with Self-Cancelling Turn Switch and 4-way Hazard Light Switch 3. 20" Padded Steering Wheel with Horn Button that controls Telescopic feature 4. Air Horn Control Foot Switches, mounted on Driver's and Officer's side floor area 5. Siren Control Foot Switches, mounted on Driver's and Officer's Side floor areas 6. Siren (Federal ________) with on unit controls mounted on the forward doghouse area 7. Interior Swivel Map Lights with switches in each light 8. Dome lights have individual switches mounted on each light 9. Exterior spotlight hand controls, each side forward of Driver's and Officer's door 10. Seats equipped with quick release seat belts and automatic retractors 11. Driver's seat has Height/Ride, Fore/Aft and Inclination adjustment controls 12. Defroster fans with control switches on each 13. Vernier throttle control mounted in the left high side compartment 14. Transmission lever type shift control, internally illuminated with integral lock 15. Air horn manual shut off, located in driver's step well 16. Inter-Axle differential control with light 17. Spring brake emergency release 18. Parking brake control valve 19. Heating/defrosting/cooling and fan controls mounted on units front center above windshield and at the rear of engine doghouse. Directional vent controls on each unit 20. Tire chain "{ON SPOT}" engagement control


Employees must remove all garments that are penetrated by blood immediately or as soon as possible. They must remove all ________ before leaving the {work area}. When PPE is removed, employees will place it in a {designated container for disposal, washing, or decontamination}.


Discussion may include but not limited to the following: What goals were submitted to the Hazmat Unit by the Incident Commander? What objectives were outlined for the Entry Team by the Hazmat Director? What actions were made? What notifications were made? What PPE was used? How was the ________? {Who decided} the PPE? What {monitoring device/s} was used? What were the {readings of the devices}? Where the {zones were physically} located? How was {site security and zones control}? What {decon procedures} was used? What {Evacuation/Isolation} Procedures? What {Evacuation/Isolation} Routing?

PPE derived

Prolonged operations under adverse environmental conditions could cause the hydraulic oil to rise in temperature beyond its recommended temperature range. High oil temperatures can lead to premature equipment failure. Monitor the hydraulic oil temperature, especially in high ambient conditions or during lengthy operations. If high temperatures are encountered, and the emergency conditions allow, consider shutting the ________ off for a period of time to give the oil a chance to cool.


Those incidents requiring an "entry" by the Hazmat Unit to stabilize the situation will follow these standard procedures INITIAL Obtain status report from the Incident Commander Implement the Hazmat Response Incident Command Module of the Oklahoma City Fire Department Hazmat Emergency Response Plan The plan shall make provision for: o Atmospheric monitoring o Liquid monitoring o ________ Identification o Container {breach} identification o Initial {product containment} o Entry for {stabilization} with {back-up on stand}-by o {Decontamination} o Incident {termination} Request additional resources. This will include but not be limited to; o {First in engine} companies o {EMS} Unit o {Special Operations} Coordinator o {Fire Department Safety Officer} or designee o Oklahoma City {Police} Department o Oklahoma City {Public Works} Department o Oklahoma City {Emergency Management} Continue to gather as much information about the incident as possible to help confirm the {identity of the Hazardous materials}(s) involved Determine proper level of {protective equipment} for {all personnel operating on the scene} Conduct an {Incident Risk Analysis} to hazardous materials responders with respect to possible results of actions taken to stabilize the incident Develop an Incident Site Safety Plan Establish and delineate Control Zones (Cold, Warm, Hot) Initiate decontamination procedures.


Respirator user factors such as the nature and extent of the hazard, work rate, area to be covered, mobility, work requirements and conditions, as well as the limitations and characteristics of the available respirators are also selection factors. The Incident Commander shall require supplied air respirators to be used during overhaul operations until they are certain ambient conditions are below the permissible exposure limit and lung damage will not occur. Reference, Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine article Adverse Respiratory Effects Following Overhaul in Firefighters Jefferey L. Burgess, MD, JOEM 43:5 (May, 2001), pp 467-473. Keep in mind the primary goal of this program is that every OKCFD employee returns home as safe and healthy as they were when they arrived at work. Sometimes the safety and health goals appear to conflict with "getting the job done". The IC may wish to look at the way overhaul is being conducted. Can the ventilation be improved during overhaul? Is overhaul necessary immediately or can the firefighters rest? Could firefighters use the airline respirators off of ________ so that SCBAs would not be necessary? Could the IC rotate in fresh crews for overhaul operations?


Cold Stress Symptoms absence of sweating, nausea, blistered skin, cramping, rapid heartbeat, dehydration, exhaustion, seizures, low or absent blood pressure, flushed skin, shortness of breath, mental confusion, headache, sunburn, muscle rigidity, or stiff posture mental confusion weakness numbness slow pupil response waxy/pale skin Heat Stress Symptoms If an employee's heart rate exceeds 110 beats per minute, an oral temperature should be taken If an employee's temperature exceeds 100.6°F, employee should be moved to medical treatment area and, rehabilitation time should be increased Measure the SpO2%. If an employee's oxygen saturation below 94 percent (while breathing atmospheric or room air) employee should be moved to medical treatment area Measure the SpCO% with ________ or {LifePak 15} If SpCO% > {3}% with {any of below signs or symptoms}, treat for {CO Poisoning} per protocol {Abdominal pain Diarrhea Gait disturbances Seizures Agitation Distractibility Hallucination Syncope Bizarre neurologic symptoms Dizziness Headache Urinary incontinence Chest pain Drowsiness Impulsiveness Visual disturbances Coma Dyspnea Lethargy Vomiting Confabulation Fatigue Memory disturbances Weakness Confusion Fecal incontinence Nausea Depression Flu-like symptoms Palpitations} CO Poisoning Symptoms


ADDITIONAL LADDER COMPANIES (Once a significant fire is confirmed) OTHER COMPANIES Rescue-8 1. Initiate primary search of the floor above the fire floor. (Will answer to Fire-Floor Division Supervisor) 2. Will take the following rescue tools to perform search and/or RIT operations a. ________ b. {Rope assisted Search Bag} c. {Forcible Entry and other Rescue Tools} d. {Thermal Imager If Command deems that Rescue-8's delay in arrival time would hamper the operational flow of the incident, the I.C may assign {another crew} to search above the fire floor and use Rescue-8 as needed upon their arrival


RIT Responsibilities One of the most difficult assignments a firefighter will ever face is being part of a RIT that has been sent into a structure to find and remove a downed firefighter. The chances of the RIT safely and successfully completing their assignment are greatly increased if all personnel understand their roles and responsibilities during a Rescue situation : 1. RIT will monitor radio traffic of the emergency scene a. The ________ will notify the IC if a MAYDAY is called and {not immediately acknowledged by the IC} b. The RIT members will track where each company is operating within the IDLH atmosphere. This will give the RIT a good location for speeding up their search for Maydays or missing personnel. 2. RIT officer will confer with {the IC and Safety Officer} to obtain as much information possible about the structure prior to any possibly entry 3. RIT will perform their own size up of the structure when possible and note {most likely points of entry and egress for firefighters} 4. RIT will remain in "{ready}" position to be deployed 5. Upon deployment, the RIT officer will report specific {Benchmarks} to the {RIT Ops}

RIT officer

Class 7 - Radioactives Do not fight any ________ fires in {bulk type packaging} Radiation fires may create {Poisonous/toxic run off problems} with the application of water Use the ERG to establish the isolation zone Use the ERG to establish the evacuation zone Once you have set zones isolate or evacuate the area Deny access to the zones Stay out of smoke, it will contain toxic substances


The Incident Commander shall ensure that no employee enters an atmosphere that is considered IDLH unless the following procedures are followed: Note: IDLH means an atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, which would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual's ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere. IDLH atmospheres include structure fires, unknown atmospheres, toxic, flammable and oxygen deficient atmospheres. Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT): All incidents requiring interior attack or operations in Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health conditions, the IC will maintain compliance with 2-in 2-out requirements of respiratory standard OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 (g)(4). For more information on RIT please consult O/SUP-230, RAPID INTERVENTION TEAM (RIT). Commercial Alarm: The IC shall be responsible for designating a company or companies the assignment of RIT from among the companies responding to an incident. In the event the RIT is utilized at the incident, the IC will designate and assign an additional company as the RIT. House Fire or Single Alarm: The IC shall be responsible for designating a company or companies the assignment of RIT from among the companies responding to an incident. In the event the RIT is utilized at the incident, the IC will designate and assign an additional company as the RIT. At any time employees (working in teams of at least two) enter the IDLH atmosphere they will remain in visual, voice, or signal line communication. ________ or other communication will be maintained between employees in the IDLH atmosphere and the {employees located outside} the IDLH atmosphere. The employee(s) located outside the IDLH atmosphere ({RIT}) are trained and equipped to provide {effective emergency rescue}. The Incident Commander is notified {before} the RIT enters the IDLH atmosphere to provide emergency rescue. The Incident Commander, once notified, provides {necessary assistance appropriate to the situation}. The RIT located {outside the IDLH atmosphere} shall be equipped with: {Positive pressure SCBAs}, or other {positive pressure supplied-air respirator with auxiliary SCBA}; and either Appropriate {retrieval equipment} for removing the employees who enter the IDLH atmosphere where retrieval equipment would contribute to the rescue of the employee(s) and would {not increase the overall risk resulting from entry}; or Equivalent means for rescue where retrieval equipment is not required.


Like all fireground operations, relay pumping requires the use of effective, clear communication for success. While working in the operation, you must be aware of the actions of the other units in order to coordinate their efforts safely and efficiently. ________ can be effective for this operation but may be hampered by, or create, {an excessive volume of radio traffic}. If additional radio frequencies are available, one may be assigned specifically for the relay operation, thus freeing the fireground channel for fire attack use. Once operations have been established and the water supply is flowing, there should be need for very little further communication. In some cases, {firefighters may be sent between apparatus to act as messengers} if no other method of communication is available.


The Hazmat Rehabilitation Officer is subordinate to the Decon Officer and on the same level as the Entry/Exit Monitor The Hazmat Rehabilitation Officer's radio call sign is "________" The Hazmat Rehabilitation Officer has the responsibility of overseeing the {rehabilitation area}. Depending upon the size of incident, the Hazmat Rehabilitation area would be a {single resource} or a {crew level} in the IMS program This area will observe all {personnel leaving the hot zone}. This area is only for the personnel who have been in the {hot zone or decon area}. This is not a {rehabilitation area} for the entire team or staging area This area will have a Hazmat Medical Group/Team who will conduct "{post medical surveillance, Cooling, and Rehydration}," on the personnel in this area. They will not be able to have anything to eat or drink unless the {Hazmat Medical personnel} approve it This is the area that Hazmat Medical personnel will make determinations on the status of the team members based on the {post medical surveillance}. They will make the determination on whether or not they will be {available for re-entry} or {will be out of service} Their findings should be turned in to the Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor via the {Hazmat Safety Officer, and Intervention Group Supervisor/Team Leader}.


trench/excavation incidents FIRST RESPONDER POLICY 1. Establish command and position all apparatus at least 150 feet from the incident scene All personnel are to walk to the scene 2. Establish an off-site staging area at least 100 feet from the incident site away from the first arriving apparatus. All apparatus should turn their engines off once they are in position on the scene 3. Conduct an outer circle scene survey at least 100 feet around the scene. Utilize first responding personnel to: a. To shut off all sources of vibrations: i.e. construction equipment, traffic, bystanders b. Identify witnesses to the incident and establish when the incident occurred c. Identify the construction foreperson (competent person) and request pertinent information such as site plans, profile sheets, and exact number of personnel working in the trench and on site. Ask the foreperson to stay at the command post as a resource if necessary d. Ensure all utilities are controlled including water, sewer, electrical, and gas in the trench and around the scene. Utility companies should be called for as soon as possible (call 811 "Okie") 4. Conduct an inner circle survey at least 50 feet around the trench (this area should be secured with banner guard or fencing, with only one way in and out) a. Always approach a trench from the ends. ________ are most prone to {secondary collapse} b. If you must stand on the sidewall of the trench, {utilize lumber} ({2"x 10" or larger or ¾" plywood)} for {walk-boards}. c. Assist victims who are not trapped out of the trench from the {ends only}. DO NOT ENTER a trench which is greater than {four} feet in depth that is {not shored} d. If needed, place a {ground ladder} at the end of the trench to allow {non-trapped victims to exit} e. Establish the {number of trapped victims and their exact location}. Once you make contact with a conscious victim {maintain it} f. Establish the condition of the trapped victim(s) if possible: i. Totally buried, if so {how deep}? ii. Buried to their neck? iii. Buried to their waist? iv. Trapped by {utilities}? g. Utilize {construction personnel} to assist with {gathering lumber} or {moving equipment} (only move equipment if it will not {disturb the trench}) 5. Patient Care a. Make contact with the patient and determine their {L.O.C.} without getting into the trench b. Provide the patient with {oxygen via non-rebreather mask lowered down to the patient} c. If the patient is buried {above their chest}, which inhibits their breathing, utilize a {long pike pole} or {2" x 4"} to remove dirt from around their chest 6. Update {dispatch and responding units} on the status of the incident: a. Confirm entrapment and {number of victims} b. Establish {staging area} c. Request needed resources: {Special Operations Section } {OCPD} for traffic control Additional {ambulances or Medi-flight} (follow first responder protocol guidelines).


NFPA® 1911 specifies that all gauges used for service testing must be calibrated within 60 days of the testing. The following equipment is required for performance tests on fire department pumpers: • A gauge to determine intake pressure. The gauge should be calibrated to a range of 30 in Hg to zero (-100 to 0 kPa) for a vacuum gauge, or 30 in Hg (-100 kPa) vacuum to 150 psi (1 050 kPa) for a compound gauge (Figure 15.4, p. 522 ). • A gauge with a range of 0 to at least 400 psi (2800kPa) (with +or-5% accuracy) to determine pump discharge. • A pitot tube with knife edge and air chamber rated from 0 to at least 160 psi (1 100 kPa) is required if a flowmeter is not used (Figure 15.5). • Smooth bore nozzles of the appropriate size to provide the volumes pumped for the required tests. (If a flowmeter is used, fog nozzles may be substituted, providing they are rated for the required flows). • A means to secure the nozzles (rope, chain, or test stand). • A hand tachometer (if applicable). • Appropriate means to record the test results (written form or computer program). The following additional equipment may serve to make the testing process easier and more efficient: • Two 6-foot (2m) lengths of 1⁄4-inch (6mm) diameter, 300 psi (2100kPa) hose with screw fittings and gauges. These gauges are connected to fittings at the pump panel. • Clamp to hold the pitot tube to the test nozzle. • Test stand to hold the gauges. • ________.


When positioning aerial apparatus, the driver/operator should avoid parked vehicles, trash containers, and similar obstructions. In certain circumstances, the ground around a downed power line or charged vehicle may become electrically energized. The ground becomes charged in concentric circles with varying voltage potential. ________ these bands can result in serious injury or death as the current passes through your body. Stay away from the vehicle or power line, keeping {both feet} on the ground at the same time. This will prevent you from becoming a conductor between two areas of the ground {that are charged differently}.


This procedure establishes guidelines for use of CareFusion Clippers : 1. ATTACHING THE BLADE With gloves on position a new blade on the top of the clipper head Align the mark on the clipper blade to the arrow. Slide the blade toward the dot to secure it in place until you hear a click 2. CLIPPING THE HAIR Hold the clipper using a pencil grip or natural overhand grip with the CareFusion logo facing up. ________ the skin, rest the clipping blade flat on the skin and clip against the {grain} of the hair, keeping the skin as {taut as possible}. Always rest the base of the clipping blade flat on the patient's skin. Do not change the {angle or "toe in"} the blade in an attempt to get a closer clip. Always move the clippers {away from your body} with a {gentle push} Do not pull the clippers toward you across the patient's skin, and never apply greater force than needed 3. REMOVING THE BLADE Turn the clipper off, position the clipper blade {facing downward over a sharps trash receptacle} and use your {thumb} to push the blade forward along the {blade frame} 4. CLEANING THE CLIPPER HANDLE Wash the clipper handle thoroughly with {soap and water}, and then wipe the device with {surface disinfectant or soak the handle in an antimicrobial agent for no more than 30 minutes}. Submersion cannot exceed {three} feet in depth for up to {30} minutes 5. CHARGING AND STORAGE Crews shall check the charge {daily} by turning the unit on {briefly}. If {no blue light appears}, the unit is considered {charged}. If a {flashing blue light} is observed (approximately {5} minutes of runtime remaining), it is recommended the unit be placed in an {upright} position on the charging base. The device is considered charged when the {solid orange light is no longer illuminated}. A full charge will power the unit for approximately {120 minute continuous runtime}. NOTE: {No light is displayed} during actual use unless the device has a {low charge}


Logistics Section: Support Branch within the Logistics Section may include the following units : Supply unit, facilities unit, ground support unit. 1. The ________ Unit is responsible for {ordering personnel, equipment, and supplies; receiving and storing all supplies for the incident; maintaining an inventory of supplies; and servicing nonexpendable supplies and equipment} 2. The {Facilities} Unit is responsible for the {layout and activation of incident facilities (e.g., Base, Camp (s), and Incident Command Post (ICP)).} The {Facilities Unit Leader} provides {sleeping and sanitation facilities} for incident personnel and manages {Base and Camp(s) operations}. Each facility (Base, Camp) is assigned a {manager} who reports to the {Facilities Unit Leader} and is responsible for managing the operation of the facility The basic functions or activities of the {Base and Camp Managers} are to {provide security service and general maintenance} 3. The {Ground Support} Unit is responsible for {supporting out-of-service resources; transporting personnel, supplies, food, and equipment; fueling, service, maintenance, and repair of vehicles and other ground support equipment}; and implementing the {Traffic Plan} for the incident.


Logistics Section: ________ Branch within the Logistics Section may include the following units : {Supply unit, facilities unit, ground support unit.} 1. The {Supply} Unit is responsible for {ordering personnel, equipment, and supplies; receiving and storing all supplies for the incident; maintaining an inventory of supplies; and servicing nonexpendable supplies and equipment} 2. The {Facilities} Unit is responsible for the {layout and activation of incident facilities (e.g., Base, Camp (s), and Incident Command Post (ICP)).} The {Facilities Unit Leader} provides {sleeping and sanitation facilities} for incident personnel and manages {Base and Camp(s) operations}. Each facility (Base, Camp) is assigned a {manager} who reports to the {Facilities Unit Leader} and is responsible for managing the operation of the facility The basic functions or activities of the {Base and Camp Managers} are to {provide security service and general maintenance} 3. The {Ground Support} Unit is responsible for {supporting out-of-service resources; transporting personnel, supplies, food, and equipment; fueling, service, maintenance, and repair of vehicles and other ground support equipment}; and implementing the {Traffic Plan} for the incident.


SIMON LTI QS-82 Telescope Control Lever The ________ control lever, located to the left of the swing control, affords extension and retraction of the aerial ladder when positioned to {IN or OUT}. Lever Locations Control levers are located as follows: Extend Swing Elevate LEFT SIDE CENTER RIGHT SIDE


ATMR Short Olympic Hollywood Uniform Shorts. Durable windproof and water resistant DWR Supplex®. ________ back {single welt zipper closing} pockets. {Two} zipper closing hip pockets. {Two} "{side of the thighs}" bellow cargo pockets with {center pleat and Velcro closing flap}. {Pen pocket} on {right cargo pocket}. Optional chamois pad. {5", 6.5" or 8}" inseam. {Police Blue} in color. Alternatively, the {65/35} blend with cargo pockets found under Class C (optional shorts) may be worn.


The Weather Officer will contact local authorities/agencies, possibly even the National Weather Service, to get the most complete and weather reports and forecasts. It is very important to obtain and keep up with all the weather conditions When the incident is in the Branch Structure, "________" would transfer from the {Planning Section} to the {Hazmat Organization} and be {subordinate} to the {Hazmat Science Officer} The Weather Officer's radio call sign is "{Weather}" {Weather conditions} can have a great influence on {product reaction and direction of the product} It is important to get the most accurate weather information {closest to the site as possible}. A {portable weather station} can be utilized, if available. This responsibility on a large incident can be {very time-consuming}


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE #2 Crosslay ________ {1 ½"}


Performance tests are conducted on an ________ basis and after {major repairs} during the service life of an apparatus. Generally, the driver/operator {is expected to assist} in the testing process. The following sections describe both types of tests including the procedures for each, as well as {equipment requirements, troubleshooting, and safety precautions}.


All employees using a tight fitting face piece respirator shall: Pass an appropriate qualitative fit test (QLFT) or quantitative fit test (QNFT). Be tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator face piece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least ________ thereafter. Receive an additional fit test whenever the {employee reports}, or the {OKCFD}, {PLHCP}, {supervisor}, or {program administrators} make visual observations of, changes in the employee's {physical condition} that could affect respirator fit. Example: Such conditions include, but are not limited to, {facial scarring, dental changes, cosmetic surgery, or an obvious change in body weight}.


Driver/operators should always be sure that the master stream monitor is secured in its ________. Anchoring mechanisms may include {pins, levers, or clamps}. If water pressure is applied when the monitor is not securely anchored, the pressure will cause the waterway to {extend rapidly on its own and may launch pipe sections and the monitor through the air}. Apparatus manufactured after {2010} should have a means to prevent the sections from {launching off the ladder}, but even then the rapid movement of the pipe sections can damage equipment or harm people who may be on the ladder at the time. Driver/operators should study the waterway on their device, understand the monitor anchoring mechanism, and always be sure the monitor is secured before charging the waterway.


While most of the principles discussed in this chapter apply to tractor-drawn apparatus, there are special considerations when stabilizing these types of trucks. The way in which the tractor-drawn apparatus is parked or positioned at the scene can provide additional stability to the apparatus. Parking the apparatus with an ________ between the tractor and trailer sections increases the stability beyond what the stabilizers alone can provide. Maximum stability is achieved when the angle of the tractor is {60} degrees from the centerline of the trailer, and the aerial ladder is operated toward the {outside} of the angle. Angles {less than 60} degrees provide less stability, as do angles increasing from {61 to 90} degrees. The driver/operator should never position the vehicle with the tractor and trailer at an angle greater than 90 degrees as poor stability is produced and damage to the truck may occur. Many tractor-drawn vehicles are equipped with an {alarm} that sounds if an attempt is made to create an angle greater than 90 degrees.


Information and training are a critical part of the hazard communication program. We train our employees to read and understand the information on labels and MSDS's, determine how the information can be obtained and used in their own work areas, and understand the risks of exposure to the chemicals in their work areas as well as the ways to protect themselves. In order to prevent possible exposures, all employees will receive ________ hazard communication training emphasizing the following elements: 1. Methods and observations that may be used to {detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area}. 2. The {physical and health hazards of the chemicals} in the work area. 3. The {measures employees can take to protect themselves} from these hazards, including specific procedures the employer has implemented to protect employees from exposure to hazardous chemicals such as; {appropriate work practices, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment to be used}. 4. An explanation of the {labeling system and the SDS}, and how employees can obtain and use the appropriate hazard information.


Employee input and suggestions are encouraged. If after reading this program, you find that improvements can be made, please contact the EMS Chief (297-1312) or Chief Safety Officer or designee (297-3314). We encourage all suggestions because we are committed to the success of our written ECP. We strive for clear understanding, safe behavior, and involvement from every level of the OKCFD. The EMS Chief and/or Chief Safety Officer will maintain, review, and update the ECP at least ________, and whenever necessary to include new or modified tasks and procedures. The EMS Chief and/or Chief Safety Officer will be responsible for ensuring that {all medical actions required by the standard are performed} and that appropriate employee health and {OSHA records are maintained}. The {EMS Chief and/or Chief Safety Officer} will be responsible for training, documentation of training, and making the ECP available to {employees, OSHA, and NIOSH representatives}. The {OSHA Standard for bloodborne pathogens} is available {to any OKCFD employee} at {http://osha.gov/} Oklahoma City Fire Department makes sure that {appropriate PPE in the correct sizes is readily accessible at the work site} or is issued {without cost} to employees. The {OKCFD} is responsible for all costs associated with the {supply, repair, replacement, and safe disposal of exposure control PPE}. The {EMS work section} will determine {proper stock supply levels of PPE} for stations and for response vehicles. For questions about supply levels: {297-2796} The {station officer} at each station will ensure that station stock of PPE is {adequate and that supplies nearing expiration date are used first}. The decision to use barrier protection to protect clothing, and the type of barrier protection used will be {dictated by the situation} at hand and the {IC} will ensure compliance.


NFPA 1851: Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting (2014 Edition) requires structural protective ensembles to be inspected regularly and given an advanced inspection, cleaning and tested at least ________.


NFPA® 1989, Standard on Breathing Air Quality for Emergency Services Respiratory Protection, establishes requirements for the quality of the air in breathing air systems. When practical, IFSTA recommends that platform apparatus be equipped with breathing air systems. NFPA® 1911 establishes the requirement to ________ test the {breathing air system and the quality of the stored air}. Additional maintenance, testing, and compliance requirements apply to breathing air cylinders.


OKCFD contracts the care and maintenance program out to an Independent Service Provider (ISP). Per our contract, OKCFD exceeds NFPA 1851 by having the ISP do an advance cleaning and inspection bi-annually and test the turn-out gear ________. Though the ISP is responsible for bi-annual cleaning and inspection, the user has a responsibility to ensure the garments are {inspected, cleaned and maintained} on a {regular basis}.


TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING PROGRAM The Oklahoma City Fire Department offers free TB screening ________ to all personnel. If your annual Tuberculosis (TB) screening result is positive, {GENEX} will schedule your appointment with {McBride Clinic}. A {chest x-ray} and other exams will be done to make sure you do not have TB disease. The employee will not be transported to {Integris Baptist Medical Center} or any other location. DO NOT fill out a {207} Form. The following steps are to be completed to insure you have been evaluated properly: 1. Submit {Online OJI report} and complete the {supervisors investigation portion of the online report}. a. Date/Time of injury: {DATE OF POSITIVE READING} b. How injury occurred: If known, complete in same - if unknown enter: {POTENTIALLY EXPOSED TO AN AIRBORNE PATHOGEN}. c. Online Supervisors Investigation as part of the OJI Report will as the "{5-Whys}" of cause analysis. Why: {DATE OF POSITIVE READING} Why: {HAD POSITIVE READING TO TB TEST} Why: {UNKNOWN UNTIL FURTHER TESTING} Why: N/A Why: {ASSISTED EMPLOYEE WITH PROCEDURES ON FURTHER TESTING} d. Complete the {Physician's Authorization Form}.


The Certified Study Material list for competitive exams shall be reviewed ________ and {as needed} for {inclusion or exclusion of updated material}. The list will be published on {Target solutions} under the {SOP Desk Reference} link. Promotional exam questions shall be derived only from the current Certified Study Material list applicable to the position being assessed. The Certified Study Material {exclusion list} shall {indicate dates} in which excluded material is valid for {examinations}. {Deletion of SOPs} from the Certified Study Material list may occur {at any time} SOP UPDATES Upon recommendation of the {SOP Committee} and with final approval of the {Union President and Fire Chief}, SOP updates shall be {posted immediately on target solutions under the SOP Desk Reference link}


Personal Factors/Personal Changes New company officers may have to make personal changes to avoid the ________, {resentfulness}, and {loss of friendships} that can occur if the transition isn't well managed. To overcome these personal challenges, the new officer must: Commit to the {responsibilities, duties, and requirements} of the supervisory position Show {loyalty} to the organization**support the {leadership team and political authority} Show loyalty toward {company personnel} Act as a {liaison} Support all types of {education and training} Guard {conversations} Accept {criticism graciously} and {accept praise, honors, and advancement modestly} {Lead} by example - set a {positive example} for subordinates founded on a consistent adherence to a set of {moral, ethical, and social values}. {Praise} in {public}; {discipline} in {private} Project a {professional image} - to the {public, elected officials, internal and external stakeholders, and to peers}


Support personnel may schedule initial CPR training or retraining of employees at ________. To schedule {CPR training} and {verify Instructor} and {equipment availability}, contact A {CPR Coordinator} or the {EMS office} {30} days in advance of the {selected training day}

any time

TO: 680D Battalion Chief(8th line down) FROM: Lieutenant Jane Doe Engine 50D DATE: January 24, 2002 SUBJECT: Memorandum for Information This memorandum format is used for information to anyone in our organization or City office. The pink memo can be used for less formal communications for inter-departmental mail. This memorandum format should be used whether or not you have the memorandum letterhead. The memorandum format can be used to transmit any information in writing to ________. For example, this format could be used for {running late, to inform the District Officer of lost equipment, or any other reason you would need to pass information}. Any letter should answer the questions: {1. Who? 2. What? 3. Where? 4. When? 5. Why? 6. How?} A signature {is not required} on this memorandum. You should initial just to the {right} of your name on the "{FROM}" line.


Figures, and Conversions. Driver/operators must consider the effects of friction loss on hose layouts. Identifying variables such as pressure loss due to elevation, ________, and other factors is a necessary part of the driver/operator's duties. The theoretical calculations contained in Chapter 7, Theoretical Pressure Calculations, are {rarely performed} by driver/operators on the fireground. The methods explained in Chapter 9, Fire Pump Theory, are more likely to be used due to the dynamic nature of fire fighting. However, driver/operators should have the ability to calculate theoretical friction loss because understanding the factors that influence flow rates gives driver/operators the following advantages: Provides a better understanding of the basis for the methods used in Chapter 9. Allows driver/operators to predetermine approximate {pump discharge pressures} for pre-connected hoselines and common hose lays for the apparatus and district to which they are assigned. Provides the ability to conduct pre-incident planning of hose deployment at target hazards, or unusual occupancies in the jurisdiction. For safe and efficient operations on the fireground, driver/operators must be able to develop proper pump discharge pressure for specific fire streams. This manual provides foundational knowledge for a driver/operator to consider friction loss when calculating pump discharge pressure.


This procedure establishes guidelines for use of CareFusion Clippers : 1. ATTACHING THE BLADE With gloves on position a new blade on the top of the clipper head Align the mark on the clipper blade to the ________. Slide the blade toward the {dot} to secure it in place until you hear a {click} 2. CLIPPING THE HAIR Hold the clipper using a {pencil grip or natural overhand grip} with the {CareFusion logo} {facing up}. {Stretch} the skin, rest the clipping blade flat on the skin and clip against the {grain} of the hair, keeping the skin as {taut as possible}. Always rest the base of the clipping blade flat on the patient's skin. Do not change the {angle or "toe in"} the blade in an attempt to get a closer clip. Always move the clippers {away from your body} with a {gentle push} Do not pull the clippers toward you across the patient's skin, and never apply greater force than needed 3. REMOVING THE BLADE Turn the clipper off, position the clipper blade {facing downward over a sharps trash receptacle} and use your {thumb} to push the blade forward along the {blade frame} 4. CLEANING THE CLIPPER HANDLE Wash the clipper handle thoroughly with {soap and water}, and then wipe the device with {surface disinfectant or soak the handle in an antimicrobial agent for no more than 30 minutes}. Submersion cannot exceed {three} feet in depth for up to {30} minutes 5. CHARGING AND STORAGE Crews shall check the charge {daily} by turning the unit on {briefly}. If {no blue light appears}, the unit is considered {charged}. If a {flashing blue light} is observed (approximately {5} minutes of runtime remaining), it is recommended the unit be placed in an {upright} position on the charging base. The device is considered charged when the {solid orange light is no longer illuminated}. A full charge will power the unit for approximately {120 minute continuous runtime}. NOTE: {No light is displayed} during actual use unless the device has a {low charge}


MANDATORY SAFETY REQUIREMENTS - SEAT BELTS AND CHILD PASSENGER RESTRAINTS Every driver and front-seat passenger must wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety seat belt system. The seat belt must be factory-installed and meet federal safety standards. In a collision: Seat belts reduce the force of impact against the car's interior You can be thrown out of the car. Seat belts keep you inside the car and safer Seat belts can keep fender benders from becoming major collisions because you are still in position to control your car or truck If all passengers are buckled in, there is much less danger of being thrown forward or from the vehicle Small children are especially prone to injury or death and must be protected: Sit them in the ________ with seat belts fastened or strapped into a child passenger restraint system

back seat

Cleaning: Is the use of water, chemical, towel or friction to wipe surfaces giving them a clean appearance. According to the CDC non-disinfectant detergents can become contaminated and spread or "seed" the environment with ________. {Mop water} is especially susceptible.


Fire Investigation is headed by a District Chief and works closely with Code Enforcement and Public Education. Serving as a ________ for what is burning in the City, fire investigation provides information for {fire code enforcement, firefighting tactics, and public fire education/awareness programs}.


Baseline audiogram Within 6 months of an employee's first exposure at or above 85 dB for eight hours, OKCFD shall establish a valid ________ audiogram against which subsequent audiograms can be compared. All {fire recruits} will receive a baseline audiogram {prior to employment} with OKCFD.


Potential Tuberculosis Exposure Once the Critical Post Potential Exposure Procedures are followed the employee will not go to the source patient hospital. Employee will be contacted by GENEX to schedule TB testing which can be up to two weeks. The first test is your ________, the second TB test is given {two weeks later} to rule out {false negatives}, and the third is given {90} days later. If the employee receives a positive reading during any portion of the TB testing, they will receive a {chest X-ray} and referral to their {resident county health department} for further treatment.


The pressure to the meters in Figures 3 and 4 is the same pressure used by the appliances in your home and is called utilization pressure. The pressure in the piping on both sides of the meter is approximately 5.3 ounces per square inch gauge. FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 These types of meter settings are sometimes used for single-dwelling homes or small commercial buildings and are usually located outside, in ________, {under houses}, or in {underground meter boxes}. Typical {cutoff valves} such as the ones indicated on these settings can be {opened or closed} by turning them {one-quarter} turn or {90} degrees


It is the responsibility of the Officer in charge conducting evolutions on the drill ground to make sure the area and all equipment used is secure at the end of each day The tower should have all the windows closed and the doors locked. The walk and drive through gates on the Northeast corner of the grounds will be locked Any reserve apparatus that is used will be parked appropriately, windows up, ________ and {radio} switched off and {pumps drained} Any {City-owned vehicle} which is left {overnight} must be {secured inside the drill ground} The {Drill Ground and Tower} are available for {district or individual company training}


The Special Operations office will be responsible for maintaining the department's thermal imaging program. This will include: • Developing and making available training programs for the thermal imagers • Provide scheduled maintenance as required The thermal imager ________ will be {periodically conditioned} following the manufacturers guidelines. • Facilitate needed {repairs} o The following procedures should be used when repairs to a TIC are needed : 1. Complete the {Thermal Imager Repair - TIC form} found on {Fireweb Forms} 2. Email the form to {FD-TICrepair}


Compressed Air Foam Systems (CAFS) — Generic term used to describe a high-energy foam-generation system consisting of a water pump, a foam proportioning system, and an air compressor (or other air source) that injects air into the foam solution ________ it enters a hoseline.


Leadership Skills Leadership traits may be summarized according to a variety of actions that most good leaders take: Seeing opportunities Identifying challenges—requires monitoring both the internal and external climate of the organization Communicating Planning for success Building trust Understanding the system-determining what first needs to be done Inspiring a shared vision Enabling others to act Modeling desired ________ Encouraging {subordinates}-share {glory}, keep {troubles to yourself} Establishing {priorities}


5: e. Non-Permitted Confined Space 1. A non-permit confined space does not contain or with respect to atmospheric hazards, have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm 2. In this space, it is unlikely that an Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) or engulfment hazard would be present and all other serious hazards have been controlled 3. The facility safety officer develops monitoring and inspection data that supports that the only hazard is an actual or potential hazardous atmosphere and that forced air ventilation alone is sufficient to maintain that alternate permit space 4. If initial entry by personnel is necessary to determine the atmospheric conditions, the entry shall be performed as a permit confined space entry f. Confined Space Hazards 1. Confined spaces masquerade many different shapes and sizes and can be found in a multitude of configurations. Many are located ________; however, some are found {above grade}, on the {roads, railways, inside buildings, even on the water} 2. Confined spaces are found in all types of {industries and occupancies}. Confined spaces have {inherent hazards} that can injure or take the lives of rescue personnel who are called to a confined space incident. It is very important that all rescue personnel who enter a confined space be able to {recognize the hazards before making entry}. Not all hazards are {obvious} but all are {equally dangerous} 3. The hazards involved in a confined space are divided into two groups; {atmospheric and non-atmospheric hazards}. {OSHA} has reviewed injury and fatality statistics and identified {atmospheric hazards} as the leading cause of deaths and injuries that occur in confined spaces g. Initial Response: {Engine} {Rescue Ladder} {Rescue 8} {Haz-Mat 5} {District Officer} H. Upgraded Equipment Response : 1. When the Rescue Officer determines that more equipment is needed to handle the incident, {Heavy 8} will be requested through the {IC}

below grade

A truck's ________ are {immediately in front}, on {either side of the cab}, and up to {200} feet in the {rear}. A trucker may not be able to see the road directly in front of the cab. If the tractor has a long hood, the trucker may not be able to see the first {10-20} feet of concrete in front of the bumper - plenty of room for a car to slip unnoticed into a dangerous position If you're stopped behind a truck on an uphill grade, stay to the left in your lane so the driver can see you. When stopped in a traffic lane, leave extra space in front of your car in case the truck rolls back slightly when it starts to move Dim your lights at night. Bright lights reflected in the mirrors can blind the driver In rainy conditions, stay back. Spray and splash from the rear wheels can cover your windshield with sheets of water or mud

blind spots

If hoistway door unlocking devices are not provided, it may be possible on some installations for a passenger to manually open the car and hoistway doors from within the elevator car. If this is not possible, a member of the rescue team should enter the elevator and place the emergency stop switch, in the "STOP" position if the car is equipped with one. A LADDER CAN BE PLACED ACROSS THE OPEN BETWEEN THE ELEVATOR PLATFORM AND THE BUILDING FLOOR 2. Opening Doors from Adjacent Elevator Car: When an elevator door interlock release key is not provided, or the doors cannot be opened from within the elevator car by the passengers, and an adjacent car is operable, use the steps listed below a.Take an adjacent elevator car to the floor closest to the stalled car and open its doors b. Set the mainline disconnect switches for ________ elevators to the "OFF" position. If the elevator being used for the rescue is equipped with an emergency stop switch, place it in the "{STOP}" position c. By extending a {pike pole} through the opening between the car and hoistway doors of the rescue elevator car, it may be possible to engage the interlock roller of the stalled elevator car so that its doors can be {opened by hand}. When performing this procedure, be careful not to extend the pole into the hoistway of any elevator that is {still in service} d. A firefighter should enter the stalled elevator and set the emergency stop switch, in the "STOP" position. (if the car is equipped with an emergency stop switch). If this method does not work use {forcible entry method} 3. Opening Doors With Forcible Entry Tools. When the hoistway doors cannot be unlocked by a key or other means, and an adjacent elevator in the same hoistway is not available, the hoistway door at the floor nearest to the stalled elevator car can be forcibly opened a.Set the mainline disconnect switch for the stalled elevator in the "OFF" position b. Place {blade of tool} ({ax, or claw}) at the {top}, between {center closing doors}, and {twist}. If door closes to {jamb} ({single door),} use a {pry bar} at {top} where door and jamb meet, this will minimize damage to the doors and to allow for {quicker return to normal service}


Platform frame- "Western Framing" began after the mid-20th century and is the most common type of new construction in use today. Wood framing is set on a foundation/slab Wall studs are attached to a single board on the ________ called-{sill plate} Studs are attached at the top to {double boards}—creating an {inherent fire stop} 2nd story floor joists are placed on top of {first floor walls}, etc. **this method may be used for up to {3} story buildings **platform framing method creates a {compartmentation} on each floor and an {inherent fire stopping} between each floor **sometimes identify by {offset} windows and doors


Those incidents requiring an "entry" by the Hazmat Unit to stabilize the situation will follow these standard procedures INITIAL Obtain status report from the Incident Commander Implement the Hazmat Response Incident Command Module of the Oklahoma City Fire Department Hazmat Emergency Response Plan The plan shall make provision for: o Atmospheric monitoring o Liquid monitoring o Product Identification o Container ________ identification o Initial {product containment} o Entry for {stabilization} with {back-up on stand}-by o {Decontamination} o Incident {termination} Request additional resources. This will include but not be limited to; o {First in engine} companies o {EMS} Unit o {Special Operations} Coordinator o {Fire Department Safety Officer} or designee o Oklahoma City {Police} Department o Oklahoma City {Public Works} Department o Oklahoma City {Emergency Management} Continue to gather as much information about the incident as possible to help confirm the {identity of the Hazardous materials}(s) involved Determine proper level of {protective equipment} for {all personnel operating on the scene} Conduct an {Incident Risk Analysis} to hazardous materials responders with respect to possible results of actions taken to stabilize the incident Develop an Incident Site Safety Plan Establish and delineate Control Zones (Cold, Warm, Hot) Initiate decontamination procedures.


If the elevator is equipped with firefighters' service operation, try activation of Phase 1 lobby key switch to recall the elevator car to the main floor. The key switch in the main lobby has an "on" position, an "off" position, and a "________" position. The "{on}" position activates the return of elevators, and the "{bypass}" position is used to shunt out the {sensing device circuit when heat or smoke initiated the return of the elevators}. There will be an {identical three position key switch} on or beside the {operation panel inside each elevator} that has a travel distance of {70} feet or more. This switch is operable only after the main lobby switch has been keyed to the "{on}" position or the {return of elevators has occurred because of a heat or smoke sensing device} The {same key} operates both the {elevator car switch} and the {main lobby switches}. The key can be removed from the main lobby switch with the switch in the "{on}" position and then used to operate the car switch


Why Drivers Don't See Motorcyclists 1. Motorists tend to look for other ________, not for motorcycles 2. The profile of a motorcycle is {narrow and the body is short}, making it harder to see and making it harder for a driver to estimate its distance and speed 3. Motorcycle riding requires {frequent lane movements} to adjust to changing road and traffic conditions


When the need for relay pumping has ended, the operation should be discontinued from the fire scene first. If done in reverse with relay pumpers still operating, they may run their pumps dry in a high rpm condition and risk ________. Beginning with the attack pumper and coordinating with the other pumpers in the relay, each driver/operator should {slowly decrease the throttle, open the dump line valve, and then disengage the pump}. Close all valves slowly to prevent water hammer at any point in the system. This method provides for the refilling of onboard water tanks of the apparatus involved in the relay.


The self-educting master stream foam nozzle uses a modified Venturi design to draw concentrate into its water stream. The pickup tube is located in the ________ of the nozzle. This design produces an {overproportioned solution} that is diluted by the {deflector plates} in the nozzle as the solution is discharged. This master stream nozzle is deployed when flows in excess of {350} gpm (1 400 L/min) is required. Some master stream foam nozzles are capable of delivering {14,000 gpm} (56 000 L/min). A major advantage of the self-educting nozzle is the {pressure drop is much lower (10 percent or less)} than most standard foam nozzle eductors. This feature allows the stream to have much {greater reach} capabilities.

center bore

A Direct Channel is one that does not go through a repeater and is not monitored by the Dispatch Center. Since these channels do not go through the trunked system, they are correctly referred to as "________" and not talk groups. Whenever possible, members should use the assigned talk group, (tactical or otherwise), during operations. This will allow {Dispatch to monitor communications and keep trunked radio features available to the members}. Incident Commanders should avoid having all units switch to a {direct channel} as a routine procedure. As soon as possible, after command is established, Incident Commanders should monitor or assign a member to monitor the appropriate direct channel


This procedure establishes guidelines for use of CareFusion Clippers : 1. ATTACHING THE BLADE With gloves on position a new blade on the top of the clipper head Align the mark on the clipper blade to the arrow. Slide the blade toward the dot to secure it in place until you hear a click 2. CLIPPING THE HAIR Hold the clipper using a pencil grip or natural overhand grip with the CareFusion logo facing up. Stretch the skin, rest the clipping blade flat on the skin and clip against the grain of the hair, keeping the skin as taut as possible. Always rest the base of the clipping blade flat on the patient's skin. Do not change the angle or "toe in" the blade in an attempt to get a closer clip. Always move the clippers away from your body with a gentle push Do not pull the clippers toward you across the patient's skin, and never apply greater force than needed 3. REMOVING THE BLADE Turn the clipper off, position the clipper blade facing downward over a sharps trash receptacle and use your thumb to push the blade forward along the blade frame 4. CLEANING THE CLIPPER HANDLE Wash the clipper handle thoroughly with soap and water, and then wipe the device with surface disinfectant or soak the handle in an antimicrobial agent for no more than 30 minutes. Submersion cannot exceed three feet in depth for up to 30 minutes 5. CHARGING AND STORAGE Crews shall check the charge daily by turning the unit on briefly. If no blue light appears, the unit is considered ________. If a {flashing blue light} is observed (approximately {5} minutes of runtime remaining), it is recommended the unit be placed in an {upright} position on the charging base. The device is considered charged when the {solid orange light is no longer illuminated}. A full charge will power the unit for approximately {120 minute continuous runtime}. NOTE: {No light is displayed} during actual use unless the device has a {low charge}


The S.P.I.F.F.I. CHART I. before the group arrives: (duty of station officer) A. Check the appearance of the personnel, equipment, and apparatus b. Make the ________ available c. Designate items for the {visitors to handle}. (May depend on the {age} of the tour participants) II. Upon arrival of group: (duty of {station officer}) A. Note size of group and {split the group} if necessary b. The guide should direct the talk to the {appropriate age level} III. The tour: (duty of {tour guide}) Introduction of {firefighters} Perform {audio test} and {inform visitors what to do in case of alarm} Discussion 1. {How a firefighter spends their day 2. Purpose of units in the station 3. Watch office explanation} Engine explanation 1. {Function of engine 2. Tools on the engine} Rescue Ladder explanation 1. {Function of rescue ladder: 2. Tools on the rescue ladder} Other apparatus explanation 1. Function of the particular apparatus 2. Tools on the particular apparatus Important items for every tour 1. Have a {firefighter bunk out and demonstrate S.C.B.A} 2. Discuss {E.D.I.T.H} 3. Discuss {stop, drop, and roll} 4. Discuss {general fire safety, especially matches and lighters} With the help of the S.P.I.F.F.I. chart, any firefighter can learn to communicate their knowledge and experience to members of the public during a station tour. The {PUBLIC EDUCATION STATION/COMPANY ACTIVITY} form should be filled out {after each station tour and turned in with the regular monthly paperwork}. (Form is available on {Fireweb forms webpage})


1 Deployment Wipe down bikes and check mechanical condition of bike and make minor adjustments if necessary (position seat, inflate tires, etc.) Check medical supplies using ________. No {changes, additions, subtractions or location changes of medical supplies} will be implemented without {EMS Office} approval Conduct {radio check} with dispatch or on {scene incident command} Ensure {water} availability for proper hydration {Sunscreen and sunglasses} are recommended {Pre-ride} event site to ensure familiarity {Emergency strobe lights} are functioning

check list

For the purpose of these procedures, Hazardous Material in broad terms means a substance or combination of substances which, because of quantity, concentration, physical, ________ or {infectious characteristics}, may either {cause or contribute} to an {increase in mortality}, or an increase in {serious irreversible or incapacitating illness}, or pose a present or {potential hazard to human life or the environment}. The term hazardous material is also used interchangeably with the word {hazmat} and is used throughout these procedures


GHS category/numbers determine the label elements that would be required for a ________, but the {category numbers} themselves {would not appear on labels}. Where GHS category numbers would appear on the {SDS} (Section {2} - {Hazards Identification}), they would be accompanied by the {label elements for the chemical}, which would {clearly indicate the degree of hazard}.


LABELS Chemicals utilized at OKCFD facilities shall be labeled according to the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of chemicals (GHS). The types of information employees can expect to see on the new GHS shipping labels include the following elements: Hazard Statement(s): describe the nature of the hazard(s) of a chemical, including where appropriate, the degree of hazard. For example: "Causes damage to kidneys through prolonged or repeated exposure when absorbed through the skin." All of the applicable hazard statements must appear on the label. Hazard statements may be combined where appropriate to reduce redundancies and improve readability. The hazard statements are specific to the hazard classification categories, and chemical users should always see the same statement for the same hazards, no matter what the ________ or {who produces it}.

chemical is

TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING PROGRAM The Oklahoma City Fire Department offers free TB screening annually to all personnel. If your annual Tuberculosis (TB) screening result is positive, GENEX will schedule your appointment with McBride Clinic. A ________ and other exams will be done to make sure you do not have TB disease. The employee will not be transported to {Integris Baptist Medical Center} or any other location. DO NOT fill out a {207} Form. The following steps are to be completed to insure you have been evaluated properly: 1. Submit {Online OJI report} and complete the {supervisors investigation portion of the online report}. a. Date/Time of injury: {DATE OF POSITIVE READING} b. How injury occurred: If known, complete in same - if unknown enter: {POTENTIALLY EXPOSED TO AN AIRBORNE PATHOGEN}. c. Online Supervisors Investigation as part of the OJI Report will as the "{5-Whys}" of cause analysis. Why: {DATE OF POSITIVE READING} Why: {HAD POSITIVE READING TO TB TEST} Why: {UNKNOWN UNTIL FURTHER TESTING} Why: N/A Why: {ASSISTED EMPLOYEE WITH PROCEDURES ON FURTHER TESTING} d. Complete the {Physician's Authorization Form}.

chest x-ray

Large blood/body fluid cleanup Large blood/bodily-fluid contamination may include large volumes of biohazard or contaminants spread over a large geographical area. Contact OKCFD Hazardous Materials Team as necessary for response or consultation. The recommended clean-up method is to remove all visible blood/bodily fluid and then to decontaminate using an approved disinfectant for the appropriate amount of time. It is important to note that while we are able to assist with ________, the property owner will be responsible for {decontamination}. Property owners must be {notified} that they are responsible for decontamination. OSHA states that an {EPA-registered tuberculocidal disinfectant}, {EPA-registered disinfectants effective against both HIV and HBV}, or a {diluted bleach solution} (solution of {5.25} percent {sodium hypochlorite} ({household bleach}) diluted between {1:10} ({1 cup of bleach to 9 cups of water}) and {1:100} ({1/4 cup bleach per gallon of water}) are acceptable for clean-up of a contaminated surface or item. All disinfectant solutions should be mixed {daily}. Use of a booster line will cause {splash}, {wear eye goggles and cover or wash boots/shoes}. If the contamination is in a {vehicle or building} have owner/occupant contact a {cleanup company}. Washing with soap and water is {not} a substitute for disinfectant. As you enter the spill area, be careful not to step in any {contaminated fluids}. Flood the spill area with the {bleach and water solution}, allowing it to stand for {fifteen} minutes. Note: Under certain conditions a {micro-encapsulation absorbent material} may be applied to {pooled blood} so that the bulk of the contamination can be removed to a {biohazard bag prior to decontamination}. Place blood soaked articles into the {red biohazard bags} along with any contaminated single use PPE items.


Coat (Including Wildland Jumpsuits) Inspect for cleanliness Inspect for holes, burns, or tears Inspect seams and stitching (including reflective trim) Inspect zippers and Velcro closures (if Velcro has lint and thread in it, it needs to be ________. This condition is often caused by washing without {closing Velcro}. Inspect collar and cuffs for {excessive wear} Inspect all snaps, {inside and out} Inspect the liner for {rips and excessive wear} Inspect wristlets for {stretching or other damage}.

cleaned out

This procedure establishes guidelines for use of CareFusion Clippers : 1. ATTACHING THE BLADE With gloves on position a new blade on the top of the clipper head Align the mark on the clipper blade to the arrow. Slide the blade toward the dot to secure it in place until you hear a ________ 2. CLIPPING THE HAIR Hold the clipper using a {pencil grip or natural overhand grip} with the {CareFusion logo} {facing up}. {Stretch} the skin, rest the clipping blade flat on the skin and clip against the {grain} of the hair, keeping the skin as {taut as possible}. Always rest the base of the clipping blade flat on the patient's skin. Do not change the {angle or "toe in"} the blade in an attempt to get a closer clip. Always move the clippers {away from your body} with a {gentle push} Do not pull the clippers toward you across the patient's skin, and never apply greater force than needed 3. REMOVING THE BLADE Turn the clipper off, position the clipper blade {facing downward over a sharps trash receptacle} and use your {thumb} to push the blade forward along the {blade frame} 4. CLEANING THE CLIPPER HANDLE Wash the clipper handle thoroughly with {soap and water}, and then wipe the device with {surface disinfectant or soak the handle in an antimicrobial agent for no more than 30 minutes}. Submersion cannot exceed {three} feet in depth for up to {30} minutes 5. CHARGING AND STORAGE Crews shall check the charge {daily} by turning the unit on {briefly}. If {no blue light appears}, the unit is considered {charged}. If a {flashing blue light} is observed (approximately {5} minutes of runtime remaining), it is recommended the unit be placed in an {upright} position on the charging base. The device is considered charged when the {solid orange light is no longer illuminated}. A full charge will power the unit for approximately {120 minute continuous runtime}. NOTE: {No light is displayed} during actual use unless the device has a {low charge}


Single Company Response Everyone assigned to the apparatus will bunk out if needed, prior to getting in the apparatus. Once inside the apparatus place seat belt on. Each passenger should verbally state "Ready". Once the driver hears everyone on the apparatus advise the operator "Ready", the operator will proceed slowly out the door. This procedure should be followed anytime the crew is in the apparatus leaving the fire station, emergency call or not. It is the driver's responsibility to ensure the Apparatus door is fully open before leaving the station. For stations using "________" overhead doors, the driver should look up and make sure the {door is at or above the paint stripe on the side of the doorway before exiting through the doorway}. If the paint stripe is {faded or not present}, submit a {facilities work order request} through the {facilities manager}. Stations using the "{bi-fold}" doors, the driver should confirm that the doors have {fully opened} and {come to a complete stop}.


Beware of "Telephone" Cables Telephone cables are rarely dangerous when accidentally contacted. But, are you so sure you can tell the difference between telephone cables and electric power cables, that you'd stake your life on it - and the lives of others? Although higher voltage facilities are generally installed higher up on utility poles, this is not always true, electric power cables operating at 34,000 volts maybe attached below telephone cables on the same pole. And a fallen telephone cable may be contacting a powerline! NEVER REST LADDERS ON WIRES OR ON ANY OTHER ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT! NEVER DRAG HOSES OVER WIRES! NEVER COME TOO CLOSE TO WIRES - BRUSHING AGAINST ONE CAN BE FATAL! NO ENCORES, PLEASE You may have some experience where you were able to contact energized facilities without incident. But, just because you "got away with it" before doesn't guarantee you will get away with it again. Remember, higher voltage facilities have much greater "pressure" behind the electricity. Something you "got away with" on 120-volt facilities can bring disaster if attempted on 34,000-volt facilities. And since normal water is a ________ of electricity, even {slightly damp objects} become much more hazardous


Shutting Down the Engine The driver/operator should never shut down an engine immediately after a full load operation or when the temperature gauge indicates that the engine is overheated. A hot engine should ________ to the {normal operating temperature}. Usually an idling time of {three to five} minutes is sufficient. Shutting down an engine without sufficient cool down may result in the following: {• Immediate increase of engine temperature from lack of coolant circulation • Oil film "burning" on hot surfaces • Damage to heads and exhaust manifolds • Damage to the turbocharger that can result in seizure}


The following are a few general considerations for which the driver/operators should be prepared when responding to a potential hazardous materials emergency: • Obtain information on the wind speed and direction while en-route to the scene. This may be obtained by the dispatcher or the company officer and by observing the conditions during response. • Approach the incident from the upwind and uphill side if at all possible. • Always stop well short of the incident scene until the nature of the hazard is understood. • Consider the potential for exposure to high levels of heat if the incident involves ignited flammable or combustible liquids (or the potential for them to ignite) • Do not park over manholes or storm drains. Flammable materials flowing into the underground system could ignite and explode. • If the material involved is a ________, any contact with the {aerial device} could result in damage.


4. The 1st Engine Crew Officer, (with the assistance of their crew, and the 2nd Engine Crew) as part of the Investigation Group, will ensure the completion of the following tasks: a. All Engine crew personnel are equipped with complete PPE b. The companies are equipped with a single compliment of the appropriate ________, {handles}, {keys} for standpipe operations, and a minimum of {200} ft. of {2 ½"} hose equipped with a {1 1/8}" {smooth bore} nozzle c. Reconnaissance of floor layout {1} floor below the fire floor; {locate standpipes and prepare to initiate fire attack from the appropriate stairwell}, once determined by {Investigation Group Leader} d. One firefighter from this crew will be assigned to the {standpipe connection}, with {portable radio}, {one (1) floor below the reported fire floor}. Other crewmembers will {stand by} until a {fire is confirmed and then begin preparing hose for fire-attack operations} e. Will transition to {Fire-Attack} in the event of a working fire f. The {Fire-Attack Stairwell} has been {cleared of building occupants} for a minimum of {5} floors above the fire floor before commencing fire-attack. Any occupants in the Fire-Attack stairwell should be {immediately evacuated from the Fire-Attack Stairwell} and directed to the {Evacuation Stairwell or designated area of refuge}. Crewmembers assigned to clearing the Fire-Attack Stairwell should {call out for all persons to leave that stairwell and they should be told to travel across to the evacuation stairwell}. If the occupants cannot leave the stairwell, as in the case of {locked doors}, they must be {allowed to pass below the fire floor before fire-attack operations commence}.


Effective leaders must have ________. Courage is not the {absence of fear or the opposite of fear. It is the ability to act in spite of fear}. They are not afraid of criticism and have little fear of challenge. They maintain a strong commitment to change in order to achieve results. They set up strategies and systems that get the results and outcomes that they want. When delegating tasks they provide the "{tools}" for the employee to complete the task and clear obstacles that might hinder the completion of the task. They allow their subordinates to complete the task without being {overly involved in the process}.


One major disadvantage of the front-mount pump is the susceptibility of the pump and gauges freezing in cold weather due to their exposed position. The likelihood of freezing may be lessened through the use of external lines that circulate radiator fluid through the pump body. While driving the vehicle, a ________ may be used to protect the pump, reducing the exposure to freezing weather conditions. During warm weather operations, front-mount pumps may {obstruct airflow through the vehicles radiator} and may contribute to overheating. In addition to these disadvantages, front-mount pumps must be installed with proper protection against damage from a {front-end collision}. Their position makes them vulnerable to damage from even a {minor impact}.


MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE FORM INSTRUCTIONS (Form is located on Fireweb Forms webpage) Rehab Officer Enter your name and time in as Rehab Officer All companies must enter and exit the Rehab area as a ________ at the entry/exit point Enter the {company, number of persons in company, and time in and out of Rehab} Each arriving emergency worker must be {questioned regarding any medical symptoms}, be asked about any {injury or illness resulting from incident work}, and have {assessment of appropriate vital signs}. If employee is in {need of aid or does not recover in allotted time}, they should be moved to the {medical surveillance area} If any personnel need to go to the medical surveillance or medical treatment area, {enter names} Enter number of times {company} has been in Rehab After company has had sufficient {rest and rehabilitation} and all {SCBA have been refilled}, move company to the {Ready area of Rehab and enter time} The {Rehab Officer} will update the {Logistics Officer} (or Incident Commander) throughout the operation with pertinent information including the identity of companies in Rehab, the companies available for reassignment, plus the status of any injured personnel Release companies from the {Ready area} as needed and {enter time in the Time out column}.


When assigned to a fire suppression incident, Level I Officers may also be responsible for the initial fire cause determination or investigation process. That duty requires the following actions be performed: Secure the incident scene Preserve evidence Interview witnesses and emergency personnel Notify a fire investigator when the situation warrants it A level 1 Fire Officer may supervise salvage and overhaul operations at incidents that involved criminal activity, such as acts of terrorism or operation of illegal drug labs. At these incidents, officers should take the following actions: Notify the appropriate law enforcement agency Designate the scene as a ________ Maintain {security} of the scene until {fire investigator personnel} arrive

crime scene

Elevated master streams are most commonly used in defensive operations. In this type of operation, the elevated stream may be used to ________ {attack the fire, cool embers and gases within the thermal column, and protect exposures}. When a defensive attack is employed, the risk of building {collapse} must be considered. Positioning the apparatus at the corners of the building or at an otherwise safe distance from the building decreases the chance of damage to the truck and injury to the firefighters in the event of a building collapse. It also decreases the chances of damage from {radiant} heat from the fire. However, this safe distance must be balanced with a close enough distance to allow the bulk of the fire stream to be able to reach the seat of the fire area or the exposures being protected.


Personal Factors/Personal Changes New company officers may have to make personal changes to avoid the antagonism, resentfulness, and loss of friendships that can occur if the transition isn't well managed. To overcome these personal challenges, the new officer must: Commit to the responsibilities, duties, and requirements of the supervisory position Show loyalty to the organization**support the leadership team and political authority Show loyalty toward company personnel Act as a liaison Support all types of education and training Guard conversations Accept criticism graciously and accept praise, honors, and advancement modestly Lead by example - set a positive example for subordinates founded on a consistent adherence to a set of moral, ethical, and social values. Praise in public; ________ in {private} Project a {professional image} - to the {public, elected officials, internal and external stakeholders, and to peers}


MUTUAL AID A. When to Call - Mutual aid may be requested by any company officer or District Officer when they feel their response will prevent a fire from getting out of control. If the need for mutual aid is questionable, have ________ notify the {mutual aid dispatchers} of a fire near them, and to be prepared to respond. This will reduce the {response time} of volunteer fire departments when requested b. Who to call - When requesting mutual aid, the requesting officer may {let dispatch decide which mutual aid companies to contact, or the officer may request specific mutual aid companies, based on his knowledge of their proximity to the fire, available apparatus and staffing}, etc c. Use of OKCFD Companies - On large, {slow burning} fires where long response times will not allow the fire to get out of control, available {OKCFD units should be requested before calling for mutual aid} d. Line of Authority - The fire department having jurisdiction {where the fire originated} shall be in command. Fireground companies on mutual aid responses may be operating under the {direct supervision of officers of different fire departments} e. Riding on Mutual Aid Equipment - Due to {legal liabilities}, OKCFD personnel are {not to ride on mutual aid apparatus, nor vice versa} f. Apparatus Identification - Fireground companies shall be identified by using their {city and apparatus number}; i.e. Okla. City Eng. 2, Spencer Brush Pumper 504, etc g. Response - If a staging area has not been established, or if an exact location to respond to has not been received, companies responding on mutual aid calls shall report to the {Command Post} for assignment


Those incidents requiring an "entry" by the Hazmat Unit to stabilize the situation will follow these standard procedures PRE-ENTRY All tasks and procedures are to be identified before attempting entry Unfamiliar tasks are to be practiced before entry No personnel are to enter the Exclusion Zone until support personnel complete the Entry Team Checklist There shall be a visible identification system for all Entry and Decontamination Team personnel. This identification system shall provide incident commanders with the ability to identify personnel at a ________ Conduct an {Incident Risk Analysis} with the {Hazmat Team} with respect to {possible results of actions taken to stabilize the incident} Identify {Known hazards} and risks This must include all known or suspected {physical, biological, radiological or chemical hazards}


Important Points When doing a tanker shuttle all rigs should park on the same side of the road to allow Tankers to pass Engines can pump off their tank directly into the ________. A {spotter} must be used. Pull engine alongside drop tank (as close as safely possible), open a discharge and off load the tank using the pump Do not {over commit on an interior attack} until a secure water source is established Keep command advised of {water levels}.

drop tank

Personnel (firefighters and passengers) should use extreme caution when mounting and dismounting an aerial device from the wing of an aircraft. The surface of a wing is slippery under ________ weather conditions. It can be {treacherous} when {water, foam, ice, or fuel} is present on the wing surface. Passengers may have to be escorted {one at a time} to the aerial device under these conditions. All ladders should be positioned to the {aft} ({rear}) of {entry doors}. Proper positioning keeps the aerial away from the {opening of doors} and {will not impact escape slide deployments}.


Although they may vary in size, cisterns typically range from 10,000 to 100,000 gallons (40 000 to 400 000 L). This supply may be accessed by removing a utility cover that allows the use of an intake hose and strainer. Other cisterns may feature a ________ connection that allows for more rapid set up of drafting operations. In order to ensure usability in freezing weather, the intake strainer of the dry hydrant set up must be located {below the frost line}.

dry hydrant

Newer pumpers are often equipped with ________ governors. These devices use a {pressure sensing element (pressure transducer)} that is connected to the {discharge manifold}. The element controls the action of an electronic amplifier that compares the pump pressure to an {electrical reference point}. The element changes the throttle setting as needed by adjusting the amount of {fuel supplied to the engine}, bringing the pump to the preferred pressure. The governor will maintain any pressure set on the control above a specified setting and will return the engine to idle speed whenever the pressure {drops below that point}. The electronic governor also features {cavitation protection} by returning the engine to idle when intake pressure drops below {30} psi (210 kPa). These governors are {accurate and quick to respond}, eliminating the need for a {discharge pressure relief valve}.


Placing the Command Post Back In Service 1. Upon completion of the use of the Command Post, the Incident Commander will designate a company to return the Command Post back to Station 11 2. If the incident is one that Station 11 responded to, then they will be the company assigned to return the Command Post to Station 11 and will also be responsible for its inventory and cleaning 3. Upon returning to Station 11, the company returning the Command Post will with the assistance of Station 11 personnel, perform an inventory of the Command Post as well as clean the inside and outside as needed 4. Once cleaned and inventoried, Station 11 personnel will send an ________ to the {incident commander of the incident the Command Post was used on}, informing him/her of any {missing or broken equipment}


The C-shift District Officers are in charge of the office supplies. Office supply requests are to be submitted on the Quarterly Order Form (see attached). Non-Consumable or specialty items are to be ordered on the Office Supplies - Order Form Non-Consumables (see attached). Order forms are to be turned in to the Deputy Chief of Operations no later than the last week of June, September, December, March, and will be distributed the last week of the following month. The Deputy Chief will review all orders for reasonableness Supplies will be picked up in Administration the last week of July, October, January, and April The District Officer is responsible for checking orders for accuracy and distributing supplies to the stations Every effort should be made to ensure that your quarterly amounts will last through the quarter If supplies are needed between quarters, the appropriate District Officer will make the request via ________ to the {Deputy Chief of Operations} and his {Administrative Assistant}. The District Officer will be notified by {Administration} when the order is ready


Generally, the Administrative Assistant will prepare all correspondence requiring the Fire Chief's signature. However, occasionally another work section will have a need to prepare correspondence for the Fire Chief. The attached format will be used for all correspondence requiring the Fire Chief's signature. If there is a question about the format, contact the Fire Chief's Office. The document can be ________ to the {Administrative Assistant} to be prepared for the Fire Chief's signature. The examples on the following pages are to assist you writing letters and memorandums. These samples are to be followed in general for correct written communications.


An employee's assignment of a vehicle is one in which they bear the responsibility to comply with the requirements as set forth in these procedures. In cases of abuse, the Fire Chief may revoke or suspend an employee's participation. The assigned driver must operate and park the vehicle in accordance with laws and ordinances of the City and State. Any citations received by an employee are the responsibility of the ________. Any use of the vehicle for {illegal purposes, or while performing illegal acts}, is {prohibited and will result in disciplinary action that could include termination}.


Phoenix Rapid Intervention Study: 200 drills—2.5 minutes to get to a "ready" state/ 3.03 minutes from distress signal to RIC ________ {5.82} minutes from entry to make contact/ average time inside the building-{12.33} minutes, with an average total rescue time of {21} minutes/ {12} firefighters to rescue 1 downed firefighter/ {1} in {5} RIC members get into some type of trouble/ SCBA bottle rated at {3000} psi contains {18.7 minutes} of air, PLUS OR MINUS {30}%


Those incidents requiring an "________" by the Hazmat Unit to stabilize the situation will follow these standard procedures PRE-ENTRY All {tasks and procedures} are to be {identified} before attempting {entry} {Unfamiliar tasks} are to be {practiced} before entry No personnel are to enter the {Exclusion Zone} until {support personnel} complete the {Entry Team Checklist} There shall be a {visible identification system} for all {Entry and Decontamination Team personnel}. This identification system shall provide incident commanders with the ability to {identify personnel} at a {distance} Conduct an {Incident Risk Analysis} with the {Hazmat Team} with respect to {possible results of actions taken to stabilize the incident} Identify {Known hazards} and risks This must include all known or suspected {physical, biological, radiological or chemical hazards}


Those incidents requiring an "entry" by the Hazmat Unit to stabilize the situation will follow these standard procedures PRE-ENTRY All tasks and procedures are to be identified before attempting ________ {Unfamiliar tasks} are to be {practiced} before entry No personnel are to enter the {Exclusion Zone} until {support personnel} complete the {Entry Team Checklist} There shall be a {visible identification system} for all {Entry and Decontamination Team personnel}. This identification system shall provide incident commanders with the ability to {identify personnel} at a {distance} Conduct an {Incident Risk Analysis} with the {Hazmat Team} with respect to {possible results of actions taken to stabilize the incident} Identify {Known hazards} and risks This must include all known or suspected {physical, biological, radiological or chemical hazards}


Only one crew (with the operator) and ________ at a time will use the car to avoid {overload}, and to permit room for {emergency maneuvers in the car.} (Rule of thumb {6} personnel) Crew and operator must be {fully dressed with S.C.B.A. face pieces in position for quick donning before ascent} A {radio, forcible entry tools, flashlight, stepladder (sometimes located in the supply closet on every floor), water or drychemical extinguisher, and spare bottle} should {remain} in the car with the operator


Teams will consist of two bikes staffed with two fire personnel with an EMS level of EMT-B or above. Each bike will carry half of the team's medical equipment. The equipment will be divided into an airway kit and a trauma kit. All patient contacts and bike team activity will be documented in the ________. The {Bike Team leader} will generate a report in {Visual fire} on all patients {requiring medical treatment and/or transport}

event log

Life safety: activities that ensure that death or injury to responders/civilians is reduced to a minimum. Most easily done by limiting the exposure to danger to people to an absolute minimum. ****IC must have life safety as the number one priority at all times at ________ incident


When assigned to a fire suppression incident, Level I Officers may also be responsible for the initial fire cause determination or investigation process. That duty requires the following actions be performed: Secure the incident scene Preserve ________ Interview {witnesses and emergency personnel} Notify a {fire investigator} when the situation warrants it A level 1 Fire Officer may {supervise salvage and overhaul operations} at incidents that involved criminal activity, such as acts of {terrorism or operation of illegal drug labs}. At these incidents, officers should take the following actions: Notify the appropriate {law enforcement agency} Designate the scene as a {crime scene} Maintain {security} of the scene until {fire investigator personnel} arrive


Evolution of IMS: IMS Developed in Phoenix Fire Department, late 1970's Gained national attention after the publication of "Fire Command" by Alan Brunacini Many systems based on this system, but it was difficult to ________

expand on

An ________ means that an employee, in the {course of employment}, was exposed to a {level above that allowed by OSHA} of a chemical that is a {physical or health hazard, and includes accidental or possible exposure}. The exposure may include {any route of entry (i.e., inhalation, ingestion, skin contact or absorption).} Individuals who {have experienced a chemical exposure or perceive they have been exposed to a chemical} will document the exposure by completing the documentation as listed above.


Another use for aerial device operations is exposure protection. An ________ is defined as a {structure} or {separate part of the fireground} to which the fire may spread, such as a {carport, automobile, or stack of hay}. Fire spreads to exposures either by {conduction, convection, or radiation} (Figure 20.38).


Respirator training fit check procedures 1. Employee must fit check the ________ of the respirator {each time it is donned} and {prior to entering a high risk area}. 2. Follow {specific fit check procedures} that accompany the mask. 3. Show students {how to fit check their respirators}. 4. These guidelines comply with {OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.139}. a. Instructors must be {certified fit testers and adhere to all guidelines}.

face seal

The power may be needed to operate pumps or other equipment that, if stopped, would cause additional damage to the building or to any materials being produced in it. Also, fire fighters may be aided by having lights available as well as having any elevators operating for firefighting and evacuation purposes. Once a fire company shuts off any power, the electric company may require the Fire Marshal's approval and an inspection certificate from an authorized Electrical Inspection Agency before turning the power back on. Nevertheless, whenever safe firefighting requires the power to be shut off, use whichever of the following actions is appropriate and necessary : 1. REMOVE FUSES OR OPEN CIRCUIT BREAKERS to shut off the affected section 2. OPEN MAIN SWITCH to shut off entire building when electric service is no longer useful. If you must stand in water or if the switch is wet, do not grasp the switch handle in the palm of your hand. Use dry equipment such as a piece of rope, pike pole, or handle of fire ax to open the switch. Then attach a warning tag indicating that the power has been intentionally shut off 3. CUT WIRES ONLY TO PROTECT LIFE for example, when a fire fighter's life would be endangered by leaving a building energized, or when a victim must be rescued. However, cutting electric wires should only be considered when it is not practicable to remove fuses, open circuit breakers, open the main switch, or wait for an electric company representative 4. PULL ELECTRIC METER ONLY AS A LAST RESORT and then only to protect life when no other method is practicable. Wear buttoned running coat, gloves, and ________ or {goggles} to protect against electric {arcing}.

face shield

This procedure establishes guidelines for use of CareFusion Clippers : 1. ATTACHING THE BLADE With gloves on position a new blade on the top of the clipper head Align the mark on the clipper blade to the arrow. Slide the blade toward the dot to secure it in place until you hear a click 2. CLIPPING THE HAIR Hold the clipper using a pencil grip or natural overhand grip with the CareFusion logo ________. {Stretch} the skin, rest the clipping blade flat on the skin and clip against the {grain} of the hair, keeping the skin as {taut as possible}. Always rest the base of the clipping blade flat on the patient's skin. Do not change the {angle or "toe in"} the blade in an attempt to get a closer clip. Always move the clippers {away from your body} with a {gentle push} Do not pull the clippers toward you across the patient's skin, and never apply greater force than needed 3. REMOVING THE BLADE Turn the clipper off, position the clipper blade {facing downward over a sharps trash receptacle} and use your {thumb} to push the blade forward along the {blade frame} 4. CLEANING THE CLIPPER HANDLE Wash the clipper handle thoroughly with {soap and water}, and then wipe the device with {surface disinfectant or soak the handle in an antimicrobial agent for no more than 30 minutes}. Submersion cannot exceed {three} feet in depth for up to {30} minutes 5. CHARGING AND STORAGE Crews shall check the charge {daily} by turning the unit on {briefly}. If {no blue light appears}, the unit is considered {charged}. If a {flashing blue light} is observed (approximately {5} minutes of runtime remaining), it is recommended the unit be placed in an {upright} position on the charging base. The device is considered charged when the {solid orange light is no longer illuminated}. A full charge will power the unit for approximately {120 minute continuous runtime}. NOTE: {No light is displayed} during actual use unless the device has a {low charge}

facing up

An Oklahoma License is NOT required for : 1. Nonresidents at least 16 years old who are properly licensed to drive in their home state or country 2. Nonresidents on active duty with the Armed Forces and their spouses and children with valid licenses from their home states 3. Nonresident students enrolled at an Oklahoma college or university and their spouses and children with valid licenses from their home states 4. Anyone operating a farm tractor or implement solely for ________ activities


ENTERING THE APPARATUS ROOM / APPARATUS DOOR All passengers will exit and assist the driver anytime an apparatus is entering through an apparatus door opening. At least ________ passenger will assist the driver with ensuring the {overhead door is fully opened} and {signal the driver when it is safe to proceed}.


General Hailing Procedures 1. Briefly rehearse, (in your mind), the message that you wish to transmit 2. Make sure the radio talk group is idle before transmitting 3. Keep messages brief and confined to business 4. Choose words carefully 5. Speak distinctly 6. Use the unit number or call sign. Do not use name a. Example: "Engine 51 to Dispatch" "Go ahead Engine 51" b. Example: "Engine 1 this is Engine 2" "Go ahead Engine 2" 7. Do not use profane or obscene language 8. Limit use of radio in noisy environments 9. Allow only authorized personnel to operate the radio 10. When receiving a message, be sure you understand before acknowledging 11. Promptly report any radio trouble to the radio shop 12. Two radios close to each other may cause ________ ({loud squealing})


Large blood/body fluid cleanup Large blood/bodily-fluid contamination may include large volumes of biohazard or contaminants spread over a large geographical area. Contact OKCFD Hazardous Materials Team as necessary for response or consultation. The recommended clean-up method is to remove all visible blood/bodily fluid and then to decontaminate using an approved disinfectant for the appropriate amount of time. It is important to note that while we are able to assist with clean-up, the property owner will be responsible for decontamination. Property owners must be notified that they are responsible for decontamination. OSHA states that an EPA-registered tuberculocidal disinfectant, EPA-registered disinfectants effective against both HIV and HBV, or a diluted bleach solution (solution of 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) diluted between 1:10 (1 cup of bleach to 9 cups of water) and 1:100 (1/4 cup bleach per gallon of water) are acceptable for clean-up of a contaminated surface or item. All disinfectant solutions should be mixed daily. Use of a booster line will cause splash, wear eye goggles and cover or wash boots/shoes. If the contamination is in a vehicle or building have owner/occupant contact a cleanup company. Washing with soap and water is not a substitute for disinfectant. As you enter the spill area, be careful not to step in any contaminated fluids. Flood the spill area with the bleach and water solution, allowing it to stand for ________ minutes. Note: Under certain conditions a {micro-encapsulation absorbent material} may be applied to {pooled blood} so that the bulk of the contamination can be removed to a {biohazard bag prior to decontamination}. Place blood soaked articles into the {red biohazard bags} along with any contaminated single use PPE items.


An open ________ ({open butt}) produces a stream that normally has no use in fire fighting. Some type of nozzle is needed to {shape the stream}. When a closed nozzle with a 1-inch (25 mm) tip is added to the system, the water level in the glass tubes returns to Line A. When the nozzle is opened, the water level drops to Line C (Figure 5.14). If the 1-inch (25 mm) tip is replaced with a 3⁄4-inch (19 mm) tip, the water level in the glass tubes rises even higher. The velocity of the water exiting the nozzle {increases}, but the amount of flow {decreases}. By decreasing the amount of water flowing, a firefighter reduces the speed of the water in the hose; consequently, there is less friction loss.

fire hose

After apparatus has entered rig room, comes to a complete stop and operator has turned engine off the exhaust system should be connected to apparatus. Overhead door in which apparatus entered should remain open until exhaust system has been connected. At no time should apparatus be operated above idle inside the rig room with exhaust venting system connected except when apparatus is leaving the facility When apparatus engine is running at idle inside the station for extended periods the exhaust system should be switched to the manual position on the control panel. Unless access to a particular compartment is needed, system hoses should be attached at all times while the vehicle is in quarters. The Company Officer is responsible for compliance with this directive. Questions concerning the system should be directed to the District Coordinator or Facilities Manager When two or more apparatus are stationed together and when possible the apparatus located on the right should exit station ________ to prevent exhaust hose from {retracting back and striking crews boarding apparatus adjacent to first exiting rig}. Stay clear of the {passenger side} of any vehicle leaving the station.


Cylinder Testing Cylinders must be hydrostatically tested every ________ years Contact should be made with the {Air Shop} when cylinders are in need of testing. Cylinders which display a date over {5} years from last date of testing should be {removed from service until testing has been completed}


Effective February 7, 2007, Eligibility requirements for Sergeant are: NOTE: Seniority points start accruing on the date all eligibility requirements have been met , Must have been a Corporal for at least one year in Suppression, from the last date of employment Must have a minimum of ________ years as an employee of the Oklahoma City Fire Department from the date of last employment , Employees hired after {July 1, 2005}, must have completed {Sergeant's Manual} and turned in with all {required signatures} at least {30} calendar days {prior to exam date} , Must compete in a {100} question written examination given by the {Training Work Section} The questions are to be {germane to the position} and {procedures of the Oklahoma City Fire Department} and shall include questions on {operating procedures, general knowledge, driving techniques, and firefighting operations} The top {25} scoring candidates will be placed into a {one}-week academy. The academy shall include, but not be limited to, instruction in: {driving techniques}, {equipment operation}, and {Fire Department policy and procedures} The top {25} scoring candidates, {combining written test score}, {seniority points}, and {academy score}, shall be placed on a {sequence list} for promotion


In certain instances, the "inside/outside" method of apparatus placement may be used to position aerial and pumping apparatus at a fire scene (Figures 4.6 a and b). If a building is less than ________ floors tall, the attack pumper(s) is (are) positioned on the {side of the street closest to the building and aerial apparatus are placed outboard of the pumper(s).} The assumption is that the aerial device is long enough to {reach over the pumper} if necessary to reach the roof of a building of this height.


It was also clear that if the Oklahoma City Standard was going to truly reflect the heart and soul of the Fire Department, it had to come from the firefighters themselves. To accomplish this task, an executive committee was assembled and submitted the names of individuals who demonstrated the highest level of service as Oklahoma City Firefighters. Twenty-one people ranging in rank from Corporal to Battalion Chief were selected from this list and placed on a committee that was assigned to one of the ________ major themes presented here. The committees then met together to prepare the final version of the Oklahoma City Standard. It is their {voice} that is presented here.


PENALTIES FOR DUI—BAC .08 OR MORE First offense , a misdemeanor , imprisonment in jail for not less than ten days nor more than one year, and , a fine of not more than $1,000 Second offense within ten years , a felony , imprisonment for not less than one year, not to exceed ________ years, and , a fine of not more than ${2,500} Second felony offense , a felony , imprisonment for not less than {one} year, not to exceed {seven} years, and , fine of not more than ${5,000} Third or subsequent offense , a felony , imprisonment for not less than one year, not to exceed {ten} years, and , fine of not more than ${5,000}


The heads-up display operates as follows: 1. When respirator use begins, the heads-up display will utilize and illuminate all five lights for twenty (20) seconds. Operation of all ________ must be verified {every time respirator use is begun and with every regulator operational inspection}. If the lights do not operate as described here, do not use the respirator. Remove the respirator from service and {tag for repair}.

five lights

Fourth Principle For a given velocity, friction loss is approximately the same, regardless of the pressure on the water. This principle explains why friction loss is the same when hoses or pipes at different pressures flow the same amount of water. For example, if 100 gpm (400 L/min) passes through a 3-inch (77 mm) hose within a certain time, the water must travel at a specified velocity (feet per second). For the same rate of flow to pass through a 11⁄2-inch (38 mm) hose, the velocity must be greatly increased. Four 11⁄2-inch hoses (38 mm) are needed to flow 100 gpm (400 L/min) at the same velocity as a single 3-inch (77 mm) hose. While pipe sizes are ________, some brands of fire hose may expand to a {larger inside diameter} than other brands when under pressure. Although both brands may be sold as 13⁄4-inch (45 mm) hose, one may actually expand close to 2 inches (50 mm) when charged. The tendency to expand {decreases velocity} and therefore {decreases friction loss}.


The ________ person in the {driver's side mirror} will be the backer using hand {signals to guide the driver}. The driver and flag persons should look at the following areas before backing the apparatus: {where they will be backing} {overhead obstructions} {under the apparatus} {traffic} The Officer may use {hand signals} to assist the driver at the front of the apparatus when verbal communication is not possible


Flowmeters measure and display water flow in gallons (liters) per minute. This number requires no further calculation as it reflects the water pressure that will be discharged through the nozzle if the hoseline is functioning at its rated capacity. The driver/operator's ability to quickly and accurately determine the flow of a particular hoseline in gallons (liters) per minute is especially advantageous when automatic nozzles are employed with handlines or master stream devices. Because handlines or master stream devices maintain a predetermined nozzle pressure and a stream that appears to be adequate, automatic nozzles may lead you to supply insufficient discharge pressures, creating a low gallon (liters) per minute flow. Insufficient discharge pressures are hazardous during fire suppression operations. Use of a flowmeter will make certain that you are aware of the gallon (liters) per minute flow and that you can develop the correct discharge pressure (within operation limits) to achieve the proper rate of flow. The flowmeter relieves you from relying on calculations based on the friction loss, elevation pressure, and length of the hoseline. Based on the NFPA® 1901 standard, for every discharge outlet equipped with a ________, a {pressure gauge} shall also be provided. These flowmeters must display flow in increments of {10 gpm (40 L/min) or less}.


Some apparatus checks may also be performed on an "as needed" basis. For example, anytime a pump has been operated at draft from a static supply, such as a saltwater source, lake, or pond, or in areas served by old water mains, the pump and piping should be thoroughly ________ before the apparatus is placed back in service (Figure 2.19). For more information concerning fire pump testing, the reader may consult Chapter 15, Apparatus Testing.


Class 3 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids If the Flammable Liquids are leaking from a Highway Cargo Tank, a 150 foot zone should be established Use Confinement Procedures to prevent the product from leaving the site. This must be done in a safe manner remembering to stay up-hill & upwind from the product and to eliminate all ignition factors Use the ERG to establish the isolation zone Use the ERG to establish the evacuation zone Once you have set zones, isolate or evacuate the area Deny access to the zones The application of ________ from a {SAFE} Distance is acceptable. Caution should be taken NOT to {run down your water or foam supply in case of an ignition}


Management by Objectives All levels of a growing ICS organization must have a clear understanding of the functional actions required to manage the incident. Management by objectives is an approach used to communicate functional actions throughout the entire ICS organization. It can be accomplished through the incident action planning process, which includes the following steps: Step 1: Understand OKCFD policy and direction Step 2: Assess incident situation Step 3: Establish incident objectives Step 4: Select appropriate strategy or strategies to achieve objectives Step 5: Perform tactical direction (applying tactics appropriate to the strategy, assigning the right resources, and monitoring their performance) Step 6: Provide necessary ________ (changing strategy or tactics, adding or subtracting resources, etc.)

follow up

PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES The Oklahoma City Fire Department Chief Safety Officer will have the overall responsibility of the program to ensure that: 1. Authorized and affected employees receive adequate training and information. 2. The program is evaluated annually. 3. The Lockout/Tagout equipment is properly used. 4. The procedures in this program are ________. On {emergency scenes, routine operations and training}, the {company officer and/or Incident Commander} will have the responsibility to ensure that all OKCFD employees are complying with this program.


SIMON LTI QS-82 A ________ operated aerial power switch is installed on the turntable deck at the control console. The operator must {depress and hold the switch in the "ON"} position to operate the aerial from the console. Should the operator become immobilized, or leave the assigned station, (foot switch no longer activated), the aerial would immediately become {inoperable from the console}


The following are six hand signals that may be used to maintain clear communication between the spotter and driver/operator: Backing straight — The spotter uses a back and forth motion with both arms, which is visible to the driver/operator in the appropriate mirror. The spotter extends arms outward with elbows bent and both palms face the spotter. The apparatus moves only when the spotter moves his or her ________. If the spotter fails to motion, the driver/operator {stops the apparatus} (Figure 3.19).


(Drivers manual )Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: You feel drowsy and/or dizzy Lights seem brighter The skin has a blue color; lips turn blue Your ________ tightens


Ball Cap/ Stocking Cap (Optional) Ball Cap (Regular or All Mesh) The ball cap will be the navy blue cap with the red bill. The front of the cap will say "OKLA CITY FIRE". The wording on the back of the cap can be one of two choices: FIRE-RESCUE or your individual rig identification ("ENGINE 1", "RESCUE LADDER 1", etc.). The hat will be polo style. The only mesh hat allowed is the style shown above. No other ball cap is to be worn while on duty. There will be no pins worn on the ball cap and no emblems or logos will be on the sides of the cap. The ball cap may only be worn with the bill ________.


A ________-lane highway is divided in half by two solid yellow lines in the center. The two lanes on each side are divided by a dashed white line.


If the hazardous chemical is a combination of the liquid and non-liquid state, the total amount measurement shall be made considering the combined poundage. The numbers to be utilized on the placard are based on a numbering system from zero (0) to four (4). Zero being the least hazard and ________ being the {worst hazard} based upon the {Material Safety Data Sheet} or {information provided by Station 5 (Hazardous Materials Task Force).} In the event your work site or applicable tanks need placarding, contact the {Safety Officer or Fire Station 5} for further instructions.


Rescue teams will consist of a minimum of two firefighters (preferably ________) and a minimum of {two} police officers. It must be absolutely clear that LEO's assigned to Fire-Rescue operations maintain {security and protection over their assigned team} and as such should {not assist with the physical removal of casualties}


Driving Downhill Use the service brake and auxiliary brake as well as manually shifting to lower gears to limit speed. To prevent engine damage, limit downhill speed to lower than maximum rpm. The engine governor cannot control engine speed downhill: The wheels turn the engine and driveshaft as gravity pulls the vehicle down the hill. Engine speed faster than the rated rpm can result in engine damage. It is unsafe and may be illegal to allow the apparatus to coast out of gear or "________" while driving downhill. Failure to use alternate methods to slow the vehicle may result in {brake failure}, resulting in {vehicle runaway}.


Use the protective cap to keep the high pressure air inlet of the RIC UAC coupling covered and dry at all times. Water on the inlet may ________ preventing connection to the {RIC UAC filling hose assembly} or {preventing removal of the RIC UAC filling hose assembly once connected}. If the RIC UAC filling hose assembly is used to fill a respirator cylinder in temperatures less than {32 degrees F / 0 degrees C} and the full respirator is then moved indoors to warmer temperatures, the pressure in the cylinder {MUST BE CHECKED FOR EXCESS PRESSURE} within {two} hours after the respirator is moved indoors. If the pressure gauge on the cylinder is reading {above "full",} excess pressure must be removed from the cylinders by releasing air from the respirator until the {pointer of the gauge} is reading "{full}".


Extra effort should be expended in winter months to see that the hose lengths are tightly coupled to prevent leaking. Once a hose line is charged at freezing temperature, it must not be shut down until it is ready to be picked up. If it is not practical immediately to drain and pick up the hose lines, some water should be kept running through the hose by slightly opening the nozzle. This will prevent the line from ________. When closing the nozzle, {slowly nudge the shutoff handle towards the closed position until a small stream is still flowing}. If the nozzle is {completely closed}, it could {freeze shut} and be {rendered immovable} until it is thawed out


Hazmat It is important that all health related data be kept up-to-date. As air, water, soil, or hazardous substance monitoring and sampling data becomes available, it must be evaluated. Significant risk or exposure to workers noted, potential impact on the public assessed, and changes made to the plan. These evaluations need to be repeated ________, since much of the plan is based on this information {Level of Protection The levels of protection to be worn at locations on-scene or by work functions will be designated}. This includes the specific {types of respirators and clothing} to be worn for each level


An important factor in operating a fire pump and producing effective fire streams is the loss of pressure in a pipe or hose due to ________. The common term for pressure loss due to friction is {friction loss}. The fire service definition of friction loss is that {part of the total pressure lost while forcing water through pipe, fittings, fire hose, and adapters}.


Provided that nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations. The flag of the United States of America, when it is displayed with another flag against a wall from crossed staffs, should be on the right, the flag's own right, and its staff should be in ________ of the staff of the other flag.


Daily apparatus check CHECK LIST 1. Oil, Transmission, and coolant levels 2. Fuel level above 3/4 tank 3. Booster Tank Water (If Applicable) 4. Operation of pump and/or aerial device 5. Primer motors and/or EPU aerial device 6. Bleed Air Tanks (if applicable) 7. Tire Pressure of all tires (within 5 PSI of recommendation on vehicle data plate) 8. Tire Tread Depth (1st and 15th of each month) 9. Lights (including emergency and headlights turn, etc.) 10. Siren, air horns, and safety features (if applicable) 11. Check all water drain valves, intake and discharge valves 12. Work relief valve and transfer valve (if applicable) 13. Check fuel gauge and/or ________ if gauge is {inoperable} 14. {SCBA} ({proper seat location} and minimum {5,000} PSI) 15. {Radio and MDC} 16. {RIT} pack 17. {EMS} equipment and supplies 18. {LP-1000} defibrillator, if applicable ({OK} message and {2} battery bars or more) 19. All other inventory not listed above Apparatus checks will be entered daily in the appropriate {Target Solutions fillable form}

fuel card

(wildland fire) Working from the burned side is safer. If it's an option, use it, if not, have an escape route When working from the unburned side, extreme caution is required. Know your ________, know the {topography} and know the {weather}. Look at the {intensity} of the fire Know the {weather conditions and forecasted weather} (including {regular humidity drop} during the {hottest} part of the day). A weather change requires a {size up with expected conditions} Ask yourself, Should I be here? If you are at the top of a hill with cedar trees around, do I really want to be here when the fire gets here? How much water do I have? How hot is this going to be burning when the fire arrives? Maybe this is not the place to "{make a stand}"

fuel load

The tanker will have dropped a tank with hard suction hose, jet siphon, 1 section of 3" hose and 1 section of 1 ¾" hose. This equipment is for the second arriving engine company to draft with Procedures for Drafting Engine 1. Position rig to draft out of drop tank. Leave room for tanker shuttle 2. Hook up 50' section of 3" hose to WYE and then to your pump discharge 3. Hook up hard suction to jet siphon and then to intake valve. (Remove intake valve and connect hard suction directly to pump intake. Leaks in the intake relief valve may cause loss of suction.) 4. Hook up 1 ¾" hose to jet siphon and then to pump. This will be to assist prime 5. Place rig in pump gear (make sure all valves, drains and discharges are closed or air leak will cause you to lose prime) 6. Open the tank to pump valve and open discharge to 3" line on the WYE (throttle up to pressure 20 psi + FL). 7. Open WYE on engine side and close tanker side a.Tanker shuts down nursing operation and dumps remaining water into drop tank 8. Open the large intake valve to begin drafting and increase throttle to assist priming 9. Prime can be achieved by any 1 of 3 ways: a. First Method - Use pump primer b. Second Method - Jet Siphon c. Third Method - Backfilling with tank water 10. Watch for movement of water thru hard suction. As prime is achieved begin closing tank to pump slowly until closed a.Watch booster tank level closely. Prime must be achieved before Booster tank is empty! 11. As soon as the tank to pump valve is closed, open tank fill valve slowly and only part way or you will lose pressure. Fill the booster tank as soon as possible 12. Watch water level in drop tank and notify Water Supply Officer if water level falls to half a. Keep the booster tank ________ as an {emergency reserve}! b. Notify Command if you have to {start using booster tank water}


Case History An instructor was reviewing pumping operations with another firefighter using a 2 1⁄2 inch (65 mm) line supplied by a hydrant into the pump with a 1 3⁄4 inch (45 mm) line stretched to discharge water. The training included switching from tank water to a pressurized source. This task was completed a number of times. During one evolution as the tank fill valve was being opened, a loud noise and water spraying from inside the pump panel was observed. The instructor and firefighter initially withdrew slightly and then moved to shut down the operation. During this time, the top portion of the pump panel was forced loose by water pressure and flew open with enough force to damage the panel and other nearby components. Fortunately, neither the instructor nor firefighter sustained injury. Upon inspection it was found that the line from the tank fill valve to the tank had come off allowing water from the 2 1⁄2-inch (65 mm) pipe to spray directly at the pump panel. Driver/operators must wear ________ even when operating at the pump panel in order to lessen the chance of injury should an event such as this occur. In addition, {reacting quickly} to shut down or modify operations when a problem is detected may help reduce the impact of {mechanical problems}.

full PPE

Stihl 044 Chain Saw Pull-in occurs when the chain on the bottom of the bar is suddenly stopped. The chain on the bottom of the bar stops when it is pinched, caught, or encounters a foreign object in the roof or floor. The reaction of the chain pulls the saw forward and may cause the operator to lose control. Pull-in frequently occurs when the chain is not rotating at full speed before it contacts the roof. Always start a cut with the chain rotating at ________

full speed

(Manufacturers test) The apparatus being tested must meet the following minimum standards: • The apparatus must accelerate to 35 mph (55 km/h) from a standing start within 25 seconds. This test is conducted in two runs in opposite directions over the same course. • The apparatus must achieve a maximum top speed of 50 mph (80 km/h). This requirement may be waived for vehicles not designed for use on public roadways. • The apparatus must come to a ________ from {20} mph (30 km/h) within {35} feet (10.5 m). • The {parking brake} installed on the vehicle must conform to the {specifications listed by its manufacturer}. In addition to these minimum standards, other tests specified by a particular jurisdiction may be added to the specifications to ensure the apparatus will perform as required under local conditions. This may include special requirements for {acceleration, deceleration, or braking on roads with specific degrees of slope}. If special requirements are sought from the apparatus manufacturer, the purchaser should write them into the {bid specifications} as {performance requirements} as opposed to engineering or equipment specifications.

full stop

Some nozzles may be designed for adjustable gallonage settings. These nozzles allow the firefighter operating the handline to select the flow rate to suit fire and operating conditions (Figure 6.6, p. 198). The nozzle will supply this flow at the rated nozzle discharge pressure. If the driver/operator does not supply the proper pressure, the handline will not achieve the ________ selected at the nozzle. Many of these nozzles are designed to flow the gallonage indicated at {100} psi (700 kPa) nozzle pressure. However, some models are available that are capable of operating at {lower nozzle} pressures.


Gas Detection Odors sometimes mistaken for natural gas can come from many sources, such as petroleum products (especially ________), {marsh gas}, {sewer gas}, {industrial gases} and the like. There are many types of gas-detection instruments. Since Gas Company employees are trained in their use, they will be glad to assist you. Natural gas has its odor {regulated by the gas company} in order to give it a {distinctive, pungent smell}. In its natural state, natural gas is usually {odorless}


Rotary gear pumps consist of two gears that rotate in a tightly meshed pattern inside a watertight case (Figure 9.2). The gears are constructed so that they contact each other and are in close proximity to the case. The gears form watertight and airtight pockets as they turn from the intake to the outlet. As each ________ reaches the {discharge chamber} the air or water contained in that pocket is {forced out of the pump}. As the tooth returns to the {intake side of the pump}, the gears are {meshed tightly} enough to prevent the water or air that has been discharged from returning to the intake.

gear tooth

This procedure establishes guidelines for use of CareFusion Clippers : 1. ATTACHING THE BLADE With gloves on position a new blade on the top of the clipper head Align the mark on the clipper blade to the arrow. Slide the blade toward the dot to secure it in place until you hear a click 2. CLIPPING THE HAIR Hold the clipper using a pencil grip or natural overhand grip with the CareFusion logo facing up. Stretch the skin, rest the clipping blade flat on the skin and clip against the grain of the hair, keeping the skin as taut as possible. Always rest the base of the clipping blade flat on the patient's skin. Do not change the angle or "toe in" the blade in an attempt to get a closer clip. Always move the clippers away from your body with a ________ Do not pull the clippers toward you across the patient's skin, and never apply greater force than needed 3. REMOVING THE BLADE Turn the clipper off, position the clipper blade {facing downward over a sharps trash receptacle} and use your {thumb} to push the blade forward along the {blade frame} 4. CLEANING THE CLIPPER HANDLE Wash the clipper handle thoroughly with {soap and water}, and then wipe the device with {surface disinfectant or soak the handle in an antimicrobial agent for no more than 30 minutes}. Submersion cannot exceed {three} feet in depth for up to {30} minutes 5. CHARGING AND STORAGE Crews shall check the charge {daily} by turning the unit on {briefly}. If {no blue light appears}, the unit is considered {charged}. If a {flashing blue light} is observed (approximately {5} minutes of runtime remaining), it is recommended the unit be placed in an {upright} position on the charging base. The device is considered charged when the {solid orange light is no longer illuminated}. A full charge will power the unit for approximately {120 minute continuous runtime}. NOTE: {No light is displayed} during actual use unless the device has a {low charge}

gentle push

Leadership Skills Leadership traits may be summarized according to a variety of actions that most good leaders take: Seeing opportunities Identifying challenges—requires monitoring both the internal and external climate of the organization Communicating Planning for success Building trust Understanding the system-determining what first needs to be done Inspiring a shared vision Enabling others to act Modeling desired behavior Encouraging subordinates-share ________, keep {troubles to yourself} Establishing {priorities}


This procedure establishes guidelines for use of CareFusion Clippers : 1. ATTACHING THE BLADE With ________ on position a new blade on the {top of the clipper head} Align the mark on the clipper blade to the {arrow}. Slide the blade toward the {dot} to secure it in place until you hear a {click} 2. CLIPPING THE HAIR Hold the clipper using a {pencil grip or natural overhand grip} with the {CareFusion logo} {facing up}. {Stretch} the skin, rest the clipping blade flat on the skin and clip against the {grain} of the hair, keeping the skin as {taut as possible}. Always rest the base of the clipping blade flat on the patient's skin. Do not change the {angle or "toe in"} the blade in an attempt to get a closer clip. Always move the clippers {away from your body} with a {gentle push} Do not pull the clippers toward you across the patient's skin, and never apply greater force than needed 3. REMOVING THE BLADE Turn the clipper off, position the clipper blade {facing downward over a sharps trash receptacle} and use your {thumb} to push the blade forward along the {blade frame} 4. CLEANING THE CLIPPER HANDLE Wash the clipper handle thoroughly with {soap and water}, and then wipe the device with {surface disinfectant or soak the handle in an antimicrobial agent for no more than 30 minutes}. Submersion cannot exceed {three} feet in depth for up to {30} minutes 5. CHARGING AND STORAGE Crews shall check the charge {daily} by turning the unit on {briefly}. If {no blue light appears}, the unit is considered {charged}. If a {flashing blue light} is observed (approximately {5} minutes of runtime remaining), it is recommended the unit be placed in an {upright} position on the charging base. The device is considered charged when the {solid orange light is no longer illuminated}. A full charge will power the unit for approximately {120 minute continuous runtime}. NOTE: {No light is displayed} during actual use unless the device has a {low charge}


OKCFD UNIFORM INSIGNIAS The following descriptions are provided to use as reference in the uniform insignia placement guidelines that follow. All items that are color coded for rank (badges, name tags, sleeve braid, collar insignia, service stars, coat buttons, etc.) shall be silver for pay ranges 922 and below, and ________ for pay ranges {923 and above}.


In some cases, the aerial apparatus may be required to position on and operate from a bridge or overpass. This most commonly occurs when a large fire of some type or rescue operation occurs next to a bridge. In these cases, the Incident Commander may determine that it is tactically important to deploy elevated master streams or rescue equipment from the bridge side of the incident. The following guidelines should be used in these situations: • Be sure that the bridge has a load capacity that is safe for the apparatus to drive on and operate from. • If multiple apparatus must work on a bridge, do not park or operate all apparatus on the same span. The combined static load of all apparatus may exceed its design limitations. Instead, stagger apparatus in different traffic lanes without parking side-by-side. • Be sure the road surface upon which the apparatus is parked is in ________. Avoid {weak spots} that might allow a stabilizer to punch through the {bridge decking}. • Follow the principles discussed earlier in this chapter for setting up the aerial apparatus on an incline if the bridge has a significantly sloped road surface. • Use caution when raising the aerial device if the bridge has a {superstructure} above the road surface. If electric lines are present, allow the standard {10} foot (3 m) safety distance from the lines. • Be alert for {wind conditions} on top of a large bridge. It may be necessary to use high-wind operating principles for the aerial device. Wind conditions may be more severe here than on either side of the access to the bridge. • Recognize that most large bridges are designed to {move somewhat} in response to forces placed upon them by {wind, traffic, and water movement below}. This movement will be {somewhat amplified} at the {tip of a raised aerial device}, depending on the type and intensity of the force. {High winds} will further affect the movement of the aerial device. When this movement becomes {uncomfortable for firefighters or begins to place excessive lateral stress on the aerial device}, {minimize the extension} of the device as much as possible. • Remember that {bridges and elevated sections of roads} will be the first road surfaces to {freeze during cold weather}. This can pose serious travel and positioning hazards.

good repair

The heads-up display provides a visual monitor of the air supply in the cylinder and valve assembly. The display is fitted to the face piece mounted regulator and appears across the bottom of the user's field of view through the face piece. The heads-up display consists of four (4) rectangular lights to represent the cylinder pressure at full, 3/4, 1/2 and 1/3. A fifth ________ {red light} indicates {LOW BATTERY}.


During the first six months after an apparatus is received, while the paint and protective coating are new and unseasoned, the vehicle should be washed frequently using cold water to harden the paint and keep it from spotting. To ensure the best overall appearance of the apparatus in the future and reduce the chance of damaging new paint and protective coatings, the following washing instructions are recommended: Use a garden hose without a nozzle to apply water to the apparatus. High pressures can drive dirt and debris into the finish (Figure 2.3). Rinse as much loose dirt as possible from the vehicle before applying soap. This will lessen the amount of ________ that may be scratched into the finish. Never remove dirt by {dry rubbing}. Wash the apparatus {before dirt, grit, and road salt can dry on the surface}. Use only cleaning products that have been specifically designed for use on {automotive paint}. Do not wash with {extremely hot water or while the surface of the vehicle is hot}. Begin washing from the {top} of the vehicle and work downward. Dry the apparatus with a clean {chamois} that is rinsed frequently in clean water, or use a {rubber squeegee}. Failure to dry the vehicle thoroughly may encourage {corrosion}.


Crosswalks are intended to encourage people to cross only at certain locations. As you know, some people will cross when and where they want to, regardless of traffic signals, marked crossings, or even their own safety. As the person controlling a potentially dangerous machine, it's your job to "play it safe" where pedestrians are concerned and protect them when you see they may be in danger Be alert to people entering the roadway or crosswalks any place where pedestrian traffic is heavy Yield to blind pedestrians carrying a white or chrome cane or using a ________ Be especially careful in school zones, school crossings, or where children are playing Yield to pedestrians using the sidewalk when you're entering or leaving a driveway or alley Don't honk, gun your engine, or do anything to rush or scare a pedestrian crossing in front of your car, even if you have the legal right-of-way

guide dog

The tanker will have dropped a tank with hard suction hose, jet siphon, 1 section of 3" hose and 1 section of 1 ¾" hose. This equipment is for the second arriving engine company to draft with Procedures for Drafting Engine 1. Position rig to draft out of drop tank. Leave room for tanker shuttle 2. Hook up 50' section of 3" hose to WYE and then to your pump discharge 3. Hook up hard suction to jet siphon and then to intake valve. (Remove intake valve and connect hard suction directly to pump intake. Leaks in the intake relief valve may cause loss of suction.) 4. Hook up 1 ¾" hose to jet siphon and then to pump. This will be to assist prime 5. Place rig in pump gear (make sure all valves, drains and discharges are closed or air leak will cause you to lose prime) 6. Open the tank to pump valve and open discharge to 3" line on the WYE (throttle up to pressure 20 psi + FL). 7. Open WYE on engine side and close tanker side a.Tanker shuts down nursing operation and dumps remaining water into drop tank 8. Open the large intake valve to begin drafting and increase throttle to assist priming 9. Prime can be achieved by any 1 of 3 ways: a. First Method - Use pump primer b. Second Method - Jet Siphon c. Third Method - Backfilling with tank water 10. Watch for movement of water thru hard suction. As prime is achieved begin closing tank to pump slowly until closed a.Watch booster tank level closely. Prime must be achieved before Booster tank is empty! 11. As soon as the tank to pump valve is closed, open tank fill valve slowly and only part way or you will lose pressure. Fill the booster tank as soon as possible 12. Watch water level in drop tank and notify Water Supply Officer if water level falls to ________ a. Keep the booster tank {full} as an {emergency reserve}! b. Notify Command if you have to {start using booster tank water}


Newer driver/operators should avoid full-speed operations until they are very familiar with the operation of the aerial device. Because of the forces being generated, especially as length increases, all movements must be slow, smooth and controlled (also known as feathering). No rapid movements of the control are permitted. Regardless of the skill of the operator, full-speed operations should be minimized due to the large amount of dynamic stress placed upon the aerial device when the motion is ________.


Portable lights are used where fixed lights are not able to reach or when additional lighting is necessary. They may be supplied by a cord from the power source or may have a self-contained power supply. The lights usually have ________ for safe carrying and {large bases for stability and placement}. Some portable lights are connected to {telescoping stands} that {eliminate the need for personnel to either hold them or find a stable surface to set them on}.


OKCFD offers the American Heart Association's non-certification course "CPR for Family and Friends" as well as "________" CPR training. The Family and Friends course covers {CPR and choking for adults, children and infants}. This is a {noncertified course, and no card will be issued}. In most cases this course is {not approved for people that are required to have CPR training}


Stokes Basket — Wire or plastic basket-type litter suitable for transporting patients from locations where a standard litter would not be easily secured, such as a pile of rubble, a structural collapse, or the upper floor of a building; may be used with a ________ for lifting.


1 When employees are assigned to the Rehabilitation unit, the Rehab Officer will observe all members in each crew for employees that have signs of heat stress, hypothermia, or extreme fatigue. If employee has signs of heat stress or does not recover quickly, they should be moved to the medical evaluation area. In the medical evaluation area, ________ should be measured for {30} seconds as early as possible in the rest area. If an employee's heart rate exceeds {110} beats per minute, a {temperature} should be taken. If an employee's temperature exceeds {100.6 F}, employee should {not be permitted to wear protective equipment}. If it is below {100.6 F} and heart rate remains above {110} beats per minute, {rehabilitation time should be increased}. At the time that the heart rate is measured {all vitals should be taken and recorded} on the emergency the {Emergency Incident Medical Surveillance form}. Vitals will be taken every {5 to 10} minutes. If an employee has {abnormal vital signs or if employee does not recover in a reasonable amount of time}, contact the {Medical Officer} for {possible transport to the hospital}

heart rate

Follow these guidelines when working in the vicinity of power lines: • Make sure the work area is clear of major obstacles and overhead obstructions. • Maintain clearance from all overhead power lines per SOPs. • Do not work within 50 feet (15 m) of high-voltage transmission lines. These are the high-tension wires that transport electricity over long distances. They are ________ than lower voltage lines, but still will be within the reach of an {aerial ladder or platform}. Interview {representatives} in your area and learn to recognize the difference. • Look Up and {Live}: Always check the operating vicinity for power lines before you drive into it. {Tree branches} can hide {power lines or cables} from view. If operating at night, use {powerful lights} to search for {power lines or poles}.


(Portable Sprinkler system) If possible, a ________ or {salvage cover} should be used where the {feeder line comes over the parapet wall or roof edge} to prevent the line from being {kinked} at this point. This will also prevent {chaffing} the feeder line. Do not {hammer} the nozzles into the roof. Always use a {pickhead axe} or a {hammer headed pick} to make the hole to place the nozzles in

hose roller

When bulk storage of foam concentrates is required, some fire departments or industrial facilities may specify 275 gallon (1 100 L) containers, called totes. Under conditions that may require large quantities of foam, such as aircraft rescue fire fighting (ARFF), wildland, or industrial facilities, this method of storage may be prudent. Some jurisdictional organizations operate trailers equipped with a large quantity of foam concentrate that is housed and transported by a "________" department for deployment within a specific response area during large-scale incidents (Figure 14.8).


Approaches for a Successful Transition In order to take advantage of the opportunities that becoming an officer provides, a new company officer should try the following approaches: Communicate effectively Apply appropriate supervisory techniques Manage effectively Project a command presence Develop an appropriate leadership style Show respect for others Be loyal to the company, organization, and community Be a positive and ethical role model at all times Live by a personal and professional code of ethics Set high yet attainable standards Value diversity in people and situations Praise accomplishments Listen to others Commit to education and training Remain ________ Start {tight}, then go {light}.


Up to one 30 minute SCBA cylinder, 20 min of intense work without SCBA, Up to two 30-minute SCBA cylinders, One 45-minute SCBA cylinder, One 60-minute SCBA cylinder, 40 minutes of of work without SCBA. At least 10 minutes of self-rehabilitation (rest with hydration ) as a company or crew (When encapsulating chemical protective clothing is worn) At least 20 minutes of rest (with ________) in {rehabilitation area}


The ________ elevator is raised and lowered in a manner similar to that of a {hydraulic jack}. An {electric motor} is used to power it. They are found in buildings of {not over 6 or 7} floors in height, do not have {hoistway cables}, and the {machine room} is usually found {in or near the basement} Another distinguishing feature is that if this elevator stalls, it can be lowered by {bypassing the hydraulic fluid} in the same manner as would be done with an ordinary hydraulic jack. A {lowering valve} is usually located in the {machine room}


When an electric elevator stalls, the machine brake is automatically applied mechanically. A ________ elevator does not have a {brake}. Should it stall, the {pump} is stopped mechanically and the car will not move. This eliminates the danger of elevators {falling}, barring disasters


General Hailing Procedures 1. Briefly rehearse, (in your mind), the message that you wish to transmit 2. Make sure the radio talk group is ________ before transmitting 3. Keep messages {brief and confined to business} 4. Choose {words carefully} 5. Speak {distinctly} 6. Use the {unit number or call sign}. Do not use {name} a. Example: "Engine 51 to Dispatch" "Go ahead Engine 51" b. Example: "Engine 1 this is Engine 2" "Go ahead Engine 2" 7. Do not use {profane or obscene} language 8. Limit use of radio in {noisy environments} 9. Allow only {authorized personnel} to operate the radio 10. When receiving a message, be sure you understand before {acknowledging} 11. Promptly report any radio trouble to the {radio shop} 12. Two radios close to each other may cause {feedback} ({loud squealing})


RISK MANAGEMENT ROLE Risk Management will receive the initial notice indicating that a new OJI case is being filed by OKCFD personnel. The Initial Notice will replace the Quick Fax Form. However, if the Origami System should go down or become inoperable, the Quick Fax Form will be used until the system is restored. The next business day a report will be run by Risk Management personnel to identify all injuries reported. An adjuster from Risk Management will contact the injured employee to ________ them about the injury and a determination will be made as to whether the injury is {minor or medical}. If injury occurs during the week, the employee should be contacted by the {adjuster} within {24} hours of the injury. If injury is ruled {medical}, a {Nurse Case Manager} will be assigned to the case and become the {point of contact} for the injured employee. Please note the employee is more likely to be contacted in a timely manner if they provide a {personal contact number (cell or home)} instead of the {Station or Fire Administration number}.


The policy of the Oklahoma City Fire Department is that no employee will operate at an emergency or non-emergency scene beyond a safe level of physical and mental endurance These guidelines apply to all appropriate emergency incidents and training exercises where physical activity or exposure to extreme environmental conditions exists. The Rehabilitation Group will be utilized to evaluate and assist personnel to avoid sustained physical exertion that can result in acute health detriments as well as to evaluate and assist personnel who may already be suffering from the effects of sustained physical exertion during emergency operations. The Rehab Group will provide a specific area where personnel will assemble to receive: a physical assessment revitalization - rest, refreshments, etc treatment for physical and/or mental stress as well as physically-induced injuries and/or ________ close monitoring of physical condition transportation for those requiring treatment at medical facilities RESPONSIBILITIES The Incident Commander will consider the circumstances of each incident and make necessary arrangements {early in the incident} for the {rest and rehabilitation} of all personnel operating at the scene


Water moving through a pipe or hose has both mass and velocity. The mass of water increases as the pipe or hose size increases. Suddenly stopping water, moving through a hose or pipe, results in an energy surge being transmitted in the opposite direction, often at many times the original pressure. Each time this occurs there is an amplification of the wave causing pressure to ________. This surge is referred to as {water hammer} (Figure 5.15, p. 182). Where large volumes of water are involved, such as in large diameter hose layouts, water hammer is especially critical and can damage the {pump, appliances, hose, or the municipal water system itself}. To prevent water hammer when water is flowing, {slowly close nozzles, valves, and hose clamps}. When flowing from a water system, the entire operation should be stopped very slowly. When master streams are flowed or hydrants opened, they should be partially {closed, stopped, and then closed more} as a prevention measure.


Medium-Pressure Meter Settings Figure 5 is a typical meter facility on a medium pressure system. The inlet pressure to this meter is greater than that used by house appliances and is called medium pressure (1 pound to 60 pounds per square inch gauge). Gas under this higher pressure is reduced to 5.3 ounces of pressure before it is introduced into the customer's piping system. A regulator located on the ________ side of the meter {reduces} the gas pressure before it goes through the meter and into the customer's piping system. The {cutoff valve} such as the one noted in the picture can be opened or closed by turning it {one quarter turn or 90 degrees}.


Multiple-Dwelling Meter Settings Figure 6 shows a meter facility for multiple dwelling buildings. There is a master control valve that shuts off the gas to all the meters in the manifold. There is also a valve on the ________ side of each meter. This makes it possible to shut off gas to an {apartment or other area in a building where an emergency situation} exists without interrupting service to other parts of the building. The number of the apartment or office served is {noted either on the front of each meter} or on a {tag attached to the meter}


DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY The Oklahoma City Fire Department AHA Training Center strives to promote and support aligned instructors to succeed. All instructors conducting a class on- or off-duty are looked upon as representatives of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Instructors are expected to present AHA lesson plans in an accurate and engaging manner, display patience and understanding with students, and adhere to all applicable administrative policies. If a complaint or problem comes to the attention of the EMS Office, it will be investigated for validity and impact. If complaint warrants action, it will be handled according to the following steps. Depending on the severity of issue by the Instructor, the corrective action taken may go immediately up to step 3 Progressive steps are as follows: Step 1 - Remediation If after careful investigation, the Training Center Coordinator perceives an Instructor's performance a problem, he or she should issue remediation. The Training Center Coordinator will state the problem to the instructor, give support and education from the Training Center to promote success and inform instructor of the next progressive step. The TCC will keep detailed notes and prepare a letter about the conversation to be placed in the instructor's personnel file Step 2 - Written warning If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator will provide the instructor with a written warning detailing the problem, along with a statement that continued failure could result in revoking alignment of Training Center. The TCC will complete a letter stating the problem presented, support and education given from the Training Center to promote success and next progressive step. Letter will be signed by the instructor and the TCC to be included in the instructor's personnel file. A copy of the letter will be given to the ________ {Step 3} - {Termination} review If the problem persists/warrants (or more problems emerge), the Training Center Coordinator must notify the {EMS Chief}. The Training Center Coordinator with agreement of the {EMS Chief} will make the final decision of the Instructor's alignment after {careful consideration} of all the information


There are two basic concepts for pressure relief valves: • Those that relieve excess pressure on the discharge side of the pump. This valve controls the pressure that is delivered to the hoseline nozzle from the pump. • Those that relieve excess pressure on the ________ side of the pump. An {adjustable spring-loaded pilot valve} bypasses water from the discharge to the {intake chamber} of the pump. Although only a {small quantity of water} is re-routed, this re-routing permits the pump to continue operation when pressure rises above the {working, or set}, pressure.


(wildland fire) Working from the burned side is safer. If it's an option, use it, if not, have an escape route When working from the unburned side, extreme caution is required. Know your fuel load, know the topography and know the weather. Look at the ________ of the fire Know the {weather conditions and forecasted weather} (including {regular humidity drop} during the {hottest} part of the day). A weather change requires a {size up with expected conditions} Ask yourself, Should I be here? If you are at the top of a hill with cedar trees around, do I really want to be here when the fire gets here? How much water do I have? How hot is this going to be burning when the fire arrives? Maybe this is not the place to "{make a stand}"


Failure of the main hydraulic pump will typically require the auxiliary hydraulic pump to be used. Only operate the auxiliary hydraulic pump in ________ as recommended by manufacturers. This will prevent {overheating of the auxiliary electric motor or hydraulic pump}. Before activating the auxiliary pump, ensure an aerial control lever is positioned to allow for the {hydraulic pressure to flow}. Before placing the apparatus back into service, the aerial device should be repaired by an {EVT and thoroughly tested}. See NFPA® 1911 or your department's policies for recommended criteria.


SCHEDULING OF LEAVE Employees that have properly scheduled and approved leave shall not have their leave cancelled. During times of large scale emergencies and disasters the Fire Chief may cancel leave, restrict the approval of leave, or call back off duty personnel when necessary as per Article 19.3 of the current CBA. It is understood that large scale emergencies and disasters may only cause temporary disruptions in scheduling of leave, and that the Union and city will consult together during those times for the most efficient manpower utilization and productivity per section 1.2 of the CBA. Leave time will be scheduled and approved at the station/district level according to the terms of this policy.: 1. Leave time shall be administered by the Station Officer at each individual station within minimum staffing requirements. Employees shall be required to submit a Leave Request on-line and email the confirmation page to their Station Officer NOTE: If the Station Officer determines the request is eligible for the use of a District day off slot, the Station Officer shall email a copy of the request to the District Officer 2. The minimum amount of time that can be approved off is 6 hours 3. Once a lesser amount of time has been approved, an employee requesting a greater amount of time cannot override it 4. The Station Officer will approve leave up to 61 shifts in advance at the station level. The Station Officer will approve the leave and enter the employee's time in the Leave Management Data Base. The Leave Request will provide a time stamp for the requested date. Leave requests may not be submitted prior to 0700, 61 shifts from the requested date. Any Leave Request submitted prior to 0700, 61 shifts from the requested date, will be considered ________


Station Officers/Supervisors The Station Officer/Supervisor will be responsible for assuring station libraries are maintained and that books are clearly marked with the appropriate worksite location. On the last day of each month an ________ will be submitted to the {District Officer}. If any portion of the Station Library is unaccounted for, the {Station Officer/Supervisor} will conduct a {fact finding investigation} to determine the location of the missing material. If the material in question cannot be located the {Station Officer/Supervisor} will forward a {memo} through the {District Officer} to {Human Resources}.


We display quality character and take the time to do things right. Modern culture tells us to "________." While that is a great motivational thought, it does not show any real {commitment}. Oklahoma City Firefighters show commitment by taking the time to "{just do it RIGHT}." We believe that commitment must also be our pledge while off duty. The actions of our off-duty personnel can reflect how the community views the Oklahoma City Fire Department. The actions of each of us reflect on all of us. How many times have we heard that when we are in uniform we all look alike? Problems with employees have occurred in the past and will occur in the future. An exceptional employee's performance may drop to a low standard because of problems with children at home, drinking alcohol, marital problems, or even depression. These are the employees we must reach out to and provide assistance. The Oklahoma City Fire Department has an Employee's Assistance Program available to help employees with these problems. Our employees are too important to our success, and we have too much invested in them to ignore these problems. We cannot allow anyone to go by the wayside. It is important to note that these employees must also want (be committed) to help themselves. Our vision and mission statements not only describe the way we treat and respond to the citizens we serve, but also the way we communicate and work with our fellow firefighters.

just do it

Stihl 044 Chain Saw STARTING DO NOT DROP START a. On flat roof or roof that does not require a roof ladder, place saw on roof with your left hand on the front handle (5). put your right foot into the rear handle and press down b. On roof ladder, place saw firmly on the roof and hold with your left hand on the front handle c. Pull starter rope (7) slowly until you feel the starter engage, then give a brisk strong pull (the engine will ________ if pulled too {slowly}) d. Do not let the starter rope {snap} back in. Let it in slowly e. If you use the cold start, move the master control to warm start as soon as engine begins to fire and then continue cranking until started

kick back

RESPONSE TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS The dispatching of apparatus to a hazardous material incident will follow these guidelines: An engine company and a District Officer shall be dispatched on incidents that involve a release of less than 10 gallons of a liquid or less than 20 pounds of a solid of a ________ hazardous material. A District Officer will not be required on incidents involving less than {10} gallons of {motor fuel} Some examples include, but are not limited to: • {Small fuel spills} from traffic accidents • {Odor investigation} in a building or vicinity • {Small fuel spills} outside with no fire involved o {Leaking domestic natural gas line} in a house o {LPG leaking} from a small container: such as a {passenger car fuel tank, portable tanks}, etc o Broken containers of "{consumer commodities}" in stores, such as {grocery, hardware, or department stores} The Hazmat Unit will not normally be dispatched on this type of incident, but may be {contacted, called or requested} to respond if needed by the {Incident Commander} for assistance or information


LABELS Chemicals utilized at OKCFD facilities shall be labeled according to the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of chemicals (GHS). The types of information employees can expect to see on the new GHS shipping labels include the following elements: Product Identifier: how the hazardous chemical is identified, such as the chemical name, code number or batch number. The manufacturer, importer or distributor can decide the appropriate product identifier. The same product identifier must be on the ________ and in Section {1} of the SDS ({Identification}). It will also be located on the department's {Chemical Information List}.


INJURY/MEDICAL/FITNESS REHABILITATION COMPONENT Every year, statistics show that firefighting is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. The fire department must take the lead in ensuring that fire fighters are properly rehabilitated prior to returning to full duty. When assessing the functional capacities of fire fighters after significant injuries or illnesses, physicians and therapists familiar with firefighting job requirements should make informed decisions. In short, the fire department must provide necessary input in the rehabilitation process of the firefighter; and, ________ must support the rehabilitation process from beginning to end.


When drafting from a natural water supply source, it is especially important that all intake hoses have a strainer attached and supported so that it does not rest on or near the bottom of the supply source. A ________ may be used to achieve this position (Figure 11.4). Bring the {intake hose and strainer} through {rungs of the ladder near the bottom}, based on the steepness of the bank. A {piece of rope or webbing} pre-attached can also help secure and position the strainer. This procedure should ensure that the strainer is positioned {horizontally} to the bottom of the supply source. If an adequate draft cannot be established due to clogging at the strainer, {back flushing with tank water} may help to dislodge the debris.


Adjusting Mirrors The ________ of most apparatus makes it imperative that driver/operators have {well-adjusted mirrors}. These mirrors help to minimize {blind spots} before placing the apparatus in motion. Careful {side view and rear-view} mirror adjustment are critical to the safe operation of any vehicle. Since most apparatus are shared by multiple driver/operators, it is essential that mirror adjustment take place at the {start of each shift}, or any time the {driving responsibility changes from one individual to another}.

large size

Aerial ladders not equipped with pre-piped waterway systems have detachable ladder pipe appliances. These appliances are generally stored on the truck in a convenient location and attached to the ladder only when needed (Figure 16.43, p. 570). The main components of the detachable ladder pipe are the ladder pipe itself, fire hose, hose straps, and a Siamese appliance. Some fire and emergency service organizations use a large diameter hose (LDH) with a 3-way wye instead of the old Siamese appliance. The ladder pipe is designed to be clamped to the top two rungs of the fly section. For additional security, it may also be ________ to the ladder using a {short section of rope or hose straps}.


Leadership & Duty Leaders should know, understand, and practice the leadership principles. Leaders need to recognize the relationship between these principles and the leadership values. Duty is how you value your job. Duty begins with everything required of you by law and policy, but it is much more than simply fulfilling requirements. A ________ commits to excellence in {all aspects of his or her professional responsibility}


The company officer performs many functions including but not limited to: Provides ________ Acting as a {role model} Giving {advice} Providing {representation for members} to the administration Seeking to {resolve interpersonal} conflicts Applying {counseling or coaching} when necessary Directing the {work and ensuring} readiness The company officer's most {important task} is to ensure the {safety of the unit's personnel}.


Boots Inspect for cleanliness Inspect for damage (punctures, cuts, cracking...) Inspect for ________ Check for {proper fit}


SAMPLE Date (8th line down from the top margin) John Doe, Fire Chief (5th line down from the date) Oklahoma City Fire Department 123 Nowhere Street Oklahoma City, Ok 67894 Dear Chief Doe: (2nd line down from address) This business letter is written on department letterhead using the full block format. The inside address is typed at the ________ margin and will contain the name and address of the addressee and their title. After the salutation, a {colon} will be used. The body of the letter begins {2} spaces below the salutation. The letter should be {single}-spaced. Write to your reader, avoid sexism and offensive language. The letter should be understandable, clear and void of technical jargon. If the letter runs more than one page, the following format should be used at the top left hand corner of the second page: {Name of Addressee, Page 2, Date} Sincerely, ({2nd} line down from the {body of the letter}) John Smith ({4th} line down from the closing) Assistant Fire Chief pc: Name (pc = {personal copy, printed copy, or photo copy}) Name Enclosure (If applicable, {2nd} line down from personal copy)


To emergency vehicles - Yield to police cars, fire engines, and ambulances when they are sounding a siren and/or flashing warning lights. Pull over to the right edge of the roadway, clear of intersections, and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed. In heavy traffic when you can't pull over, clear a path for the vehicle If an officer signals you to stop while you're driving in the left lane, you must still pull over to the right shoulder, even if that means crossing several lanes of traffic. (See "Changing Lanes," page 7-2, to learn how to change lanes safely.) You don't have to yield for emergency vehicles without warning lights or sirens You must move to the ________ lane on a 4-lane road when there is an emergency vehicle on the right shoulder


Logistics Section The Incident Commander will determine if there is a need for a Logistics Section at the incident, and designate an individual to fill the position of the Logistics Section Chief. If no Logistics Section is established, the Incident Commander will perform all logistical functions. The size of the incident, complexity of support needs, and the incident ________ will determine whether a separate {Logistics Section} is established. Additional staffing is the responsibility of the {Logistics Section Chief}


NOTE: Often a trained firefighter can tell the effectiveness of a stream by the sound of the water. If water is going into the intended window opening, it will make ________ than when hitting the side of the building.

less noise

While most of the principles discussed in this chapter apply to tractor-drawn apparatus, there are special considerations when stabilizing these types of trucks. The way in which the tractor-drawn apparatus is parked or positioned at the scene can provide additional stability to the apparatus. Parking the apparatus with an angle between the tractor and trailer sections increases the stability beyond what the stabilizers alone can provide. Maximum stability is achieved when the angle of the tractor is 60 degrees from the centerline of the trailer, and the aerial ladder is operated toward the outside of the angle. Angles ________ degrees provide less stability, as do angles increasing from {61 to 90} degrees. The driver/operator should never position the vehicle with the tractor and trailer at an angle greater than 90 degrees as poor stability is produced and damage to the truck may occur. Many tractor-drawn vehicles are equipped with an {alarm} that sounds if an attempt is made to create an angle greater than 90 degrees.

less than 60

The following guidelines should be observed when conducting the inspections described in the skill sheet: • Since the tiller axle is a steering axle, steering wheel free play must not exceed 2" on a 20" wheel (50 mm on a 500 mm wheel) or 10 degrees on any other sized steering wheel. Because of the location of the tiller cab in relation to the tiller axle, most steering systems have multiple steering linkage assemblies requiring inspection. • Most tiller steering systems can be locked in the straight ahead position by the use of a device such as a ________. This is used so that a single driver in the front cab is transporting the apparatus for {maintenance, training or other nonemergency purpose}. The {tiller operator} should inspect the lock system to ensure that it is not engaged before leaving the station. • Unlike tractor suspension systems, most tiller systems have {air bag suspensions} that require additional attention during inspections. • All tractor drawn aerials have {permanently mounted coupling systems} attaching the "{trailer}" to the "{tractor}" power unit. Since it is the {articulation} point for the apparatus, {insufficient lubrication} will result in the {coupling system binding creating difficulty in steering control} (Figure 16.55)

lever or pin

Be sure to ________ brush debris and use a {fog} nozzle to limit {saturation} of the gear. When doing on {scene decon} of the gear, the wearer shall be in {full PPE and breathing air from their SCBA}.


Electricity (noun) 1. The flow of electric charge through a conductor placed between two objects having a difference in voltage. There you have a dictionary-style definition. Electricity is the flow of electric charge through a light bulb element ("a conductor") placed between an energized wire and a grounded wire. Electricity is also the flow of electrical charge - ________ - through air ("a conductor) placed between a charged thundercloud and the earth's ground. Electricity is also the flow of electric charge through a man ("a conductor") placed between an energized object and ground


Figure 18.1 The center of gravity of an apparatus is ________ if the stabilizers are not deployed before using the aerial device.


Shower Areas In areas where showers and locker rooms are present floors, walls, and fixtures should be disinfected daily. Wall dispensers should be available for ________. Use of {communal bar soap} shall not be allowed. Employees should not handle other person's {personal items, such as a towel, without the use of gloves}.

liquid soap

Ladder capacity ratings are established for many different operating positions other than full extension and zero degrees elevation. Ladders are often rated at higher tip capacities as elevation angles increase or when the ladder is not fully extended. Most manufacturers provide distributed load capacities (several persons), depending on the ladder's extension and elevation. This information is communicated via the ________ (Figure 19.4, p. 682)

load chart

Below are general guidelines for incident recordkeeping: Type all entries when possible Enter dates by month/day/year format Enter date and time on all forms and records. Use ________ {Fill in all blanks}. Use {N/A} as appropriate Use military {24}-hour time {Section Chiefs and above} assign {record keeper (scribe)}

local time

Lockout Device: Any device that uses positive means such as a ________, either {key or combination} type, to hold an energy-isolating device in a {safe position}, thereby preventing the energizing of machinery or equipment. When properly installed, a {blank flange or slip blind} are considered equivalent to lockout devices.


After fully deploying the stabilizers, the driver/operator must ensure that they are ________ and that they will stay in place. On most aerial apparatus, the combination of the {interlock feature of the selector valve and the hydraulic system holding valves} provide {automatic locking capabilities}. The interlock prevents the flow of hydraulic fluid into or out of the stabilization system while the aerial device is in use. The holding valves prevent the movement of fluid within the stabilization system. The driver/operator activates the holding valves by moving the selector switch to the aerial position. On some older hydraulic systems, it may be necessary to set the holding valves by operating the stabilizer controls once in each direction after moving the selector valve to the aerial position.


Roads and bridges must be considered when determining water supply. Never have the travel route cross unsafe bridges. Consider forming a ________ if apparatus must {pass each other on narrow roads}


E-ONE AERIAL Checking the Nyla Tron Blocks , This is a two man operation that should take no longer than 30 minutes Working with the ladder in the bedded position one person should extend the ladder while the second person should be watching from the side for the alignment holes to see the screws and the pads Use the set of Allen wrenches that are issued by the shop Check to make sure the screws are snug, if the screws are loose contact the shop so they can ensure they are tightened at the proper torque There are 12 screws on the bottom (6 per side) and there are also 12 screws at the front (6 per side) Make sure the bolt is past flush with the pad; make sure it's not protruding past the side of the pad. If it is that would be an indicator that it is ________


Electricity (________) 1. The flow of electric charge through a conductor placed between two objects having a difference in {voltage}. There you have a dictionary-style definition. Electricity is the flow of electric charge through a light bulb element ("a {conductor}") placed between an energized wire and a {grounded wire}. Electricity is also the flow of electrical charge - {lightning} - through air ("a conductor) placed between a charged thundercloud and the earth's ground. Electricity is also the flow of electric charge through a man ("a conductor") placed between an energized object and ground


The tanker will have dropped a tank with hard suction hose, jet siphon, 1 section of 3" hose and 1 section of 1 ¾" hose. This equipment is for the second arriving engine company to draft with Procedures for Drafting Engine 1. Position rig to draft out of drop tank. Leave room for tanker shuttle 2. Hook up 50' section of 3" hose to WYE and then to your pump discharge 3. Hook up hard suction to jet siphon and then to intake valve. (Remove intake valve and connect hard suction directly to pump intake. Leaks in the intake relief valve may cause loss of suction.) 4. Hook up 1 ¾" hose to jet siphon and then to pump. This will be to assist prime 5. Place rig in pump gear (make sure all valves, drains and discharges are closed or air leak will cause you to ________) 6. Open the tank to pump valve and open discharge to 3" line on the WYE (throttle up to pressure {20 psi + FL}). 7. Open WYE on engine side and close tanker side a.Tanker shuts down nursing operation and dumps remaining water into drop tank 8. Open the large intake valve to begin drafting and increase throttle to assist priming 9. Prime can be achieved by any 1 of 3 ways: a. First Method - {Use pump primer} b. Second Method - {Jet Siphon} c. Third Method - {Backfilling with tank water} 10. Watch for {movement of water thru} hard suction. As prime is achieved begin closing tank to pump slowly until closed a.Watch {booster tank level} closely. Prime must be achieved before Booster tank is empty! 11. As soon as the tank to pump valve is closed, open tank fill valve slowly and only part way or you will lose pressure. Fill the booster tank as soon as possible 12. Watch water level in drop tank and notify {Water Supply Officer} if water level falls to {half} a. Keep the booster tank {full} as an {emergency reserve}! b. Notify Command if you have to {start using booster tank water}

lose prime

Under certain circumstances, the properties of water may hinder fire fighting efforts: Water has a high surface tension that makes it somewhat difficult to soak into dense materials. Wetting agents may be mixed with water to reduce its surface tension and increase its penetrating ability. Water may be reactive with certain fuels, combustible metals, sodium metal, and triethyl aluminum. Due to ________ of {opacity and reflectivity}, {radiant heat} easily passes through water, rendering water curtains {ineffective}.

low levels

This list is not all-inclusive and does not give complete safety rules for all aerial devices • Operating: — Operate the controls from the operator's platform, not from the ground. — Only use a secondary operator at the tip if absolutely necessary. — Never operate from the tip without a primary operator at the main controls. — Primary operator must be prepared to over-ride tip operator if unsafe conditions are encountered. — Communicate with personnel on device before moving. — Never exceed load chart limits of operation. — Never extend or retract with personnel on the ladder. — When approaching a structure with the aerial, always finish by ________. — If ice forms on aerial device, follow {reduced capacity} per manufacturer's instructions. — During icing conditions, clear all personnel from {beneath aerial device, especially during operation}. — Cease operation if winds {exceed manufacturer's limits}. — Adjust operating limits if {short-jacking}. — Keep {aerial device, vehicle, and personnel} {50} feet (15 m) from power lines (if voltage is {not known}) and {10} feet (3 m) (20 feet [6 m], if possible) from power lines if voltage is {350} Kilovolts or less. Account for {swaying of lines and device}. — Never make contact between {device and a structure}. — Never position the device over {high heat or open flame}. — Do not position the device over a roof where there is danger of {sudden roof ventilation}.


Another purpose for pump and suction drains is to remove all the water from the system in climates where freezing may occur. In addition to the fact that ice will create a barrier to water flow, the expansion that occurs during freezing may cause damage to pump and piping components. Drains must be supplied at the lowest point on the pump and at the ________ point of each line connecting to it. These drains may also be connected to a master drain valve so that when operated, it will open the drains {simultaneously}. This drain should not be opened either when the pump is operating with {pressure or with vacuum} on the intake. If the valve is opened during these operations, the "{O}" ring used as a gasket to maintain an airtight connection may be damaged. Close all drains immediately after draining. Failure to close the drains may result in the inability to prime the pump during drafting operations.


PTO pump The pressure developed is determined by the speed of the engine; therefore, the pressure changes when the driver/operator changes the vehicle's speed. If the apparatus is used for pump and roll operations, mount a pressure gauge inside the cab of the vehicle. While hoselines are in operation, drive the vehicle using the pressure gauge rather than the speedometer. Generally using the ________ makes maintaining the balance between speed and pressure easiest. The driver/operator must always be cautious not to {drive too fast for weather and scene conditions}.

lowest gear

Caring for the Flag 1. Only flags made specifically for exterior use should be displayed outdoors. 2. For best results, do not expose your flag to rain, snow or abnormally high winds; these forces of nature can shorten its life considerably. Should the flag become wet, it should be spread out and allowed to dry completely. Do not fold or roll-up a wet or damp flag. 3. To keep its rich colors looking bright, clean your flag regularly, before soiling and discoloration from dirt, smoke, dust and other airborne contaminates "set" in the fabric. Outdoor flags can be hand-washed with warm water and a mild soap, then thoroughly rinsed and spread out to dry. Do not let the flag stand in the wash water or you might experience some color "________" onto the white stripes.


Level 3: The vehicle may be used ________ to provide transportation to conduct City or Fire Department business. The vehicle {may not be used} when not specifically on City or Fire Department business. The vehicle will be {parked at the work site or other Fire Department facilities after hours} as determined by the {Fire Chief}. During work periods, the employee may stop for {regularly scheduled lunch and breaks while using the City vehicle}.


Hazmat Director/Supervisor The Hazmat Team will work in one of two ways within the IMS structure. Because of its wide diversity and site needs, the IMS structure will vary with the response. The Hazmat Team can work as a Group or a Branch Organization. In some unique situations even a single resource might be appropriate The Hazmat Team can employ a branch structure if necessary The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor's radio call sign is "Hazmat" The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor will be subordinate to the Operations Chief or the Incident Commander, depending upon the structure used The Hazmat Officer directing the Hazmat operations in a Branch structure will be the Hazmat Branch Director When using the Group structure, the Hazmat officer will be the Hazmat Supervisor The Hazmat Branch Director/ Group Supervisor is a ________ and should focus on making {tactical decisions} based on the {IC's Strategic goals to fulfill the incidents action plan} The Hazmat Branch Director/ Group Supervisor should always stay at the "{Hazmat Command Post}" to direct the {Hazmat operations and coordinate with the Operations Chief/Incident Commander} The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor is responsible for completion of the {site safety and health plan} The Hazmat Branch Director/Group Supervisor sets the {tactical objectives} for the {Hazmat Intervention Group} (see figure 2) within the team's {training and their equipment limitations}. The tactical objectives are only developed {after a briefing from the Operations Chief or Incident Commander}, depending on the existing organizational structure.


When requesting the helicopter for a scene, the incident commander will provide the following information to Fire Dispatch. Fire Dispatch will contact EMSA and relay the information to the EMSA Dispatcher. The Firefighter coordinating the landing zone will switch their radio to the EMSA Channel (5D EMSAW) and communicate directly with the medical helicopter : 1. Scene location: ________, {main street, cross street, and/or direction and distance from major intersection}. If a {global positioning system} (GPS) device is available, provide the dispatcher with the {proper coordinates} of: a) the {landing zone (LZ) directly}; or b) the {direction and approximate distance from the GPS-equipped apparatus to the LZ} 2. {Type} of accident or incident 3. {Brief description of patient injury} - type and extent 4. Number of victims {requiring air transport}, and if adult or child 5. {Communications coordination}, i.e., who will the pilot contact on the EMSA Channel (5D EMSAW) before landing 6. Our {agency (OCFD)} and the {call-back phone number}

map number

Whenever splash contact with the face is possible (including cleanup operations) face and eye protection shall be used. When treating a patient with a suspected or known airborne transmissible disease, everyone will be ________. Fire personnel will use an approved {N95} respirator or equivalent, while placing an {oxygen mask} on the patient. Provide {ventilation} of the patient area if possible & safe for the patient and limit personnel exposure to {only necessary personnel}.


**large sections of wood more than 6" thick can have more fire resistance than exposed steel *Exterior walls-________ *some large buildings have {firewalls} *if firewalls are used, will have fire doors that {drop down/close} when subjected to {heat} **identified by-{size} and {age} of the industrial building **hazard-walls/ceilings are typically {unfinished}, fire can {quickly expose connection points} *difficult to {control fires} due to {size/openness} of interior ****wood loses {strength} by losing its mass****


For any given situation, the proper distance between the objective and the aerial apparatus is the distance that affords the maximum stability, the best climbing angle, and adequate extension. This distance should be consistent with the ladder's planned use and the conditions at the emergency scene. Long extensions at low angles place the ________ amount of stress on an aerial device and, in some cases, reduce its {load carrying capacity}. Whenever possible, the driver/ operator should avoid {long extensions at low angles} by getting as {close to the desired objective as safely possible} (Figure 17.4)


Needles and Other Sharps Employees ________ {bend, recap, remove, shear, or purposely break} contaminated needles and other sharps. Used needles and other sharps will be disposed of in {sharps containers} that are carried in the {trauma/medical bags}. Be very careful {handling sharps} in {ambulances} and never {lay sharps down unattended}. {Needle sticks} may occur when {passing needles from one person to another}, or {leaving sharps (needles, lancets...) momentarily unattended at emergency scenes}. Needle systems with built-in safety features {are not a replacement for safe handling procedures}. Remember it is better to {move the container to the sharp, than the sharp to the container}. All needles/sharps go in {approved sharps containers} immediately. If someone (Paramedic, EMT) tries to hand you a needle or other sharp {do not accept it}, pass the sharps container to/near the person and allow them to put it into the sharps container. During use, containers for contaminated sharps shall be easily accessible to personnel and located {as close as possible to the immediate area where sharps are used or can be reasonably anticipated to be found}. Carefully inspect {medical wastes and packaging left on scene} for discarded sharps ({lancets, needles, bloody glass}) before handling. When moving containers of contaminated sharps from the area of use, the containers are closed immediately before removal or replacement to prevent {spills or protrusion of contents during handling, storage, transport, or shipping}. The containers are placed in a {secondary container} if leakage of the primary container is possible. The second container shall be {closeable}, constructed to {contain all contents} and {prevent leakage during handling, storage and transport, or shipping}. The second container shall be {labeled or color-coded} to identify its contents. Reusable containers shall not be {opened, emptied, or cleaned manually} or in any other manner that would expose employees to the {risk of percutaneous} ({cut, lacerated or punctured skin}) injury. Sharps containers are kept {upright} throughout use, replaced {routinely} and not allowed to be over {2/3} full. When the biohazard waste container is {2/3} full, the {Company Officer} of the apparatus that has the biohazard container will ensure the container is closed and placed inside a {red biohazard bag}. The biohazard bag is {tied closed} and then taken to {Station 1} for storage until disposal.

may not

The Administrative Specialists will administer examinations using the following procedure: , Check that all personnel have signed in and checked seniority points (if applicable) , Announce, if known, the number of candidates to be promoted at that time, No smoking, chewing, dipping, or drinking in any examination room , For single session tests, all candidates must remain in the room until the examination is over (1 1/2 hrs). However, candidates ________ (which must be {unanimous}) to {leave after individual completion of the exam} , In the event that staffing does not allow for a single session test in the promotional testing process, a second test will be given on the same day. In this instance, it may be necessary for the candidates in the 1st session, upon the completion of their test, to {return immediately to their worksite to allow for the candidates in the 2nd session to report for their test}. Candidates from Test 1 {shall not communicate} with candidates from Test 2 until the completion of both tests , {No personal items} are allowed in the examination room. ({books, recorders, calculators, cell phones, pagers}, etc.) All appropriate items will be {furnished} , Answers to questions pertaining to the content of the examination will be limited to {typographical errors} , Time remaining will be posted every {30} minutes after the exam begins. When there are {15} minutes remaining, time will be posted every {5} minutes. During the last {5} minutes of the exam, time remaining will be posted {every minute} , {Limit and/or monitor} candidates requesting to use the {restroom facilities}

may vote

Site Characteristics for Rehab area 1. The entry/exit will be marked with two traffic cones to indicate where all personnel will enter and exit the Rehab area 2. Rehab area should be far enough away from the scene that members may safely remove their turnout gear and SCBA 3. The site should enable members to be free of exhaust fumes from apparatus, vehicles, or equipment 4. It should provide protection from the prevailing environmental conditions 5. Misting and cooling equipment should be made available if heat illness could result from the incident operations and/or prevailing environmental conditions 6. It should be large enough to accommodate multiple crews 7. It should be easily accessible to EMS and other support units 8. It should allow easy reentry into the emergency operation 9. Rehab should be divided into three areas, one for immediate rehab, one for staged and ready firefighters, and another area for ________. The staffing of the Rehab area will be determined by the {Incident Commander} taking into consideration the {size and duration} of the incident/evolution


Station Officers/Supervisors The Station Officer/Supervisor will be responsible for assuring station libraries are maintained and that books are clearly marked with the appropriate worksite location. On the last day of each month an inventory will be submitted to the District Officer. If any portion of the Station Library is unaccounted for, the Station Officer/Supervisor will conduct a fact finding investigation to determine the location of the missing material. If the material in question cannot be located the Station Officer/Supervisor will forward a ________ through the {District Officer} to {Human Resources}.


Oxygen used in the medical profession can be very hazardous. Although oxygen does not burn, it does support combustion. Some materials, such as the ________ in our oxygen {regulators or cylinders}, will not burn in air, but may burn in {high-pressure pure oxygen}. The procedures for minimizing the chance of fire are provided below


The stabilization controls are typically found on the rear step area of the apparatus; however, some manufacturers locate these controls ________ on one or both sides of the vehicle. Generally, there is one set of controls for each of the stabilizers (Figures 18.18). The driver/operator can operate {more than one control} at a time. Before operation, the driver/operator should be aware of the following general principles of stabilizer controls: • Many of these controls are lever-type valves that move up to about {90} degrees (Figure 18.19). • Operating these controls will automatically {regulate engine idle speed}. A {fast-idle toggle switch or manual throttle control} may also regulate engine idle speed. This provides the power necessary to perform the desired action. • When the driver/operator operates the control, an {increase} in engine speed (noticeable due to the increase in the {sound level}) occurs. • Operation of these valves also affects the vehicle's engine speed. Avoid {rough or jerky} operation of the valves.


Failure to meet all the renewal requirements will result in not being renewed and removal of instructor alignment with the AHA Oklahoma City Fire Department Training Center Complete the requirements of BLS renewal and maintain Provider Card Teach a minimum of 4 classroom provider courses or renewals on duty to OKCFD employees in 2 years for the discipline in which the instructor is renewing Be ________ while teaching before instructor status expiration. The monitoring form must be filled out and submitted along with the {roster to EMS Training by the TFC or RF}. The first monitoring after the initial instructor course {does not satisfy this requirement} Attend any {updates} as required within the previous {2} years. Updates may address {new course content or methodology and review TC, regional, and national ECC information} NOTE: Instructors cannot teach any CPR courses after their {card expires}


It is the responsibility of every employee to make sure that their name tag is placed on the apparatus each morning at shift change and to make sure that the name tag of the person that they are relieving is placed back underneath the brim of their helmet. It is the responsibility of the Company Officer to make sure the company Board is correct at all times There will be 20 extra ________ and {5} extra {company boards} carried on the {District Officer's vehicle}

name tags

GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR LOCKOUT/TAGOUT 1. The Incident Commander, or their designee, will notify appropriate affected employees that emergency operations, training or routine operations will occur on a machine or equipment and that the machine or equipment must be shut down and locked. 2. If the machine or equipment is operating, shut it down by the normal stopping procedure (depress the stop button, open switch, close valve, etc.). 3. De-activate the energy isolating device(s) (such as switches, valves, circuit breakers, etc.) so that the machine or equipment is isolated from the energy source(s). 4. Lock or tag out the energy isolating device(s) with assigned individual lockout/tagout device(s). Note: If a tag is used without a lockout device to isolate an electrical circuit, then it must be supplemented by one additional safety measure such as a firefighter on standby, the removal of an isolating circuit element, blocking of a controlling switch, or opening an extra disconnecting device. 5. Dissipate or restrain stored or residual energy (such as that in capacitors, springs, elevated machine members, rotating flywheels, hydraulic systems, and air, gas, steam, or water pressure, etc.) by methods such as grounding, repositioning, blocking, shoring bleeding down, etc. 6. Ensure that the equipment is disconnected from the energy source(s) by first checking that no personnel are exposed, then verify the isolation of the equipment by operating the push button or other normal operating control(s) or by testing to make certain the equipment will not operate. Caution: Return operating control(s) to ________ or "{off}" position after verifying the isolation of the equipment. Note: An {authorized OKCFD employee} ({Company Officer or above}) must verify that {all electrical circuit parts} to which employees must be exposed during emergency operations, training or routine operations are {de-energized} through the use of {test equipment}. This test must also determine if any energized condition exist due to {inadvertently induced voltage or unrelated voltage feedback even in circuits that have been de-energized and presumed safe}. 7. The machine or equipment is now {locked or, tagged out}.


Bunker Gear See section A/SAF-211 for information pertaining to Structural PPE or Wildland gear. 2. For stations and work sections that maintain a Log Book, the reported damage should be noted in the Log Book, and information passed along to the appropriate personnel. 3. The District Officer or Work Section Supervisor will ensure that pictures are taken of the damage to be placed with the required documentation is submitted. This should not be later than the ________.

next shift

VARC Committee members may be asked to resign if the member has greater than four unexcused absences. *There must be a minimum of five VARC members (two members from the 1-4 list and three members from the 5-20 list) at any Vehicle Accident Review Committee meeting. This Committee will be a sub-committee of the Safety and Health Committee to work on strategies and programs as well as sit on the Vehicle Accident Review Board. They will meet ________ a month.


(Requirements of all elevating platforms) All elevating platforms must have a minimum load capacity of 750 pounds (375 kg) when the aerial device is fully extended, at any elevation within its normal range of motion, and with ________ in the piping system. This load requirement drops to {500} pounds (250 kg) when the water delivery system is charged. The water delivery system must be capable of discharging at least {1,000} gpm (4 000 L/min) at 100 psi (700 kPa) nozzle pressure when the aerial device is in any position. Elevating platforms that are {110} feet (34 m) or shorter should be able to be raised from the bedded position to the maximum elevation and extension and be rotated {90} degrees in {150} seconds or less. There is no time requirement for elevating platforms taller than {110} feet (34 m).

no water

F550 BRUSH PUMPER To Shift from 2H to 4H 1. Stop the vehicle and move the transfer case shift lever straight back to the 4H position, make sure to manually lock front hubs before going into 4H. There are no automatic locking hubs To Shift from 4H to 2H 1. Move the transfer case shift lever straight forward to the 2H position. This can be done at any speed. Disengage the locking hubs manually 2. Operating in 2H with the hubs locked increases fuel consumption, ________, {vibration}, and {wear}. For prolonged 2H operation on dry pavement, {disengage the locked hubs}


The OKCFD shall ensure that each employee is informed of the following: 1. The effects of ________ on hearing; 2. The purpose of {hearing protectors}, the {advantages, disadvantages, and attenuation} of various types, and instructions on {selection, fitting, use, and care} including; {how to properly insert ear plugs in order to attain the best seal possible against the walls of the ear canal} 3. The {purpose} of audiometric testing, and an explanation of the test procedures. 4. OKCFD Hearing Protection Guidelines will be evaluated {annually} by the {Safety Office}.


Identification Card (Minimum Age - ________) Card is to be used for {identification only} Requirements: You must be an Oklahoma resident and provide the same type of identification as is required for a {driver license}. You must complete the application in person at a Driver License Exam location. You must have a custodial parent or legal guardian sign the consent form if you are under 18 years of age


Gas Burning Outside The best method of controlling an outdoor gas fire is to shut off the gas flow. In most cases, the fire fighter should not try to put out the fire while gas is still escaping. Burning gas will ________. But, it will {ignite surrounding combustibles}. Clear the {danger area} and {barricade or rope it off}. Spray the surrounding combustibles with {water mist} if there is a danger of ignition. Do not use {water} on burning natural gas at its {point of escape}

not explode

Large blood/body fluid cleanup Large blood/bodily-fluid contamination may include large volumes of biohazard or contaminants spread over a large geographical area. Contact OKCFD Hazardous Materials Team as necessary for response or consultation. The recommended clean-up method is to remove all visible blood/bodily fluid and then to decontaminate using an approved disinfectant for the appropriate amount of time. It is important to note that while we are able to assist with clean-up, the property owner will be responsible for decontamination. Property owners must be ________ that they are responsible for decontamination. OSHA states that an {EPA-registered tuberculocidal disinfectant}, {EPA-registered disinfectants effective against both HIV and HBV}, or a {diluted bleach solution} (solution of {5.25} percent {sodium hypochlorite} ({household bleach}) diluted between {1:10} ({1 cup of bleach to 9 cups of water}) and {1:100} ({1/4 cup bleach per gallon of water}) are acceptable for clean-up of a contaminated surface or item. All disinfectant solutions should be mixed {daily}. Use of a booster line will cause {splash}, {wear eye goggles and cover or wash boots/shoes}. If the contamination is in a {vehicle or building} have owner/occupant contact a {cleanup company}. Washing with soap and water is {not} a substitute for disinfectant. As you enter the spill area, be careful not to step in any {contaminated fluids}. Flood the spill area with the {bleach and water solution}, allowing it to stand for {fifteen} minutes. Note: Under certain conditions a {micro-encapsulation absorbent material} may be applied to {pooled blood} so that the bulk of the contamination can be removed to a {biohazard bag prior to decontamination}. Place blood soaked articles into the {red biohazard bags} along with any contaminated single use PPE items.


Applying Friction Loss Principles With water being virtually incompressible, a pressure of 30,000 psi (210 000 kPa) is required to reduce its volume ________ percent. For this reason, the same volume of water supplied into a fire hose under pressure at one end will be discharged at the other end. The {diameter of the hose} determines the {velocity} for a given volume of water. The smaller the hose, the greater the velocity needed to deliver the same volume.


Case History: Driver/operator candidates reading this chapter should understand that the design, production, and use of fire department pumping apparatus is an evolutionary process in which technological advances are introduced to the fire service. With the invention of the siphon pump used during Roman times to the advent of the first pieces of sewn leather fire hose in Holland during the late 1600s, fire fighting capabilities have advanced as better equipment and tactics have developed. Hand tub apparatus like the Newsham engine gave way to the horse drawn steam engine and finally motorized fire apparatus. While pumpers of a generation ago may have carried hose, a few ________, and {ground ladders}, the many configurations, special applications, and wide variety of equipment carried on modern pumpers are a direct result of adapting {evolving technology} to the expanding mission of the fire service. Pumping apparatus capable of supporting extrication or technical rescue incidents as well as providing scene lighting and electrical power are now commonly found in many jurisdictions. The driver/operator must often be proficient in the operation of many types of specialized equipment as well as safely driving the apparatus and operating the fire pump. Fire apparatus are classified according to the primary function for which they are designed. This chapter describes various types of apparatus that are equipped with a fire pump. Some of these vehicles feature additional systems such as aerial devices or rescue tool systems. The {fire department pumper} is the {core} unit of the fire service and is sometimes expected to fill several roles such as {rescue, hazardous materials (hazmat), or medical responses}.


(high rise fire) LOGISTICS Lobby Control Officer (Lobby) Lobby Control Officer, once assigned will : 1. Confer with initial crew assigned to lobby control and ascertain the progress of lobby control objectives 2. Assist with the completion of these objectives: a. Requesting additional personnel as needed to complete lobby objectives from Command or Logistics (if assigned.) b. Establish a method of tracking all companies entering or exiting the building c. Establishing a marshalling area for evacuating building ________ in a {safe area away from the command post}. (i.e{. covered parking, sub-floors}, etc.) d. {Recall all remaining elevators} for fire department use and to prevent further use by occupants e. Determine elevator {travel paths and identify blind hoistways} f. Perform any other task that would assist with the {support of Logistics as assigned}.


After using the generator, flip all circuit breakers ________, one at a time, and then shut down the generator


GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR LOCKOUT/TAGOUT 1. The Incident Commander, or their designee, will notify appropriate affected employees that emergency operations, training or routine operations will occur on a machine or equipment and that the machine or equipment must be shut down and locked. 2. If the machine or equipment is operating, shut it down by the normal stopping procedure (depress the stop button, open switch, close valve, etc.). 3. De-activate the energy isolating device(s) (such as switches, valves, circuit breakers, etc.) so that the machine or equipment is isolated from the energy source(s). 4. Lock or tag out the energy isolating device(s) with assigned individual lockout/tagout device(s). Note: If a tag is used without a lockout device to isolate an electrical circuit, then it must be supplemented by one additional safety measure such as a firefighter on standby, the removal of an isolating circuit element, blocking of a controlling switch, or opening an extra disconnecting device. 5. Dissipate or restrain stored or residual energy (such as that in capacitors, springs, elevated machine members, rotating flywheels, hydraulic systems, and air, gas, steam, or water pressure, etc.) by methods such as grounding, repositioning, blocking, shoring bleeding down, etc. 6. Ensure that the equipment is disconnected from the energy source(s) by first checking that no personnel are exposed, then verify the isolation of the equipment by operating the push button or other normal operating control(s) or by testing to make certain the equipment will not operate. Caution: Return operating control(s) to neutral or "________" position after verifying the isolation of the equipment. Note: An {authorized OKCFD employee} ({Company Officer or above}) must verify that {all electrical circuit parts} to which employees must be exposed during emergency operations, training or routine operations are {de-energized} through the use of {test equipment}. This test must also determine if any energized condition exist due to {inadvertently induced voltage or unrelated voltage feedback even in circuits that have been de-energized and presumed safe}. 7. The machine or equipment is now {locked or, tagged out}.


PIERCE TELEBOOM ENGINE PUMP OPERATION 1. Parking brake set, wheels chocked 2. Transmission in "N" position 3. Throw lever down to middle position (wait 3-4 secs) 4. Throw lever all the way down (OK TO PUMP light should come on) 5. Engage the Transmission into Drive (Pump Engaged light should come on) NOTE: Ensure the "Mode" button is ________ during pumping operations You can now move back to the Pump Panel. The green "{Pump Engaged}" light should also be lit up on the panel. The Master discharge should be showing a positive pressure, if not, start priming procedures


If the elevator is equipped with firefighters' service operation, try activation of Phase 1 lobby key switch to recall the elevator car to the main floor. The key switch in the main lobby has an "________" position, an "{off}" position, and a "{bypass}" position. The "{on}" position activates the return of elevators, and the "{bypass}" position is used to shunt out the {sensing device circuit when heat or smoke initiated the return of the elevators}. There will be an {identical three position key switch} on or beside the {operation panel inside each elevator} that has a travel distance of {70} feet or more. This switch is operable only after the main lobby switch has been keyed to the "{on}" position or the {return of elevators has occurred because of a heat or smoke sensing device} The {same key} operates both the {elevator car switch} and the {main lobby switches}. The key can be removed from the main lobby switch with the switch in the "{on}" position and then used to operate the car switch


If the elevator is equipped with firefighters' service operation, try activation of Phase 1 lobby key switch to recall the elevator car to the main floor. The key switch in the main lobby has an "on" position, an "off" position, and a "bypass" position. The "on" position activates the return of elevators, and the "bypass" position is used to shunt out the sensing device circuit when heat or smoke initiated the return of the elevators. There will be an identical three position key switch on or beside the operation panel inside each elevator that has a travel distance of 70 feet or more. This switch is operable only after the main lobby switch has been keyed to the "________" position or the {return of elevators has occurred because of a heat or smoke sensing device} The {same key} operates both the {elevator car switch} and the {main lobby switches}. The key can be removed from the main lobby switch with the switch in the "{on}" position and then used to operate the car switch


FOLLOWING You should always give yourself a "cushion of safety," having open space in front, behind, and on the sides. Avoid following too closely. Stay far enough behind the next vehicle that, if it should stop suddenly, you can stop safely. Remember that speed, traffic, road, and weather conditions will affect your ability to stop Allow ________ car length for every {10} miles per hour of speed OR Use the "the {three second rule}" - Select a fixed object, such as a tree, roadside sign, or utility pole ahead of the car in front of you


Fire Service on an elevator exists in two phases. Phase ________ is a feature which, when activated, will bring {all elevators to the lobby floor, open the doors, and hold the elevators there with the doors open}. This feature will be found on all elevators having a travel of {twenty-five feet or more}, and serving {three or more landings}, and installed since {May, 1976}. This feature is activated by a {key inserted in a switch located beside the elevator} approximately {six} feet from the floor. This switch must be turned to the {on} position to activate the system. If the elevator was installed later than {1976}, and the building is over {seventy} feet tall, a {second} phase, the {Firemen's Emergency Return} is a required feature. This is an {in-car feature} that operates with the same key that operates the phase one feature. The key must be removed from the phase one switch while in the on position and inserted in the phase two switch inside the car.


Operating on Top of Apparatus There may be times when it is necessary to climb or walk on high areas of an apparatus where railings are not provided. Always have a second person present when working on, around, or under apparatus. Working on apparatus should be done with the utmost care, and only on surfaces that are provided with a slip resistant surface. Use the same methods recommended when getting on and off, always maintaining three points of contact. This means always holding on to a secure portion of the apparatus with at least ________ hand. If it is necessary to gain access to an area where a slip resistant surface is not provided, use {rubber matting or other means to provide traction} before attempting to step, stand, or walk on this area. Personnel operating on top of apparatus should wear {PPE, including helmets, according to local policy}.


PENALTIES FOR DUI—BAC .08 OR MORE First offense , a misdemeanor , imprisonment in jail for not less than ten days nor more than ________ year, and , a fine of not more than ${1,000} Second offense within {ten} years , a {felony} , imprisonment for not less than {one} year, not to exceed {five} years, and , a fine of not more than ${2,500} Second felony offense , a felony , imprisonment for not less than {one} year, not to exceed {seven} years, and , fine of not more than ${5,000} Third or subsequent offense , a felony , imprisonment for not less than one year, not to exceed {ten} years, and , fine of not more than ${5,000}


PENALTIES FOR DUI—BAC .08 OR MORE First offense , a misdemeanor , imprisonment in jail for not less than ten days nor more than one year, and , a fine of not more than $1,000 Second offense within ten years , a felony , imprisonment for not less than one year, not to exceed five years, and , a fine of not more than $2,500 Second felony offense , a felony , imprisonment for not less than ________ year, not to exceed {seven} years, and , fine of not more than ${5,000} Third or subsequent offense , a felony , imprisonment for not less than one year, not to exceed {ten} years, and , fine of not more than ${5,000}


Simon LTI Ladder Extension/Retraction System Inspect ladder extension/retraction cylinders for visible damage (barrels and rods), evidence of leakage, and security. Inspect all running cables (wire rope) for evidence of corrosion, more than ________ broken wire in any {one strand}, {excessive wear and/or broken wires near sheaves}, noticeable reduction in {rope diameter}, any other {mechanical damage affecting rope structure}, and {cracked, bent, worn, or improperly installed end connections (termination points).} Inspect sheaves, guards, guides, etc., and any other surfaces that may contact the wire rope for any defect that could affect the {integrity of the rope}


Some other general safety principles to follow when using detachable ladder pipes are: • Only ________ firefighter at a time should be on the top fly of the aerial ladder when changing the stream pattern. Do not extend or retract the ladder while the firefighter is at the tip. • The driver/operator should avoid {sudden movement} or {surges} in pressure when using a ladder pipe. {Slowly elevate or lower the ladder pipe barrel} and {gradually increase} the nozzle pressure. • When shutting down the flow to the ladder pipe, it should be done slowly to avoid unnecessary stress on the aerial device. Sudden pressure changes produce reactions that may result in shock loading and ladder sway, with damaging results. • Always locate the supply hose in the {center} of the ladder and secure it with a {hose strap or other suitable means} (Figure 19.16). • Turn table movement should be {smooth and slow} when rotating the turntable to direct the ladder pipe stream in different directions. • Use the {75-80-80} guideline for quick ladder pipe use: {75 degree elevation, 80 percent extended length, and 80 psi (560 kPa) nozzle pressure for a 1 1⁄2-inch (38 mm) tip} (Figure 19.17). Use ladder pipes {perpendicular} to the rungs on older units, with a maximum lateral movement of {15} degrees to either side, if lateral movement is allowed. Many new models offer a {180} degree sweep. • Do not use a {hoseline and nozzle} strapped to a ladder as a ladder pipe. • Always follow specific operating guidelines that the aerial device manufacturer provides.


The in-line eductor uses the Venturi principle to draft foam concentrate into the water stream. When operating this system, several operating guidelines must be followed to achieve properly proportioned finished foam: • The flow in gallons per minute (L/min) through the eductor must NOT Exceed its rated capacity. • The quality of foam may decrease or the flow may stop altogether if the gpm (L/min) capacity of the eductor is exceeded. • The pressure at the discharge side of the eductor must NOT Exceed 70 percent of the eductor inlet pressure. This back pressure is determined by adding the nozzle pressure, friction loss in the hose between the eductor and the nozzle, and the elevation pressure. Excessive back pressure may result in no foam concentrate being inducted into the water. • The concentration of foam solution will only blend accurately if the inlet pressure at the eductor is correct (usually 150-200 psi [1 050-1 400 kPa]). • Inlet pressure that is too low will not create the Venturi effect necessary to pick up foam concentrate or may pick up too lean a mixture for suppression. • When inlet pressure is too high, the foam concentration may be too rich, rapidly depleting available resources. •Eductors must be properly maintained after each use in order to ensure readiness for the next incident. Use a bucket of water to immerse the foam pick up tube, letting it induct water for at least ________ minute (Figure 14.19). • {Metering valves} must be set to draw the correct percentage needed to develop the correct quality of foam for the fuel product. An incorrect setting may result in production of a {poor quality foam blanket}. • The foam concentrate inlet to the eductor should be no more than {six feet (2 m) above the liquid surface of the foam concentrate} (Figure 14.20, p. 496). If the inlet is too high, the foam concentration will either be {too lean or may not be inducted at all}. • {Viscosity}, or the thickness and ability of a liquid to flow freely, is affected by {temperature}.


Whenever a company is operating inside a hazardous atmosphere and the Vibralert actuates from one or more company member(s), the company officer at their discretion may determine to leave the area as a team or having the staffing available may opt to send team members out in pairs. This will be acceptable only as long as the buddy system is always intact (work in pairs). Each team of two or more people shall have at least ________ radio. Consideration should be given to the {smoke and fire conditions} as well as the {size of the structure} when allowing members of the company to leave the structure to change out their air cylinder. The company officer shall notify {command} (or to whomever they are reporting to) that company members are coming out.


Should the elevator be stalled due to a power loss to the building, and the building has a emergency power source, it may be possible to run the elevators by turning the emergency recall switch in the main lobby to the "ON" position. Use the manual standby power selection switch, if provided, to bring the elevator cars to the main floor, ________. If this does not accomplish the task, determine the position of the elevator car and continue with the appropriate procedure : 1. Car {at or near landing} 2. Car {within three (3) feet of landing} 3. Car {more than three (3) feet from landing}

one at a time

Only ________ (with the operator) and {equipment} at a time will use the car to avoid {overload}, and to permit room for {emergency maneuvers in the car.} (Rule of thumb {6} personnel) Crew and operator must be {fully dressed with S.C.B.A. face pieces in position for quick donning before ascent} A {radio, forcible entry tools, flashlight, stepladder (sometimes located in the supply closet on eve